
In the piercing and sharp sound, the two intertwined into a ray of light, which spread far away, cutting open the stars, the Star Region, and the Star River.

Starry Sky Battlefield is quiet.

The Star Region where tens of millions of cultivators are located is also in dead silence.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store actually took over the Buddha light illuminating everything of the Tathagata Buddha!"

"Could it be said that the Lord of All Heavens Store's understanding of Buddhism is comparable to that of Tathagata Is Buddha already?"

"How is this possible!"


Ten thousand cultivators watched the Starry Sky Battlefield unbelievably safe and sound calm and composed Chu Bei's eyes were filled with astonishment.

"The Buddha's Taoism is so powerful that it is no wonder Jin Chanzi would worship him as a teacher."

Buddhist dísciple muttered to himself, if you say that the most shocked person More than Bodhisattva Guanyin. Four hundred years ago, he actually fought against such an existence!

"What a mysterious guy." Old Ancestor Bodhi came back to his senses with a smile on his mouth.

Jade Emperor remained silent, but his gaze from start to finish never took off from Chu Bei's body.

In Starry Sky Battlefield, Tathagata Buddha hovered on one side, with golden light all over his body, looking at the previous collision position, his brows gradually frowned.

"The origin of this guy is unknown. I'm afraid it's really like Sect Founder, as he said. It was formed in the chaos." Heavenspan's face became more and more serious, and there was a little jealousy in his eyes.

"Tathagata, let the old Taoist have a try!"

Supreme Taoist appeared next to Tathagata Buddha. The fairy elephant above his head was amazing, and the Immortal Crane was flying. , There are avenues of petals falling, there are volley fairies dancing, and the pure land is full of whirling.

long long long!

Supreme Taoist directly threw away the diamond bracelet in his hand. Wherever the bracelet passes, the divine rainbow carries the flashing rune, shaking the entire Starry Sky Battlefield, and all around the Star Region bursts.

"Is this the diamond bracelet?"

Chu Bei looked with interest at the golden bracelet that was suppressed with the majestic immortal dao breath, the right hand flipped, little black The power evolved into a golden long sword.


Chu Bei greeted him with his sword and slashed directly.

sword glow whistling, passing by in a flash!

There was a loud noise, and the diamond bracelet was shaken off.

Looking at the golden long sword in Chu Bei's hand, Supreme Taoist brows slightly wrinkle, grave expression appeared on his face.

This diamond bracelet is a tool for him to prove the Hunyuan Great Immortal. It was made by using a large amount of Hunyuan to contain immortal gold for 9 by 9, 81 days, and after tens of thousands of years of warming. , Even in the mixed Origin Item, it is also a well-known figure.

But right now, it was so shocked by the long sword that the opponent condensed casually!

Tathagata Buddha, Heavenspan, and Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor who are resisting the purification power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, there is a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Does your missionary weapon have only this power?" Chu Bei played with the golden light long sword in his hand.

The voice with a smile fell, Chu Bei stepped on the golden light spots in the sky, and danced the golden light long sword again.

It's another sword swing!

Black snowflakes floated in the Starry Sky Battlefield, chilling to the bone.

Looking at the black snowflakes that came together with the sword glow, and aware of the breath contained on it, Supreme Taoist's pupils shrank suddenly.

Without hesitation, Supreme Taoist immediately greeted him with a diamond bracelet and fanned the palm-leaf fan at the same time.

However, the palm-leaf fan, which can fan everything in the world, has failed this time.

Everything is only because of the power that does not belong to this world!


The long sword carried the black snowflake and landed on the diamond bracelet again.

With a crisp sound, the diamond bracelet that no stronghold one cannot overcome was covered with a layer of black ice dregs, and then it broke into two pieces with a bang.

"Sect Lord’s Hunyuan Xianbing was actually broken!"

"The Lord of All Heavens Store is really too terrifying!"

"One after another Fighting against Tathagata Buddha and Sect Lord, not only is not weaker, but always has an advantage!"


Looking at the broken diamond bracelet in Starry Sky Battlefield, Tai Chi daoist, Zixu daoist, Duer daoist, Profound Void daoist, Miaoxing daoist, Xuanhuang daoist and other Taoist powerful existence emoticons startled, and lost their gods for a short while.

After they recovered from the trance one by one, they looked at each other in blank dismay, with incredible colors in their eyes.

"Time is running out, let's shoot together!" Heavenspan watched Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist opened the mouth and said.

Tathagata Buddha nodded, he did not dare to underestimate Chu Bei.

Almost at the same time, all parts of his body are blooming golden light, the sound of chanting echoes, the heavens and Buddha shadows sing, blessing on his golden body.

"Buddha creates the world!"

Tathagata Buddha puts his hands together and performs the Supreme Immortal Technique again. With the sound of the voice, his hands seem to penetrate the universe and can press Heaven. and Earth four poles, with Supreme Weili.

long long long ——

Tathagata Buddha clapped his hands and struck Chu Bei first.

"Hunyuan is eternal, illuminating the world!"

Heavenspan also took action, his hands evolved into a rolling Star River, his legs moved to connect the four poles of the starry sky, and the universe vibrated.

He turned into a beam of light and swept towards Chu Bei, annihilating Darkness, breaking the chaos, nothing that cannot be broken.

"One Qi Becomes Three Purities!"

The sky roared, Supreme Taoist stepped on the Eight Trigrams Furnace, and the starry sky was torn apart while his hands were dancing, and three wipes were imprisoned from the gap. The beam of light mixed them together, transformed into a lance, and threw it at Chu Bei.

Looking at the Tathagata Buddha, Heavenspan, and Supreme Taoist who were shooting at the same time in the battlefield, the expressions of the thousands of cultivators who watched the battle on the other side had not had time to change, which made them even more shocked and absent-minded.

I saw countless blue-green rays of light appear inexplicably in the starry sky in front of Chu Bei, and these blue-green rays of light converged from all directions.

Amidst the breathtaking buzzing sound, an iron lump appeared again in the rays of light. Compared with the previous, the iron bumps that appeared this time had purple light in the eyes, and the purple Qi shrouded outside the body, just like its flesh and blood.

The iron lump wrapped in purple glow slowly sinks into Chu Bei's body.

In an instant, Chu Bei's breath that had shocked Tianyu disappeared.

At this moment, Chu Bei feels like an ordinary person suddenly fell from a Supreme Supreme Existence.

"Is this the power that Powerhouse should have."

Feeling the infinite energy that only one cell in the body can collapse a piece of Star Region, Chu Bei murmured, his eyes An extra touch of each other.

He used the power of Xiao Hei again!

This time, he entered a higher realm!

"Boss's breath has disappeared!"

"What's going on!"

"But why do I feel that Boss is stronger!"

At this time, the expressions of All Heavens Store dísciple changed, looking at the battlefield with heavy expressions on their faces.

"Difficult...Is he..."

Different from other cultivators, Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor who are also on the battlefield, their expressions froze directly. Unbelievable!

"Bodhi, what is his realm now?" Jade Emperor looked towards Old Ancestor Bodhi.

"Perhaps...really as we guessed!" Old Ancestor Bodhi took a deep breath.

Without waiting for Jade Emperor to speak again, Chu Bei in the center of the battlefield suddenly stepped forward, raising his hand to face the light that Heavenspan had transformed!

Chu Bei, who has stepped into a brand new realm, is now more calm and confident.

In Starry Sky Battlefield, Chu Bei steps towards the Star River, and all around is filled with a terrifying fairy mist.

Behind him, hundreds and thousands of rays of light walked from the depths of the endless starry sky to his behind. In each rays of light, there is a small person sitting cross-legged, like It's Supreme God Ming!

Look carefully, every god is like Chu Bei, but the breath fluctuations released are completely different. Some are chilly, some are bright golden light, some are full of golden light spots, and some ...

"The trifling is just teaming up!"

At this moment, Chu Bei gave people an illusion, as if he no longer belonged to this world, and his breath did not fluctuate. A trace of resonance with Heaven and Earth is a kind of detached mysterious power.

Chu Bei took the shot, and hit the Hunyuan light that Heavenspan had transformed with a punch.


The billowing starry sky burst, the four poles of the starry sky were annihilated, and the universe was shattered. Under Chu Bei's fist, the beam of Hunyuan light turned into starry sky fragments.

Pu chi!

Not far from Chu Bei, Heavenspan manifested, vomiting gold and blood in his mouth, before screaming, the whole body exploded with the Primordial Spirit.

Chu Bei didn't even glance at the exploded minced meat, and squeezed his fist to meet the huge palm print swept by the Tathagata Buddha.


In the battlefield, black snow fell, instantly freezing the Golden palmprint, and then the ka-cha shattered.

This is not over yet, the black snowflakes condensed into a long sword. I saw Chu Bei holding the hilt of the sword, and in an instant appeared in front of the Tathagata Buddha, swiping the sword with his sword.


The metal tremor sounded, vaguely carrying the sound of chanting Buddha, and the head of the Tathagata Buddha flew out.

The neck wound is flush, like the golden blood column of Chutian Waterfall gushing out from the skull, crushing the starry sky, and bringing up the unusual form of the chanting of the Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The Chu Bei silhouette disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already come to the front of the Chu Bei Supreme Taoist, with a big palm sticking out. In the sound of ka-cha, the lance formed by One Qi Becomes Three Purities was born in the hands of Chu Bei and turned into slag.

Supreme Taoist's pupils shrank suddenly. He stepped on the Eight Trigrams Furnace and just about to open the distance from Chu Bei, he suddenly discovered that all around the painted sand had settled in the sky, blocking his escape route. Without waiting for him to evolve the Supreme Immortal Technique again, the golden light spots surged, and several golden lightsabers shot from all directions.

There was a loud bang, Eight Trigrams Furnace was smashed, Supreme Taoist's body was covered with transparent blood holes, horrible to see.

"This...how is this possible..."

"The Lord of All Heavens Store defeated Tathagata Buddha, Heavenspan and Supreme Taoist with one person!"

"That is the creator of Three Sects today!"

"What is the origin of the owner of All Heavens Store!"


In Starry Sky Battlefield, Heavenspan burst into a pile of minced meat, Tathagata Buddha's head was in a different place, Supreme Taoist's body was pierced by a sharp sword, and the three supreme existed blood. Golden blood gathered into Star River and collapsed the star dome. Permeated with breathtaking breath of horror.

Ten million cultivator stared at this scene in a daze, with an incredible expression on his face. After coming back to his senses from the trance, one by one held breath cold air, like thunder and lightning, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

This reversal of the situation was so sudden and unexpected that they were completely unprepared.

Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist, Heavenspan, the three Hunyuan Great Immortal teamed up, they are far from the opponent of the Lord of All Heavens Store!

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