"The living Yuxin is in Heaven Realm?"

Chen Nan squeezed Chu Bei's hand excitedly: "How can I get to Heaven Realm?"


"At the moment, you'd better deal with this corpse Yuxin first." Chu Bei shook the head, without giving an answer.

"Do you know me? I feel the familiar breath from you. They let me kill you, but I refused. This resistance comes from instinct, and there is a voice in my subconscious telling me that I cannot kill you "

At this moment, Corpse King Yuxin took the initiative to move towards Chen Nan and approached a few steps. Those beautiful eyes with blood-colored rays of light fixed on Chen Nan's body, a little confused. His voice is like the wonderful voice of Heaven and Earth, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Hearing what Corpse King Yuxin said, Chen Nan was stunned, as if he had lost his soul.

Until a long time later, Chen Nan looked at Corpse King Yuxin excitedly: "You have given birth to your own Spiritual Consciousness?"

"Well, I can do it yesterday Thinking."

Corpse King Yuxin nodded, the cold red light in his eyes gradually converged to reveal a pair of dark and bright eyes. Shui Lingling's big eyes were filled with Huiguang. She looked at Chen Nan quietly, only with a puzzled look on her flawless face.

"Senior, is she the same as the previous Matchless Ancient Corpse? What should she do with her in this state?" Chen Nan asked Chu Bei for advice.

"Remove the dead air in her body, and let her live like a normal person like Little Chen Xi."

Chu Bei's voice is calm: "In the end, whether it is Chen Xi , Or the Corpse King Yuxin in front of you, or the Ruthless Fairy of Heaven Rank, after all, it is the integration of Divine Consciousness."

"You haven't answered our question yet, do we know each other?"

The sound like natural sounds sounded again. At this moment, Corpse King Yuxin, like a little girl who knows nothing about the world, has several points of confusion, has several points of playfulness, has several points of innocence.

"I am Chen Nan, and you are Yuxin. Ten thousand years ago, we went from acquaintance to acquaintance, you are the love of my life." Chen Nan reached out and stroked Corpse King Yuxin's hair .

"Chen Nan, Yuxin, so familiar names. But why can't I remember it." Corpse King Yuxin didn't resist Chen Nan's hands, the fairy face was full of confusion.

"Elder sister, I seem to be able to perceive your thoughts."

Little Chen Xi floated in front of Corpse King Yuxin, his big eyes blinking constantly: "Elder sister, I want to hug."

"Well, I can feel your thoughts too."

Corpse King Yuxin looked at Little Chen Xi curiously, right there The moment she hugged Little Chen Xi, a faint colorful rays of light appeared on both of them at the same time.

"Master, they..."

"The two of them were originally transformed by one person, but now they just resonate physically."

Before Chen Nan finished speaking, Chu Bei waved his hand, indicating that the other party did not need to be nervous.

"How can I get rid of the dead air in her?" Chen Nan asked.

"Leave it to me next."

After that, Chu Bei gently hugged Little Chen Xi back: "Chen Xi, go and play with the small dragon first."

"Master, you can't hurt the elder sister! It's not the same as those ancient corpses, the elder sister is very good." Little Chen Xi was afraid that Chu Bei would hurt Corpse King Yuxin, and repeatedly warned before flying away.

"Turning the Taiji God and Demon Picture." Chu Bei's gaze returned to Chen Nan.


Chen Nan didn't ask too much and did it immediately.

A moment later, the rays of light flashed on Chen Nan's chest, and the two-color light sphere rushed out of his body, entangled with each other and began to rotate, quickly forming a Yin-Yang Symbol, which hung above his head.

At the same time, Chu Bei pointed at Corpse King Yuxin's between the eyebrows, and the divine glow penetrated in.

Suddenly, a strong breath of death came out of Corpse King Yuxin's body.

Corpse King Yuxin's body is extremely dead, but within a few seconds the entire manor has been billowing Yin Qi, like Netherworld Hell.

Fortunately, when the dead air was about to spread, a huge suction force gushed out of the Tai Chi God and Demon Chart and began to swallow it.

Chu Bei constantly forced out the dead energy in Corpse King Yuxin's body, while Chen Nan kept using the Tai Chi god and demon figure to absorb the dead energy.

This is an ongoing process.

"Does it matter to him?"

Corpse King Yuxin purse one's lip, sticking out his slender arm and pointing towards Chen Nan, with a worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry, your lifelessness is compared with the lifelessness in Cemetery of Gods and Demons, you can't be considered anything." Chu Bei's mouth was smiling.

With the passage of time, Corpse King Yuxin's complexion gradually turned red. Although he was still lifeless, he did not feel the nauseating and chilling breath.

This is a very mysterious state, neither a living person nor a dead person can't be considered.

A quarter of an hour later.

Chu Bei withdrew the power that invaded Corpse King Yuxin's body, and now the dead energy in the latter's body has been completely emptied.

As for Chen Nan, sitting in a circle, he entered a mysterious state.

The god and devil figure frantically purifies the dead, and the pill of light rotates regularly.

hong long!

Along with a deep muffled sound, Chen Nan opened his eyes, and at the same time, his breath rose one more floor.

"It's really a monster who was blessed by the heavens. It's a breakthrough again." Not far away, Chu Ao, Yi Feng, and the others noticed Chen Nan's soaring breath, and his faces were full of jealousy.

At present, Chen Nan has stepped into the 5th-Rank Mahayana Stage alone in the cultivation base, and one step further is the 6th-Rank stage.

"Master, how is she doing."

As soon as Chen Nan opened his eyes, he couldn't wait to ask about Corpse King Yuxin's condition.

Chu Bei smiled and said: "You can think of her as a Little Chen Xi who grew up."

"Will I be called Yuxin from now on? I like this name. "Corpse King Yuxin whispered softly.

"Master, since you have accepted the dawn, why not accept her too." Chen Nan hesitated for a moment and looked towards Chu Bei, with pleading in his eyes.

"As a teacher, I have this intention." Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

After one minute.

[Host signed Level 1 agency, Corpse King Yuxin]

[Level 14 commodity permission opening progress 60%]

[Task 6 release: The host obtains the Dragon Sword and signs a Level 1 agent Katherine]

[After the task is completed, the host will be rewarded once with the right to use Level 16 goods]


The system sounded, and looking at the new red dots marked on the map, Chu Bei had a new goal.

"Senior, it's getting late, or else I will continue to stay at my divine wind Academy tonight."

At this moment, Yi Feng stepped up to Chu Bei respectfully Send out the invitation, Chu Ao and the others follow closely from behind.

"You have work."

Chu Bei nodded thanks, and then looked towards Chen Nan: "Today you can talk to her, and continue on the road tomorrow."

"Well, many thanks Master." Chen Nan cup one fist in the other hand, bowing deeply.

"This team is getting bigger and bigger."

Chu Bei swept all around and couldn't help but sigh. When he left Cemetery of Gods and Demons, he and Chen Nan were the only ones. . But now, there are Little Chen Xi, Baby Dragon, and Corpse King Yuxin in the team.

"from now on, there is no sect of the squad pie anymore."

"Yes, this time was really extinguished sect. Unfortunately, in the end, I still didn't think about it. I understand why the youth knew the Corpse King."

"And the Master of the youth, where did he come from!"

"I really envy the Divine Wind Academy, Chu State Imperial Family, I can associate with such powerful existence."

"Hey, if I can get his guidance, I would be willing to live less than ten years!"


A group of cultivators looked at Chu Bei and Yifeng Entire group leaving behind with envy and jealousy. Among them were the Deputy Headmasters of the other three major academies.

divine wind Academy, deep in the Academy.

The green bamboo is swaying, like a carved jasper, fresh and beautiful. More than a dozen small courtyards are dotted in the bamboo forest, near Chen Nan's courtyard, green grass, fragrant flowers, refreshing, like hidden land of peace and prosperity.

In the pavilion, Corpse King Yuxin and Chen Xi were very affectionate, and the crisp laughter continued.

"It looks more like it looks."

Baby Dragon is lying on Chen Nan's shoulders, his eyes switch back and forth between Yuxin and Chenxi, smash it from time to time mouth.

"Master, the person recorded by cultivated Supreme Indifference, will they really become extremely unfeeling?" Chen Nan asked Chu Bei with a serious expression.

To Chen Nan’s gaze, Chu Bei laughed: "Although Yuxin is now known as the Ruthless Fairy in Heaven Realm, it still has the Spiritual Consciousness from ten thousand years ago. If you can awaken this Spiritual Consciousness , You can get together."

"Master, how do you get to Heaven Realm?" Chen Nan asked.

"The time has come, and I will take you there." Chu Bei gave Chen Nan an impatient look.

The next day.

At dawn, Chu Bei bid farewell to Yifeng and the others, and took Chen Nan, Yuxin and the others on the road.

The purpose of his trip is to be a place called the eternal forest.

"Big brother, there seems to be something calling me below. This feeling is the same as before."

Flying over one side, Little Chen Xi suddenly pulled Chen Nan’s The arm, pouting his mouth, pointed at the bottom and said.

"The same feeling as before?"

When I heard Little Chen Xi's words, Chen Nan was slightly trembled and said quickly: "Is it in the corpse pie manor? That kind of Yuxin elder? Sister calling your feelings?"


Little Chen Xi's lips nodded.

"I also feel the call from below." At this time, Corpse King Yuxin also echoed.

After learning that Corpse King Yuxin also felt this way, Chen Nan was shocked, and immediately looked towards Chu Bei: "Master, why is this? Isn't Yuxin in Heaven Realm? How would the two of them feel it? To the call from below?"

Chu Bei stood in the void, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, pointing to the bottom and said: "I forgot to tell you, Yuxin is not only the incarnation of Chenxi. I will bring him as a teacher. You are here because of her."

"There is still an incarnation?!" Chen Nan's expression startedled, and he became more astonished.

"At that time, she was chased and killed and seriously injured. She went to the Elf tribe to seek help from Goddess. Later, Goddess used the power of Tree of Life to repair her severely injured body. In Tree of Life , She left a seed, which is another incarnation." Chu Bei neither too fast nor too slow said.

"Yuxin was chased by someone? Who!"

Chen Nan clenched his fists, his face instantly turned heavy, and a majestic killing intent came out.

"The Du family forced her to marry a Martial God, but she refused to obey and resisted and was hunted down." Chu Bei replied calmly.

"These ungrateful guys, damn it!"

The killing intent in Chen Nan's eyes is even worse: "After Yuxin is recovered, the first thing is to kill them clan !"

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