In the battlefield, Chen Nan appeared in front of the rickety old man with a knife after destroying the attack of the rickety old man.

The rickety old man obviously hadn't reacted yet, his pupils dilated sharply, and before he could escape, the vitality armor outside his body was cleaved by the blade.

After that, I only felt an uncontrolled energy in my body explode.


In the dull loud noise, the rickety old man exploded like the previous ancient strange corpse, and the clumps of flesh and blood spilled on the high platform and couldn't bear to look directly.


At this moment, whether it is the sixteen corpse-controlling elders on the stage or the spectators off the stage, their expressions are all stagnating with the silence of the air. .

"He...he killed 6th-Rank!"

I don't know who came back to his senses first, and couldn't help but cred out in surprise.

"The evildoer, the real evildoer!"

"Slash and kill the 6th-Rank expert, I am afraid that today's ceremony of the corpse squad will not only end prematurely, but even the entire faction will be destroyed. !"

"What sect did this kid teach? Looking at the entire continent, who is his opponent now!"

"The sword is not simple!"


The cultivators under the stage looked at each other. They witnessed the defeat of a 6th-Rank expert!

Looking at the sixteen corpse-controlling elders on the stage again, panic appeared on their faces, looking at each other in blank dismay, as if thinking about countermeasures.

"You all have to die today!"

After killing the rickety old man, Chen Nan's cold eyes fell on the sixteen corpse-controlling old men.

His eyes have completely turned into scarlet, like a cultivation deviation.

The sound fell, Chen Nan's body turned into a flash of light, hovering over the high platform.

Seeing Chen Nan's weird method, the cultivators in the audience became more and more uncertain. One by one got up from the chair, staring at the flash of Chen Nan without blinking.

"Use Corpse King to deal with him!"

Sixteen corpse-controlling elders immediately made a unanimous decision, chanting in their mouths, and shaking the iron in their hands regularly. chain.

The beautiful female corpse in the sky seems to be affected by the iron chain, the red blood light in her eyes is getting more and more, and her flawless face is slightly wrinkled, but there is still no movement. Judging his expression, he seemed to be resisting something.


"Why is the Corpse King out of control!"

The sixteen corpse-controlling elders are dancing faster and faster. His face also became pale, but the female corpse just didn't move.

Puff, puff, pu!

Suddenly, the female corpse was struggling in agony to shake the iron chain.

Almost at the same time, sixteen corpse-controlling elders vomited with blood, as if they had been backlashed.

Look again towards the golden light that Chen Nan transformed. There is a pair of giant hands in the rays of light, holding a wide knife tightly, and slamming down.

bang bang bang!

Where the blade glow passed, a series of explosions sounded.

In a moment, only a mass of flesh and blood was left on the high platform, and the rich smell of blood floated out of the air, which was disgusting.

xiū xiū xiū 咻!

Several sky-splitting sounds started, and several old men rushed to the depths of the corpse-squatting manor.

When they saw the bloody scene on the high platform, their expressions solidified at the same time; they looked towards the flash of light in the sky, and the Corpse King out of control, and quickly guessed what happened before. .

"Sect Master, Old Sect Master, he...he is dead!"

A middle-aged man shivered and looked towards the azure clothed old man beside him.

"Listen to my order, blood sacrifice, please Matchless Ancient Corpse! Revenge for Old Sect Master!" The azure clothed old man glanced at Chen Nan and quickly made a decision.

Receiving the order of the azure clothed old man, the twenty-four Elders who came to quickly took out two jade plates from their arms, and then slapped into each other rhythmically.

After every rhythmic beating, their blood essence between the eyebrows will fly out and sink into the jade board.

"If it is true, even those Holy Land evil sects are not as good as this corpse chasing faction."

All the Holy Land Elders seem to have noticed something. , Could not help but murmured, they sensed that a powerful existence was awakening from the ground.

wu wu wu ——

A sound made people feel the scalp numb and low. The Earth Ghost roar came from the ground, gradually, the whole manor began to shake.

Suddenly, the area where the high platform was located collapsed suddenly, and then a large seam nearly three meters wide was split.

Under countless line of sight, a huge ancient corpse nearly ten meters high, like a mechanical puppet, climbed up stiffly. Under the messy black hair, the facial features are not very clear. However, the two dense cold light revealed in the long hair made people immediately feel an urge to kneel down and worship.

"This Matchless Ancient Corpse was definitely a powerful god and demon before he was alive!"

This is the first time a group of cultivators stared at the ancient corpse with chills. a single thought.

But when everyone thought there was only this Matchless Ancient Corpse, a row of bloody corpses climbed out of the deep gully one after another.

Looking at it, these bloody corpses totaled thirteen, lined up behind Matchless Ancient Corpse.

"Matchless Ancient Corpse behind are the thirteen blood corpses of the corpse chasing sect legend?"

"My God, don’t you say that these thirteen blood corpses were things that were thousands of years ago. Has everything been destroyed in the battle? It turns out that all of this is deceiving the world!"

"It is reported that there are thirteen blood corpses, each of which is comparable to the expert of the 6th-Rank Mahayana Stage. And Because they don’t feel pain, even if the 6th-Rank Great Ascension expert encounters them, they have to hide."

"No wonder these ancient corpses give me a sense of depression! Now it seems, The situation seems to have reversed, that youth is in a bad situation!"

"After today, I am afraid that even those Holy Land don't dare provoke the corpse sect. The background is really too terrifying!"


A group of cultivators began to worry about Chen Nan.

It is the expressions of Chu Ao, Yifeng, and the others that have not changed much. Chen Nan is not terrifying. The real terrifying is the Master behind the other.

"Maybe with this Matchless Ancient Corpse, I can explore the bottom of the senior." Chu Ao and Yi Feng couldn't help but glance at Chu Bei's direction.


Little Chen Xi seems to have also noticed the power of Matchless Ancient Corpse. She squeezed her hands tightly and looked at Chu Bei pitifully.

"If there is a teacher, he will be fine." Chu Bei squeezed Little Chen Xi's cheek, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Who awakened the king?"

Above the gully, Matchless Ancient Corpse twisted his body stiffly, looking towards azure clothed old man shouted.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a terrifying pressure surged out of his body. The heavy breath of death raged across the entire manor, and most of the people could not breathe.

"Master Ancient Corpse, he killed the Old Sect Master and several Elders I sent, I implore you to avenge them!" The azure clothed old man pointed at the golden light made by Chen Nan and looked respectfully With Matchless Ancient Corpse.

"You should know the cost of waking me up?"

Matchless Ancient Corpse glanced lightly in the direction of Chen Nan, and then fixed his eyes on the azure clothed old man with a sharp voice terrifying matchless.

"Lord Ancient Corpse, I...I..."

The azure clothed old man seemed to remember something, his face changed drastically, but the words in his mouth were not finished yet, Matchless Ancient Corpse A palm has penetrated his chest.

In an instant, the blood in the azure clothed old man flows along the palm of the Matchless Ancient Corpse into the latter's body.

In just a few seconds, the energetic azure clothed old man turned into a corpse.

"Really missed the delicious."

Matchless Ancient Corpse licked his tongue greedily, with enjoyment in his words.

Facing the glances of Matchless Ancient Corpse, the cultivators under the stage took a few steps back.

"This Matchless Ancient Corpse is too cruel. The corpse chasers are fire manipulation and self-immolation!" Holy Land Elder said.

"Kill him!"

At this time, Matchless Ancient Corpse looked towards Chen Nan and let out a strange howl.

xiū xiū xiū!

The thirteen blood corpses were ordered, and the stature leaped into the sky fast as lightning, instantly spreading out to surround the golden light transformed by Chen Nan.

In the dazzling rays of light, Chen Nan coldly swept across the bloody corpses with disheveled hair in front of him, and again swung the wide knife from the mall.

The blade glow surged and swept towards one of the blood corpses.

hong long!

There was a loud noise, and a football-big gap exploded in the chest of the blood corpse.

However, this blood corpse did not die, and it still moved towards Chen Nan without feelings, with a long tongue.

"It's worthy of being an ancient thirteen blood corpses. Forcibly took a shot and it was all right!"

The cultivators looked at the smashed blood corpse in shock. Directly killed the former Sect Master of the 6th-Rank Lesser Stage.

Although the blood corpse had a gap open in its chest, it didn't feel pain in the corpse, and it didn't affect its battle strength at all.

chi chi chi!

In the battlefield, splitting the air sound is endless. Thirteen blood corpses pounced on Chen Nan from different directions.

The endless breath of death came out, and the blood corpses slapped Chen Nan from palm to palm.

If you change to an ordinary 6th-Rank expert, you will definitely be invaded by this majestic Corpse Qi, and your body will quickly weaken.

However, whether it is Corpse Qi or a blood corpse, Chen Nan who has turned into rays of light at this moment can hardly cause harm.

"This...youth's methods are really weird! Although he can't hurt ancient blood corpses, these blood corpses can't help him!" The cultivator in the audience stared at the battle without blinking. The sky above the high platform was filled with consternation.

Matchless Ancient Corpse also noticed Chen Nan's weirdness, but just glanced away with disdain, and then moved towards the beautiful female corpse and flew away.

It seems that this female corpse is what he is interested in compared to avenging the corpse chasing faction.

"What are you resisting?"

Matchless Ancient Corpse seemed to be aware of something, and looked at the beautiful female corpse coldly: "Why didn't you kill that man? You know him?"

The red light dissipated in the eyes of the beautiful female corpse, moved towards Matchless Ancient Corpse nodded.

"You are perfect, so perfect that I am a little jealous."

The breath released by Matchless Ancient Corpse is getting more and more eerie and terrifying. He raised his finger to Chen Nan: "Give you a chance , Kill him now!"

The glamorous female corpse looked directly at Matchless Ancient Corpse Senhan’s gaze, shaking the dark chains shook the head that was still restraint on her body, with a slightly hollow look in her eyes. Very firm.


Get the answer from the glamorous female corpse, Matchless Ancient Corpse coldly snorted, then raise his hand and wave it down.

There was a loud noise, and the terrifying energy fluctuation exploded, and the boundless life was filled, and the horizon was dimmed.

Immediately, the glamorous female corpse was photographed like a cannonball by Matchless Ancient Corpse fiercely, and a deep giant pit was thrown on the ground.

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