"This guest is not 6th-Rank!"

"Is there any realm above 6th-Rank? Never heard of it!"

"That's right! There is no such a Powerhouse recorded in the ancient book."

"The spiritual gods we enshrine, the cultivation base should be the realm above the 6th-Rank. "

"Are there really Spiritual Gods in this world? I thought they were all made up. If so, where are they? Why have they never appeared?"


The civil and military officials looked at each other, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Is it still itchy? Do you want another punch?" Chu Bei paced and smiled at Chu Ao.

"I like to learn from each other, but I don’t like to find abuse."

When he heard Chu Bei, Chu Ao shook his head again and again. If at first, he would know that the cultivation base of the person in front of him is already Breakthrough 6th-Rank, that will not have the previous competition.

"Then, can we take this Hou Yi bow?" Chu Bei pointed to the Hou Yi bow in Chen Nan's hand.

Chu Ao took a deep breath, something grudgingly said: "Thousands of times the cultivation base profound, I don’t have the strength to grab it again. Instead of doing this, it’s better to give it quickly and make a kindness. Fate. But before the senior leaves, I still hope to tell, what is the realm above the 6th-Rank?"

"6th-Rank is also known as True Martial Realm, and further up is the fairyland."

Chu Bei fiddled with his fingers and said peacefully: "When you go further and cultivation to the fairy martial realm, you will be taken to a place called Heaven Realm. There are countless powerhouses in the fairy martial realm. Above the fairy martial realm, there are Divine King Realm and Divine Sovereign realm."

"Heaven Realm? So there is such a place! No wonder this continent can't find a Powerhouse above 6th-Rank."

Chu Ao has an enlightenment expression. He came back to his senses and asked tentatively: "So I don't know, what realm is the senior now? The fairyland? Or the Divine King Realm above the fairyland?"

Chu Bei tilted his head forty-five degrees and looked into the distance: "Above the Divine Sovereign, there is also a higher realm. Perhaps when you step into the Heaven Realm, you can learn about this seat from his population. realm."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei's gaze fell on Chu Han, his hands wrapped around his chest, with a playful expression: "Chu State Your Majesty, we are very grateful for your hospitality. But, in the end, you gave me another one."

"This... please senior understand. After all, the Immortal Treasure Hou Yi bow is a treasure of the great Chu country, so I can’t let him in my hand. I lost it."

After that, Chu Han seemed to be relieved: "It's fine now. Hou Yi's bow was lost in Xuanzu's hand. It has nothing to do with me."

Chu Bei laughed, and then patted Chen Nan's shoulder: "Hou Yi bow has been obtained, we should leave."

But then Chen Nan was ready to take a step forward and retrieve Hou from Chu Bei's hands. When Yi bowed, Hou Yi bow disappeared inexplicably.

"Master, you..."

Chen Nan was taken aback, he thought the other party would hand him the Hou Yi bow.

[Host obtains Hou Yi bow]

[Level 14 Commodity Permission Opening Progress 30%]

[Mission 3 Release: Host Signs Dawn]

While listening to the sound of the system, Chu Bei tapped Chen Nan on the shoulder, and said with earnest heart: "Disciple, you Hou Yi bow as a teacher will keep it for you temporarily. The road to cultivation is The teacher doesn't want you to rely on other things too early."

"Disciple knows."

After hearing what Chu Bei said, Chen Nan was silent for a while, heavily nodded.

"Didn't you want to see Yuxin? Before that, I will take you to a place for the teacher."

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei took Chen Nan and disappeared in the Imperial Palace on the square.


Ten thousand years have passed like a white horse.

Even if the continent is shifted, the river is diverted, and the ground scene is completely unrecognizable, especially the towering Kunlun mountain range.

"Master, you brought me here!"

Chen Nan recognized the Kunlun mountain range, which is where Yuxin was buried ten thousand years ago.

"It is worthy of being the land of fairy mountains."

Looking at the scenery below, Chu Bei couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

Kunlun Mountains, the average elevation of the entire mountain range is above 10,000 meters. The altitude difference between peaks and valleys is too great, resulting in strange landscapes with different climates in the same area.

The mountains and valleys below the altitude of three kilometers are deep and ancient, with beautiful scenery, green trees on the mountains, and flowers in the valley. Many places are like spring in all seasons.

The peaks above five-six thousand meters above sea level are in the snow-covered and rolling mountains all year round, and the snow peaks stand in great numbers suddenly. Snow Mountain, which never changes all the year round, has extremely precious snow lotus, which is a treasure of Snow Mountain.

The reckless Kunlun, majestic imposing manner, the silver outfit and verdant ensemble. From afar, Kunlun mountain range, emerald green below the mountainside, is full of spring. Above the mountainside, there is a vast expanse of white snow covered with snow.

Even after years of devastation, the Kunlun mountain range still maintains a magnificent and magical scene.

Entering the Kunlun mountain range, Chu Bei and Chen Nan's flight speed slowed down, flying close to the mountain forest. The strange flower in the mountains is fragrant and fragrant. All kinds of rare birds are jumping and moving in the mountains, which is a heavenly paradise.

"Master, that is Mount Chatian Peak!"

Flying over peaks, passing through one after another valley, Chen Nan stopped at a peak about seven kilometers above sea level before.

"In your memory, the impression here is very deep."

Looking at Chen Nan, who was excited, Chu Bei couldn't help but shook the head.

I saw the peak of the sky thrust straight up into the sky like a sharp sword, the mountain wrapped in silver and white, it was a world of ice and snow. The flowing clouds shrouded and surging on the mountain peaks, just like Immortal Qi, standing in it seems to have boarded the Immortal Realm of Bliss.

"Master, can I really...can I see Yuxin again?" Chen Nan became nervous and looked at Chu Bei nervously.

Ten thousand years ago, he personally saw Yuxin die in the hands of the Great Demon King in order to save him. Although his Master told him many times that Yuxin was still alive, even so, he was still a little scared.

Fear that the latter made a joke with him.

"Let's go down."

Chu Bei spoke lightly, then dived down.

Underneath the Tianfeng Peak, is the ancient Immortal relic-Baihua Valley.

"Yuxin..." Chen Nan murmured softly when he came to Baihuagu Valley, his voice was a bit suffocating.

"I said she is not dead, can I be normal!"

Since coming to Kunlun mountain range, Chu Bei has been listening to the chants of behind Chen Nan, and then look at it. The sensational look of the other party was really disgusting.

It’s that the scenery of Baihua Valley is really beautiful and charming, the rich and fragrant fragrance is tangy, and from a distance, within the valley deep purples and brilliant reds, the flowers are full of beauty.

A streamlet flows out from within the valley slowly, the stream is clear, and the underwater is covered with pebbles of five words and six colors, fish swimming happily, a harmonious and vivid scene.

"Let the Master laugh."

Chen Nan took a deep breath, and after his expression returned to normal, he moved towards Taniguchi and walked away.

Chu Bei did not immediately follow, but looked at Chen Nan's back with a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if waiting for something interesting to happen.


Just as Chu Bei stepped half of his foot into the valley, a shock occurred, and a huge counter-shock strikes Chen Nan’s body out of thin air. Chen Nan, who was unprepared, flew upside down and almost fell to the ground with a stagger under his feet.

Fortunately, this sudden force seemed to be just to stop the intruder. It only shook Chen Nan away without causing substantial damage.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Nan brows slightly wrinkle, walked into the valley again, the result was the same, the mysterious force once again shook him away.

"Who is doing the blame!"

Chen Nan yelled, a slender flash of light erupted from his palm, moved towards Taniguchi and patted it.

With a sneer, the flash of light dazzled and disappeared after dazzling ripples in Taniguchi.

Chen Nan seems to be a little unbelief in evil, the whole person is transformed into a flash of light, and one attack is blasted out. However, these flash attacks of hiding the sky and covering the earth still had no effect, and were inexplicably disintegrated by mysterious forces.

"Master, what's the matter?"

After trying all the ways to no avail, Chen Nan looked at Chu Bei unwillingly, waiting for the answer from the other party.

"You carefully recollect what your father did here ten thousand years ago." Chu Bei paced and walked to Chen Nan said with a smile.

Chen Nan was lost in thought, after a long time, eyes shined: "There is an Ancient Immortal formation outside Hundred Flowers Valley!"

Ten thousand years ago, his father Chen Zhan tried to prevent Under the influence of the outside world, Yuxin shot a hundred and eight palms around Baihua Valley, fully activated the prohibition left by Ancient Immortal, and completely closed Baihua Valley.

"Master, please break through Formation."

Chen Nan looked towards Chu Bei for help. With his current strength, he has no ability to break Formation and enter Baihua Valley. .

"Who is hiding there! Come out!"

However, before Chu Bei could speak, Chen Nan seemed to have discovered something, and his expression changed suddenly.

When the shout fell, Chen Nan suddenly turned into a flash of light and swept eastward, and in a flash appeared above the jungle 100 meters away.

hong long!

Chen Nan kicked towards the bottom, and the violent energy instantly destroyed the dark green forest.

Next moment, Chen Nan was stunned.

In the ashes of the ruins, there are actually a few animals intact, a snow-white bunny, a fat wild boar, a sturdy sika deer, and a flapping wing crow.

At this time, Chu Bei also appeared beside Chen Nan. When he saw the small animal below, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, I still encountered these little monsters!

"Master, they..."

Chen Nan pointed at the four small animals below. For a moment he didn’t know what to say, and a jungle was turned into ashes. The four animals were unscathed, which was completely beyond the scope of his cognition.

Moreover, the four animals looked at him without fear at all. The turning eyes looked at him from head to toe.

This weird feeling is like that the two of them have become animals, and the four small animals underneath that are being judged have become humans.

“Sometimes what you see is not necessarily true.”

Chu Bei once again patted Chen Nan’s shoulder blades: “Although they look like ordinary Wild Beast, they are actually different They are all cultivated monsters for thousands of years. It’s just because they have not been able to achieve complete phantom Human Transformation, and in addition to the ancestral training, they can only show this state in front of humans."

"It turned out to be cultivated for thousands of years. Monsters, it's no wonder that they can be unharmed under my attack."

Chen Nan has a clear expression in his heart. His previous induction is correct. He did have eyes watching them secretly just now. It's just that it is not people who are observing them, but these four monsters.

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