"Don't hurt her!!"

I witnessed Chen Nan's roar from the golden light when the glamorous female body was shot down.

In an instant, Chen Nan escaped from the battlefield of thirteen blood corpses and appeared above the Matchless Ancient Corpse.

The figure of the gods and demons turns and slashes with a knife!

The blade glow landed on Matchless Ancient Corpse's neck, but it stopped after only two centimeters inserted.

Matchless Ancient Corpse twisted his neck slightly, glanced at Chen Nan disdainfully, then ignored it and continued moving towards the beautiful female corpse in the deep pit and flew away.

"Don't move her!"

Perceiving the intention of Matchless Ancient Corpse, the Tai Chi god and demon figure in Chen Nan's body circulates wildly, and at the same time golden rays of light all around flood into the wide In the knife, swiped down one after another.

Number One Blade slashed accurately and accurately between the eyebrows of Matchless Ancient Corpse; the second knife fiercely landed on the abdomen of Matchless Ancient Corpse; the third knife hit directly The chest of Matchless Ancient Corpse; the fourth knife smashed into the top of the head of Matchless Ancient Corpse; the fifth knife, the sixth knife... come in turn.

But in just a few seconds, Matchless Ancient Corpse's whole body was covered with blade glow.

It's just that these blade glows carrying sharp breaths fell on Matchless Ancient Corpse and were eroded away by Corpse Qi.

At this moment, Matchless Ancient Corpse has come to the pit. The right hand grabbed one end of the dark chains and yanked it hard.


In the crisp sound, a beautiful figure flew out of the pit.

Let her down——!

Chen Nan roars in pain, and his roar is full of unwillingness.

He hates, hate his own strength is not enough!

The golden light flashed by, Chen Nan appeared in front of the glamorous woman's corpse, completely transformed back into a human form, and protected the glamorous woman's corpse behind.

"trifling ants."

Matchless Ancient Corpse glanced sarcastically at Chen Nan, and raised his huge fist wrapped in endless Corpse Qi.

"Is this youth coming for the Corpse King, the corpse-driving girl?"

"What is the relationship between him and Corpse King? Is the Corpse King his lover? ?"

"Impossible! According to the information I have received, the corpse squad received this female corpse thousands of years ago."

"That said, there is no difference between the youth and the female corpse. There should be a connection! But looking at him now, it seems like he is crazy, even if he reveals his stature, he wants to protect her."

"Who knows the reason for this, anyway He can't live anymore, it's just a pity that he has such a good innate talent."


Chen Nan ignored everyone's arguments.

Ten thousand years ago, this girl used her life to block the attack of the demon for him.

Thousands of years later, if you meet again, even if the other party is just a refining corpse, he will not tolerate others to hurt him, even if it is to fight his life.

In the breathtaking rumbling sound, Matchless Ancient Corpse's fist slammed down, carrying the Heavenly Might momentum.

With one punch, the void collapsed, and one after another, the long, slender, pitch-black gap spread far away.

However, just when everyone thought Chen Nan would turn into scum under the terrifying fist of Matchless Ancient Corpse, the void in front of the latter was rippled.

Next moment, an unremarkable silhouette emerged, and I lifted my palm, lightly blocking this fist.

Under this palm that is not mixed with the slightest Origin Qi fluctuation, the incomparable horror of Matchless Ancient Corpse can hardly move forward.

"Matchless Ancient Corpse's attack was blocked...blocked!"

"Who is that man! Where did he come from!"

"What kind of cultivation base would he be able to block Matchless Ancient Corpse's punch!"

"Is it possible that they belong together? They are all from an ancient Holy Land "

"You don’t want to think about it, Matchless Ancient Corpse is Divine Demon Body! Even the 6th-Rank Great Ascension expert, it will become a piece of meat under his punch. That person If you can accept it so easily, it must be the immortal that has martial breaking void!"

"Yes, immortal can be rejuvenated, maybe he has lived for thousands of years."


A crowd of spectators on the high platform all around stared blankly at the scene above the gully. Chu Bei blocked the fist of Matchless Ancient Corpse.

In front of Matchless Ancient Corpse's huge body, Chu Bei looked very small, but it was this seemingly thin silhouette that forcibly took the unimaginable horror punch of Matchless Ancient Corpse.

Compared to those cultivators who first saw Chu Bei, Chu Ao, Chu Yu, Yi Feng and the others had a lot of relief. It seemed that from the very beginning they had expected each other's appearance.

As for being able to receive the Matchless Ancient Corpse punch safely, it was also their expectation.

"He is the Old Senior you mentioned to me earlier?"

Heavenly inheritor Xiang Tian glanced at Chu Bei's back, tilted his head and looked towards Meng Ke'er and Major Academy youth experts.

Meng Ke'er nodded: "It's him! A mysterious person who even the nameless gods and demons must treat respectfully. The origin is unknown, cultivation base deep and unmeasurable."

" Master."

Looking at the silhouette that appeared in front of him, Chen Nan couldn't help but whispered.

"The people from the corpse chaser will leave it to you. As for these corpses, let me."

Chu Bei turned his head and glanced lightly at Chen Nan, and his calm voice fell. The right palm that blocked Matchless Ancient Corpse's fist shook slightly.

Suddenly, divine glow rushed into the sky, and a heart-palpitating energy wave spread.

Under this force, Matchless Ancient Corpse's huge body stumbled back two steps first, and finally flew out directly, hitting the distant mountain, shaking the rocks down.

A crowd of spectators stared at the Matchless Ancient Corpse sunken into the mountain in a daze. They couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air, and looking towards Chu Bei again, they became more and more in awe.

Almost at the same time, Chen Nan turned into a golden light and swam around the corpse squad, starting a bloody killing. I saw that after every person passed by, there was an extra corpse full of blood holes behind.

"Humans, you damn it!!"

The shouts filled with monstrous killing intents floated from the air, echoing over the entire manor for a long time.

long long long ——

The mountains in the distance shook violently, and thick black mist continued to emerge from the pits hit by Matchless Ancient Corpse.

When the black mist dissipated, Matchless Ancient Corpse seemed to have evolved, with a thick armor covering its body. The armor was pitch black as a whole, except for a little red light in its eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Matchless Ancient Corpse sounded from the whole body, and at the same time a fierce and violent horror breath swept away.

Faced with this violent fluctuation like a natural disaster, the faces of all the cultivators in the field including the Great Holy Land Elder changed suddenly.


A loud roar resembling the ancient Great Desolate, resounded in the sky.

The terrifying sound waves wandered in the manor, and countless building rubbles shook and flew everywhere.

At this moment, Matchless Ancient Corpse is like a Great Desolate savage beast awakened from a deep sleep.

The roar is full of heart-pounding cruelty and tyranny, and it seems to be full of endless destruction and killing.

The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

Chu Bei glanced blankly at Matchless Ancient Corpse whose breath had doubled, his face calm and composed, still calm and calm.

"die for me!"

Amidst the roar of the monstrous killing intent, Matchless Ancient Corpse reappeared in everyone's sight.

To be more precise, he suddenly appeared above Chu Bei's head.

At the same time, the huge shrouded shot of Death Qi's dark palm fiercely moved towards Chu Bei's head.

"You have stayed in the lower realm for a long time, do you really think you are invincible."

The disdainful Sen-cold voice came out of Chu Bei's mouth, with a touch of When the voice fell, Chu Bei pinched his fingers into a sword and waved his hand.

In an instant, a sword glow zoomed in at the fingertips, and the dazzling golden glow resembled a round of sundays. A kind of holy breath instantly permeated the audience, and the death energy formed with Matchless Ancient Corpse happened to be huge. Contrast contrast.


The sword glow lased out.

Crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood with the momentum of crushing the dark giant palm carrying the horror and death.

After that, move on and cut the Matchless Ancient Corpse from the head down to the bottom of the feet like tofu, and cut it in half from the middle.

As soon as the two corpses fell, Chu Bei waved a few sword glow randomly.

Boom, boom, boom!

Countless pieces of corpse meat smashed on the high platform, and the sound of the impact shook the minds of everyone in the field.

From Matchless Ancient Corpse, disappeared in anger, appeared in the sky above Chu Bei to launch an attack, and then Chu Bei pinched his finger into a sword and waved the sword glow, cutting down the Matchless Ancient Corpse...

Look here The seemingly long process, in fact, happened at the moment when the calcium carbide sparks.

Looking at the pieces of ancient corpse that fell in the sky, the spectators couldn't help but wriggle their throats one by one, looking at each other, their eyes were filled with unclear consternation.

A moment ago, Heavenly Might shocked the Matchless Ancient Corpse in an imposing manner, but it ended in a fragmented and miserable manner in just a few seconds.

The matchless Ancient Corpse and the mysterious person are not at the same level at all!

To be precise, this is a completely crushing battle!

While everyone was still immersed in the shock caused by the annihilation of Matchless Ancient Corpse, Chu Bei scanned the thirteen blood corpses with one palm.

In the rumbling sound, the huge palm print swept across the thirteen blood corpses, and when it dissipated, the thirteen blood corpses also disappeared.

"First Matchless Ancient Corpse, and then thirteen blood corpses, completely as easy as blowing off dust!"

"His cultivation base is probably still in our guess Come on!"

In the manor, after a short silence, the sky-shaking hustle and bustle echoed in the air.

Hundreds of spectators looked at Chu Bei in immense admiration, wanting to come forward to please but they were afraid.

Look at Chen Nan again, at this time, even chicken and dog doesn't remain. There are corpses with warm corpses lying in all corners of the manor. .

"Sure enough, it was the existence above the Immortal Martial Realm!"

"But why did he reach that realm and was not taken away by Heaven Realm."

Watching a scene of the battle, Chu Ao took a deep breath, feeling a little confused.

He has entered the 6th-Rank, and it is precisely because of reaching the 6th-Rank that he knows that his cultivation has not yet been completed. According to the Imperial Family, martial breaking void Xianwu Realm, that is, 7th-Rank, really exists.

Judging from the breath released by the previous Matchless Ancient Corpse, its strength should be the Immortal Martial Realm, and it has even reached the Great Ascension Realm.

But even so powerful, they are still like ants in front of the mysterious people, exactly similar to them.

there is always someone who is better than us!

At this moment, Chu Ao deeply realized that he still has a long way to go on the cultivation road.

"Master is great!"

Little Chen Xi floated to Chu Bei's side, smiling on his white face.

"With a teacher, how can your big brother have any trouble." Chu Bei fondly touched Chen Xi's little head.

"From now on, you will be my backer!"

Baby Dragon came to Chu Bei and stared wide, his face full of admiration.

"Master, many thanks."

A flash of light appeared in front of Chu Bei, Chen Nan manifested his stature, and his eyes were filled with gratitude.

After thanking him, Chen Nan turned his eyes back to the female corpse, looked at the familiar and peerless fairy face, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"God, why are you so cruel! Yuxin is dead, why cannot let him sleep quietly, and be tortured by these beasts after death!"

"Why , All this is why."

"God, return me Yuxin, return me Yuxin!"


gradually, Chen Nan Eyes are red, dancing wildly, looking up to the sky and whistling.

Ten thousand years ago, the vows of the mountain alliance still linger in the ears, the voices and smiles of the past are still in front of my eyes, and the heart of the past has not disappeared.

Thousands of years later, I saw each other again, but life and death were separated.

If it weren't for those blood-red eyes, this dusty appearance, like the beautiful face of delicate flowers, would still be as delicate and pretty as thousands of years ago, and still beautiful in the world.

However, the lifelessness that the other party releases all the time tells him that this is no longer the Yuxin of ten thousand years ago.

The other party’s Spiritual Consciousness has long since died, and the body in front of me is just the Corpse King refining out of the corpse group.

Chen Nan trembled, and kept approaching the female corpse, his blood-red eyes filled with tears.

Ten years of life and death are boundless.

I don't think about it, I'm unforgettable.

Thousands of miles of lonely graves, there is nowhere to say sadness.

Even if you don’t know you when you meet, your face is dusty and your temples are like frost.

Ye Lai You Meng suddenly returns home, Little Xuan window. Dressing up.

Since there is no word, there are only a thousand lines of tears.

It is expected to have broken heart every year, bright moon night, short Matsuoka.


Tears soaked the clothes, Chen Nan's face became paler, looking at the former beauty, and enduring the torment of thousands of ants.

The former lover stood in front of him, but yin and yang are separated.

so close, yet worlds apart, Close Horizon.

Life and death are both boundless, meeting and not acquainted, only tears a thousand lines.

"Master, didn’t you tell me that Yuxin is still alive? But why is Yuxin in front of me turned into Corpse King...why!"

Suddenly, already Chen Nan, who walked to Yuxin's side, seemed to be mad, turning around and clutching Chu Bei with both hands, with a sad voice.

Looking at Chen Nan, who was so desperate in front of him, Chu Bei shook the head, and said: "The Corpse King you saw is Yuxin, yes, but what I have said, Yuxin is still alive, it is not wrong."

"Master, what do you mean by this!"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Chen Nan's body shook suddenly, and a little clarity was restored in his eyes.

Chu Bei took a step forward and looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle. His expression seemed to be lost in memory: "Thousands of years ago, she was buried in the hands of Demon King, but your father Chen Zhan was Defy the heavens and change the fate for her, so that she came alive. But when she was out of the valley, she heard the bad news that you were dead. When she was frustrated, follow your father Chen Zhan into Heaven Realm. Soon after, Your father Chen Zhan left without leaving. It is precisely this time that she got the Supreme Indifference record again. In order to survive, she was forced to study the Supreme Indifference record and became the famous Ruthless Fairy of Heaven Realm."

"Little Chen Xi is the incarnation she left behind in Baihua Valley. As for the corpse in front of her, it is the real body she faded from the cultivation Supreme Indifference record."

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