But when the coercive force of the nameless god and demon plunged into Chu Bei's body, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed before.

However, the current nameless gods and demons have no intention of shocking Chu Bei. He only cares about who he is and why he is here!

"Who is this Old Senior? Looks like he knows the nameless gods and demons!"

"Have you heard the name he just mentioned? Demon Lord Who is this again!"

"Old Senior is still a Powerhouse, just a few words drive the nameless gods and demons crazy."

"Really talking about strength , I’m afraid he is not weaker than the nameless gods and devils. Didn’t see the divine might pressure of the nameless gods and devils, wouldn’t it have any effect on him?"


Meng Ke'er and other youth experts looked at Chu Bei's back infatuatedly, talking in a low voice.

Chen Nan stands behind Chu Bei, staring at the back of the other person in a daze. He can't see through himself as the Master more and more.

From the very beginning, the other party is waiting at his grave for his birth, and then giving him inheritance, taking him back to the Hou Yi bow, looking for the incarnation of Yuxin, and then meeting the nameless god and demon, listening to the two Conversations between people.

In the dark, his instinct told him that an unprecedented battle took place ten thousand years ago or even longer.

In that battle, some people survived and even planted some kind of conspiracy. And he is precisely a pawn in this conspiracy.

As for the Master in front of him, if he wants to come, even if he is not the planner of this conspiracy, he is also the insider of everything clearly understood!

The annoying thing is that when he asked, the other party just refused to tell him anything.

"I don't know the past, I don't know who I am, why am I living this way?" Seeing Chu Bei remained silent, the nameless god and demon shook the head muttered to himself.

I don't know when, the nameless gods and demons stopped roaring, but stood quietly in the purple divine glow. His eyes were empty and godless, and his tall silhouette looked extremely desolate and lonely.

"Unexpectedly, this nameless god and demon with boundless battle strength is an amnesiar, so it seems that he is also a pitiful person."

Youth experts seem to be sorrowed by the nameless god and demon. Infected by the mind, various complex emotions inexplicably rise in the heart, such as loneliness, helplessness, helplessness, loneliness, and hatred.

"Let’s sit down and have a good talk."

Chu Bei walked slowly to the nameless god and demon, and then sat down casually.

When I heard Chu Bei's words, whether it was Chen Nan, Meng Ke'er, or other youth expert, they all raised their ears.

But before they overheard the conversation, Chu Bei waved his hand.

next moment, a light cell bursts out of their bodies all around. The light cell first deprives them of their vision, then their sense of hearing, and even their sense of smell.

Even Chen Nan has not escaped this fate.

"Please tell me what you know."

The nameless god Demon Transformation was so sober and sat on the opposite side of Chu Bei.

"You obviously have the strength to leave here, but why haven't you left for thousands of years?" Chu Bei asked with a smile at the nameless god and demon.


The nameless god and demon murmured to himself, the red light in his eyes was a little dim, and shook the head said: "In my subconscious, there is a voice that reminds me all the time, here I need my protection. I will never allow anyone to set foot here, but I will kill anyone who can threaten here. For thousands of years, only you have been an accident. I know that I can't kill you."

"Then do you know what you are guarding?" Chu Bei laughed and continued to ask.

The nameless god and demon shook his head again: "I can feel that there are two powers that are beyond my reach. A breath makes me feel extremely close, which seems to be my guardian. But I still can't Grasp it, and I can’t find where it originated. The other force made me feel extremely disgusted and even a little scared."

"The breath that you are familiar with is from the Demon Lord. He is your Master and your closest person. As for the power that disgusts you, it is a sky." Chu Bei calmly looked at the nameless god and demon, recalling the plot, indifferently said.

"Demon Lord? Master? A piece of sky?"


The nameless god and demon first whispered softly, and then seemed to be caught in a certain In this memory, he suddenly lost control, and his expression became painfully distorted again.

Long time.

The breath of the riot of the nameless gods and demons gradually stabilized.

"My memory is sealed by others. As long as I try to uncover this seal, I will be tortured by inhumans. Even I cannot bear this torture." The nameless god and demon looked at me. There was helplessness in it.

Obviously, with the help of the information of the person in front of him, he can reveal his past memories, but his body has been buried with a kind of restriction.

He is unwilling, but helpless!

"Who are you?" The unnamed god and demon who recovered calm looked straight at Chu Bei.

"Heavenly Dao is unfair, you Slaughter Heaven. But what is Tianwai?"

Chu Bei straightened his clothes, smiled at the nameless god and demon, and said: "I will It was an outsider that day."

long long long ——

Chu Bei tone barely fell, the huge area covered by divine glow suddenly became overcast and hu hu rang.

"Here, he is here, this is the familiar breath!"

The expression of the nameless god and demon changed suddenly, and the holding head with both hands looked at all around, seemingly trying hard What's looking for.

"Demon Lord, tens of thousands of years have passed since the last war days. Although you cut off a piece of sky, you also end up with body dies and Dao disappears. If you want to feed on the sky, wait The timing of the resurrection. This kind of sky-defying means, looking at the ancient gods and demons, I am afraid that only two or three people can do it. But, what if you are resurrected? The new era of war is about to begin, and this Heavenly Dao is far better than you can kill That piece of sky."

Chu Bei naturally guessed who came, and his expression was still calm.

When Chu Bei's voice fell, the whistling wind became more terrifying, and the divine glow began to be filled with black light.

Vaguely, the bitter wind began to be mixed with a long and cold sound, like a howling of a god, like a devil cry, as if to refute Chu Bei's words.

If the nameless god and demon understood something, he looked at Chu Bei in amazement. He didn't expect that the person in front of him would be able to talk to that familiar and fearful energy.

"You are in the layout, the defeat is in the layout, and the Ghost Lord is also in the layout. All I can do is to speed up the process of this round."

"You...are...who...you …Who…"

In the sky, there was a low, hoarse, intermittent voice. The source of this voice could not be found, as if it came from hell.

"Beyond the sky, there are people beyond the sky. I was born in chaos and longer than chaos. Heavenly Dao was born because of me. Because of me, the fruit is also formed by me." Chu Bei stared at him and said.


Next moment, the divine glow was blown away by the cloudy wind, and after wandering all around Chu Bei all around, it gradually dissipated.


The yin wind subsided, leaving only two soft syllables.

The nameless god and demon trembled suddenly, and he knew that these two words were spoken to him.

"Senior, what do you want me to do."

When the wind disappeared, the nameless god and demon looked towards Chu Bei, and there was a little more respect in the words.

"Have you heard? The nameless god and demon actually called that person senior!"

"What happened during the period when our five senses were blocked?"

"Why did the Supreme horror gods and demons of ten thousand years ago be so respectful to seniors."

The light prisons of the four major Academy youth expert all around shattered when they heard the nameless god When the demon said, each one was dumbfounded, and his face was full of disbelief.

Chu Bei was also stunned. He didn't expect that not only did he bluff the nameless gods and demons, but even the obsession of the Demon Lord came, and let the nameless Divine Demon Idol help him.

After came back to his senses, Chu Bei seemed to have thought of something. While looking at the nameless god and demon, he pointed his finger at Chen Nan: "With your strength, you should be able to see what he has Clue."

Hearing what Chu Bei said, the nameless god and demon looked at Chen Nan seriously. At this moment, there was obviously a sense of astonishment in his eyes.

"You are a dead person!" The nameless god and demon looked at Chen Nan in surprise.

"Can the dead stand in front of you?"

Chen Nan rolled the eyes, without fear of nameless gods and demons.

"To be precise, you are a living dead person."

The nameless god and demon was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "Your body is filled with a lot of death breath, which means Your body is already dead. What puzzles me is why such a majestic breath of life reappears in the body of a person who has been dead for many years."

After that, the nameless god and devil turned his head and looked. Towards Chu Bei, there is a question in his eyes.

"He died ten thousand years ago and was later buried in Cemetery of Gods and Demons. He has not absorbed the spirit of gods and demons every moment for ten thousand years. Then he was changed to being by means of guarding the sky. reborn." Chu Bei indifferently said.

Hearing this, an astonished expression appeared on the face of the nameless god and demon: "If you are Defying Heaven and Seizing Life for a dying person, there are indeed many powerful existences between Heaven and Earth that can do it. But. It’s just too terrifying to just save a dead person! Who is the one who resurrected him?"

"One of them is also one of the planners, Dugu Baitian."


As soon as Chu Bei uttered the name, the face of the nameless god and demon was distorted in pain. Obviously, this was also in his memory restraint.

"Master, I heard you mention the name Dugu Baitian several times. Who is he? Is he a friend of my father? Why did you choose me?"

Chen Nan clenched his fist and fixed his eyes on Chu Bei, as if he wanted more news from the other party.

Chu Bei shook the head didn’t answer the conversation. Could he tell Chen Nan now that Dugu Baitian would resurrect him because he was the father of his previous life alone?

In Chen Nan’s faintly resentful eyes, Chu Bei’s gaze fell back to the nameless god and demon: "You should not touch some memories. When the time comes, you will know everything. As for him, you Take a closer look at what is different?"

The nameless god and demon frowned, and the bloody wings on his back waved, suddenly rolling demonic energy enveloped Chen Nan, and he explored more carefully.

In the demonic energy, Chen Nan's body is floating in the air in a large font, and his power seems to be imprisoned by motionless.

"This is..."

"Tai Chi God and Demon Picture!"

At the moment when the demonic energy of the nameless god and demon invaded Chen Nan's body, after Two fist sized light spheres emerged from the chest of the reader. From time to time, there are bursts of life fluctuations from the two light spheres, which are obviously two living creatures.

After recognizing the two so-called living creatures, the breath of the nameless god and demon fluctuated.

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