On the battlefield, the thin old man who had originally expressed contempt was stunned because of this sudden slap.

Until a long while, the thin old man reacted, and then roared angrily: "Boy, do you dare to slap me in the mouth? How dare you slap me in the face! Do you dare to insult me ​​as a Sovereign!" I'm going to kill you! I'm going to smash your bones and ashes!"

The roar was mixed with monstrous killing intents.


Chen Nan gave the mysterious person another mouth with his backhand.


Dugu Xiaoxuan and Chu Bei, Scorpion Dragon, Katherine, etc. who were watching the battle, all couldn't help laughing, heartless.

Dugu Xiaoxuan looked at Chen Nan with satisfaction, with a clear and sweet voice: "Although you can't hurt him with your cultivation base, such humiliation is more pleasant than killing him!"

"Ouditian, what this kid did is really crazy!"

The mouths of purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon are wide open, and they seem to be unable to believe what they have seen before. Scene.

In Heavenly Profound Continent Cemetery of Gods and Demons, the old grave guard with a cane couldn't help but raise a smile: "This little fellow, it really doesn't play cards according to common sense."


"Stinking Insect, you are so insulting me, I will drive you into reincarnation and suffer forever!"

The skinny old man’s eyes are full of blood, hair stands up in anger, a pair of blue He stared at Chen Nan fiercely.

After living for thousands of years, when did he suffer such humiliation?

Although it is killing intent overflowing heaven, there is still no action, but fiercely unwilling to stare at Chen Nan.

"Can you not see the situation right now! You said you can't move now, so you still dare to look at me with this kind of eyes! Even if you are a shit Heaven Stage Powerhouse, this Uncle has to fight Shatter your self-esteem!"

Chen Nan also got angry with the scornful look of the thin old man, left and right hands started working again and again, the positive and negative mouths were constantly pumping, and the crisp popping sound continued. Endless.

"Good boy, awesome!"

The purple Divine Dragon not far away clapped its claws and screamed. It also hates the aloof and remote arrogance of the skinny old man.

It has been ravaged by Chen Nan once, but now as a bystander, seeing the thin old man being humiliated, I am so happy in my heart!

It was Dugu Xiaoxuan who was also on the battlefield. The smile on his face gradually diminished, as if he felt something, and his eyebrows were a little more solemn.

"Tell me about you, keep on saying is the Sovereign of aloof and remote, the skin is harder than the black iron stone! Your uncle's hands hurt when I smoke it!"

Chen Nan has a strange tone of yin and yang, his hands twitching faster and faster, and his words are joking.

In a few breaths, the thin old man was drawn hundreds of big mouths, and his liver-colored face was turned into black and purple with anger.

"I can't bear it anymore, I want you to die now!"

The words of the thin old man seemed to roar out with all his strength, and the killing intent became colder and colder.

At this moment, Chen Nan felt a sense of crisis inexplicably, as if Death God had already placed a sickle in front of his throat.

Chen Nan's heart tightened, without hesitation, he quickly turned into a golden light and moved towards Chu Bei away from the thin old man.

hong long long!

At the moment Chen Nan was far away, a majestic and terrifying energy wave swept and spread centered on the thin old man.

The billowing energy is like a river, the purple light all around exploded and moved towards all directions drifted away.

In an instant, the Tomb of the God cemetery below was clearly revealed again.

Under this horrible energy fluctuation, several rolling mountains in the distance collapsed, rocks burst out, and smoke billowed.

Small forests fell to the ground, fallen leaves were falling, and several turbulent rivers roared out of the banks and changed their routes.

The eruption after the skinny old man broke free from the Tai Chi God and Demon map was a changeable situation, Heaven and Earth lost its color, and the Small World seemed to be shattered.

"You will actually blood sacrifice Platform of King's Worship!"

Dugu Xiaoxuan looked at the skinny old man and the blood-stained Platform of King's Worship, beautiful eyes. Shocked in it.

To sacrifice the Platform of King's Worship with Life Source Blood Essence, although it is possible to forcibly break through the restraint of the Taiji God and Demon figure, its origin will also be severely damaged.

On the Heaven Stage, generally no one would take such an extreme road, because once the source is injured, he wants to go to another level in the future, but it is difficult for Slaughter Heaven!

With the strength of a thin old man, Dugu Xiaoxuan simply never thought of killing him with the help of Tai Chi God and Demon Map, she just wanted to use the God and Demon Map to restraint the other party's time, ready to display the ancient and unparalleled ancient seal formation. Seal the thin old man for a hundred years.

After all, the Taiji God and Demon Picture can only seal the thin old man for a few minutes.

However, even in these few minutes, the thin old man can't wait, and even if he is seriously injured, he must immediately break free from the Taiji God and Demon Picture.

For this, it can be seen that the skinny old man hates Chen Nan.

"Master, dísciple seems to have miscalculated. This old fellow is stronger than I thought!"

Feeling the increasingly terrifying breath of the skinny old man, Chen Nan's heart lingered. Previously the opponent was trapped by the Tai Chi God and Demon Diagram, and he thought that the opponent hadn't recruited.

"You all have to die! Especially you, I want to keep torturing slowly."

The thin old man, like a ferocious tiger, stared coldly at Chen Nan. , Took the lead with a punch moved towards Dugu Xiaoxuan strikes behind.

Dugu Xiaoxuan's eyebrows are solemn, and he does not hesitate to pinch his fists to meet him.

hong long!

Dominating the collision of Heaven and Earth, making this world turbulent. All the mountains are collapsing, and the ground gully below is constantly cracking.

"Fortunately, you run fast." Chu Bei, who was watching the game, glanced at Chen Nan said with a smile.

"Dísciple Sixth Sense is on time." Chen Nan shook his shoulders fortunately. If he hesitated for a moment, even undying would be seriously injured.

At the time when the blood sacrifice Platform of King's Worship exploded with terrifying energy, the Great Influence of Heaven Realm and Human World outside the Eternal Forest also experienced dramatic changes.

Heavenly Profound Continent, divine wind Academy.

A demon claw as high as a hundred zhang is buckled in the sky above the screen, and the bloody claw seems to be cut off by some sharp weapon, releasing Heavenly Demon Qi.

"Yi old man, where did this ghost claw come from? is it possible that is your town’s treasure? You have hidden too much from me, right."

Chu Ao glanced at Yi Feng complainingly, and when he looked towards the High Altitude Demon Claw again, the look of shock in his eyes became even worse.

At a moment ago, the skinny old man in the picture exploded with an incomparable terrifying energy. This energy actually penetrated directly from the void picture, and only a trace of energy destroyed the vast mountain forest below.

Fortunately, just as Chu Ao Yifeng and the others complexion greatly changed worrying about the Academy being destroyed, the huge Great Demon claws that emerged from the Academy’s underground in time covered the thin old man in the picture. The terrifying energy escaping through the void.

"Chu old man, we’ve known each other for a hundred years, when did I hide you? As for this claw, I really don’t know! Besides, the claw is on it, and the breath it reveals is just Only a trace gave me the urge to worship. If this magic claw is controlled by us, how can our academy rank at the bottom of the four major academies?" Yifeng somewhat grudgingly spread his hands.

"Then what does this magic claw come from." Chu Ao brows tightly frowns.

Tantai Holy Land.

A crowd of dísciple Elders looked at the sky far away in amazement.

I saw a bloody head suddenly appeared in the sky above the mapping screen. The head can no longer distinguish gender, but the red light of two eyes shines into the picture, suppressing the majestic energy in the picture.

"Master, what is this!"

Meng Ke'er swallowed and stared at the blood-colored head above.

The old man beside Meng Ke'er shook the head, his eyes were also full of confusion.

Church of Light.

Supreme Pontiff and a group of clergy stared at the sky above the forbidden ground, where half of the body of Twelve-Winged Angel floats above the screen, centering on itself, releasing a strange energy to shelter the entire seat church.


At this moment, as long as Heavenly Profound Continent has the power of rare treasure to project the image of the eternal forest, while the skinny old man is rioting, strange things have appeared to resist this Leakage of strength, or Immortal Treasure or the remains of ancient gods and demons.

Heaven Realm, west.

In the Temple of Wisdom Goddess.

The six God Sovereigns sat opposite each other, and at the same time urged the divine force in the body to block the power from the skinny old man in the eternal forest.

"I dare to affirm that this person is definitely not in the Divine Sovereign realm! There must be a higher realm above the Divine Sovereign realm, and he is the existence of that level!"

"I and you The idea is the same! Otherwise, relying only on the power released by oneself, and still oscillating through thousands of miles of void, impossible to hurt us!"

"These Divine Sovereign existences, how many more are they! Where are they all!"


The six God Sovereigns have blood hanging on the corners of their mouths, look pale.

"Stinking Insect, go to death!"

In the Eternal Forest, the thin old man slammed Dugu Xiaoxuan back with a punch, and then shouting loudly, right hand waved, two tall mountains in the distance Soaring into the air, the package Supreme divine force instantly appeared in the direction of Chu Bei entire group, attacking back and forth.

Feeling the power of Heaven Stage exerted on the two peaks, Chu Bei brows slightly wrinkle. Just as he was preparing to redeem the Level 16 merchandise, Dugu Xiaoxuan left raised hand, two purple like Changhong The streamers came and struck the two peaks separately.

"Your opponent is me!"

Two peaks were crushed, Dugu Xiaoxuan coldly shouted, Fibrin beckoned, and Demon Suppressing Stone fell on her side.

"If you are so anxious to die, then please satisfy you!"

The skinny old man stands on his back and screams up to the sky: "If it weren't for your sneak attack first, I How could he be humiliated by him, and how could blood sacrifice Platform of King's Worship hurt the origin!"

The thin old man clenched his fists, and a storm of sand formed between his hands moved towards Dugu Xiaoxuan swept away.

This is a tornado of energy that eclipses Heaven and Earth. A huge energy vortex is formed in the center, which surrounds Dugu Xiaoxuan in the blink of an eye.

In the face of such a terrifying storm, Dugu Xiaoxuan's expression hasn't changed much, with a lithe and graceful posture slightly trembled, and several purple clouds spreading around him.

long long long ——

Zixia rushes into the violent Tiangang storm, the two are intertwined, and the rumbling sound is endless.

During the collision, although the tens of thousands of Zixias did not dissolve the storm, it was difficult for the storm to move forward.

"You...Which Powerhouse are you Immemorial!"

Seeing Dugu Xiaoxuan's resist oneself attack again, the skinny old man frowned.

On realm, he is one level higher than the opponent, but after two fights, he has no obvious advantage.

"You are not qualified to know who I am based on your little pawn. If my cultivation base is still in peak period, the battle is over!"

Dugu Xiaoxuan is like a silver bell The sound of laughter resounded through the world, and the clear and sweet voice was like a natural sound.

"It's really arrogant! This world takes i as Venerable, if I am a chess piece, who would dare to be a chess player!"

The thin old man sneered again and again, and the Platform of King's Worship flew to him. Next to him, when he put his blood palm on the Platform of King's Worship, the majestic breath in his body suddenly skyrocketed by several points.

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