"Who are you? Why did you come to Baihua Valley?"

At this moment, a clear and sweet voice was introduced into the ears of Chu Bei and Chen Nan, just like From the mouth of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old little girl.

"My God! You crow is obviously an old monster with a thousand years of cultivation, can you not confuse me with the current appearance!"

Listening to the voice of the girl, I found it After the sound source, Chen Nan couldn't help but explode, because the source of the sound was the crow below.

"Bah, what is the look in your eyes! This Young Miss is not a crow, I am a starling Princess. If you don't know, don't talk nonsense, or you can only expose your roughness and ignorance." That grows into a crow. The looking starling fiercely stared at Chen Nan.

"Quickly, what are you doing here in Baihua Valley?" The white little rabbit asked aloud.

"What does this have to do with you?" Chen Nan moved towards the four monsters shrugged below.

"Is it for Little Fairy?" The fat wild boar was coldly snorted.

"Little Fairy?"

Chen Nan murmured, then turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei. Subconsciously, Chen Nan has already regarded Chu Bei as a jack-of-all-trades.

"If I'm right, the little Fairy they say is the goal of the trip."

Chu Bei slightly nod to Chen Nan's confused gaze.

"Okay! You guys really are the little Fairy's idea!"

"Stop them directly and throw them out of the Kunlun mountain range."

As soon as the sika deer finished speaking, he bounced up, and his front hoof suddenly moved towards Chen Nan's chest and patted it. However, its hoof went straight through Chen Nan's chest.

"I missed it!"

This time it was the turn of the four monsters to be shocked.

The human being has disappeared, and there is only a dazzling golden light.

"Let's go together!"

The four monsters looked at each other and made a common decision. Ice skates, fire dragons, wind blades, electric balls and various powerful magic To Chen Nan.

After a long while.

"Take a break, leave them alone."

The little white rabbit took the lead to stop the attack. This human can't help them, and they can't help it with humans.

Obviously they are monsters, but the other party's methods are even more weird than them, and even the main body can be changed.

"Agree with Tutu, anyway, the two of them can't break the Formation." The sika deer also gave up, turned around and walked into Baihua within the valley.

As soon as the four monsters entered Baihua Valley, they made faces at Chen Nan Chu Bei, even facing each other with their butts.

"Master, these little monsters don't put you in the eyes at all! Do you want to take action and teach them a lesson? Let them know what is there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, be a monster Too rampant."

After Chen Nan glanced at the four monsters, he moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand with a respectful look on his face.

"Teaching them is the second, the fundamental reason is to want to enter Baihua Valley early."

Chu Bei glanced through Chen Nan's mind, and then pointed to the stream below, with a long speech. "Do you know why this stream can flow into the valley, but the fish in the water can't enter the valley?"

Chen Nan shook the head: "Please specify."

"There are two ways to enter Baihua Valley. The first is to find the formation eye of the Ancient Immortal formation and destroy it, and the formation eye is often in the formation; second, from outside the formation, it is overwhelming Power will destroy it."

Chu Bei calm and composed, after saying this, a finger pointed.


In the sound of breaking through the air, Chu Bei's fingertips flashed a dazzling golden light, forming a light track towards Taniguchi.


The huge energy fluctuation shook the entire Kunlun mountain range.

A rune intertwined Formation appears in all around of Baihua Valley, but the next moment, this Formation that was originally hidden in the void seems to have been destroyed by terrorist forces, and the fragments are falling apart, turning into a rain of light. Dissipate and disappear.

In a short while, the fragrance of flowers and plants within the valley rushed to the sky, and within the blink of an eye, the entire Kunlun mountain range was flooded.

"Ancient Immortal is broken! It was destroyed from the outside!"

"How is it possible! Who is he?"

"The ancestor did not say , Can only humans above 6th-Rank be able to break the Formation forcefully? Is he already in Xianwu Realm?"

"No way, if he is Xianwu expert, why would he appear here? He should be early It’s right at Heaven Realm!"


Hundred flowers within the valley, the four monsters who have not yet left glanced at the dissipated Formation, and then looked at each other and looked at each other. Each other in blank dismay, each one's eyes were full of surprises, as if they couldn't believe what happened before.

"Formation is broken!"

"Master, mighty!"

Chen Nan shouted excitedly with his face full of excitement.

After realizing that he had lost self-control, Chen Nan hurriedly coughed: "Master, the question you asked me earlier? Why can the stream flow into the valley, but the fish in the water cannot enter within What about the valley?"

Chu Bei shrugged: "I don't know the answer to this question."

Hearing this, Chen Nan twitched his lips: "Then you still ask me? "

"I just want to take this to tell you that in the face of strength, even if you don’t know about some problems, they can be easily dismantled."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei has finished. The dressing corner pointed to the stream below again, "Look, now the fish can enter within the valley."

Chen Nan:......

Cool breeze Practice, all around is full of fragrance of flowers and plants.

After Chu Bei broke the Formation, not only Hundred Flowers Valley, but the entire Kunlun mountain range is full of Immortal Qi, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, full of holy breath.

The two Chu Bei Chen Nan walked on the trail within the valley. On both sides of the road, there were strange little trees that could not be named. The branches were green and the leaves were bright and glittering, with six colors and six colors. The fruit has a rich aroma.

The four monsters put away their joking expressions, and the facial expression grave followed Chu Bei. It seems that he is a little afraid of Chu Bei, always keeping a distance of nearly 100 meters.

hong long!

Suddenly, the Central Region of Baihua Valley made a loud noise.

At the explosion place, a group of dazzling rays of light is like Ten Suns Illuminating The Sky. In the sight, thousands of sceneries within the valley have lost their color, and mysterious light seems to be the only one within the valley.

next moment, a scent of orchid like musk wafted from the explosion area with the wind.

This fresh fragrance is different from the floral and fruity fragrance in the air. It gives people an unspeakable feeling, plain, hazy, harmonious, and tranquil, which makes people can't help but relax, and the heart is ethereal.

"Master, there seems to be a situation ahead! There is also this smell, so special."

Chen Nan glanced at the explosion area in the distance, took a deep breath, with a look on his face With the color of intoxication.

This strange fragrance seems to make people forget all the sorrows, and there is peace in the heart.

"That is the destination of our trip." Chu Bei said indifferently, pointing his finger at the explosion.

"Is Yuxin there?" Chen Nan's voice trembled a little when he heard Chu Bei's words.

"Because that weird broke the Ancient Immortal Formation and the external energy poured in, Fairy was born ahead of time!"

"Finally I can see little Fairy, I want to treasure me Give her all your babies."

Little bunny and the wild boar have excitement on their faces.

"Fairy was born so much, the Bone King must have known it. If we are late, they will definitely steal Fairy. We must not let Fairy fall into their hands."


After Myna reminded them, the expressions of the other three monsters changed instantly.

After that, the sika deer swung its body, stood upright, and transformed into a monster with a deer head.

Almost at the same time, starlings, little white rabbits, and wild boars also turned into monsters with beast heads, and flew towards the explosion with a swish.

"Master, let's follow up soon."

Looking at the four monsters going away, Chen Nan's heart rose with a bad premonition. As soon as the voice fell, it turned into The flash disappeared.

In an instant, Chu Bei Chen Nan appeared in the Central Region of Baihua Valley.

In the center of the explosion, the dazzling rays of light have faded away, and the brilliance has changed from fiery to soft.

In the center of a towering giant tree, a crystal clear and near-transparent flower bud sways gently, and colorful rays of light slowly flow. The flower bud is half a foot in diameter, and there are nine crystal clear and near-transparent jade leaves under it. The whole flower is carved like Divine Jade.

At this moment, all around the towering ancient trees seems to have become a gathering place for monsters. Many of the beasts are special species, large snakes with long horns, two-headed monkeys, incomparable gigantic ants, flying centipede...

On breath, at least ten monsters are not weaker than before. The sika deer, Starling Princess.

"Bone King, with us here, don't even want to hit Fairy's attention!"

Myna Princess and sika deer fell in front of the ancient tree, and a group of monsters immediately gathered behind. Obviously they are one of the heads of the monster beasts in the Hundred Flowers within the valley.

"Fairy? It's ridiculous! It is clearly an opportunity given by God. When she is born, we will be able to break through our restraint and become a Sacred Beast."

The winged White Tiger, because it maintains the appearance of its body, is nearly ten times larger than an ordinary tiger, like a hill.

This White Tiger is also the king of this mountain forest. Because of its bone wings, it is known as the bone king. Beside it, there are several huge monster beasts standing side by side, obviously standing in the same camp with it.

"Master, is Yuxin in that bud?"

Chen Nan looked towards Chu Bei tentatively, the breath released by the shaking of the bud gave him a very familiar feeling a feeling of.

"Yes and no." Chu Bei nodded shook his head again, and answered mysteriously and mysteriously.

"Why did you follow? Another trouble!"

Myna Princess stared fiercely at Chu Bei: "If you enter Baihua Valley really for Little Fairy, even if we can't beat you, we have to fight our lives to protect Little Fairy."

Chu Bei ignored the threat of Myna Princess. These monsters were a slap in the face to him.

"You take a bite of a little Fairy? How much do you know about this bud?" Chen Nan on the side fixed his eyes on Starling Princess.

"Old Ancestor said that this fairy has been conceived for three thousand years, and it has only had an ideology in the last few years. Old Ancestor also said that what is conceived in the fairy is a lost Fairy, and it will be in the future. It is the king of the Monster Realm in the Kunlun Mountains."

"Rabbit, what are you talking about with a human!" Little white rabbit just said a few words, Starling Princess is lightly snorted.

"Lost Fairy?"

Chen Nan whispered softly, he could not be as calm as Chu Bei, staring at the fairy flower bud, waiting for it to bloom .

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