"This is the seed planted by Dugu Baitian, which was nourished and formed by the power of the gods and demons." Chu Bei's voice sounded.

"Senior, what do you want me to do?" The nameless god and demon waited for Chu Bei's instructions.

"Let it wake up completely." Chu Bei pointed at the light sphere inside Chen Nan.

The nameless gods and demons hesitated for a moment: "They are already living creatures. If they are awakened, will they use this little fellow as a furnace cauldron and take over his body when the time is right?"


"If you think about it, just do as you want." Chu Bei's voice was indifferent.


The voice fell, and the nameless god and demon shook his body fiercely, and the terrifying breath of the mighty Heaven and Earth surged out of his body.

Only seeing both of his hands gently waved, the endless dazzling red glow along his hands turned into soft red light slowly pouring into Chen Nan's body.

At first, the two light spheres hadn't reacted much, but as the surrounding red light increased, the two light spheres began to restlessly, spinning frantically, trying to drive away the red light around them.

"He will leave it to you for the time being."

After the entrustment, Chu Bei turned into a divine rainbow and moved towards the red dot marked on the map.


A hundred kilometers away from the col.

Chu Bei is suspended over a dry lake valley.

"That's it."

After arriving at the location marked by the red dot on the map, Chu Bei looked down at the lake valley below and waved his sleeves.

In an instant, the blade glow intertwined with divine glow penetrated the void to the dry lake valley below.

hong long!

Accompanied by a loud noise, cracks in lakes and valleys emerged, and clear springs gushed out, like a water dragon rushing out of the ground more than three meters high.

Under the huge pressure, the cracks expanded and expanded until they collapsed completely.

For a few breaths, the originally dry lake valley was filled with spring water coming out of the ground.

"Underground lake, Interesting."

The corner of Chu Bei's mouth raised a smile, and then the silhouette flashed, moving towards the bottom of the underground lake.

The lake water is bitterly cold, but Chu Bei is not affected at all; the light in the lake is dim, and the vision is extremely blurred, but under the cover of Chu Bei Divine Consciousness, any subtle objects cannot be hidden.

Soon, Chu Bei came to an underground karst cave.

The cave is filled with karst deposits such as stalactites, stalagmites, stone pillars, stone flowers, stone mantles, stone waterfalls, etc., in various poses, magnificent and magical.

At the end is a huge pure white as jade hand bone, with a silk-like transparent thin thread wrapped around the hand bone. The end of the thin line is Jade Ruyi wearing a purple.

Jade Ruyi is very weird. In addition to the flow of rays of light on its surface, it also has a flow of blood-like liquid inside.

"Another task is completed."

Looking at Jade Ruyi with his bones in his hands, Chu Bei smiled knowingly.


When Chu Bei took Jade Ruyi, a wisp of Divine Sense came out.

The sudden voice, Chu Bei was also taken aback, until after a while, he remembered that there was still a person living in this purple blood Jade Ruyi.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can let you find yourself." Chu Bei played with Jade Ruyi.

"Find yourself?"

"Who are you...who?"

"Do you know me?"

Intermittent voices came from Jade Ruyi.

This is a woman's voice, her voice is gentle and beautiful, as clear as an oriole, except that she is a little weak.

"Your name is Dugu Xiaoxuan, the youngest daughter of the Immemorial taboo god Dugu Baitian. In the battle of Immemorial, you were severely injured, and you were concealed in this purple blood Jade Ruyi to recover." Chu Bei rubbed Jade. Ruyi said in a tranquil voice.

"Dugu Xiaoxuan? Dugu Baitian? Immemorial battle? It's familiar. But I don't want to raise." The woman's voice was a little bit painful, as if trying to remember something.

"Your injury is too serious, Divine Soul is almost completely destroyed, memory loss is normal." Chu Bei replied faintly.

"Help me find my memory." Dugu Xiaoxuan's voice was mixed with pleading.

"Before helping you find your memory, please change your place to live."

After that, Chu Bei right hand moves, and a warm jade appears in the palm of his palm. Redeemed from the system.

After that, Chu Bei waved his left hand to transfer Dugu Xiaoxuan's Remnant Soul from the purple blood Jade Ruyi to the warm jade.

[Host gets Purple Blood Jade Ruyi]

[Level 14 Commodity Permission Opening Progress 50%]

[Task 5 Release: Sign Level 1 Agent, Corpse King Yuxin]

[The host did not call Level 16 merchandise once during the mission, now it is converted to a reward and used within seven days]


From the system sound, Chu Bei is very satisfied and nodded.

"Give back my things!"

After getting Jade Ruyi, when Chu Bei was about to leave with Dugu Xiaoxuan, there was an angry voice behind him The roar, the milk is milky.

Chu Bei looked back and saw that this was a small dragon with wings about two zhangs long. The gray-brown body was almost the same as the color of the rock.

At this moment, the small dragon opened his mouth and shouted fiercely moved towards Chu Bei wu wu, Shuiling’s big eyes stared at Chu Bei, but because of his small size and no The lethal roar, not only did not have any fierce feeling, but also revealed a touch of cuteness.

Even, people have an urge to squeeze.

"Don't give it to me again, I'm going to hit you!"

The small dragon stretched out its claws, pointed at Chu Bei with sharp claws, and fell threateningly with one foot fiercely chopped the ground.

Suddenly, there was an extra pit mark on the ground, and the whole cave even shook slightly.

"Is it possible that you are Baby Dragon?"

The more Chu Bei looks at the small dragon in front of him, the more he feels similar to the Baby Dragon in the plot.

Thinking of this, Chu Bei couldn't help but smile.

Baby Dragon, once an incarnation of the first generation of Light God, the body is the Great Virtue Heavenly Dragon. Ancient Times discovered the secret of faith and was seriously injured by the black hand Guangyuan. He fell from the Heavenly Dragon at the top grade to the Earth Dragon at the lowest level. He also lost his memory.

In the original plot, the Baby Dragon whose realm fell sharply will fight against Wild Beast in the mountains, and Nirvana will continue to become the 5th-Rank Sacred Dragon until it is an Elder of the Divine Dragon Academy. Brought to the Academy.

Just because of his arrival, the plot direction has changed.

"What Baby Dragon? I don't understand what you are talking about."

The little dragon energy hu hu stared at Chu Bei, then swept in a flash and arrived. In front of Chu Bei, a paw reached into Chu Bei's arms.


Just when the small dragon's claws were about to touch Chu Bei's arms, a wall of light appeared out of thin air, and the huge reaction force directly shook it out.

"It's gone!"

In midair, the small dragon immediately swung its wings to stabilize the stability, but when it was ready to launch a second attack, the one in the line of sight The silhouette of the person disappeared.

Next moment, densely packed light spots appeared all around the small dragon, with a vigilant look on his face, but before he took any action, the light spots condensed into a huge palm.

peng sound, the huge palm held Baby Dragon's head at lightning speed and lifted it in the air like a chicken.

"Let go of me, let me go!"

Baby Dragon's face appeared a little panic, struggling hard, his body hanging in the air swayed back and forth, but it just couldn't get rid of the huge palm.

At this moment, the person who had disappeared appeared again, looking at it jokingly not far away.

"Do you want that Jade Ruyi because it contains the breath you like? It can speed up your cultivation?" Chu Bei squeezed Baby Dragon's cheek, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.


Baby Dragon nodded, again looked towards Chu Bei's eyes with a little more panic: "I don't want something, you let me go, I immediately disappeared. "

"Yeah, I'm quite enlightened."

Chu Bei was amused by Baby Dragon's stupid expression. Can this baby Dragon let him run away?

Let’s not say whether it will help me when it grows up. For Chen Nan alone, I have to leave this little fellow behind!

"little fellow, I will take you to meet someone. He has the breath you like on him, and the breath on him is continuously inexhaustible." Chu Bei moved towards Baby Dragon raised his eyebrows, tempting each other well.

What attracts Baby Dragon in Jade Ruyi is nothing more than the breath of God and Demon in it. As long as the figure of Tai Chi God and Demon in Chen Nan works, there will be as much energy as God and Demon.


Hearing Chu Bei's deterioration, Baby Dragon's eyes lit up, and his voice was full of excitement.

"When I go, you will know if I lied to you."

After that, Chu Bei grabbed the Baby Dragon and disappeared into the cave.


After half a quarter of an hour.

"Taiji God and Demon Picture is awake."

On the edge of a mountain col, Chu Bei glanced at Chen Nan who was in a coma, and looked at the nameless god demonic path.

"There is another kind of energy in his body. This kind of energy is amazing, and I have a strange feeling, as if...as if this is not our power and has never been in contact." Wuming The god and demon waved his wings, and Chen Nan's body suddenly brightened.

Look carefully, the two light spheres in Chen Nan's chest are spinning fast, and a Golden Medicinal Pill is suspended in the center of the two light spheres.

"Have you seen it? It’s this bauble. It’s neither Immortal Treasure nor the spirit of Gods and Demons, but it can suppress this Taiji God and Demon figure. And under its effect, the Taiji God and Demon figure seems to change. It's very stable."

The nameless god and devil pointed at the Golden Medicinal Pill: "With it, this little fellow doesn't have to worry about being backlashed by the god and devil figure."

" That is the opportunity I gave him, but it is a product from outside the sky."

Chu Bei said lightly, and then said: "Since the god and devil figure wakes up, let him wake up."


"A product beyond the sky?"

The nameless god and demon murmured without asking more, and then a huge energy poured into Chen Nan's body from his fingertips.

Next moment, Chen Nan opened his eyes abruptly, his body was shivering, and he jumped to the ground.

"What did you do to me!"

Chen Nan questioningly looked at the nameless god and demon, tone barely fell, whose breath grew at a terrifying speed.

2nd-Rank Great Ascension, 3rd-Rank Lesser Stage, 3rd-Rank Middle Multiply, 3rd-Rank Great Ascension...

Climbed to 4th-Rank Mahayana Stage, Chen Nanhayana Stage The energy in the body gradually stabilized.

"Master, my cultivation base, what's going on."

Perceiving the skyrocketing breath of his own, Chen Nan looked towards Chu Bei in astonishment.

"It is considered as a teacher who opened the door of opportunity that belongs to you in advance."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Chen Nan: "You can feel the body again. Change and see how it is different from before."

Hearing this, Chen Nan nodded, immediately Divine Consciousness self-examined.

"The pill of light, and two rotating light spheres! They seem to... seem to be helping my body tempering Qi Refinement." Chen Nan said in disbelief.

"With their help, your cultivation speed will increase several times faster." Chu Bei replied calmly.

"The person you are talking about is him."

At this moment, Baby Dragon suddenly stuck out his small head from the back of Chu Bei, and pointed his paw at the Tai Chi in Chen Nan's body. The god and demon figure said: "I like the breath out there."

"If you like, follow him in the future." Chu Bei touched Baby Dragon's head


After Baby Dragon was complied, eagerly eagerly approached Chen Nan, sniffing constantly, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Master, is this little fellow?" Chen Nan glanced at Baby Dragon, twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Chu Bei and asked.

"Don't look at it now, it's nothing, it will be a big help for you in the future."

Chu Bei straightened his shirt: "From now on, it will be yours Companion, take good care of it, it will bring you good luck."

The nameless god and demon looked Baby Dragon up and down, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he could see the origin of the other party. .

"What else can I help?" The nameless god and demon looked at Chu Bei and said seriously.

"Enough is enough, we should also go out."

Chu Bei shook the head, and after he waved his hand, the golden light that blocked the four major Academy youth experts disappeared. .

"Sir, I heard that you have been looking for an inheritor. Fortunate to see today, I wonder if the kid can enter your eyes?"

After the youth experts are free, they moved towards The nameless god and demon bowed, but Meng Ke'er walked to the behind of Chu Bei and stared at the nameless god and demon vigilantly.

"If you didn't come in with him, you have now turned into a pile of bones."

The nameless god and demon pointed to Chu Bei, the deep and hoarse voice of Sen Han said. A crowd of youth experts rang in their ears, and a shocking pressure shook the soul.

The scream fell, the nameless god and demon moved towards Chen Nan slightly nod, and the silhouette disappeared in the billowing black mist.

The mountain is still the same mountain, but the dense fog on the top of the mountain disappeared, and the flowers of death within the valley, the dense bones, and the formation of the mountain all around were also missing.

Death Danger Land, disappeared!

"Your breath..."

Meng Ke'er noticed Chen Nan's changes and his mouth opened wide.

Before coming, the opponent’s cultivation base was obviously only 2nd-Rank, but now it is 4th-Rank Mahayana Stage, which is just one hour in the past.

"Brother Chen, shouldn't you get the inheritance of the nameless gods and demons?"

A group of youth experts heard Meng Ke'er's whisper, the focus of attention They all fell on Chen Nan's body. When the other's vigorous breath was detected, their expressions changed at the same time.

Chen Nan glanced lightly at these youth experts and did not reply. Since he was found by Chu Bei, he knew that he was not a fellow traveler with these guys.

xiū xiū xiū 咻!

Suddenly, several sky-splitting sounds started.

A group of Powerhouses including Deputy Headmaster and Chu Ao of the four major academies arrived one after another.

"Big brother, hug."

Little Chen Xi flew from Chu Yu's arms to Chen Nan's arms. When he saw Baby Dragon, his eyes shined: "So cute The small dragon dragon."

"You are so cute!"

Baby Dragon grumbled with milk, letting Little Chen Xi's white tender hands hold the dragon horn.

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