"Could it be said that this was once the battlefield of gods?" Chen Nan said in his mind.

He really wants to know what happened between these gods and demons?

What kind of era is the War of Heaven?

"Let’s drop it! Here, I feel a lot of breath of the same kind."

Baby Dragon cautiously ran to Chu Bei’s side. In this kind of place, It found that only by staying close to this mysterious expert, it would feel more at ease.

Purple Divine Dragon is also stunned, looking at the tombs of gods and demons, his pupils dilate sharply: "Many powerful beings, even this Uncle Peak, are not their opponents! So powerful! Existence will die, and death is still a big piece! God, what happened in this ghost place."

Katherine was equally shocked, saying: "I heard from the clan elves that there is a place in the middle of the continent. Cemetery of Gods and Demons, where the Eastern Immortal Gods and Western gods and demons are buried. Unexpectedly, there is such a Cemetery of Gods and Demons in this eternal forest. I just don’t know which of the two Cemetery of Gods and Demons is larger. "

"Some things about the War of Heaven, you will know about it later." Chu Bei continued to perfuse Chen Nan. As soon as he finished speaking, the warm jade who lived in Dugu Xiaoxuan took the lead in moving towards Flew in one direction.

Seeing this, Chu Bei entire group quickly followed, but in a moment it came to the deepest part of the cemetery.

This is a thatched house, similar to the thatched house in the central Cemetery of Gods and Demons of Heavenly Profound Continent. Open the door, the decoration inside is very simple, there is only one bed, one table, one chair, one stone stage, and no other items.

"Master, now it seems that the old grave guard is not simple." Chen Nan thought of the rickety old man and couldn't help but sigh.

"What do you think." Chu Bei laughed indifferent expression.

It's not simple, the opponent is transformed by life and death, with the strength of Heaven Rank Peak, it is one of the strongest among Heaven and Earth.

At the same time, he is also the Master of Xuanxuan, the wife of the imprisoned god Dugu Baitian.

"Look, the monster stopped there!"

The purple Divine Dragon obviously still hates the warm jade for swallowing its dragon yuan, thus calling the opponent a monster.

At this moment, warm jade hovered on a stone platform in the house, exuding light purple and dazzling light.

The shape of the stone stage is weird, like the Platform of King's Worship. There are two lines of scribes on one side of it. If you look carefully, they are two words of horrible to see.

millions and millions of creatures are soldiers, and millions of gods and demons are generals!

"Master, this should be Immortal Treasure!"

Chen Nan pointed to the Platform of King's Worship and couldn't help asking Chu Bei.

When he saw two imposing manner majestic scratches, a fighting intent arose in his heart for no apparent reason.

Chu Bei shook the head, to be precise, this should be regarded as a treasure between Heaven and Earth, and its power is far above Immortal Treasure.

Platform of King's Worship, this is made by the Demon Lord!

As for the Demon Lord, even in the upcoming final battle, it is also one of the four strongest Powerhouses.

Under the attention of Chen Nan, Katherine and the others, Chu Bei slowly stepped forward, and the right hand was placed flat on the stone platform.

next moment, the stone stage trembles violently, and everyone hasn't reacted to it and quickly grows bigger.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the hut was crowded by the skyrocketing stone stage.

In just a few seconds, the stone stage turned into a hundred zhang, carrying the Chu Bei entire group to the sky.

At the same time, a force that is so majestic that it is unpredictable bursts out, grandiose in this small world.

The Chu Bei entire group stands on the Platform of King's Worship, scanning the millions of tombstones below.

hong long long!

Platform of King's Worship swayed, brought a shaking roar, billowing demonic energy violently surge out, pouring towards the cemetery below.

This terrifying force is like the sky pressing down on the ground, and Small World here begins to make waves of vibrato, which seems to be shattered at any time.

Under the cover of demonic energy, the Cemetery of Gods and Demons below began to violently turbulent. Graves began to crack slowly, and palms of both hands protruded out of the ground.

"What the hell is this, too terrifying." Baby Dragon shrank his neck.

In the rumbling sound, the Platform of King's Worship has moved!

When it was about to land in the cemetery, the entire group of gods and demons was boiling.

A huge roar came from the ancient cemetery. The terrifying roar and the sound of magic howl seemed to penetrate Heaven and Earth to Three Realms and Six Paths.


The horrible whistle sound, like a hell evil spirit about to rush out of the cage.

The earth rumbling and trembling constantly, the undissipated soul of Dead Fiendgod, as if about to rush out, the whole Cemetery of Gods and Demons is noisy!

At the same time, whether it is Heaven Realm or Human World, many Holy Land Sects have had huge sensational strange events.

Heavenly-Origin Continent central.

In Cemetery of Gods and Demons, the ghosts of the gods and demons that had calmed down once again emerged from the ground, floating above the snow maple trees, howling sternly, and phantoms raging.

"The god is dead, the devil is extinguished, the sky is broken, the earth is broken..."

The old grave guard walked out of the thatched hut leisurely with a cane, far away Looking at the west, he muttered to himself: "Platform of King's Worship was born by you. What are you going to do?"

Look carefully, there is a pair of pupils in the eyes of the old grave guard. Reflection, what is displayed in the reflection is the image of Chu Bei entire group standing on the Platform of King's Worship.

Heavenly-Origin Continent east, Tantai Ancient Holy land.

In the taboo area, a black clothed man loses one's head out of fear flew out and directly broke into the Holy Land great hall, with a vibrato in his words: "Sir Holy Lord, the major event is not good The seal demon riot, Land of Sealing also appeared in an unusual form, go out and check it out!"

Hear the sound, the daoist robe man complexion greatly changed, and he quickly got up from his first seat and rose into the sky. Take the lead in moving towards the outside of the hall and fly away, and the rest of the people in the hall follow closely from behind.

At this moment, the disciples and Elders of Holy Land in Tantai successively put down what they were busy with, and moved towards the forbidden area and cast their gazes.

Over the forbidden ground, the demonic energy is monstrous, and this vivid picture is being interpreted at this moment.

In the screen, the entire group stands on a huge stone platform. The stone stage all around unusual form is numerous, and below are thousands of tombstones collapsed, ghost shadow raging, panic and illusion are rampant.

"Where is there!"

"What happened!"

"Looking at the Cemetery of Gods and Demons in the center of the continent, it seems, Is it there?"

"Cemetery of Gods and Demons is not far from here, and we have someone watching there all the time. If it is really there, the senior and junior brothers outside should have sent a message. Are now."

"They are who? And that huge stone stage, is that Immortal Treasure? They can vacate by themselves!"

"I shouldn’t be more concerned about it now Are there phantoms in those tombstones? There is even Twelve-Winged Angel, how terrifying existence it is!"

"What puzzles me is why this scene is projected over the forbidden area. I don’t know if other Holy Land has such an unusual form."


In Tantai Holy Land, a group of disciplines in small groups gathered to discuss the scene above the forbidden land. .

"What did the sixth man say?" The Holy Land Sect Master looked back towards the black clothed man behind him.

"Although Cemetery of Gods and Demons also heard the screams of ghosts, but did not see this stone stage, it should not be the same place." The black clothed man said respectfully.

"Is there really two Cemetery of Gods and Demons?" Holy Land Sect Master frowned.

"It's them!"

But at this moment, a woman in white clothes beside the Holy Land Sect Master exclaimed.

"Keer, do you know them?" Holy Land Sect Master hurriedly asked.

"Master, did you see the man standing in the front? He is the mysterious man who killed Matchless Ancient Corpse that I mentioned to you earlier! As for the black-robed youth behind him , Is the one who got the inheritance of the nameless gods and demon." Meng Ke'er bit his lip and pointed at Chu Bei.

"What the hell does this guy want to do!"

After listening to what Meng Ke'er said, Holy Land Sect Master brows tightly knit: "I'm afraid this continent that has calmed down for many years is due to him And it becomes chaotic and turbulent again!"

At the same time, divine Wind Academy.

Chu Ao looked at the picture that suddenly appeared in the sky in disbelief, and couldn't help but twitched: "Senior, what is he doing? It feels like a major event will happen soon!"

Chu Yu's eyes were confused: "Where are they? It seems to be very similar to Cemetery of Gods and Demons! Those gods and demons who have been dead for a long time emerge from the ground. Are they going to come back from the dead?"

Yi Feng took a deep breath: "For thousands of years, the Wangchuan mirror in our hospital has never been strange! But today is a scene like this reflected, and the picture shows It's the mysterious senior who doesn't know the origin! But if he appears, it will be a blessing for us, not a curse!"

Heavenly-Origin Continent West, Church of Light.

The Eighteen Levels of Hell under the temple trembled violently, and the magic whistle shook the sky.

The clergymen looked up at the sky above the temple in horror like everyone in Tantai Holy Land.

"Master Pontiff, the Eighteen Levels of Hell riots, the demons that were sealed in history are about to rush out!"

"This matter is not something we can stop. Those powerful The demons shouldn’t have stayed in our Human World. If they really rushed out, the people of Heaven Realm would take action."

The old man called Supreme Pontiff didn’t have much panic on his face. After talking about frowns, looking at the Chu Bei entire group in the picture, he kept sighing: "Nowadays, the eternal forest is strange. It no longer remains silent. The chaos may not be far away."

Holy Land, Western churches, and many ancient influences of the continent all have the same scenes inexplicably.

If Chu Bei knew all of this, he would definitely scream, he was broadcast live by this world!

Heaven Realm, west.

In the Temple of Wisdom Goddess, the Six Paths silhouette sits in two rows in an orderly manner.

At this moment, the eyes of the six people are all projected on the scene in front of them, and they all reveal the breath of the superior.

"How do you think about this?"

Wisdom Goddess IELTS frowned and looked towards the other five God Sovereign beside him.

"There is a message from below that this cemetery is not the one we know. In my opinion, it should be in the Lost Third Realm." Life Goddess said lightly.

"It's a pity that you can't see their cultivation base just from the screen."

Thunder God half-squinted, the crackle in the swing of the thunder hammer in his hand kept ringing: "However, what is under their feet That stone stage is somewhat like a treasure with World Destroying Might in my impression."

"They should be Dongfang Xiu Daoist. What makes me puzzled is, what they did, they were able to Let those gods and demons who have been dead for so long have such a turmoil. Fortunately, the bones of these ancient gods and demons are buried in the third realm, otherwise even the Heaven Realm may not be peaceful." A person's face was solemn, and his words were fortunate.

"I don't know the east side, do they know this." Another person said.


At this moment, not only the West Heaven Realm, but also the East Heaven Realm.

In front of every fairy family Cave Mansion, there are Xiu Daoist in small groups, talking about the scenes that suddenly emerged. Each one looked at Chu Bei in the picture, discussing spiritedly, each with a different expression.

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