The eternal forest.

While Heaven Realm and Human World all influence are paying attention to the direction in the picture, the sky above the second Cemetery of Gods and Demons, Chen Nan, Katherine and the others are even more shocked.

"Odd a god, I didn't expect this broken stone to have such a great ability!"

Baby Dragon firmly grasped Chu Bei's arm with both hands, with big eyes strenuously Blinking and blinking, if it didn't hurt to slap itself, it thought it had a nightmare.

It's a purple Divine Dragon like a ruffian, but at the moment it has a grave expression, and it's rare to get serious.

It lay quietly on Baby Dragon's back, looking heavily at the cracked tombs of gods and demons below.

"Master, I feel an invisible force is restraining them, preventing them from getting rid of their respective graves." Chen Nan noticed some clues and said tentatively to Chu Bei.

In the tombs below, thousands of claws are dancing, some are bloody, some are white bones, like layers of waves are turbulent, but let them how to struggle and howl. Unable to leave the tombstone completely.

Just as Chen Nan's voice fell, and before Chu Bei could answer, the stone of worship shook at his feet.

next moment, worship the two scribes on one side of the stone and project them on the sky, revealing endless blood light.

Almost at the same time, a majestic sound that resembles the ancient Great Desolate is in this world.

"millions and millions of creatures are soldiers, millions of gods and demons are generals!"

With the vigorous sound, a strange scene happened below.

Puff! Puff!

I saw thousands of gods and demons popping up from the grave below, moving towards Platform of King's Worship in unison, kneeling down, mumbling something in their mouths, all of them extremely pious.

Although they have been dead for tens of thousands of years, they still have the high-spirited fighting intent remaining on their bodies. In this powerful voice that seemed to come from ancient times, the fighting intent became stronger and stronger.

"Thousands of years ago, who were these gods and demons going to fight with? Who were they killed by them?"

Katherine looked a little pale, and glanced at the Platform at her feet of King's Worship: "What on earth is it? It can make so many gods and demons acknowledge allegiance to bow down!"

Finally, Katherine's gaze fell on the silhouette of Chu Bei ahead.

In her opinion, perhaps only this mysterious person knows the entire process of development.

"Master, the sky in your mouth, where is it? How strong is it!"

"Could it be that these gods and demons died during the battle? And the stone stage under our feet. What is the origin of it?"

Chen Nan glanced at the gods and demons who bowed down below his eyes, no matter how difficult it is to keep calm, the mood that could have kept peace fluctuated in an instant.

Chu Bei raised his finger to Yaoyao Sky, his expression became serious: "Heavenly Dao has always been there, but your cultivation base is not enough, thinking that the sky is just the sky."

After coming to the Tomb of the God plane, Chu Bei also had some guesses in his heart, including Demon Lord, Ghost Lord and the others, the sky should always be confined to the Tomb of the God plane.

Beyond this day, there is a broader domain that accommodates all the planes of the heavens!

Only in comparison, the plane battle strength of Tomb of the God is higher than the Doupa and Douluo planes, and weaker than Shrouding The Heavens and Journey to the West plane.

Now, witnessing the sensation caused by Demon Lord's Platform of King's Worship, Chu Bei still has some waves in his heart.

It really deserves to be one of the real layouters behind the scenes.

Far away in the sky, the two blood-red and bright characters become brighter and brighter. Finally, they cross each other and zoom in infinitely, and they are mapped over the entire Small World. No matter where you are in the corner, you can see the blood red characters as long as you look up.

"millions and millions of creatures are soldiers, millions of gods and demons are generals!"

The sound of majestic vibes still floats between Heaven and Earth.

At the same time, Heaven Realm and everyone who sees this picture and hears this majestic sound all feel a sense of great sadness.

At this moment, it seems that everyone is affected by this emotion, and their hearts are filled with despair inexplicably.

"I remember...My name is Dugu Xiaoxuan...I want to fight alongside you!"

At this time, the warm jade in front of Chu Bei suddenly released In the brilliant rays of light, there is a clear female voice, and then it trembles slightly. Under the line of sight, a woman's silhouette floats out.

Wearing a purple dress, the woman is exquisite and vulgar, with a light spirit of her own.

"It’s not the monster who sucked up this Uncle Long Yuan emotionally, but you!"

"But looking at you, it’s still a beautiful woman in the making !"

When the woman appeared, the purple Divine Dragon couldn't help howling.

"You want to die."

Dugu Xiaoxuan coldly glanced at the purple Divine Dragon, a breath of the superior came out, and Supreme coercion enveloped The body of the purple Divine Dragon.

Meeting Dugu Xiaoxuan Senhan’s gaze, the purple Divine Dragon shrank her neck and hurriedly hid behind Chu Bei’s behind. She didn’t dare to put a fart any more, and she looked like she had touched it. love.

"big brother, it turns out that there is an elder sister hidden in the jade of the Master. No wonder the Master has been talking to jade before." Little Chen Xi stayed in Chen Nan's arms and blinked and looked curiously. Dugu Xiaoxuan.

Dugu Xiaoxuan looked towards Little Chen Xi nodded with a smile, when his eyes moved to Chen Nan's body, his expression was stagnant and then his body trembled.

Dugu Xiaoxuan seemed to be lost, until after a long while, he whispered softly: "Brother..."

"This life is called Chen Nan, not your brother."

Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, smiling at Dugu Xiaoxuan, calm and composed.

"I don’t know who you are, but thank you for bringing me here. If it weren’t for the dragon yuan with that loach, plus the breath of the Platform of King’s Worship, I’m afraid my memory will be gone. It takes a thousand years to wake up."

Dugu Xiaoxuan moved towards Chu Bei slightly nod, intentionally a powerful Divine Consciousness flocked to Chu Bei, but this Divine Consciousness went but never returned.

Next moment, a grave expression appeared on Dugu Xiaoxuan's face.

Her temptation turned out to be useless!

The person she couldn't see through directly ignored her attack, especially when the other person looked at her now, like the way her father once looked at her.

It was a kind of joking, carelessly, seeing what she did as a child playing around!

"Did you call me brother just now?"

Chen Nan came back to his senses, recalling Dugu Xiaoxuan's previous call, staring directly at each other, his eyes filled with Thick confusion.

"You can treat it as if you didn't hear it. There are some things, the less you know, the better with your current strength."

Dugu Xiaoxuan glanced at Chen Nan and pointed his finger at Chu Bei: "This senior, I have told you enough."

Although Dugu Xiaoxuan did not test out the strength of Chu Bei, it is quite certain that this person is either the reincarnation of the Immemorial god and has the memory of the past. , Or it is the ancient god who survived that Zhantian era.

"Hehe, it's strength again!"

Chen Nan frigid irony and scorching satire, his face is a bit ugly: "What kind of cultivation base must be achieved before we can learn ten thousand years ago Those secrets."

Neither Chu Bei nor Dugu Xiaoxuan answered the conversation. For Chen Nan, there is still a long way to go.


Church of Light.

long long long ——

The temple in the center of the church suddenly vibrated, billowing demonic energy surged from the ground, and the baleful aura skyrocketed.

"Not good!"

In the temple, Supreme Pontiff and the clergy hurriedly flew out of the great hall. When they saw the demonic energy covering half of the sky, their expressions changed suddenly.

"Supreme Pontiff, what happened!"

"Seal it first!"

Supreme Pontiff loudly shouted.

A group of clergymen immediately did not hesitate, immediately launched the Light Holy Power, and jointly imposed a seal on the temple.

In an instant, all directions countless dazzling brilliance shrouded the temple below.

However, the seven most powerful people in the church, including Supreme Pontiff, applied the seal at the same time, still unable to calm the tremor of the temple, and unable to resolve the baleful aura of the underground sky.

One of the priests kept moving in his hands, with interlaced palm prints, and his face was incomprehensible: "Supreme Pontiff, what is going on with such a strong and terrifying baleful aura? Is it possible that, then Eighteen A certain ancient Great Demon sealed by Levels of Hell is about to break out of his seal?"

Faced with the terrifying demonic energy surging out from the ground, even his 6th-Rank Peak strength is still in his heart. Weakness, scared witless feeling arose.

Supreme Pontiff shook the head, mood grave: "This baleful aura is not from the ancient gods and demons."

"It's not the sealed gods and demons, is that?"

Hearing what Supreme Pontiff said, the priests turned their eyes to Supreme Pontiff, and the voice of inquiry was anxious.

"Demon Suppressing Stone!"

Supreme Pontiff sighed and talked about the secrets of the next generations of Supreme Pontiff inheritance.

"Everyone in the continent knows that there is Eighteen Levels of Hell under my Church of Light headquarters, but they don’t know that this Eighteen Levels of Hell is a multi-layered strange space created by the ancient power, and it is also the imprisonment of Heaven. It’s a terrible place for the fierce and evil generations between and Earth."

"Eighteen Levels of Hell actually appeared before my Church of Light. The reason why Light God Palace was set here tens of thousands of years ago was to Guard the Eighteen Levels of Hell."

"Those horror gods and demons imprisoned in the Eighteen Levels of Hell, their strength is far beyond our ability. Fortunately, when my teaching was established, the sky was flying away. Here comes a magic stone that is three feet tall and falls on the Eighteen Levels of Hell."

"As soon as the magic stone fell, the rioting Eighteen Levels of Hell calmed down and seemed to be calmed. Those gods and demons imprisoned in hell. For this reason, the shrine used this stone as the foundation to build the current Light God Palace."

The clergy’s faces were surprised: "Master Pontiff, listen to you Means, the current riot is caused by the Demon Suppressing Stone?"

Without waiting for Supreme Pontiff to speak, the great hall blasted with a bang, and an incomparable horrible energy blasted Supreme Pontiff and the other six. The clergy old man who casts the seal.

next moment, the great hall completely collapsed, and a section of the Hessian boulder emerged.

This boulder seems to be able to absorb light. After it appeared, the originally bright sky dimmed instantly.

Looking intently, this black stone is like a bottomless pit. Just looking at it, there is a feeling of loss of soul, as if it can swallow people's minds.

"It's out!"

Supreme Pontiff stared at Blackstone, eyes suddenly shrank.

hong long!

There was another loud noise, and the earth trembled.

Immediately, I saw the Demon Suppressing Stone rise from the ground, turning into a long rainbow thread, and completely disappearing from the sight of Supreme Pontiff and the clergy.

"Master Pontiff, look at that picture!"

In the blink of an eye, a clergyman pointed to the sky and screamed.

Supreme Pontiff looked up, and when he saw a scene in the picture, his expression suddenly stagnated.

I saw the Demon Suppressing Stone that disappeared a second ago, and it is now inserted in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons Central Zone, like a huge tombstone.

"Master, what is this!"

"Where did it come from!"

On the Platform of King's Worship, Chen Nan suddenly stood up The black stone inserted in the center of Cemetery of Gods and Demons below, looked towards Chu Bei with confusion.

This is a stone tablet with a height of three feet tall. It is Hessian and lifeless, with traces of blood stained on it. It looks very evil.

"Platform of King's Worship is out, the cemetery is rioting, and you are here." Chu Bei squinted his eyes and let out a long sigh.

Black’s Demon Suppressing Stone stands among millions of tombstones. It looks much taller than other tombstones, and even more like a tombstone than a tombstone.

The bright red blood stains its surface, making it look very evil, like a stele king!

After it arrived, the ear-splitting hustle and bustle of Cemetery of Gods and Demons instantly became silent.

It stands in the tomb group. Although it is motionless, its lifelessness is far greater than the sum of all the tombstones in this Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The Demon Suppressing Stone shuddered and let out a roar. The souls and corpses of the numerous Fiendgods kneeling down on the knees of Platform of King's Worship unexpectedly returned slowly In the grave.

"Oh, a god, here's another amazing thing!"

Looking at the god and demon who retreated below, Baby Dragon wriggled his throat. Can't help but yell.

Chen Nan, Katherine and the others also showed a look of shock, looking at the Demon Suppressing Stone one by one, their faces full of consternation.

Although Dugu Xiaoxuan's expression is not surprised, his eyes are already red, with a deep longing.

If the expression on the scene has not changed, Chu Bei is the only one.

After a few breaths, the corpses of thousands of gods and demons all returned to the grave. The cracked ground closed slowly, and the broken tombstones were reunited under an unknown force.

At first glance, Cemetery of Gods and Demons looks like nothing happened, except that there is a bloodfiend stone similar to a tombstone in the middle.

Although everything has returned to calm, this unusual silence is inexplicable.

The Demon Suppressing Stone was originally a thing of the blue sky, but because it was contaminated with the blood of the Immemorial taboo god Dugu Baitian, it was finally refining.

"Master, they seem to be hostile."

Chen Nan glanced at the Demon Suppressing Stone under his eyes, then looked at the Platform of King's Worship under his feet, his brows furrowed Flop.

Platform of King's Worship and Demon Suppressing Stone are intertwined with all kinds of brilliance, and the undercurrent is surging.


Suddenly, the Platform of King's Worship burst out with a dazzling divine glow, and then the size of the hundred zhang quickly shrank to the size of the Demon Suppressing Stone, and then moved towards the bottom The Demon Suppressing Stone blasted off and hovered ten meters above it.

At this moment, the Demon Suppressing Stone is not silent either. The bright red blood stains on its stele are more dazzling and beautiful, revealing bursts of evil rays of light. Until the blood flowed down, the stone tablet was stained red.

Platform of King's Worship spins faster and faster, and finally turns into a huge black shadow wrapped around the Demon Suppressing Stone, and the dull and depressing breath permeates the entire Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

Look at the Demon Suppressing Stone again, the evil blood flowing out of it has dripped to the ground, like a blood monument.

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