"This damn birdman is playing yin! What you look down on most of you Uncle Long is your idiotic trick! It's despicable! No wonder it deserves it! "

Not only Chen Nan, but Baby Dragon is also the author. Fortunately, it also walked out of the confusion in the voice of Chu Bei's call.

"Come on, you guys! He not only cultivation base Heavenspan, but also can control people's mind! You don't want him, leave here immediately!" The woman in the blood also woke up, with a voice in her voice. anxious.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Chen Nan turned into a flash and took the girl behind Chu Bei behind.

"He is not a human, you will not be his opponent."

The girl seems to have seen the horror of a headless angel, and still urges Chu Bei Chen Nan entire group to leave.

"Why can you not be controlled by my spirit."

The headless angel faced Chu Bei, his voice mixed with surprise.

"Gallis, a little god of Heaven Realm. His own cultivation base is only Xianwu Great Ascension, but it will be a kind of spiritual charm. Even Divine King Realm, in unprepared circumstances You can also be hooked away from soul. Unfortunately, you intend to steal the Immortal Treasure of the Western War God, but you were cut off the head and thrown into this Small World."

Chu Bei put his hands around his chest and looked at the headless angel with a joking look: "Is what I said wrong?"

"Why do you...why know this! You are who, after all!"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, the headless angel pushed back subconsciously, and there was a panic in his voice.

"Who is this seat has no meaning to you."

The flat voice fell, Chu Bei waved his hand, and the divine glow surged in his body to form a huge armor. There are a hundred zhang high armors.

Chu Bei stood at the center of the light armor, and appeared above the ancient palace during his steps. The indifferent voice fell, and the armor giant made of divine glow punched out.

At the fist, the black astral qi moved towards the headless angel surging away, as shocking as the rushing waves.

Wherever I passed, the void was shattered and rumbled. Vaguely, a little purple lightning appeared in the armor of divine glow, and the crackle was intertwined.


The headless angel could not help cursing. Although he could not feel the fluctuation of vitality from the opponent's attack, he could detect another terrifying energy of.

This energy is definitely not something he can rival. He intends to return to the ancient palace, but at this moment his body seems to be suddenly imprisoned by an invisible force.

In other words, no matter where he hides, the other party's attacks are firmly locked on him, and will always fall fiercely on him, unavoidable.

Finally, the headless angel chose to attack, gathering his whole body strength in the right hand, and struck out directly with his hands up, and the huge palm of dazzling fiercely patted the light that surged like an angry wave. Fist.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the giant palm shot by the headless angel was instantly shattered by fists.

The fist continues to move forward, moved towards the headless angel swept in a flash, and the imposing manner becomes more and more violent in the process of marching, and the rainbow brought out by behind is like a billowing Yangtze River like a surging river.


The fist print containing terrifying energy hit the headless angel's body firmly.

Immediately, only a scream was heard, and the body of the headless angel dissipated in the sky as a little rain of light.

"Master, he is not dead yet, his soul is out of the body!"

Chen Nan hurriedly said, but his voice has not yet floated from the air, on the battlefield The armor of his hundred zhang suddenly shook, and a majestic imposing manner like the arrival of an emperor stopped the fleeing soul for life.

Next moment, in the scream of horror, with a bang, the soul of the headless angel dissipated.

long long long!

At the same time as the headless angel died, the ancient palace floating on the blood collapsed and then sank slowly.

"Are you the god of Heaven Realm?"

The girl opened her eyes wide, and looked at Chu Bei in astonishment. The beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

If the opponent is not the god of Heaven Realm, how can it be possible to defeat such terrifying guys, and it is still crushing.

Chen Nan stared at the girl in amazement. Through investigation, he found that the other party's cultivation base had reached 6th-Rank!

And after Chu Bei heard the girl’s question, he shook the head: "In fact, in your so-called Human World, there is no shortage of that can solve its existence, but you have not come into contact with that's all."

"My lord, many thanks for your help! My name is Katherine, the elf tribe Saintess. After I came here by accident three years ago, I was controlled by the headless angel."

The girl took a step forward and moved towards Chu Bei bowed, and after purse one's lip, she raised her eyes to look at Chu Bei, and said: "Can you take me out of here?"

"Take you Before you go out, look at her first."

Chu Bei stretched out his hand to Corpse King Yuxin, with a slight smile on his mouth.

Hearing the sound, Katherine looked towards Corpse King Yuxin, and her expression became stagnant.

"She...how does she look the same as me..."

Katherine suddenly took a step back and looked at Chu Bei vigilantly, with vibrato in her words.

"Don't you feel the faintly discernable connection with her?" Chu Bei carried behind said in a tranquil voice with his hands on his back.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Katherine stabilized her mind and looked towards Corpse King Yuxin again, her brows gradually stretched out: "It's you! Were you talking to me before?"

Vaguely she remembered that when she was unconscious, she noticed two familiar breaths. She tried to ask for help, but she got a response.

"It looks exactly the same, the baby I was looking at was confused."

Baby Dragon's eyes switched back and forth between Corpse King Yuxin and Katherine, if it wasn't for the clothes to wear The difference is really stupid and indistinguishable.

"If one day, I mean if, when you find that you want to fuse together with another person, would you like it?" Chen Nan, standing by from start to finish, looked at Katherine and asked suddenly Road, with a serious look.

"Of course I don't want to!"

Katherine shook her head and denied the answer without hesitation.

"I got it."

Chen Nan whispered to himself: "That is true, after all, he has developed his own independent personality, so who would be willing to do so."

"Some things should not be considered so long-term. This is their own way and let them decide on their own. Maybe the time has come and everything will be solved." Chu Bei seems to know what Chen Nan is thinking in his mind, and the other party's patted The shoulders are serious and long.

"My lord, can you take me out?" Katherine looked towards Chu Bei again, begging in her eyes.

"Do you want to know your life experience? Why does someone look the same as you?" Chu Bei changed the subject.

Katherine was taken aback for a moment, then heavily nodded.

"Teach me as a teacher and gain my inheritance. You will know the answers to these questions." Chu Bei went straight to the subject.

"Worship you as a teacher?"

Katherine fell into hesitation. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Corpse King Yuxin, Little Chen Xi, nodded.

After successfully signing Katherine, Chu Bei looked towards system The red dot on the map marker, which represents the position of the dragon knife.

long long long ——

Just when Chu Bei was about to leave, the opposite side of the lake issued a rumbling sound

"Master, that...that is "

Chen Nan stared at the opposite side of the lake, where a tragic scene of send cold shivers down one's spine appeared.

I saw a white bone mountain as high as a hundred zhang rising from the ground, and a band of clouds and mist shrouded around the bone mountain. The dense white bones are breathtaking and the cold light is frightening.

There is a great hall on the White Bone Mountain, which is more than ten meters long. I don't know what kind of material was used to build the palace. The overall paint is black and shiny. The front entrance of the great hall is a huge mouth of a demon, hideous and terrifying.

Looking at it, the whole palace seems to be built on the head of a fierce monster. Gives people a gloomy, terrifying feeling.

"Let’s see it soon."

Chu Bei had his hands behind his back, but when their entire group came to the White Bone Mountain, the earth trembled, and two came from the east. An ancient giant.

"Master, they are so big!"

Little Chen Xi looked at the ancient giant with beaming eyes.

However, apart from anything else, the ancient giant punched Chu Bei and the others at the same time.


Without waiting for Chu Bei to take a shot, Chen Nan has already rushed forward, and a golden light fist directly hit two ancient giants.

"Master, is this their site?"

Chen Nan asked in the direction in which the ancient giant flew out.


Chu Bei shook the head: "They just guard this place for generations, and no outsiders are allowed to enter."

"What are they guarding?"

Chen Nan glanced at the great hall on Bone Mountain and asked.

I looked faintly, there was no light in the black hole in the open temple, and the cold air radiated out and a vague whistle came out.

"Did you see those white bones? This is the Nine Nether white bones great spell. It uses sixty-four coagulation stones and three hundred and sixty-five soul-gathering stones as the formation flag. It takes Heaven and The power of Earth. Sixty-four condensing stones are distributed in eight directions of Baigu Mountain, and three hundred and sixty-five soul-gathering stones are hidden in the magic hall."

Chu Bei fingered the bones. Mountain, neither too fast nor too slow said: "You now walk to the center of that white bone, and use the power of innate talent to run the Taiji God and Demon Picture."

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Chen Nan walked away. Rotating the Tai Chi God and Demon figure at the center of the white bones, only two light spheres flew out of his body, rotating laterally around his head and feet.

The light sphere turns faster and faster. Finally, two light bands are formed outside Chen Nan. The light bands are intertwined with each other to form a Tai Chi shape, and the two light spheres become the Yin-Yang Symbol. Yin-Yang Eye.

At the moment the Yin-Yang Symbol was formed, the spiritual qi above the majestic hall was mighty, and the essence of Yuehua, Heaven and Earth rushed towards the Yin-Yang Symbol.

"Master, this feels so good!"

Chen Nan, who is in the Yin-Yang Symbol, couldn't help but yelled comfortably. He is now infused by spiritual qi , It feels like it won’t take long for a breakthrough again!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...The White Bone Mountain and the Demon Hall began to vibrate, and roars were heard from below the Demon Hall.

At this moment, the warm jade in Chu Bei's arms flew out, shaking non-stop.

"Don't worry, I will have energy to replenish you later." Under Chu Bei's comfort, the warm jade that warmed Dugu Xiaoxuan gradually calmed down.

In the center of the white bone, the two light spheres are spinning faster and faster, and the Yin-Yang Symbol has even been materialized. Like a bottomless pit, it generally absorbs the energy of the Nine Nether great spell.


With a dull sound, Chen Nan's breath soared, from Mahayana Stage breakthrough to 6th-Rank!

When Chen Nan's breath stabilized, the brilliance of the sixty-four condensate stones was completely dimmed, and finally burst into powder in the air and dissipated in the air.

At this moment, a huge roar that shook Heaven and Earth came out from the ground, and the deafening roar of White Bone Mountain collapsed.

"Master, there seems to be something coming out there!"

Chen Nan flexed his muscles and walked quickly to Chu Bei's side, he seemed to have noticed something.

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