"Let's go, this place is no longer suitable as a battlefield." The indifferent voice fell, and Chu Bei took a step towards the starry sky.

In an instant, his body glowed, chaotically surging, and the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment and Enlightenment Tree appeared at the same time behind them, fully open, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and various immortal dao runes flickered between the swaying trunks.

"Tree of Enlightenment at the maturity stage!"

Tathagata Buddha recognized one of the trees, screaming with astonishment. He was certified in Tree of Enlightenment Tao.


The Tree of Enlightenment swayed behind Chu Bei, it looked like a starry sky on its own, and each leaf was a Star Region; staring at it, the lines of the leaves looked like thousands of stars turning.

Enlightenment Tree responds to the sound, thousands of different shades of avenue fairy lights rippling open with Chu Bei as the center, and the extremely rich and relaxing and joyful Immortal Qi diffuses open.

In an instant, under the two ancient trees, the unpredictable Starry Sky Battlefield, which had been destroyed by battle, had a tendency to be restored.

These are two different creative forces!

Not only are two towering ancient trees, at the foot of Chu Bei, a huge disc appears.

In the center of the disc, a flower of immortal dao blooms, and there are countless light clusters above the stamen. These light clusters contain various Immortal Treasures with different breaths.

Look carefully, these Immortal Treasures moved towards Chu Bei and trembled in the direction where they were, as if they were worshipping thousands of immortals.

Primal Chaos Qi and Myriad Things Origin Energy have condensed into liquids, like two torrential rivers entrenched on the side of the Yin-Yang Symbol.

"Look at it!"

"Where is that!"

Suddenly, a cultivator exclaimed, with shock, as if seeing an incredible One scene.

Since Chu Bei walked away from the Starry Sky Battlefield, a brand new image has been added in the distant sky.

It is a sea, vast and boundless, and every wave contains remnants. It is ups and downs, and there is time for fragments to flow. There are celestial corpses in the sea, and there are the skeletons of Supreme creatures, ups and downs.

From a glance, this endless sea is more like a terrifying battlefield. It's just that there are tens of thousands of battlefields in this sea, and the fighting creatures are Supreme Existence. Each battlefield seems to be isolated, and each other is not affected by each other.

Of course, some creatures did not fight, standing on the waves formed by the remnant world, and heading toward the depths of the sea.

"My God, what is that place!"

"How can there be so many powerful existence! Looking at their methods, I am afraid that each one is not weaker than Heavenspan, Tathagata Buddha, let them!"

"Where did they come from!"


Looking at the battle on the sea, thousands of cultivators take a deep breath Qi and breathing felt stagnant, extremely depressed.

"Could it be that that is the sea where Ancestor Master and Master go!"

Old Ancestor Bodhi and Tathagata Buddha looked at each other, then stared blankly at endless black ocean, heart throbbing.

"Where is that! Where is the end?" Jade Emperor looked towards Old Ancestor Bodhi asked.

"According to the Master, you can break through the shackles of Heavenly Immortal at the end of the sea and rank among the emperor's fairyland!" Old Ancestor Bodhi looked very serious.

"Isn't Chuangshi Yuan Ling ranked among the emperors?" Jade Emperor suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to ask.

"According to the Master, although the Ancestor Master is already ranked as the emperor, but the end of the sea can still help him to make a breakthrough." At this time, Tathagata Buddha opened the mouth and said.

"What! Is it possible that the emperor is not the end of the road of cultivation! Above that, there is a higher level!" Jade Emperor looked towards the sea again, his expression moved.

The endless sea seems to represent eternal death and silence.

It is very special. The black waves are obviously undulating, but there are a little lustrous in it, like the rising sun, with brilliance. The haze is bursting, it is the essence, the essence, and there is some bloody smell.

Like the fall of Supreme Powerhouse!

hong long long!

The wind is blowing on the sea, it is a storm!

Darkness hurricane, whistled past, destroying myriad things. The so-called wind, in fact, is a symbol of the avenue, and its power is unmatched.

Chu Bei has come to the top of this sea, standing in an empty place, with his hands behind, quietly waiting for the arrival of Hong Jun Old Ancestor.


Suddenly, an ancient beast emerged in the sea, with bone spurs all over the back, and it was as dark as ink, rushing back to the sky.

It is extremely ferocious, like a huge lizard covered with black scales. With its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, it bites towards Chu Bei. Its eyes are scarlet. Perhaps it has been in the sea for a long time and lost itself.

Chu Bei didn't evade, a finger pointed, and it broke the ancient beast directly.

It’s not that the ancient beast is not strong, on the contrary, its cultivation base has been equivalent to the Third Stage Great Firmament, Great Immortal and Heavenspan, and there are countless powerful creatures devoured in the sea. Unfortunately, this time it ran into the more powerful Chu Bei.

In a moment, another silhouette stared at Chu Bei.

This is a weird person with disheveled hair, roar, carrying a Darkness haze on his body, launching a fierce attack on Chu Bei and suddenly killing him.

He is very strong, and his cultivation base has been comparable to the realm of Sixth Stage Hunyuan Great Immortal and equivalent to Tathagata Buddha. It's a pity that he was also lost, and Chu Bei raised his hand to kill him.

As Chu Bei made two strong shots, the lost creatures instinctively turned their directions and moved towards other creatures to attack.

On the sea, countless battlefields are fighting fiercely, raising their hands to evolve the Star Region, killing the ghosts and howling, and the star dome burst.

Fortunately, this ocean is weird and inclusive enough for them to fight fiercely with the vast Heaven and Earth.

"Is that why the Master didn’t let us follow."

Looking at the battle on the sea, Old Ancestor Bodhi murmured to himself, and went with their strength. I'm afraid it will die without crossing the sea.

"Sure enough, it is full of opportunities."

Tathagata Buddha and Jade Emperor have golden light in their eyes. They see good fortune from the sea, and there are countless scriptures floating there. , Immortal Technique.


The dark divine rainbow crossed, Devil Hong Jun disappeared from the Starry Sky Battlefield and also came to the boundary sea.

Just as he fell into the sea, an ancient beast with 38 wings flew out of the seabed and was killed. However, this ancient beast was severely beheaded by Devil Hong Jun before it approached Devil Hong Jun.

Obviously, with Devil Hong Jun’s cultivation base, even in this chaotic sea of ​​Foreign Domain, it is still a powerful existence!

Walking on the remnant waves, Devil Hong Jun soon came to the opposite side of Chu Bei.

Perhaps it was because they sensed the strength of Chu Bei and Hong Jun. At the moment when they burst into imposing manner, the ancient beast in the sea retreated on its own, leaving them a sufficiently spacious battlefield.

hong long long!

There are thousands of battlefields on the endless sea.

In every battlefield, there are two or three people or even more people fighting. The breath fluctuations they release are all strong to the extreme. The aftermath of the battle is swept by sea storms, and the waves are churning.

Although there are many battlefields, they are separated from each other by a long river of years. They belong to different time and space battles, but at this moment they appear above this sea area.

Chu Bei and Devil Hong Jun came to the battlefield one after another. The two of them faced each other far away. Because their breath fluctuations had not yet burst, they were just killing the ancient beasts in China, nearby the Powerhouse in different time and space. Just glanced over.

"How do you know here?" Devil Hong Jun's icy eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body and asked aloud.

"Why don't you know? This seat is originally from the other side of the sea." Chu Bei's face was expressionless, his voice calm.

"Where do you come from!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Devil Hong Jun's expression changed suddenly, and he pointed at the end of the sea with trembling hands, "What is there on that side!" "

Chu Bei laughed, silent.

Of course he doesn't know what is on the other side of the sea. As for why he came to this sea area, it is naturally the battlefield chosen by system for him.

"It seems that I have something to say, only after I defeat you, I will force you to say it!"

Seeing Chu Bei ignoring himself, Devil Hong Jun coldly snorted, his eyes narrowed, A huge force came out through the body and set off waves on the sea, moving towards Chu Bei and blasted away.

Devil Hong Jun shot, it was a black glow, in which the Divine Order Chain crossed, like an iron chain, with magical properties, flashing black light, and appeared in front of Chu Bei in an instant. It seems to be through.

Chu Bei is fearless, and the bright discs at his feet change between steps, in which the laws of Heaven and Earth are changed, and various unusual forms are presented.

He didn't dodge or avoid, letting Hong Jun's black glow hit him, without the slightest waves on his face.


black's Divine Order Chain is stretched straight, like a divine spear, with a bitter and cold meaning, penetrating the rising waves of the sea, and its breath is extremely terrifying. .

However, when the Divine Order Chain was about to penetrate Chu Bei, in the disc at the feet of Chu Bei, the already rich Primal Chaos Qi and Myriad Things Origin Energy held up a piece at the same time. Light, keep him in, and keep him safe!


The black Divine Order Chain broke apart at a foot of Chu Bei’s body inch by inch broke apart, turning into little black light, and then sank into the ocean below, burning and dying out.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store is fighting against Hong Jun Old Ancestor!"

"Does he really have the strength to fight Hong Jun Old Ancestor? !"

"Didn't you just hear that? The Lord of All Heavens Store is from the other side of the sea!"

"The Lord of All Heavens Store really and Hong Jun Like Old Ancestor, he has already stepped into the Heavenly Immortal realm!"

"Maybe he can really defeat the Hong Jun Old Ancestor that appeared before the opening of the sky."


Three Sects Peak expert, All Heavens Store dísciple and tens of millions of cultivators looked at the battlefield where Chu Bei and Devil Hong Jun were in the sea of ​​bounds, and their hearts hung in their throats.

As for the Great Immortal of Tathagata Buddha, Old Ancestor Bodhi, Jade Emperor, etc., it seems that there has not yet come back to his senses. This is the first time they have seen this sea, and it is also the real realization of this World.

This World’s Powerhouse is far more than just a few of them!

At least, 90% of the thousands of people fighting in the realm of this manifestation are in the sea, and the cultivation base is above them!

Above the sea, although the battle between Chu Bei and Devil Hong Jun has not yet officially started, it is just a temptation to look at it, but this has caused powerhouse battles in several time and space battlefields that are close to each other. note.

They seemed to perceive the fluctuations in the breath of these two men, and cast strange glances from time to time, as if they were wondering something.

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