morning sun Dongsheng, Xiaguang Wandao.

Thousands of monsters are quietly distributed all around the towering ancient trees, one by one staring at the fairy flower above the ancient tree intently.

After a long wait, finally with a loud bang, the colorful flower buds finally moved.

I saw thousands of rays of sunshine converge into a beam of light shining on the colorful flower buds.


With a thunder-like explosion, a petal blooms.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

There are four more explosions, and four petals bloom.

The colorful flower bud has nine petals. When all the petals bloom, the colorful rays of light illuminate the sky, and the entire Kunlun mountain range can see the Heaven and Earth alienation.

At this moment, hundreds of flowers within the valley Immortal Qi spewed, and the thousands of monsters under the towering ancient trees as if drunk and stupefied, the expression of enjoyment couldn't help it.


Just as a group of monsters are immersed in the dream world of Immortal Qi, the immature children's laughter comes from the colorful flower buds that bloom.

The ethereal laughter broke the peace of Baihua Valley.

After that, a three-year-old girl appeared in the sight of a group of monsters and Chu Bei Chen Nan.

The girl is sitting on that fairy flower happily dangling her white calf, her innocent smile is so natural, as if all smiles in the world will appear hypocritical and pale under this smile.

This very healing smile does not seem to belong to this troubled world.

"It is more holy than angels, and more beautiful than elves. This is our little Fairy."

Myna Princess and sika deer looked at the girl foolishly. The girl is like a pink jade, her crystal skin is faintly flowing with brilliance, and her big twinkling eyes resemble black gems.

"haha, this is the gift that God bestows on me!"

The white tiger with two wings called the Bone King came back to his senses, excitedly roared to the sky and waved The wings appeared beside the girl in an instant. The gaze that looked towards the girl was full of greed.

"You are not allowed to move it!"

Sometimes, Chen Nan's body has already begun to tremble. When he saw the bone king rushing to the girl's side, he couldn't help but scream Roaring, a layer of golden light instantly condenses on the surface of the fist.

As the shout fell, Chen Nan rose into the air, fiercely smashing into the huge body of the Bone King.

"Trifling human ants, dare to come!"

The Bone King glanced at Chen Nan with disdain, and his huge claws snapped.


With a loud noise, the golden light on the surface of Chen Nan's fist shattered. Perhaps because of the girl, Chen Nan lost self-control so much that he did not elementify his body when facing the sharp claw of the Bone King. Suddenly, the violent energy of sharp claw bombarded his body.

Pu chi!

Chen Nan a mouthful of blood spurted, his body shot backwards at Chu Bei's feet like a cannonball, his face pale.

"Master, that...that's Yuxin's breath...I beg you to save her, please take action..."

Chen Nan, regardless of his own injury, has his hands tight He pinched Chen Nan's arm tightly, his eyes flushed with bloodshot eyes.

"Don't worry, even if you don't speak, no one can hurt her."

Chu Bei gently brushed away Chen Nan's two hands, the calm words fell, and turned Instantly appeared in the sky above the double-winged White Tiger.

"An act recklessly human again!"

The two-winged White Tiger glanced at Chu Bei coldly, and the four-clawed fiercely standing in the air stomped like a sea. The surging terror energy formed a terror beam above his head.

Chu Bei looked calm, faintly smiled, right hand raised, a strong energy ring of light, quickly gathered in the palm of his hand.

After that, I shot the energy beam above the head of the White Tiger with both wings.

Waving your palm, simple and direct!


As Chu Bei’s palm hits the beam, the ring of light in the palm suddenly spreads and enlarges, first crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to disintegrate the energy beam, and then fiercely hit the wings. On White Tiger's head.

Suddenly, the sound of fractured brain bones floated from the air.

With a loud bang, the hill-like body of the White Tiger with two wings fiercely hit the ground, causing a deep blood pit.

Look carefully, there is a little white brain on the edge of the deep pit. As the breeze blows, the air gradually fills with the smell of blood.

"Bone King’s breath has disappeared!"

"The opponent who opposed us for nearly a thousand years, unexpectedly died like this."

"One punch Just killed a horde leader. Who is he?"

"Fortunately, the opponent we previously selected outside was the one that was not good, otherwise the four of us might become corpses now. "


Sika deer and Starling Princess successively scanned the corpse in the deep pit, and then glanced at the calm and collected Chu Bei, subconsciously swallowed saliva and said, one The color of happiness on the face.

As for the ominous beasts that belong to the Bone King, they glanced at Chu Bei standing in the air, and stepped back, showing fear in their eyes.

"Who are you?"

The ethereal voice sounded, and the girl blinked and looked at Chu Bei with big watery eyes, a pair of small feet jumping and jumping on the fairy. The shoulder-length jet black hair fluttered along with it.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you know who he is."

As soon as the flat voice fell, Chu Bei picked up the girl and appeared in Chen Nan's Beside.

Chen Nan trembling hands, cautiously took the girl from Chu Bei's hand, every movement was gentle to the extreme.

"Big brother, the breath on you is so familiar to me. But I just can't remember, are you my relative?" The childish words of the little girl showed confusion.

Chen Nan's body shook suddenly. This was the first word the girl said to him when she was born. With this familiarity, who else would the other party be besides Yuxin?

Looking at the girl, Chen Nan appeared in his mind a girl with a beautiful face in white clothes. The girl is not contaminated with the slightest breath of the world, just like a retired Fairy.

One after another, the memory came out from the depths of my mind.

"Bad guy, why do you always follow me."

"Bad guy, don't make excuses for yourself. I don't want you to follow me. There are two paths here, leading to the opposite Direction, let’s go one by one."

"Bad guy, have you been following me on purpose."

"Bad guy, what do you want to do!"


"My name is Yuxin. I was picked up by the Master among the flowers on a rainy night."

"When you get old, you can still think of a person named Yuxin. Girl."


The memories of the past flooded deep in Chen Nan's mind, and everything seemed to happen yesterday.

"Big brother, why are you crying? Seeing the big brother crying, I feel so uncomfortable, and I want to cry."

The sobbing voice of the girl pulled Chen Nan from the memory When she came back, the girl Shui Lingling had teardrops in her big eyes, and Balabala slipped down.

"The big brother is not good, and the big brother doesn't cry."

Chen Nan pressed his inner sadness and reached out his hand to gently wipe away the girl's tears.

"Big brother, I like you." The girl's white tender hands suddenly embraced Chen Nan's neck.

"Master, is she the reincarnation of Yuxin?" Chen Nan asked tentatively while turning his head towards Chu Bei while stroking the girl.

Although the girl in front of her has Yuxin's breath, she is only a child after all, not the devastatingly beautiful girl from ten thousand years ago.

"Reincarnation? No."

Chu Bei shook the head: "This is the avatar she left behind in Baixian within the valley."

"Incarnation "!"

Hearing this word popped out of Chu Bei's mouth, Chen Nan's whole body trembled suddenly, like a bolt from the blue sky, his eyes rounded.

"He has only one person, no matter how powerful he is, he only has two hands. But we are thousands, let's go together!"

At this moment, one head is red all over The rhinoceros glanced at the White Tiger corpse in the eye pit, hesitated for a moment, turned to the monster beast moved towards behind and issued an order.

A group of monsters seemed to be afraid of Chu Bei's strength, looked at each other in blank dismay, and for a while, no one dared to step forward.

áo hǒu ——

At this moment, a wolf howling sounded. An Azure Wolf with a sharp horn on his head appeared beside the Crimson Rhino.

"If you don't go to the court, die!"

Sen Han's voice fell, Azure Wolf lifted his claws and smashed a Demon Beast's head, and the flesh and blood flew.

"Let's go together!"

Due to the pressure of the leader of Azure Wolf, the monsters who were still hesitating had to make a decision, and rushed to Chu while howling. Bei.

Suddenly, the earth trembled and the trees collapsed.

Looking at hiding the sky and covering the earth like the tens of millions of ominous beasts swarming by locusts, Chu Bei's expression has not changed, he is still calm and collected.

Next moment, his body slowly rises to in midair, his hands are slightly swayed in the air, and he draws with his hands to draw out a square area.

With Chu Bei a finger pointed, tens of millions of light bombs burst out of the square area circled by it.

xiū xiū xiū!

These light bombs are densely packed like raindrops, pouring at lightning speed to the monster beasts.

Almost instantly, Heaven and Earth set off a bloody scene.

Not only is there a large number of light bullets, but the energy contained in it is also terrifying. Even a monster with 4th-Rank strength will explode into countless pieces of meat when hit by a light bullet, let alone those monsters with lower strength.

For this reason, countless monsters turned into flesh and blood before they even screamed.

Some of the monsters have thought about running away, but the light bomb covers a wide range of areas, there is nowhere to hide, and ultimately they cannot escape the fate of death.

In just a few breaths, Immortal Realm, which was filled with the fragrance of flowers and plants spiritual qi, turned into a bloody hell.

"Old Ox, do we still go up?"

Looking at the sea of ​​blood ahead, Azure Wolf subconsciously glanced at the crimson rhino next to him, with fear in his words .

"It's not his opponent, run away!"

The crimson rhinoceros is very simple. After glancing at Chu Bei with fear, it turns into a long rainbow thread and swept into the distance, The speed is at its extreme.

Azure Wolf and the other monster leaders no longer hesitate, and even more disregarding the so-called dignity, they moved towards different directions.

Chu Bei laughed, he didn't kill these leaders, he still admired these enlightened guys.

"Myna, Little Fairy is in the arms of that human being, what should I do now?" Sika deer stared at Chen Nan.

"What else can I do? is it possible that to grab it? Didn't you see the monster blood in this place?"

Myna Princess was unwilling, and at the same time glanced angrily Chu Bei: "You said, where did this man emerge from? It's stronger than I thought! If we make a move, maybe the next moment will turn into fleshy meat."

Time, the chiefs of Starling Princess, Sika Deer, and Wild Boar were not easy to act rashly, so they could only observe the situation quietly.

"Master, if she is an incarnation, where is Yuxin's true body?"

Chen Nan glanced at the corpses of thousands of monsters and fixed his eyes with gratitude. On Chu Bei's body, there was anxiety between his brows.

"Don't worry, I will take you there."

After that, Chu Bei raised his hand to the Seven Colors Flower bud that had bloomed above the ancient tree.

A touch of blue glow came out of the flower bud. It was a piece of top grade sapphire.

Starting with the blue jade, Chen Nan's expression suddenly solidified, and a sourness surged in his heart.

Only see five clear characters on the surface of the blue jade, "I love you for ten thousand years".

Chen Nan stroked the familiar handwriting, his eyes blurred again.

He seemed to see a lonely silhouette, trembling with a slender jade hand, and carve this heartfelt call on the jade stone with affection.


The breeze blows, Chen Nan's words choked.

"After dealing with the matter here, let's continue on the road."

Chu Bei shook the head, he couldn't bear to tell the infatuated man in front of him that although his Yuxin was still alive, But it is no longer the Yuxin that was ten thousand years ago.

"Big brother, why are you crying again."

The girl pouted her mouth, her bright eyes misted again.

"Little fellow, do you like this big brother?" Before Chen Nan could speak, Chu Bei had already carried the girl in his arms.

"Like it."

The girl first glanced at Chen Nan, then moved towards Chu Bei, the clever nodded.

"The big brother you like has already worshipped me as a teacher. Will you also worship me as a teacher? So you can follow us in the future." Chu Bei persuades.


The girl nodded without the slightest hesitation and smiled happily.

"Master, do you want to accept her as a disciple?" Chen Nan was surprised.

"Why? Don't you want her to be your Junior Sister?" Chu Bei raised the corner of his mouth.

"no no no, of course I hope!" Chen Nan shook his head again and again.

[Host Signed Dawn]

[Level 14 Commodity Permission Opening Progress 40%]

[Mission 4 Release: Enter Danger Land of Death, get Purple Blood Jade Ruyi]

[The host can call Level 16 merchandise once before the task is completed]


With the help of Chen Nan, Little Chen Xi successfully became a Level 1 agent.

Almost at the same time, the system voice sounded in Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness with a new mission.

"Death to Danger Land? It's a dangerous place."

Looking at the new red dot marked on the map, Chu Bei murmured to himself. Fortunately, the system is not bad. With a little conscience, he was given permission to use ten Level 6 products at a time.

"Master, she probably doesn't have a name yet. Would you like to give her a name?" Chen Nan pointed to Little Chen Xi, opened the mouth and said.

"She was born in the morning glow, she will be called Chenxi from now on." Came back to his senses, Chu Bei responded after pretending to think.

"Okay, I will be Chenxi from now on." The girl was very excited when she heard the name.

"Master, where is Yuxin?" Chen Nan looked towards Chu Bei again and couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, I will take you as a teacher."

Chu Bei lightly patted Chen Nan's shoulder, and said: "As for now, I will take you as a teacher. A place."

"Master, big brother, are we going to leave? Then Chenxi must be alone with them."

Speaking, Little Chen Xi flew to the Starling Princess, In front of the sika deer: "Although I haven't seen you, I can recognize the breath on you. Over the years, thank you for telling me stories."

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