"This owner of All Heavens Store is so...really strong!"

Three Sects Peak Powerhouse's face turned gray for a moment.

They looked at Starry Sky Battlefield one by one, dumbfounded, their brains seemed to have lost the ability to direct actions, staring at Chu Bei in the battlefield with both eyes dumbfounded.

"Master won!"

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting looked at each other, they once again realized the power of Chu Bei.

Ao Lie and Jin Chanzi are still in a trance. They don't seem to have reacted yet. His Master is so terrifying that it can be said that the most Powerhouse in the world is not an exaggeration!

Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor looked at each other, their faces were not too shocked. After guessing that Chu Bei had entered the Heavenly Immortal realm, they had guessed the ending.

In the Hunyuan Great Immortal, even every stage after Fifth Stage is like a heavenly abyss, let alone the Heavenly Immortal!

long long long ——

At this time, Starry Sky Battlefield buzzed, shaking violently.

Rules, order, and avenues are intertwined and splendid at the same time.

Among the bright fairy lights, Heavenspan’s shattered minced meat is recombined; the head of the Tathagata Buddha flies back to the neck, the unusual form of the ten thousand Buddha chants gradually disappears; the blood hole of the Supreme Taoist's horrible to see , Has also healed at a rapid rate.

In the battlefield, Golden's blood flowed back and re-injected into the bodies of Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist and Heavenspan.

"Is their realm, really the Fleshy body, the Primordial Spirit, is not destroyed?" Looking at the three Tathagata Buddha resurrected in the battlefield, the cultivator muttered to himself, the color of joy disappeared. .

"You have achieved the position of Heavenly Immortal!"

Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist, and Heavenspan stand side by side, with a trembling voice in the words, a solemn expression, and a heavy complexion .

Chu Bei laughed and did not give any reply, but its silhouette moved again and appeared in front of the three Tathagata Buddhas.


Chu Bei made a quick move, and then used the power of Xiao Hei to gather the fairy soldiers and swept them out.


Heavenspan all shouted at the same time, but before the absolute strength was suppressed, no matter how they used the Hunyuan Great Firmament Immortal Technique, they still couldn't resist Chu Bei's horror Kill.

The golden blood flew up, and Heavenspan's body was first swept into two pieces; followed by Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist. The limbs, abdomen, and head were all separated, and they were cut into several pieces.

In the Starry Sky Battlefield, the darkness is illuminated, because the blood of Great Firmament Hunyuanxian is too bright, and Golden is dazzling, sweeping away with Immeasurable Light.

"You kill undying us!"

Not long after, Heavenspan's voice sounded, and the three were resurrected again.

"I am happy to kill."

Chu Bei's mouth is smiling, and he blasts the past for the third time.

The other three have entered the Great Firmament Hunyuan realm. Even if he wants to completely kill the opponent at the moment, it takes a little effort.

Boom, boom, bang!

Amid the blast, the bodies of the three Heavenspan exploded and reorganized time and time again.

"Damn it!"

I don't know how many reincarnations have been experienced. The three of Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist, and Heavenspan shouted at the same time, with terrible anger in their voices.

Next moment, the breath of their three people has changed, and the immortal strength fluctuations have reached a high degree of consistency.

The three looked at each other, and the blood light appeared in their eyes, as if they had made some kind of difficult decision.


After the three people fixed their eyes on Chu Bei with killing intent, after a long whistle, a scarlet divine rainbow spouted from the top of their heads at the same time.

Three beams of divine rainbow penetrated tens of millions of Star Regions, with a bang, and landed on the Hunyuan Wanxian array.

weng weng weng!

Just when the scarlet divine rainbow gushing over the heads of Tathagata Buddha, Heavenspan, and Supreme Taoist fell on the formation mark, the nine-cornered formation mark changed.

Amid the weird trembling sound, the nine-cornered formation mark spins frantically, ripples.

The mystic rune suspended all around began to move closer to the formation eye, and accompanied by various amazing unusual forms, such as Divine Phoenix flying, True Dragon Xiao Tian, ​​Qilin stepping into the air, Black Tortoise backing the mountain, endlessly emerging.

"What the hell do the three of them want to do!"

Perceiving the violent breath fluctuations on the Hunyuan Wanxian array, Jade Emperor brows tightly frowns.

At this moment, whether it was him or Old Ancestor Bodhi, the purifying power in his body suddenly disappeared, and the two tall puppets also returned to the formation eye.


Suddenly, the scarlet pupil at the formation eye of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array shot out a beam of red light, breaking the sky of this Star Region, and going straight to the far depths.

The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation seems to have evolved again. The huge blood-colored pupils have begun to fade, and replaced by a vague phantom. The phantom is still a black mist, showing a human form, but it is impossible to see at all. Clear its appearance.

I saw the fuzzy phantom suddenly shoot out two beams of red eyes, and a breath of Supreme horror that swept Nine Heavens permeated.

"Heavenspan, you have been slow for a hundred thousand years!"

Suddenly, an indifferent rage came from phantom's mouth. With questioning anger.

coldly shouted directly penetrated thousands of Star Regions and penetrated into the Starry Sky Battlefield where Chu Bei and the others are located. Wherever the sound waves pass, the Star River stars are all blown up, turning into rain and disappearing. .

"This breath..."

Perceived the horrible divine force fluctuations, Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor's complexion immediately changed, and there was a lot of faint light in the eyes. A little fear.

As for the tens of millions of cultivators and the Three Sects Peak Expert who came to participate in the Grand Meeting on Taoism, the blood rolled directly, coughing up blood in their mouths, and they were shiver coldly shaken by the imposing manner.

"Who, who is that person!"

"Listening to what he said, he didn't seem to put Heavenspan in his eyes at all."

"is it possible that, he is the character before Kaitian!"

"Why! Those existences have long disappeared!"

"Could it be that we are the nourishment for this person!" ”


Looking at the phantom that appeared in the formation eye of the Hunyuan Wanxian Array, millions of cultivator looked at each other in blank dismay, pupil suddenly shrink and fell into panic. .

"Heavenspan, what you have prepared is not enough!" The cold voice came from phantom again.

Next moment, the ten thousand celestial array collapsed, phantom walked out of the formation eye, and then the majestic black glow exploded centered on itself.

Suddenly, the Star Region is silent!

The rune chains that originally restrained tens of millions of cultivators have disappeared, and also the majestic immortal strength of tens of millions of cultivators have disappeared.

bang bang bang!

Their bodies exploded, and their flesh and blood melted into that weird phantom.

The Three Sects Peak expert is horrified, but before he can react, the black glow has arrived.

Finally, like the ten million cultivator, their fleshy body exploded and was swallowed by the phantom that looked like a black hole.

"Boss, help us!"

The children of All Heavens Store screamed and cast their eyes to the silhouette of Starry Sky Battlefield calling for help.

However, the black glow was too fast, and they also failed to escape the difficulty of this tribulation.

Sun Wukong holds the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick horizontally, Zhu Bajie holds the Nine-toothed Rake, and the proxy rings worn by the Drifting Monk, Ao Lie, Jin Chanzi, and the five people's hands simultaneously glow, releasing the light mask Protect them.

However, this black glow is really too terrifying!

Even the mask from the agency ring only lasted for less than half a second, and then it shattered. Then the bodies of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie exploded, and the flesh and blood poured into the phantom.

"Primordial Spirit is still there!"

"Could it be that he only needs our flesh and blood!"

"Soul Power and immortal strength were taken away, How long the Primordial Spirit can exist, after all, it will not escape the end of extinction."


The original Star Region where the Emerald Jade Floating Palace is located, there are more than tens of millions floating. The Primordial Spirit.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting, Bodhisattva Guanyin, Bodhisattva Guanyin... These Primordial Spirits are just those cultivators whose flesh and blood were taken away by phantom.

"still not enough!"

Phantom made a cold voice again, like licking his tongue, turning his eyes, and landed on the bodies of Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor.


Phantom shot out two beams of gaze, which respectively evolved into two pitch-black giant hands, which instantly appeared above Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor, and grabbed them downward.

"Immortal Art!"

Looking at the black hand underneath, I felt the breath contained in it, Jade Emperor eyes shrank, and the surging of fairy light. Immediately afterwards, his body became transparent and turned into a broad sword.

The broad sword stands in the starry sky, the hilt is formed by the interweaving of Star Regions, the body of the sword is gathered by the Star River, and the tip of the sword is surrounded by endless stars.

As the black hand grabbed it, the broad sword made by Jade Emperor greeted him.

However, the two are not the same level of power at all. The black hand crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood shattered the wide sword, snorted, descended and grabbed the Jade Emperor.


Jade Emperor is struggling in pain, and the sound of mournful scream just blurted out, and the peng sound of his body burst open.

Before there was time to regroup, a bunch of flesh and blood moved towards phantom under the black hand.

"Hunyuan myriad forms Hanyan!"

At the same time, Old Ancestor Bodhi also faced the black hand.

In its all around Star Region, endless forest white flames gushing out, converging in the sky above its head, and evolving into a huge fist print, in which the major stars can be seen circulating.

But the moment the fists touched, the fist marks collapsed and the Sen white flame went out.

But it turned out to be like the Jade Emperor. Old Ancestor Bodhi was imprisoned by black hands before launching a second attack, and then shattered into flesh and blood and flew towards Phantom.

"Here, even Jade Emperor and Old Ancestor Bodhi are not the enemy of that phantom one move!"

"What is he from!"

"What kind of existence has Heavenspan resurrected!"


Looking at the Jade Emperor and Old Ancestor Bodhi Primordial Spirit who have also encountered the same experience, the Primordial Spirit is terrified, and his face is full of incredible Looking at phantom, he wondered about the identity of the other party in horror.

"This is a big tonic!"

Swallow the immortal strength of Jade Emperor Old Ancestor Bodhi, the phantom is obviously solidified a lot, and its flesh and blood are initially visible, but The face is still very fuzzy.

"Still missing some!"

The shadow moved a bit, and after a weird and crisp sound of crackle, the silhouette disappeared between steps, and when it reappears, it seems to have come to Heavenspan. and the others are in the Starry Sky Battlefield.

"Master, if it weren't for his obstruction, you would have returned." Heavenspan looked at the dark shadow, bowed respectfully, and pointed at Chu Bei at the same time.

However, Heavenspan hasn't finished speaking yet, and Sombra has raised his hand to kill Chu Bei.

Chu Bei condenses his eyebrows, holding the long sword evolved by the power of Xiao Hei to meet the enemy.


The two collided, and the black shadow directly penetrated Chu Bei's body.

However, Chu Bei's body did not explode, but disappeared directly into the starry sky, as if turned into nothingness.

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