"You have the strength to create this new world with me."

Devil Hong Jun looks at the two-color light in front of Chu Bei like a shield monument , Stick out your finger to the side where the ten million cultivator is, Star Region said in a tranquil voice.

"Hong Jun failed to cut you off completely, then I will do this unfinished thing for him today." Chu Bei looked at Devil Hong Jun calmly, his voice indifferent.

Hearing this, Devil Hong Jun's face is completely heavy.


This time, Devil Hong Jun is dancing with his hands, and a huge Black Dragon roll rises from the surface of the sea behind. The Black Dragon volume is intertwined with the majestic energy produced by Devil Hong Jun himself, and it turns into a Demon Dragon.

The devil dragon roars, its huge pupils are as dark as an abyss, and the dragon tail swings, directly cutting open the sea surface of the boundary sea, bringing up a long ravine, and moving towards Chu Bei and culling away.

"This breath...could it be that he has..."

The stunning power of the magic dragon instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding Powerhouses in different time and space battlefields, and they even stopped After getting out of his own battle, he cast his gaze on Devil Hong Jun's body, all of them with astonishment and surprise on their faces.

"If he really stepped into that realm, wouldn't that person who fought with him..." The Powerhouse, a closer distance, looked at Chu Bei.

In the suspicion of these powerhouses in different time and space, the Chu Bei silhouette moved.

I saw him take one step and stick out both hands at the same time, simple and neat.


Just as the dark Black Demon dragon opened its savage mouth, and wanted to swallow Chu Bei, his hands enlarged sharply and grabbed the two dragon horns of the dragon respectively.

Immediately afterwards, the palms simultaneously moved towards the dragon horn and burst out Supreme power, with a ka beng, the two dragon horns collapsed at the same time, turning into a rain of light and dissipating.


In an instant, a miserable and painful dragon roar shook the boundary sea. The Darkness wind and clouds above the sea exploded, and the ancient beast in the sea trembled, moved Swim away towards the distance.

This is not over yet. After destroying the two dragon horns, Chu Bei vigorously raised his arms and shook his palms into fists. The fierce strikes hit the huge head of the Dark Demon dragon.

Suddenly, the head of the devil dragon cracked, and the black Demon's blood blew up.

The body of the dark Black Demon dragon moved towards the sea below. The moment it touches the sea, it bursts, and the palpitation of flesh and blood is like a volcanic eruption, and the extremely powerful law is over the sea. Interweave.

Almost instantly, the already unstable sea below boiled even more, as if there was a tsunami.

This collision breath has even penetrated the long river of years, affecting the surrounding battlefields in different time and space!

"Sure enough, it was a collision of Immortal King's law!"

"The level of strength is far beyond the order I used!"

"Who are they! Which time and space does the present belong to? Is it the past, or the future! The position of the sea where they are located, is it where I am waiting for now!"


The Powerhouse in the time and space battlefield, staring blankly at the dark Black Demon dragon bursting open, the blood splattered was extremely blazing, illuminating the Darkness, and the breath was too amazing.

As for those distant battlefields in different time and space, it is also imperceptible to the battle Dou Qi between Chu Bei and Devil Hong Jun.


Over the tumbling sea, Devil Hong Jun looked at the dark Black Demon dragon that burst and dissipated, his face gradually becoming serious. Looking towards Chu Bei again, his gaze was no longer as calm as before.

"Return to Origin!"

Suddenly, Devil Hong Jun shot out a cold glow in his eyes, and at the same time he screamed in his mouth.

In the next instant, his body suddenly swelled sharply, and black arrogance burst out of his body, surrounding the surface of his body.

At this moment, the storm above the sea became more and more rampant, and the sea tornadoes all around poured into Devil Hong Jun's body.

Those ancient beasts in the sea were too late to scream. With a bang, their flesh and blood exploded, and they were wrapped in the dark sea water and plunged into Devil Hong Jun's body.

long long long!

In the rumbling sound, Devil Hong Jun’s pupils turned from black to red, releasing blood-colored rays of light. Even if it was as strong as Hun Yuan, Great Immortal took a look, he couldn’t help but shiver coldly.

In addition to the magic clouds, sea tornadoes, storms, and ancient beasts that poured into his body, on the coast, slices of Star Region wrapped in thousands of stars flew to his behind hovering, releasing the strength of Starry Sky.


An extremely cold voice rang in the boundary sea, sweeping the sky above the boundary sea, and the sound wave spread far away.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

Thousands of isolated battlefields in different time and space suddenly appeared at the same time ripples, the ripples shattered, and made a crisp sound.

That was the time when the river was penetrated by sound waves.

The shout of this word clearly spread to every battlefield in different time and space above this strange sea area.

In an instant, the battles in these different time and space battlefields all stopped!

Thousands of eyes from Powerhouse were projected on Devil Hong Jun.

Fortunately, the Powerhouse, which is relatively close, can clearly see Devil Hong Jun's appearance.

As for those distant powerhouses in different time and space, in their eyes, what they see is only a hazy group of rays of light. They may be able to feel the strong breath fluctuation, but they cannot see its appearance and are blocked by the hazy air.

"Who is he!"

"This breath...he has come to Immortal King Realm!"

"Who is he fighting! Where are they? In which era!"

"Is it before the era of the fall of the emperor!"


There is a battlefield. I don’t know which plane world it belongs to. Powerhouse also stopped fighting, and their eyes fixed on Devil Hong Jun.

"He is just the faded demon body of Hong Jun master's fellow apprentice, and he is so powerful! Even in that sea area, it is also the existence of Peak!"

"Hong Jun master's fellow apprentice himself and Master, and even Ancestor Master, how powerful is the creation soul!"

"Maybe they have really gone to the end of the sea!"


Tathagata Buddha, Old Ancestor Bodhi, and Jade Emperor stared at Devil Hong Jun in the sea, muttering to themselves.

"Will the Lord of All Heavens Store be the opponent of Hong Jun Old Ancestor?" Three Sects Peak Powerhouse and tens of millions of cultivators looked nervous. This battle is about their lives and deaths.

"Master, Senior should be able to win."

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the others, and even the All Heavens Store dísciple, have concerns on their faces.

The unusual form shown by Devil Hong Jun at this moment is too terrifying!

The Powerhouses in other different time and space battlefields in Sea are all shocked, and even give up their battles to pay attention to his battles!

Above the surface of the sea, magic clouds, sea tornadoes, storms, ancient beast flesh and blood, Star Regions, and various unusual form laws merge into Devil Hong Jun's body.

His body began to become distorted, and he was evolving until it finally became a dark long sword.

The sword body trembled slightly, and a wisp of sword glow leaked from the tip of the sword. With a sneer, it directly cut the sea area below in half, which was terrifying!

"Only one style, this seat is as you wish."

Chu Bei laughed, looking at the Black Sword that dazzled all Powerhouse in different time and space, with no expression on his face The slightest change, there is no mood swing.

As his plain voice confided from his mouth, the tens of millions of light clusters on the bright disc under his feet submerged into his body at the same time, and the extremely flaming divine glow came from its Sea of ​​Consciousness Ascending into the sky, the entire sea area was illuminated in an instant.

At this moment, there is an unusual form of millions and millions of creatures worshipped above the sea. The Darkness world, which was originally far beyond the horror of hell, seems to have turned into a place of light, and the air is filled with sacred breath.

hong long!

Headed by the bright disc, Tree of Enlightenment and Enlightenment Tree are side by side, and the three have opened up a new Small World behind Chu Bei, making it From head to toe, three kinds of intertwined mysterious brilliance are flowing.

In the distance, the Black Sword transformed by Devil Hong Jun, shrouded by the black mist of the sword, swept over.

But before the black mist touched Chu Bei's body, it was blocked by the mysterious light supported by the bright disc and two ancient trees, whether it was the law in the black mist or the Order Chain , Can't hurt him at all.

dong, dong, dong!

Chu Bei walked along the Yin-Yang Symbol intertwined with Myriad Things Origin Energy and Primal Chaos Qi. The little man standing on the flower of the formation eye immortal dao actually sang, immortal dao rune from It floated out of his mouth.

Chu Bei walks steadfastly and walks in big strides. The falling of each step seems to resonate with Heaven and Earth. The trembling boundless sea sways violently. It seems that an Immortal Emperor is coming, and the world is overwhelming. Breath is terrifying. people.

For a time, all the Powerhouses in the battlefield of different time and space held their breath, and countless eyes froze in the battlefield of Chu Bei and Devil Hong Jun.

They know that there are two Immortal Kings fighting!


Black Sword settled Boundary Sea, settled on the battlefield, and killed Chu Bei.

Chu Bei still remains unmoved and stepped forward to meet him.

Almost at the same time, a huge Dharma form appeared behind him. In the Dharma form, it was an iron knot with contempt in his eyes.

The iron lump moved with Chu Bei, and in a flash, it overlapped with Chu Bei, intertwined into a bunch of dazzling divine light.


In countless horrified eyes, the dazzling divine light collided with Black Sword.

In an instant, the sea shakes and the sky shakes.

The gazes of thousands of Powerhouses in different time and space were suddenly flooded with white glow.

The explosion that can penetrate the long river of time and frighten their hearts and souls also disappeared in an instant, followed by deathly silence.

This feeling makes them seem to be deprived of their eyesight and hearing at the same time, which is too scary!

In the dead silence, those Powerhouses in the different time and space battlefields that are closer, their vision gradually became clear.

When I saw the scene in the battlefield again, everyone's expressions changed in shock, with an incredible color, as strong as them, and it was difficult to keep calm.

Looking at it, the sea area below the battlefield is directly vacuumed, like an endless black hole isolated. Just looking at it will cause you to lose your heart and soul, and feel inexplicably palpitations.

The dazzling divine light disappeared, replaced by the man wearing an azure robe. The weird disc under his feet is gone, and the Tree of Enlightenment and Enlightenment Tree behind have also disappeared...

At this moment, he is like an ordinary person who cannot be ordinary, just like that. Hovering quietly over the endless black hole, staring at the front, his expression is the same as before the battle, it seems that from start to finish has not changed.

On the other side of the endless black hole, Black Sword is also gone, changing back to the appearance of Devil Hong Jun.

His body is fading and dissipating.

"An Immortal King is withered!"

For a long time, the Supreme Powerhouse in the battlefield of different time and space came back to his senses from the shock, one by one watching it dissipate Devil Hong Jun has an unspeakable loneliness on his face.

They don’t know these two people, but they know the hardships of cultivation!

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