"Old Senior, why can you come in?"

"This prohibition can only be passed under the 5th-Rank."

In the dead Danger Land, Meng Ke'er and the others who were the first to enter Danger Land discovered the existence of Chu Bei, and their words were astonished.

Chu Bei laughed at the inquiries of Meng Ke'er and the others: "The world is so big, you can go to this seat."

"Old Senior, since you Come in too, or just let you take us to find the nameless gods and monsters? We don’t have to bump into them like headless flies."

When Meng Ke'er opened his mouth, the other eight people followed suit. nodded agree. Looking at their expressions, it was like finding the backbone.

"You can do whatever you want."

Chu Bei's mouth was smiling, and the voice fell, following the red dots marked on the system map, neither too fast nor too slow. Moved towards the valley where the black mist originated.

There are tragic pictures all the way, and bones can be seen everywhere. Under the light of the faint phosphorous fire, a thick breath of death radiated.

"What a ghost place."

A youth expert from Fantasia Academy couldn't help but complain.

This valley is like the entrance to hell. The endless white bones are particularly dazzling. The bone meal deposited on the ground for many years is like a pale mist under the breeze, making the scalp numb.

The deeper the journey, the more intense the fragrance of the flower of death. Although it is refreshing, everyone can't help but feel sick when it comes to its source.

long long long!

Just as the entire group crossed a mountain col, the ground suddenly trembled, and then the thick black mist at the center quickly gathered like consciousness.

The billowing black mist is like a rushing river, with extremely fast speed and great momentum.

"This black mist is weird, please be careful!"

The youth expert of Xianwu Academy loudly shouted, and then took the lead in urging True Qi in the body to protect the body.

Because of the rapid surging speed of the black mist, Meng Ke'er and the others had just mobilized their vitality to prop up the defensive shield, and the billowing black mist had enveloped the entire valley where they were.

In an instant, the magic cloud churning in the sky above the valley, like a ferocious Demon making waves.

Almost at the same time, the vision of a group of youth experts disappeared, and there was pitch black in front of them.

"Don't distract everyone!"

In Darkness, a fearful voice sounded from the youth.

What followed was that a group of youth experts stepped on the dead bones from time to time and made the creak sound of ka-cha, which added a touch of horror to the current environment.

chi chi chi!

The billowing demonic energy is constantly eroding the vitality released by a group of youth experts, and the friction between the two creates strange sounds.

"How are you all? Can you still resist it?"

"This demonic energy is really strong, and I can't resist it anymore."

"It was simply a wrong choice for us to come here! Let alone get the inheritance of the nameless god and demon, we died here without even seeing him."

"Hey, say it now Everything is late."


The black fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the breath of the major Academy youth experts has become messy.

If there is light, you can see their hideous faces one by one, trying their best to stimulate the vitality of the body to resist the erosion of demonic energy.

But with the passage of time, the vitality in their bodies has obviously been unable to keep up with the rate of demonic energy erosion, each of them is short of breath, and their faces become paler.

Pu chi!

Fantasia Academy’s youth expert focuses on magic. Under the mobilization of vitality, it is weaker than others. It is the first to be corroded by demonic energy, and a mouthful of black blood is sprayed out.

"Damn! Are we really going to die here?"

However, just as the four major Academy youth experts were desperate, a group of brilliant divine glow lit up in Darkness .

"It's Old Senior!"

"How did we forget him! He is an expert on the 6th-Rank, and there must be a way to save us!"

Looking at the dazzling divine glow, the youth experts in Darkness seem to have found a life-saving straw, and their expressions of fear have been slightly eased.

At this moment, the divine glow outside Chu Bei's body is blooming, which seems to contain a huge amount of energy. All around demonic energy is like encountering a nemesis in front of the divine glow. Purified into nothingness.

Until the end, these demonic energy directly bypassed Chu Bei, as if it did not exist.

"Old Senior, please help us."

The youth expert said almost at the same time, with pleading in his eyes.

For them, the only person who can save them right now is this mysterious person who has no source.

Chu Bei lightly glanced at the youth expert in Darkness, and immediately raised his hand.

Suddenly, a thin curtain of intertwined purple rays of light pushed forward.

Where the purple light curtain passes, the billowing black mist quickly dissipates and annihilates. After a while, there was light again in the valley.

"Many thanks Old Senior for help. When you go out, you will let the Master repay you with kindness."

The demonic energy fades, and the pressure on the youth experts disappears suddenly, and each other After looking at each other, he kept tapping his chest.

"This year's quality is better than last year. There are still people who can disperse my demonic energy. Huh? Eleven people? It's weird to break the restrictions here!"

Just as a group of youth experts were rejoicing that they had escaped from the dead, the black mist that had dissipated within the valley once again emerged. Compared to before, the black mist at this time was thicker.

Apart from this, there is also a low and desolate language mixed with confusion.

pu chi, Pu chi!

Before the youth experts had time to stimulate their vitality, they were seriously injured by the newly emerging demonic energy and spewed blood.

"Bullying a few little fellows is too boring."

Chu Bei's calm voice fell, centered on it, and the purple rays of light spread, spreading away in an instant , Shrouded it in a radius of thousands of meters.

In an instant, the valley, which was originally filled with black mist, became a world filled with purple light.

Under the purple divine glow, the black mist was destroyed and annihilated as soon as it rose.

A group of youth experts stabilized the stature, raised their eyes and swept all around, finally fixed their eyes on Chu Bei's body, and his face was full of gratitude.

"You have some tricks."

The deep and desolate voice sounded again.

next moment, youth experts clearly noticed an unusual breath.

A kind of divine might from instinct. The pressure suddenly increases, and the body trembles from the soul. If it weren't for the protection of the mysterious person in front of them, they would probably be directly overwhelmed by this might.

After a while, a huge magic cloud appeared in front of Chu Bei. The magic cloud shook like a raging sea.

With the appearance of the magic cloud, the vast and incomparable divine might suddenly came to pressure. A group of youth experts suddenly felt depressed and uncomfortable in their hearts like a mountain, and their spirits seemed to collapse.

In the magic cloud, a tall and fuzzy silhouette gradually became clear.

A scarlet's long hair flutters arbitrarily, the half of the head under the bloody hair has been shattered, and a bloody flesh above the left eye, red and white mixed together, a little bit of brain is stained on the bloody hair.

The intact right eye has no whites and pupils, and the entire eyeball is extremely red, showing scarlet rays of light that are palpitating.

What's more terrifying is that there is a big bloody hole in his chest, and his heart has disappeared, and it emits dazzling blood rays of light. Looking at his back, half of the twelve wings were broken, extremely miserable.

"Anonymous Gods and Demons!"

After seeing the appearance of the tall black shadows, the four major Academy youth experts showed signs of stagnation. After guessing the identity of the other party, their pupils suddenly condensed. .

However, as soon as their name was called out, their bodies were imprisoned by a terrifying energy, unable to move even a little bit.

The youth experts looked at each other and felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

At Heavenly Profound Continent, their cultivation base is already considered outstanding, and the younger generation is even more of the forefront.

But even so, in front of the nameless gods and demons, they are like ants, and the other party loses control of their bodies without even making a move, and there is no room for resistance.

Feeling the horrible breath released by the nameless god and demon, Chu Bei frowned.

After thinking about whether to use ten Level 6 products, Chu Bei stepped forward, with his hands behind his back, glanced at the tall black shadow, pretending to sigh.

"Anonymous God and Demon? I can't think of the most proud dísciple of the dignified Demon Lord. In the end, even the name is gone. It's really sad!"

The hush fell, Chu Bei flicks with the finger , A touch of divine glow passed through the bodies of the four major Academy youth experts, and the latter quickly regained control of the body.

"Demon Lord...so familiar."


"It's so familiar, why I just can't remember him! Who is it... Who is it!"

At this moment, when the nameless god demon heard the "Demon Lord" mentioned by Chu Bei, he suddenly grabbed the scarlet's long hair, and the whole person was like It was stimulated by the sky, and for a moment was on the verge of running away.

"Don't you even know who you are? Have you forgotten everything about ten thousand years ago?"

After seeing the effect of the mouth escape, Chu Bei looked directly at the unnamed god and demon, and continued: "Don't you even know why you guard this place?"

"Who am I...ten thousand years ago, what happened ten thousand years ago!"

"Why am I here!"

The pain in the eyes of the nameless gods and demons became more and more intense, and after that, several red lights shot into the eyes.

"Who am I!"

"Who am I, who am I!"

The nameless god and devil vacated, repeating the same in his mouth Words, Zhuang Ruo kept screaming crazy.

Gradually, the divine might of the nameless gods and demons spread out uncontrollably, and the youth experts on the side were filled with inner Qi blood.

"Why are we always the ones who are hurt."

Under the pressure of terror, the youth experts only felt the world spin, and finally collapsed on the ground weakly like a dead dog.

As for Chen Nan, the element immediately turned into light, but even so, he was uncomfortable, and even an inexplicable force forced him to change from light back to the body in such a moment.

If it is said that Chu Bei is still calm and collected in the field, it seems that this state of the nameless god and demon is completely under his control.

As time goes by, the expressions of the nameless gods and demons become more and more distorted, roaring and venting constantly. If you look from the outside, the entire Death Danger Land is shaking.

"Tell me, who I am! You must know! Tell me everything you know!"

Finally, the gaze of the nameless god and demon was fixed on Chu Bei On his body, the majestic coercion like destroying heaven extinguishing earth rushed past like sea water.

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