Above the weird sea area, countless powerhouses in different time and space sighed, and the eyes looked towards Devil Hong Jun with a little pity.

Anyone who can board this realm is the most outstanding person of that era. After that, he has gone through several millions even tens of millions of years of cultivation before reaching the Immortal King.

But just now, they witnessed the match between two Immortal Kings and the defeat of one Immortal King!

"Is this over...The first that Immortal King was defeated!"

Powerhouse looked at each other in blank dismay in their In the line of sight, what can be seen are two groups of terrifying energy bodies, but the rays of light released by one of the energy bodies are steadily diminishing and disappearing at a visible speed.

"It's lost! Hong Jun Old Ancestor is lost!"

Ten million cultivator and Three Sects Peak Powerhouse looked at the battlefield in the sea in disbelief. See the scene.

Heavenspan and Supreme Taoist looked at each other, their Primordial Spirit became increasingly dim, and their expressions became trance. They couldn't believe that the owner of All Heavens Store was already so powerful!

What makes them even more puzzled is how the strength of this All Heavens Store owner is the end!

Three hundred years ago, when the opponent fought with the Jade Emperor, the breath fluctuation demonstrated did not even reach the realm of Hunyuan Great Firmament Great Immortal.

However, after returning three hundred years later, he first released the breath of the Great Firmament Great Immortal Fifth Stage, and then climbed to the Ninth Stage. When Devil Hong Jun was resurrected, he actually showed the strength of Heavenly Immortal!

All this is incredible!

Looking at Chu Bei’s back, unknowingly, Heavenspan’s Primordial Spirit was slightly trembled. He thought of a sentence the other party had said to him many times-“Sometimes, what you see is not It must be all. '

"Is this the end?"

Tathagata Buddha, Old Ancestor Bodhi, and King Jade Emperor Great Immortal looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Obviously, this ending was beyond their expectations.

Devil Hong Jun has lost and is dissipating, but the owner of All Heavens Store is not injured at all, and even gives people a feeling that they have not done their best.

"Boss won!"

"Very good!"

The children of All Heavens Store cheered and shouted with excitement.

When they learned that the existence that Heavenspan revived by taking them as nourishment was its Master Hong Jun, they had no confidence in the battle between Chu Bei and Devil Hong Jun.

After all, the latter is the eldest apprentice of Chuangshi Yuanling, the existence before Kaitian, even if the opponent is just a faded demonic body.

Following the fall of the battle between Chu Bei and Devil Hong Jun, the sea where the waves were rolling suddenly calmed down.

The sea breeze was blowing, and it was extremely silent. The surface of the sea was like a huge mirror without the slightest ripples.

The Powerhouse on the battlefield in different time and space fell on Chu Bei’s body unanimously. When they met the latter’s gaze, each of them couldn’t help but trembled. It is better for them to feel that their breathing is about to stagnate. Extremely depressed.

"Why did you appear! You obviously don't belong here!" Above the endless black hole, Devil Hong Jun's body turned into a little rain and disappeared.

He stared at Chu Bei with resentment, roar's voice was full of unwillingness.

He laid out tens of thousands of years, and finally waited until his resurrection. But before he could rewrite the world, he was beheaded by someone who did not belong to this world. How could he not hate it!

As Devil Hong Jun’s voice filled with hatred fell, the calm sea behind him churning again with black waves, in which the luster was a little bit, like a morning glow rising, with brilliance. The haze is bursting, it is the essence, the essence, and there is some bloody smell.

"You shouldn't have survived in the world, let alone slaughter so many creatures."

Chu Bei stood with his hands in his hand, calmly looking at Devil Hong Jun, A faint sigh fell, and the right hand slammed down.

In an instant, there was a sword cry, bursting with dazzling brilliance.


Almost instantly, in that unwilling roar, Devil Hong Jun was penetrated by a brilliant lightsaber and completely disappeared on the sea.

The wind is blowing on the sea, with howling sounds, the signs of the road are intertwined in the wind, it seems to be seeing Devil Hong Jun off.

hong long long!

On the boundless sea, those Supreme Powerhouses on the battlefields of different time and space sighed, and then fought with their opponents again. The battle became more and more terrifying.

The endless black hole at Chu Bei's feet, which was vacuumed by the battle, began to be slowly filled with sea water.

Chu Bei finally glanced at the direction in which Devil Hong Jun was dissipating, and turned back to the top of the void where thousands of silhouettes such as Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were located, and then waved his sleeves.


Chu Bei lay across the Star River. As his sleeves were waving, thousands of stars gushed out from all around the empty space and bloomed at the same time, spinning away.

Amidst the weird buzzing sound, these fairy lights sprayed like a spring of magical light and rain.

Some of these got into the Primordial Spirit of Old Ancestor Bodhi, and some got into the Primordial Spirit of the Jade Emperor Great Immortal King.

A shocking scene happened. Under the nourishment of these rains, whether it is Old Ancestor Bodhi or Jade Emperor Great Immortal King, their Primordial Spirit not only stopped dissipating, but gradually solidified. .

Until the end, even the flesh and blood that had been swallowed by Devil Hong Jun reappeared, forming a little bit outside of their Primordial Spirit.

The light and rain drifted away and came to the Star Region where Three Sects expert, All Heavens Store children and millions of cultivators were located, and it fell down.

"Vitality is recovering. If we are saved, we are saved!"

"Alive, we are all alive!"

"haha, we don’t need it Dead!"


Daoist Abundant Treasures, Jinling Holy Mother, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Zixu Daoist, Duer Daoist and other Three Sects expert hope Looking at the recovered flesh and blood, he was stunned behind, and all of them showed excitement.

The same is true for tens of millions of cultivators, with excitement and joy on his face.

"It's the Boss! He saved us!"

All Heavens Store dísciple looked at the light and rain all around, and cast his eyes on Chu Bei in the sky, with respect and admiration .

In just a few seconds, the Three Sects Peak expert, All Heavens Store dísciple, tens of millions of cultivators and even the first cultivators that even perished Primordial Spirit came alive one by one.

In Starry Sky Battlefield, the breath of King Jade Emperor Great Immortal returned to Peak state. He stared at Chu Bei in a daze, with an expression that was indescribable. In the end, the person he once hated so much has become his life saving benefactor.

"Many thanks Boss Chu, help!"

Old Ancestor Bodhi was very straightforward, immediately rolled up his sleeves, moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand. Thank you .

Tathagata Buddha looked at Chu Bei without speaking, but there was a little pleading in his eyes, with regret, obviously he did not want to die. As for Heavenspan and Supreme Taoist, they are extremely scared. They still can't believe that the Master Demon actually lost to the owner of the All Heavens Store.

"The life and death of the three of you, until Hong Jun and Hun Kun return, let them decide."

With the sound of a flat voice without the slightest emotion, Chu Bei Raising the raised hand, a loud explosion sound, gushing out a square prison and falling.

The prison wall is interwoven by several rays of light. It seems to have a huge devouring magic power. At the moment of landing on the battlefield, the Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist and Heavenspan’s Primordial Spirit took it in.

At the next moment, the four prisons shrank sharply and floated in front of Old Ancestor Bodhi.

"I will deliver it to the Master."

Old Ancestor Bodhi took over the prison and glanced at the three powerful Primordial Spirits that seemed to be anchored. looked towards Chu Bei and said.

"If you want to go further on the road of cultivation, please patronize All Heavens Store more and look for opportunities."

During the step, a piece of Star Region wrapped in thousands of stars evolving behind it, releasing the strength of Starry Sky.

Gradually, the strange waters where I don’t know where are disappeared.

Before it disappeared, it was vaguely visible that the sea was windy again.

The vastness and boundlessness, every wave contains the remnants of the world, undulating, there is time for fragments to flow, there are immortal corpses in the sea, there are the skeletons of Supreme creatures, ups and downs.

Three days later.

[Journey to the West plane, host reputation points reach 90, All Heavens Store reputation points reach 90]

[Level 13 commodity permissions open]

【 If the host wants to enable Level 14 product permissions, go to Tomb of the God plane]

[According to this system hint, after completing the task, you can enable Level 14 product permissions and get additional rewards]


The system tone sounded in Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Since the battle between Chu Bei and Hong Jun was over, the tens of millions of cultivators who have witnessed the whole process spread the battle quickly.

In three days, not only the reputation points of All Heavens Store, but also his own reputation points, he reached 90 in Journey to the West, and Perfection completed the mission.

After half a month.

"Master, are you leaving now?"

Five people, including Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, stood side by side in front of Chu Bei, looking respectful.

"The shops in this world have been managed by your senior and junior brothers, and are waiting for you in a wider place as a teacher!" Chu Bei patted Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie one after another. , The words are serious and earnest.

Now, his own cultivation base is Level 13 Peak.

From the perspective of Shrouding The Heavens plane realm, it is Saint Peak; from the perspective of Journey to the West plane, it is Golden Immortal Peak.

The voice fell, Chu Bei stepped into the wheel of time and space and disappeared.

As always, he did not immediately appear in the Tomb of the God plane, but swims in a wonderful world woven by a long river of time, without drifting forward day and night.

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