"Master, let's get down quickly. I can feel that she is very scared, very scared." Little Chen Xi shook Chu Bei's arm with a pitiful appearance .

Chu Bei touched Chen Xi’s head, and then turned into a golden light, swooping down with the entire group.

Below is an endless stretch of forest. Although it is in the scorching sun at the moment, this forest still gives people a gloomy feeling.

Looking from top to bottom, there seems to be a heavily ghost shrouded in the forest, and the more you look closely, the more you can’t see clearly. The closer you get, the more you can feel the biting chill in the forest.

Falling into the forest, Chen Nan, Chenxi and the others gradually blurred their vision, as if walking into a huge shadow. It seems that the place where they are located is not a continuous forest, but an extremely empty and silent dead place.

"Senior, where is this place? It feels terrifying!" Baby Dragon glanced all around, shrank his neck and moved towards Chu Bei approaching.

"A lost world, also known as the eternal forest." Various rumors about the eternal forest emerged in Chu Bei's mind.

"Lost world? Is it the same existence as Danger Land?" Chen Nan asked aloud.

hong long!

Without waiting for Chu Bei to respond to Chen Nan, a thunder-like sound suddenly rang out from the ground, and the ground became shaken.

The gloomy and silent atmosphere was broken at this moment!

"Yuxin, you have to be careful, I feel something is wrong."

However, Chen Nan's reminder has not yet spoken. It was originally grown in the woods all around, seemingly Ping Ping strange wild flowers It grows fast as if it was a hormone. The flower plant that was originally only 20 or 30 centimeters soared to more than two meters high in the blink of an eye.

Under these styles frantically dancing, Chen Nan, Yuxin, Little Chen Xi and the others were quickly overwhelmed.

"ao wu-these monsters are terrifying!"

Baby Dragon first howled, I saw the flower vines entwined around it like a strip of tentacles, firmly Tightened its dragon body. These flower vines are like sponges absorbing water, frantically devouring the dragon yuan in it.

Baby Dragon began to panic, urging his whole body to try to break away from the restraint, but with his close to 6th-Rank strength, it was difficult to break those flower vines.

It is Little Chen Xi and Corpse King Yuxin. Although they are also wrapped in flower vines, there is no pain on their faces, just like a person who has nothing to do.

"Master, small dragon, the dragons look so uncomfortable, you can help them." Little Chen Xi blinked and looked towards Chu Bei with big eyes.

"This is called Resurrection Lily. The flowers bloom for a thousand years, and the leaves fall for a thousand years. When the flowers bloom, you can't see the leaves. When there are leaves, you can't see the flowers. Wrong."

Along with Chu Bei's flat voice, centered on itself, endless divine glow pervades like a flaming flame, wrapping around Baby Dragon and Resurrection Lily of Chen Nan and the others. It quickly turned to ashes.

"Almost sucked into a zombie dragon." The Baby Dragon, who got rid of the restraint, kept stepping on the ashes under his feet, venting the anger in his heart frantically.

"Master, according to legend, isn't Resurrection Lily a flower blooming on Yellow Springs Road? I heard that there are a large number of Resurrection Lily on Yellow Springs Road, which looks like a blood shop from a distance. The carpet is completed, and the dead will lead to the Netherworld Prison through Resurrection Lily's guidance."

After all, Chen Nan looked at Chu Bei in amazement: "Is this eternal forest the Netherworld Hell? But , Why don’t you see Yellow Springs again?"

For Chen Nan, Chu Bei raised his hand, only to see the rows of trees in the direction he was referring to quickly receding and disappearing. Instead, there was no end in sight. Water surface.

The color of the water is very weird, showing a scarlet, and the waterspout swaying from time to time is like a beast that chooses people to eat, which makes people feel palpitating.

"Where is this place! Yellow Springs and Resurrection Lily have all appeared. Going further, will we really enter the Netherworld Hell? Isn't that the place where the dead go? Where are the living dragons going?"

Baby Dragon ao wu called out, and then looked at Chu Bei sincerely: "Senior, in my opinion, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time, or you should take us out of here. "

"She is there! She is calling me!"

Suddenly, Corpse King Yuxin, who had been silent, spoke, with a crisp voice like an oriole.

Looking in the direction pointed by Corpse King Yuxin, I saw a woman sitting on a bluestone floating in blood water a hundred meters away, holding her chin in both hands, staring at the blood water in a daze.

Although it is just a silhouette, it has shown the perfect figure of the woman just right.

The beautiful curves are reverie. Wearing clothes whiter than snow, she looks with a faintly dusty temperament. The forearm holding the lower jaw is snow-white and crystal clear, half exposed outside the clothes, inviting people to think infinitely. Her long green hair was scattered over her shoulders, which made her profile look unique with the white dress.

"Master, is she the Yuxin clone?"

Just one glance, Chen Nan's expression changed suddenly, turning into a flash of light and changing an angle in an instant.

The girl Manzi is peerless, with a moving fairy face, without a trace of earthly breath, she is like the reincarnation of Fairy of Ninth Heaven, and makes people not feel blasphemous.

"Sure enough, it was her!"

After seeing the woman's face thoroughly, Chen Nan's body trembled, and a thunder blasted in his head.

"Elder sister, she looks exactly like you."

Sometimes, Little Chen Xi has pulled Corpse King Yuxin and appeared beside Chen Nan.

Corpse King Yuxin did not speak, but silently looked at the girl in the blood.

"Hurry up! Don’t come here...it’s dangerous..."

Huo Ran, a touch of clarity appeared in the girl’s confused eyes, but just after the words were said, her eyes again Become hollow.

"Master, what's wrong with her?"

As Chen Nan flew towards the girl, the blood below suddenly churning.

crash-bang ——

Blood water rolled, hong long long strange muffled sound, a huge vortex appeared in the blood water behind the girl. I saw in the vortex, a huge ancient palace slowly emerged.

"It's really unpredictable that someone came to me again."

The door of ancient palace opened, and there was a heavy footstep. A tall silhouette neither too fast nor too slow came out from the inside, with golden light shining all over the body, exuding blazing divine light.

"Hey, what kind of monster is this!"

Baby Dragon yelled out milkyly, his eyes were full of consternation, and his little face was full of vigilance.

Because of the incomplete flesh and blood of the tall body, an important part, the head, is missing.

This is an angel with three pairs of wings.

Different from the two pairs of winged angels in the corpse sect, his wings are neither pure white nor black ink, but golden-bright and dazzling divine light, giving people a sacred the taste of.

Chen Nan glanced at the calm and composed Chu Bei not far away, frowned and looked at the headless angel in front of him, telling him instinctively that this angel is far stronger than the blood corpse refined by the squad cultivator There are many, even stronger than that Matchless Ancient Corpse, far from what he can deal with.

Heavenly-Origin Continent central area, Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

On the periphery of the cemetery, tall snow maple trees are neatly arranged, and dark green branches and leaves are lush and green. Swaying in the breeze, the white petals floated in the air like snowflakes. The tangy floral fragrance fills the air head-on, making it intoxicating.

"Have you been there."

In front of the thatched house, a skinny old man with a beard and hair stands at the door with a cane in both hands and trembling moved towards the west. go with.

Just as the murmur fell, thousands of tombstones in the cemetery suddenly shook violently.

Some tombstones, Immortal Qi, are enveloping, and the sacred brilliance spreads over every inch of the cemetery. You can see the various gods transformed by the immortal and powerful divine sense of the ancient gods and demons, and you can even see them. When the angels dance in the West, you can hear Fairy from the East singing.

Some tombstone Dark Demon is surging out, you can see the legendary phantom of the evil god and the demon raging in the cemetery, and you can hear the scalp and scalp of the ancient Evil Spirit. howl.

"Stop it all."

"At this speed, that day is not far away."

The old man's face is engraved with weather-beaten wrinkles, thin Stature makes people look scared.

His words seemed to be addressed to all the tombstones in the cemetery. It didn't take long for the various unusual forms on the tombstones to disappear, and the same dead silence was restored.

"Who the hell will he be."

"I can't guess it."

The old man shook the head with a long sigh, and finally squatted. Walking tremblingly on the crutches back to the hut.


The eternal forest.

"You made this lost world?" Chen Nan asked tentatively, staring at the headless angel in the blood above the sky.

"This world has nothing to do with me."

The headless angel shook his hand, and a dull voice sounded from his stomach: "But Yellow Springs is my responsibility."


"Then do you know who this world belongs to?" Chen Nan asked sequentially.

"Who knows, I can't leave here anyway."

The headless angel's words were somewhat grudgingly, and then he pointed his finger at the girl and said: "Do you know her?"

"She is my love."

Chen Nan nodded: "I don't know what happened to her? Why does she feel like I lost my soul?"

"Before that, you were not curious about my identity?" The headless angel did not directly answer Chen Nan's question but asked rhetorically.

"Please let me know." Chen Nan hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

"I used to be a God Sovereign of Heaven Realm, in charge of one party."

The voice of the headless angel uttered a desolate and sad smell: "However, Heaven and Earth But a chess game, no matter how strong we are, even God Sovereign is just a pawn for the players. It is ridiculous that standing out among innumerable living beings can be positioned as a pawn, but I don’t know whether it is an honor or a sorrow."

"Trifling Xianwu Great Ascension, even Divine King did not enter, you are also worthy of a pawn?"

Huo Ran, Chu Bei with a playful laughter like a thunder-like The blood blew up in the air.


Suddenly a familiar voice rang in his mind, Chen Nan's body trembled suddenly, and his trance expression became sober.

"Master, did I just lose my mind?"

Chen Nan's face was solemn, and during the previous conversation with the headless angel, he faintly felt something was wrong. Feeling difficult to control his body, his mind seems to be controlled by someone.

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