
Suddenly, a roar from the Platform of King's Worship resembles an ancient Great Desolate.

next moment, Platform of King's Worship slammed away towards Demon Suppressing Stone, carrying Supreme divine might.

Almost at the same time, the Demon Suppressing Stone rose from the ground and rushed forward.

hong long long!

Blood waves rose to the sky during the shocking collision!

The blood of the Demon Suppressing Stone flowed away and turned into a blood wave of Shrouding The Heavens, blocking the impact of the Platform of King's Worship.

"millions and millions of creatures are soldiers, and millions of gods and demons are generals!"

Platform of King's Worship hangs above the blood wave, and the powerful sound inside it sounds.

The twelve crossed scarlet characters in the sky far away, emitting endless blood light, once again moved towards the Demon Suppressing Stone below and blasted away.


The monstrous blood wave was blasted away in an instant, revealing the Demon Suppressing Stone like a stele king below it.

However, at this moment, the Demon Suppressing Stone has also undergone extremely abnormal changes. The four sides of the blood-red stele body respectively reflect four large blood-red characters.

"Extinction, extinction, killing, sealing!"

On the Demon Suppressing Stone, four blood red characters are mapped into the air from four directions, and then moved towards Platform of King's Worship. The two blood words dashed away.

Dang dang!

The blood and the words intertwined and collided, bringing up bursts of deafening sonorous sounds, just like the sound of death!

"Master, are these two Supreme treasures fighting?"

Chen Nan was dumbfounded when he witnessed a scene in the battlefield below.

The battle between Platform of King's Worship and Demon Suppressing Stone is not like two dead objects fighting, it's more like two people fighting each other!

"Could it be that there is a manipulator behind these two dead things? The Platform of King's Worship can make thousands of gods and demons kneel down, and the Demon Suppressing Stone can hold thousands of Divine Demon Tokens back to Tomb of the God, how terrifying the strength of these two manipulators is!"

Katherine whispered to herself, thinking of this, her heart throbbed violently, and then she could not help but look towards Chu Bei, seeming to be guessing Can the Master’s cultivation base compete with those two operators?

"Why do you want to kill each other? You obviously belong to the same camp."

Looking at the Demon Suppressing Stone and the Platform of King's Worship who are fighting below, Dugu Xiaoxuan looked dull, murmured constantly, and his eyebrows were filled with deep confusion.

She wondered why two acquaintances would kill each other.

"Its target is the Demon Suppressing Stone, not the bloodstain on it."

Just as Dugu Xiaoxuan was puzzled, Chu Bei hugged his hands from his back on his chest and spoke lightly. Said.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Dugu Xiaoxuan frowned: "But what's the difference?"

"The blood belongs to your father, but the Demon Suppressing Stone belongs to the blue sky." Chu Bei responded.

"But the Demon Suppressing Stone has been refining by Sir Father."

Dugu Xiaoxuan clenched his fists: "Anyway, I will stop them from continuing to fight!"

The cold voice fell, and Dugu Xiaoxuan appeared behind the Demon Suppressing Stone in an instant, with a slight grip on his right palm, and the surging purple light entangled it like a vine.

The conversation between Chu Bei and Dugu Xiaoxuan, Chen Nan, Katherine and the others are naturally confused.

And Dugu Xiaoxuan's ability to join the battlefield between the two treasures made them even more astonished. They couldn't imagine that the strength of the woman in this warm jade was already terrifying to such a realm.

No matter which treasure it is, it is an existence that can make thousands of gods and demons worship!

"Who are you!"

At this moment, a coldly snorted sounded abruptly in this world.

The sudden shout made Chen Nan and the others' soul shudder, and immediately saw a group of drizzling violet mist appear east of Cemetery of Gods and Demons, no more than hundreds zhang far away from them.

In the purple mist, two points of azure light suddenly appeared, so evil and terrifying, watching them coldly.

Chen Nan's face was wary, and he intuitively told him that it was a pair of eyes. Whether it is a human, a demon, or a beast, it is definitely the eyes of a creature with terrifying power.

This is the third living creature they encountered after entering the eternal forest, apart from Katherine and the headless angel!

On the contrary, Chu Bei, who has the perspective of God, smiled knowingly when he met the two azure lights in the purple mist.

Because the Demon Suppressing Stone and Platform of King's Worship were too much, the'master' of this world also appeared.

Of course, this'master' is just a chess piece that's all.

"I'll go! Who can't afford to offend this again!" Purple Divine Dragon stared at the drizzling violet mist and shrank his neck.

Just as the purple mist appeared, the Platform of King's Worship suddenly broke away from the battle with the Demon Suppressing Stone, and instantly appeared under the purple mist.

At the same time, the master of those eye-catching eyes in the purple mist is standing on the Platform of King's Worship, two azure light is frightening.

The moment the mysterious person appeared, the Demon Suppressing Stone trembled slightly, and the four characters'Extinction, Extinction, Killing, and Sealing' in the sky returned to the blood.

"I thought you were going to have more!"

Dugu Xiaoxuan stood beside the Demon Suppressing Stone and glanced at the drizzling violet mist, as if he had already noticed the purple mist. Like the existence of the mysterious person in the middle, the lingering sound is like a thunder, floating between Heaven and Earth here.

"Master, is he the owner of the Platform of King's Worship? Is he the owner of this eternal forest? Did the previous tens of thousands of gods and demons bow down to him?" Chen Nan looked towards Chu Bei, successively Ask a few questions.

When he wants to come, this mysterious person is definitely a super great character, and he should be one of the so-called layouters!

"No, he is in the game, it is just a chess piece." Chu Bei glanced at Chen Nan, shook the head, and responded lightly.

This so-called mysterious person in the misty purple mist can also be regarded as a pitiful person. He always thought that he was the best powerhouse between Heaven and Earth, and the chess player behind the scenes. He didn't know that he was just a pawn that's all on the chessboard of others.

"Where did this magic stone come from!"

In the purple mist, the owner of two azure light only coldly snorted caused the void to tremble, and cracks spread.

"I should ask you this, why is the Platform of King's Worship controlled by you!"

The cold voice fell, Dugu Xiaoxuan waved his right hand, palms Release the light purple rays of light, and envelop the world in an instant.

At the same time, Chu Bei and Chen Nan entire group are shrouded in a light purple light sphere, fully protected.

Chen Nan looked all around, a little surprise flashed in his eyes.

I can’t see the Cemetery of Gods and Demons below, some are just endless purple glow, the woman and the Demon Suppressing Stone beside her, apart from this is not far away The mysterious person, and the Platform of King's Worship at its feet.

"Just to my liking! I'm still afraid that the next battle will destroy my Small World. Make sure there is nothing wrong, and I will strengthen one layer too."

There was a burst of laughter, followed by an arm sticking out, and with a single wave, a layer of weird black rays of light was mixed in the endless purple glow.

"What is the relationship between the Demon Suppressing Stone and you? What is the relationship between him and the Platform of King's Worship? Why does the Platform of King's Worship attack the Demon Suppressing Stone? Why..."

Inquiry Chu Bei had no results, Chen Nan had no choice but to hit Dugu Xiaoxuan's body. He really couldn't wait to solve all the mysteries.

This kind of feeling is like catching a little bit, but it is useless, not the key point.

"For you now, ignorance is a blessing in some things!"

Dugu Xiaoxuan glanced at Chen Nan and couldn't help but let out a sigh. Although his voice was a bit cold, it was like a natural sound. Beautiful and pleasant.

"Some people don’t understand that they have been chasing their lives, and in the end, they will inevitably fall silent in Cemetery of Gods and Demons. Some things can’t end once they start. People who are qualified to play games are actually playing. In your own life, the midfielder cannot withdraw until the end of the game."

Dugu Xiaoxuan said the words that made Chen Nan confused: "Life is like chess, Heaven and Earth is just a big game, all beings are Pieces in the game. Unfortunately, I left the game tragically, but I am one of the most powerful players after all, and I am back."

Speaking of the end, Dugu Xiaoxuan’s voice grew louder and louder, and finally It turned out to be like Nine Heavens Divine Lightning, rolling in this world.

"I'm back again."

Also in this brief moment, whether it is Human World or Heaven Realm, all the forces that have a screen projection are echoing this high pitch Exciting voice.

In the Cemetery of Gods and Demons in the middle of the Heavenly-Origin Continent, the old grave guard sits next to the thatched hut and looks at the west, with a smile on his mouth: "This child and Xuanxuan are really a mold carved out. That’s right!"

Heavenly-Origin Continent Eastern Tantai Ancient Holy Land, a lot of Elders including the disciplines couldn’t help covering their ears with their hands, but even so, the voice in the picture remained the same It shocked them.

Heavenly-Origin Continent West Church of Light, Supreme Pontiff and a group of priests fixed their eyes on Dugu Xiaoxuan in the picture.

"Master Supreme Pontiff, is there anything about this woman in the classics? She seems to know Demon Suppressing Stone."

"Master Supreme Pontiff, you know what the Platform of King's Worship calls What? It is the same as the Demon Suppressing Stone, it is the Heaven and Earth treasure!"

"Why did the Platform of King's Worship attack the Demon Suppressing Stone?"

"Master Pontiff, Who are they? Are the gods and demons who survived ten thousand years ago?"


A group of clergymen spoke one after another.

"Shut up all! You ask me, who shall I ask!" Supreme Pontiff screamed.

He knows a shit about these issues!

Heaven Realm, west.

In the Temple of Wisdom Goddess, six God Sovereign looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Can you feel the breath flowing through her?"

"What kind of cultivation base is needed to make your breath penetrate the void, even we can feel it !"

"Her breath makes my heart palpitations. What level of power is she? Will she be Divine Sovereign?"

"A hundred years ago, by chance, I I have had contact with a junior Divine Sovereign in the East. Although his strength is above me, I dare to fight against him. And she makes me timid."

" What do you mean, she is at least the Divine Sovereign of the mid-level or even the Mahayana Stage?"

"The ancient gods and demons disappeared overnight. Kind of realm. Maybe she has touched or even stepped into that realm."


In the temple, the six God Sovereigns have different expressions. While each guessing, continue to pay attention. Follow the trend of the situation in the Eternal Forest.

"Who are you! Why is there no pawn of you in my chess game."

In the eternal forest, the demonic energy is surging, and the Platform of King's Worship is supporting drizzling violet mist Hovering over Dugu Xiaoxuan is less than hundreds zhang distance, two dazzling azure light is full of the cold.

"Your chess game? Hehe, what are you!" Dugu Xiaoxuan sneered, beautiful eyes full of contempt.

"What kind of thing..."

A few simple words, dumbfounded the mysterious people hidden in the purple mist on the Platform of King's Worship.

Gradually, two azure light killing intents emerged, and the faintly revealed stature shook violently for a few times, and was obviously completely irritated.

"It's Interesting."

Chu Bei glanced at Dugu Xiaoxuan, the other's straightforwardness and boldness made him laugh.

Chen Nan, purple Divine Dragon, Baby Dragon and the others can hardly conceal their laughter. The laughter is faintly mixed with the childlike voice of Little Chen Xi.

"Ask him to see if he puts you in his eyes?" At this moment, Dugu Xiaoxuan suddenly pointed out his hand to Chu Bei.

Hearing Dugu Xiaoxuan's words, Chu Bei's expression was stunned. He just wanted to be a watcher, but the other party suddenly changed the topic to him.

Perceiving the cold eyes cast from the purple mist, Chu Bei can only be shrugged while being lightly coughed.

"It doesn't matter who you are and where the stone came from, since it has come to my inner world, there is only death!"

Mysterious voices are filled with cold A monstrous killing intent, whoever dared to contempt his Sovereign between Heaven and Earth must die!

"Inverse Chaos Yin-Yang, Immortal Chaos, Immemorial Sealing Curse! Great Desolate Demon Conferring Seal!" Dugu Xiaoxuan has already taken the lead to speak out before mysterious people take action.

The shout fell, and in this imprisoned world, countless words of'curse' and'print' burst out of the void inexplicably, and moved towards drizzling violet mist in the rumbling sound suppressed it.

chi chi chi!

Countless golden characters were submerged in the purple mist, and the turbulent purple mist was washed away in an instant.

At this moment, the appearance of the mysterious person in the purple mist was completely revealed in everyone's sight.

I saw his long hair red as blood, red horrible to see, and wrinkles and wrinkles on his old cheeks, piled up and piled up, as if the orange peel had dried out.

In the sunken eye sockets, a pair of blue eyes is extremely cold, which is a bit more terrifying than the eyes of Wild Beast glowing green in Darkness.

The thin body is as thin and tall as a bamboo pole, and there is no semi-glossy skin wrapped around the skeleton-like body. It is really skin and bones, and it has only the appearance of a layer of skin than the skeleton. He really looked like a living ghost from hell.

"Sure enough, there is arrogant capital, no wonder you dare to threaten to be one of the most powerful gamers between Heaven and Earth."

The thin old man stared coldly at Dugu Xiaoxuan:" So you have stepped into this realm too!"

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