"Master, you said the Dragon Sword is here!"

High in the sky, Chen Nan looked at Chu Bei in shock.

Like the Hou Yi bow, the Dragon Sword is also the legendary Immortal Treasure, even if it was thousands of years ago, it is also very loud.

Chu Bei nodded responded and continued to fly according to the location marked on the map, and soon came to the sky above an ancient city.

"Master, this seems to be a deserted dead city."

Chen Nan looked towards the bottom, and roughly glanced at it. There was no one coming in or out of the abnormal silence in the city.

From the mottled ancient city wall, you can see that the ancient city below has gone through countless years. Even the inner wall of the diamond rock, which is said to never decay, has been weathered as time goes by, showing the vicissitudes of life.

Looking at the architectural styles in the city again, they are also extremely old, and it is impossible to tell how many years ago they belonged.

"Be careful, this Uncle feels the pressure from the bloodline. My Old Ancestor may live in this city!" Purple Divine Dragon seemed to feel something, and ao wu called out.

"It seems to be the breath of the Dragon Emperor!" Baby Dragon cooperates with the purple Divine Dragon, nodded again and again.

"The breath you feel comes from the big dragon knife."

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei took the lead in moving towards the square in the ancient city and flew away, Chen Nan, Katherine and the others follow closely from behind.

"Master, what exactly is this place? It seems that there has been a fierce battle!" When he came to the square, Chen Nan frowned, allowing some dignity on his face.

Looking towards looking towards all around, the dense skeletons are stacked disorderly, and some of them are shining dim light, revealing a breathtaking breath.

Obviously, these bones were extremely powerful Spiritual Gods before they were alive.

Chu Bei didn't answer Chen Nan's question, but pointed out a ruin not far away.

Chen Nan was stunned at first, and then seemed to understand what Chu Bei meant, and immediately went forward to search among the rubble.


Along with the clanging metal vibrato, Chen Nan lifted a boulder and underneath was a rotten rusty knife.

"Master, isn't this broken knife a big dragon knife? It doesn't look like it!" Chen Nan glanced at the broken knife and twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"What are you kidding me, if this is a big dragon knife, I am afraid it is a Divine Item for me to spit."

The purple Divine Dragon sticks out its paws and points at Chen Nan's feet. The rotten knife, heartless laughed: "Expert, I don’t think you have miscalculations too!"

I saw the rotten knife at the foot of Chen Nan with rusty spots on the surface of the knife, dense like a fishing net, and the handle of the knife was even more rusty. There are countless small holes, translucent front and back.

Chu Bei looked at Chen Nan with a playful look, said with a smile: "You brought it to me."

Chen Nan slightly nod, immediately reached out and held it in On the handle of the knife, trying to pick it up.

But when Chen Nan held the handle of the knife, he knew that he was wrong. With his 6th-Rank power, it was difficult to shake the latter, and the opponent was like a black iron rock. completely motionless.

"It's just a broken knife, I can't pick it up?"

The purple Divine Dragon looked at Chen Nan suspiciously, then flew to the broken knife and tried his best Flicking the mini dragon body and hitting it on the handle of the knife.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

As soon as the purple Divine Dragon draws the handle, a dazzling rays of light burst out of the rusty blade. .

next moment, there was a huge dragon roar, which exploded like a violent thunder, and the roar seemed to contain a kind of anger.

In an instant, the nearest purple Divine Dragon and Chen Nan were blown away by an invisible force.

Afterwards, under all eyes, the Rusty Knife flew up high on its own and turned into a dragon body.

A thousand-meter-long Azure Dragon hovered over the square. The huge head was facing the purple Divine Dragon, and the dragon roar with its wide open mouth was full of the majesty of Supreme.

"Old Ancestor, this Uncle...Oh no, the behavior of the small dragon just now was not intended to offend you. I just want to help you flex your muscles, everything is out of kindness."

Seeing this scene, the Purple Divine Dragon hurriedly crawled on the ground, pretending to be a pitiful look, and slowly moved towards Chu Bei under the tyrannical pressure of Azure Dragon.

At the moment, only this mysterious expert can save it all.

He couldn't think that the big dragon sword that used to be powerful in all directions would become what it is now.

"Odd an ancestor! Dragon Emperor is here, it is a blessing for the small dragon to be able to see you for a long time!"

Looking at the thousand zhang Divine Dragon above , Baby Dragon's eyes widened, and immediately bowed in a pious manner.

Over the square, dragon roar keeps on sounding.

The purple Divine Dragon moved its body and has come to Chu Bei behind, trembling like a loach looking at the Azure Dragon above his head in horror.

"The dragon knife has spirit, you two looked down on it before, so naturally it won't let you pick it up."

Chu Bei glanced at Chen Nan, and then pinched the purple Divine Dragon In the hand: "Especially you, actually attacked it actively. For it, this is a humiliation."

"Expert, I know it's wrong, you should ask Old Ancestor for me. Pray for mercy."

purple Divine Dragon looked towards Chu Bei. The Azure Dragon above imposes on it a kind of instinctual coercion, fear from the bottom of my heart.

Chu Bei threw the purple Divine Dragon back to the ground, then raised his eyes and looked towards Azure Dragon above, with a look of pity on his face: "The injury is very serious."

Only see Azure Dragon thousand zhang dragon body is covered with blood, countless wounds are tearing, horrible to see, dense blood holes pierce through its body, making the front and back translucent, which can be said to be horrible!

"Oudi Dragon Emperor, who did it! He actually hurt you like this." Baby Dragon moved to Chu Bei's side, angrily angry. expression.

Azure Dragon seems to have heard the words of Baby Dragon, its huge body like a rolling mountain constantly tumbling, the rumbling sound shattered the void, and densely packed cracks spread from the void. The sound of roar's dragon roar is filled with pain, which seems to vent the pain in my heart.

"As the Eastern Divine Dragon, you have done your best. The final battle is coming. With your current recovery speed, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch up." Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, looking calmly. Wearing Azure Dragon, pretending to be expert.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Azure Dragon stared suddenly, the huge bloodshot eyes locked on Chu Bei tightly.

Afterwards, with his mouth wide open, the sound of dragon roar became more and more powerful, full of unwillingness.

"Your origin is too bad for you to repair. If you follow me and I will treat you, you can still catch up with the final battle."

Chu Bei calmly looked at thousands zhang Azure Dragon, and said that with a wave of his sleeves, a group of dragon yuan from the All Heavens Departmental Store swam along Azure Dragon by itself.

As Long Yuan moved towards countless wounds, Azure Dragon's swinging body gradually calmed down, and the pain on his face gradually reduced.

"Thanks...thank you."

There was a little gratitude in the eyes of the thousand zhang Azure Dragon, and the huge head faced Chu Bei.

After spitting out two syllables with difficulty, a dragon roar echoed throughout the ancient city, and then the thousand zhang-long dragon body of Azure Dragon turned into a light and swept into Chu Bei's body.

[The host signs a Level 1 agent for Katherine and obtains the Dragon Sword, the task is completed]

[Level 14 commodity permission activation progress 70%]

[Reward the host for the right to use Level 16 goods once]

[Task 7 release: Host enters Heaven Realm and signs Level 1 agency Ruthless Fairy]


When the Dragon Sword plunged into Chu Bei's body, the system sound followed.

With the completion of the mission, Chu Bei now has the right to use Level 16 goods twice.

"Master, that big dragon sword?" Chen Nan asked tentatively. .

"It has chosen to follow as a teacher." Chu Bei responded indifferently.

"I really scared Uncle Long to death!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the purple Divine Dragon returned to its previous ruffian appearance, lying on Baby Dragon's body.

"East there...I'm going..."

Just then, a warm jade flew out of Chu Bei's arms, and the woman's intermittent voice sounded.

"That's not a safe place."

Looking at the direction Dugu Xiaoxuan pointed out, combined with the system map, he already knew where Dugu Xiaoxuan wanted to go.

It is precisely because of knowing that he will hesitate, because once there, the entire Human World and even Heaven Realm will cause an incalculable sensation.

"Take...I go..."

Dugu Xiaoxuan's intermittent voice sounded again, with pleading.

After thinking about it for a moment, Chu Bei sighed faintly. Anyway, if he has the right to use Level 16 merchandise, he will be satisfied.

After making a decision, Chu Bei immediately left, holding the warm jade and taking Chen Nan and the others moved towards the east.

As we continue to deepen, the scene of this dead world gradually comes alive, and the greenery gradually thickens.

What hasn't changed is that I still don't see any ominous beasts.

Approximately moved towards the east swept in a flash for nearly a thousand kilometers, Chu Bei stopped the stable, and the area below was like Fairyland, with yao flowers in full bloom, grass paving, and clear springs gurgling. A pleasant scenery.

"Master, those are snow maple trees!"

Smelling the familiar fragrance of refreshing, Chen Nan looked intently. When he found the source of the fragrance, his expression was stagnant. His eyes condensed.

I saw countless tall snow maple branches and luxuriant leaves standing in the mountains, the branches and leaves were dotted with countless snow-white petals, like blossoming snowflakes.

For Chen Nan, the snow maple is a very impressive plant because he has only seen it in Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

"Master, it's not that Xuefengshu was transformed by spiritual qi, but why are there so many here?" Chen Nan looked confused.

"Go down and you'll know."

With a flat voice, Chu Bei flew behind the entire group over the tall snowy maple trees.

"This...how is this possible!"

After a long while, Chen Nan stared at the scene ahead with an incredible color in his eyes.

That is a row of tall tombstones, the layout is almost exactly the same as the Cemetery of Gods and Demons he resurrected!

Pure and holy radiance envelops the tombstone, there are eight-winged angels dancing, and a God Sovereign holding a gold holy sword wandering...

Obviously, these all are dead gods and demons A phantom transformed into an immortal powerful divine sense.

"Master, why...why is there a Cemetery of Gods and Demons here!" Chen Nan's eyes were firmly locked on Chu Bei, and he asked in his eyes.

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