"Master, where are we going now? Are you going to find Yuxin?" Chen Nan held Little Chen Xi and squirmed his throat.

"Didn’t you always want to see Yuxin? As a teacher, I will take you there."

Chu Bei lightly patted Chen Nan, if not this mission is related to Corpse King Yuxin , He should have another delay.

"Senior, are you leaving now?"

Looking at the disappearance of Chu Bei entire group, Chu Ao shouted, but no one responded for a long time.

"Why is the opening time of this year's death Danger Land so short? An hour has not arrived yet." Yifeng asked a group of youth experts with his gaze.

A group of youth looked at each other in blank dismay, and then Meng Ke'er stepped forward and said: "The inheritance of the nameless god and demon seems to have been given to Brother Chen, and his cultivation base has entered 4th-Rank Mahayana Stage."

"It seems?" Fantasia Academy Deputy Headmaster frowned: "What do you mean by this?"

"We didn’t see the nameless gods and demons with our own eyes. Inheritance. Because later, Old Senior isolates us and releases us until the inheritance is completed."

Meng Ke'er purse one's lip, again said: "And, Old Senior It seems to know the nameless gods and demons. To be precise, the nameless gods and demons are very polite to Old Senior. This feeling is hard to say, just like Junior is facing the elders."


After hearing Meng Ke'er's words, Chu Ao and the Academy Deputy Headmaster looked at each other in blank dismay while holding breath cold air.

Is this Old Senior who are you? !

Fengdu Mountain.

This is the tallest mountain in the continuous mountain range of Chu State southwest part.

Throughout the entire Heavenly Profound Continent, mentioning Fengdu Mountain is known to everyone known to everyone because it is a famous ghost mountain.

During the day, the entire mountain range Yin Qi is lush, ghosts roaring endlessly; at night, it is like Netherworld Hell, ghastly flame, faint, undead wandering.

There are rumors that when the fairy continent and the magic continent were first connected, the east and the west had fought for nearly a thousand years, and the bodies of millions of soldiers were buried in the Fengdu Mountains.

Because of this legend, Fengdu Mountain has become the most prosperous ghost land for Yin Qi in the eyes of all continental cultivators.

For normal people, Fengdu Mountain is a chilling ghost land, but for Ancient Sect corpses, it has become a heavenly paradise. There is no other reason, the descendants of the corpse chasing faction can excavate countless perfect strange corpses from here, and refining this corpse into a great battle strength.

"More than a thousand years have passed, and the corpse-killing faction that was once destroyed has actually come back to life."

"Not only that, but also blatantly publicizing invitations to let the world's heroes join them. The opening ceremony of the school."

"The three Matchless Ancient Corpse shaking the old illuminating the new in the corpse chasing faction are comparable to Spiritual God, and I don’t know if they are still there."

"According to the Dao news, just a few days ago, in the battlefield of the descendants of Great Holy Land, the corpse sect also sent the descendants of today. The descendant's name is Gu Xi, although the cultivation base is mixed with Heavenly Dao Xiang Tian , Zhantai Holy Land Meng Ke'er, they are almost the same, but with an ancient strange corpse, they swept the audience!"

"hehe, speaking of the Holy Land game, I was there at the time! Xiang! Tian and Meng Ke'er failed to win Gu Xi together. It can be said that the corpse chasing faction succeeded in launching the first shot of the faction with the help of Gu Xi!"

"Not this time Will there be a corpse of the gods and demon at the opening ceremony of the squad? It is said that the corpse of the gods and demon can kill the 6th-Rank expert by raising their hands!"



In a teahouse at the foot of Fengdu Mountain, three or five cultivators gathered around each table to talk about today's most popular major event.

"Master, didn't you say that you took me to see Yuxin? Why did you come to this corpse squad?" Chen Nan looked confused.

"She's in the corpse chasing group."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Chen Nan: "When you see Yuxin, if you can't restrain the anger in your heart, then Just release it. With your current cultivation base, coupled with the innate talent of light, plus the magic from the All Heavens Store, few people in today's Heavenly Profound Continent can stop you."

"Master, what do you mean by this?" Chen Nan heard Chu Bei's words, a bad guess arose in Chen Nan's mind, browse frowned.

"There are some things, only if you see it with your own eyes."

Chu Bei shook the head shook the head, he still resented what Yuxin had done to the corpse shoveling party. of. To be precise, he was disgusted with the Sect of the corpse squad.

Born as human beings, the dead are bigger, but the Sect of the corpse pie likes to make a fuss on the corpse, even the corpse is not let go.

"Master, did they treat Yuxin..."

Chen Nan clenched his fists tightly, guessing in his heart that he didn't dare to continue speaking halfway through, he was afraid, afraid Chu Bei's reply was exactly what he thought.

"Perhaps the result is not as bad as you think."

Chu Bei indifferently said, now he only hopes that the corpse squad will not do too much.

"Big brother, look, there are a lot of bones here."

Little Chen Xi put his arms around Chen Nan's arms, pouting his mouth: "Also, there seems to be What is calling me."

Fengdu Mountain deserves to be known as a ghost mountain. As soon as Chu Bei entire group set foot in the mountain range, it encountered hundreds of forested bones. Sweeping away, under the big trees, among the dead grass, beside the rocks, can be seen everywhere to broken human bones.

"Calling you?"

Chen Nan muttered and looked towards Chu Bei purse one's lip: "Is it Yuxin?"

"The two of them There is an unbreakable bond between the time." Chu Bei nodded motioned.


Because today is the inauguration ceremony of the squad, more and more cultivators flock to the manor opened by the squad.

The manor is located in a valley surrounded by three big mountains. It occupies a very wide area. In addition to being a bit gloomy, the all around environment is also quite beautiful.

At this moment, there is a vast crowd in the manor. The most central high platform is used for the establishment of ceremonies. Numerous Sect experts gathered on the high platform all around and seated in an orderly manner. Among these people, there are many Great Holy Land Elders, and even some descendants of evil ways have come.

The reason why the Gangshi faction has attracted so many people this time, the overwhelming majority is attributed to the battle between Gu Xi and Meng Ke'er and Xiang Tian a few days ago.

Chu Bei took Chen Nan and Chenxi together, randomly selected a place to sit down, and waited quietly for the ceremony to begin.

"Everyone, thank you for being able to participate in the opening ceremony of my corpse squad today. My sect has been silent for a thousand years and will be born in a high-profile manner today! In a few days, my corpse sect will reappear a thousand years ago Brilliant!"

An hour later, an old man with a rickety figure appeared on the high platform. After being courteous with the crowd, with a wave of his sleeves, I saw two long rainbow threads passing by in the mountains.

In the blink of an eye, two four-winged angels appeared above the manor. One angel is white as snow, and the other angel is as black as ink.

To be precise, these are two powerful angel corpses!

"There is a record in my sect that they are the black and white corpses of the corpse chasing school! Didn't expect that thousands of years have passed, and these two strange corpses are still there!"

"It seems that the strength of the corpse chasing faction has not declined! Even if there are only these two strange corpses, the strength is far better than many Great prestigious families!"

"I don't know the three in the rumor Whether the Great Matchless Ancient Corpse has been preserved, if it is preserved, the corpse-killing faction is really terrifying to the extreme, let alone us, even those Holy Lands are not their opponents."

... …

As soon as the two strange corpses appeared above the manor, the faces of most people on the high platform all around were surprised.

Of course, some of them just glanced at the two strange corpses and looked away.

"We are not coming thousands of miles away, you are not sincere enough to take the White Jue Black Jue out of this ceremony? You can’t invite the three Matchless Ancient Corpse in the rumors to come, let me wait Take a look?" A Holy Land Elder got up and replied.

Although these two strange corpses are powerful, they are equivalent to the strength of the human 5th-Rank Initial Phase. In their Holy Land, there are not a few experts in the 5th-Rank cultivation base.

If the three Matchless Ancient Corpse of the corpse chasing faction are not preserved, then they will have to plan between the Great Holy Land to suppress or even destroy the corpse chasing pie that has come back.

But if the three Matchless Ancient Corpse are preserved, then they will have to redefine the strength of the corpse chasing faction and plan separately.

Hearing the words of the Holy Land Elder, the rickety old corpse of the corpse chasing sect laughed: "Don’t hide it, my sect did have three Matchless Ancient Corpse. But one of the ancient corpses was in two The corpses were destroyed thousands of years ago, and now there are only two left. Moreover, the two ancient corpses of summon need to consume a lot of our heritage, so I may disappoint everyone today."

Here, the rickety old man suddenly changed his words: "Although Matchless Ancient Corpse can't see it, you can see the even more powerful Corpse King!"

"Corpse King?!"

"It's more powerful than the three Matchless Ancient Corpse!"

"I never heard that there is such a strange corpse in the corpse group!"

The rickety old man's voice fell off. The cultivators on the high platform all around got up at the same time, and the discussion became more intense.

"Master, could this Corpse King in his mouth be..." Chen Nan trembled.

Chu Bei did not respond, only half-squinted his eyes, a sharp killing intent become faintly discernible.

"Corpse King is born!"

The rickety old man shouting loudly, sixteen old men in the depths of the manor jumped onto the high platform.

Under the attention of everyone, sixteen elders are holding grotesquely shaped Magical Artifacts, changing the stability at a strange pace, and at the same time chanting. But because the distance was too far, it was impossible to hear what they were praying for.

long long long!

When the sixteen elders stopped walking, suddenly there was a loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry.

At this moment, everyone in the field focused their eyes on the high platform.

Next moment, only the Central Region surrounded by sixteen elders opened a deep gully, and a Crystal Coffin slowly emerged from the gully.

Under the sunlight, the crystal coffin is shining brightly, and there is a faint flow of splendor.

"My God! Those are all treasures! These guys are willing to feed so many Heaven and Earth Treasure to a coffin, it is really reckless waste of natural resources!"

Seeing the big handiwork of the corpse-killing faction, even the Great Holy Land Elder couldn't help but sigh. I saw that the fairy ginseng, lingzhi mushroom, xuanguo, and human-shaped Fleeceflower Root piled up all around the crystal coffin were decreasing at a visible speed.

At the same time, the crystal coffin became more and more transparent.

"Could it be that the Corpse King is in this crystal coffin? Is it really stronger than the three previous Matchless Ancient Corpse?"

"The first time I saw him The corpse-calling ceremony of the corpse faction is really eye-opening."

"Who knows the origin of this Corpse King? Since I can become a Corpse King, I must be a great character that shakes the other party before his death."


"I'm really looking forward to it!"


The cultivators' eyes noisily locked the crystal coffin, waiting anxiously for the moment the coffin lid was opened.

"Wake up the corpse!"

When the rickety old man spit out two heavily syllables, sixteen old men on the stage jumped around the crystal coffin and beat the Magical Artifact.

With the waiting of countless people in the field, the ceremony has entered a critical period, and the energy fluctuations on the sixteen elders have become more and more powerful.

long long long!

In the deep roar, the crystal coffin on the altar floated into the air, and then the coffin lid trembles, the brilliance flows in the gap, and the colors are interwoven.


With a loud noise, the crystal coffin lid exploded.

In an instant, the blue sky above the manor was reflected in the color of the coffin into a scarlet.

Without waiting for everyone to come back to his senses from the shock, the scarlet sky turned into ink-black, giving people a feeling of depression and horror like the dark abyss of hell.

"Control the corpse!"

The rickety old man shouted again, and a black iron chain appeared in the hands of sixteen old people, and they threw one end of the iron chain in their hands. Into the Crystal Coffin.

"Everyone, what will Corpse King look like when you think about it?"

The rickety old man's mouth was smiling, and his eyes swept across the audience with triumph.

"Does this still need to be said, since it is the Corpse King, it must have endless life, and the whole body is cold."

"I have seen a few of the corpses of you squad. They are all dry corpses, extremely disgusting."

"Corpse King should be the corpse of ancient gods and demons. After your refining, I am afraid that now it has a hideous face and twisted limbs."


Everyone in the audience rushed to express their opinions.

When he heard the question of the unfathomable mystery of the rickety old man, Chen Nan's face became more and more ugly. If it weren't for Chu Bei beside him to beckon him to wait, he could not hold back and flew over the crystal coffin. Let's see what happens.


With the sound of breaking through the air, a group of white light slowly flew out from the crystal coffin. Because the rays of light were too dazzling, it was impossible to see what was in it.

The only thing that can be seen are the sixteen stretched out of the dark chains held in the hands of the elders who were driven out of the corpse.

"old fellow, don't sell it! In this way, who can see the appearance of Corpse King!" A Holy Land Elder in the audience expressed dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry."

As the rickety old man's voice fell, two scarlet rays of light revealed in the dazzling white light, scarlet rays of light scanned all directions coldly .

At two bloody glow points, everyone in the audience could not help but shudder, and a chill rose.

"Big brother, she is summoning me. I sensed her breath, like me. Seeing her, I really want to cry."

At this time, Little Chen Xi looked at the fuzzy silhouette high in the sky, while subconsciously hugged Chen Nan's neck, tears could not stop rolling down from the big water Lingling eyes.

"Master, she is Yuxin, right. Although the endless Death Qi conceals everything I have been familiar with, I can still vaguely sense the constant bondage with her in the dark. "

"But... but didn't you tell me that she is still alive? Why, why did she become the Corpse King of the corpse group."

Chen Nan was dumbfounded. Looking at the dazzling white glow floating above the high platform, my heart was filled with infinite sadness, and my mouth was constantly whispering, as if questioning Chu Bei next to him.

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