"It's ridiculous! If you are respected, why do you have to fight with me and blood sacrifice Platform of King's Worship?"

Dugu Xiaoxuan glanced disdainfully The skinny old man then stretched out his hand to Chu Bei: "Don't say it's you, even if it is him, I am afraid I can't call myself the dignity of this world!" Chu Bei on the side saw Dugu Xiaoxuan again. Pointing at him, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Finally, Chu Bei couldn't help but say: "If you want to hit it, hit it quickly, and even gossiping in a fight, there is no end?"

I heard Chu Bei If he said, Dugu Xiaoxuan and the skinny old man's face changed at the same time.

"Platform of King's Worship is just a dead thing, no matter how powerful it is, it is still for me to use!" The thin old man looked at Dugu Xiaoxuan and issued a coldly snorted.

As his palm rests on the Platform of King's Worship, the color of the latter becomes more and more blood red, while the skinny old man's face begins to pale, but his breath is more and more terrifying.

Feeling the soaring breath of the thin old man, Dugu Xiaoxuan's complexion also became extremely serious, holding the Hessian Demon Suppressing Stone in his hands.

Under her caress, that little red blood stain resembles a freshly sprinkled on a living corpse, gurgling with blood energy.


next moment, the skinny old man and Dugu Xiaoxuan seem to have reached a consensus. One holds the Platform of King's Worship and the other holds the Demon Suppressing Stone while moving towards each other Boom away.

long long long!

But in a blink of an eye, the Platform of King's Worship with its majestic breath violently collided with the evil Demon Suppressing Stone, and the sound shook the sky.

At this moment, the void completely collapsed, and the Cemetery of Gods and Demons below was sunken into the distorted Darkness space. The peaks turned into nothingness, and the endless forests shattered into light rain.

Under the horrific impact of the Platform of King's Worship and Demon Suppressing Stone, the Small World re-opened here completely collapsed, and some were only intertwined purple rays of light and scarlet rays of light.

The Chen Nan and Katherine entire group in the distance, if they were not in the protection range of Chu Bei, would have been wiped out.


After the collision, the Platform of King's Worship and the Demon Suppressing Stone separated immediately. After spinning around for a while, they struck again in the hands of the skinny old man and Dugu Xiaoxuan. Together.

It starts again and again.

The void is more and more shattered. After each impact, a large number of pitch black thunders will flow out of the void space. The densely packed black lightning interweaves endlessly. This scene is like hell.

Finally, after a collision, Demon Suppressing Stone and Platform of King's Worship did not continue to collide, but hovered on each other.

At this moment, the skinny old man all around demonic energy is monstrous, ragged, and the mixed body is broken up and down, and the skinny body is deformed by the impact.

Looking at Dugu Xiaoxuan again, although it still maintains its previous appearance, the breath is obviously weakened, all around energy fluctuations have also become disordered, and a pair of beautiful eyes is filled with purple red blood light.

"No matter who you are, you have to be buried here today!"

The skinny old man stared at Dugu Xiaoxuan coldly, laughing heartily, his back was shocked, and his clothes were still torn The deformed body was restored to its original shape: "I see how long you can last!"

"If the old illness is not healed, you will only be destroyed in a single thought!"

Dugu Xiaoxuan stared unwillingly at the skinny old man. Using Demon Suppressing Stone required a lot of Source Power. In the previous collisions, she almost consumed all the power in her body.

What made her even more unwilling is that when she continued to mobilize her own strength, an inexplicable force hidden in her body suddenly rioted, making her unable to continue using the Demon Suppressing Stone.

She knows that if this continues, it will end badly.

After hesitating for a while, Dugu Xiaoxuan flew directly in the direction where Chu Bei was.

"Now that you recognize the situation? From the beginning of self-blood sacrifice, you will have only one end, tortured to death!" The thin old man seemed to see Dugu Xiaoxuan's thoughts, and posted with his other hand. On the Platform of King's Worship.

In an instant, the Platform of King's Worship released the monstrous scarlet rays of light.

In this brief moment, the skinny old man has completely turned into a skeleton, and the blood within the body is completely exhausted.

weng weng weng!

The scarlet Platform of King's Worship trembled abruptly, and then layers of red glow spread towards all around like stacked waves. Wherever he went, everything was imprisoned.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die very happy."

The skinny old man flew slowly to Dugu Xiaoxuan's side, his eyes full of sullen expression.

At this moment, the Demon Suppressing Stone is hovering all around Dugu Xiaoxuan, moving towards the skinny old man from time to time with a low growl like the Great Desolate ominous beast.

"Your opponent is that it is not me."

The skinny old man glanced at the Demon Suppressing Stone, and soon threw away the Platform of King's Worship in his hand.

In an instant, the two Heaven and Earth treasures collided together again.

As for the skinny old man, it is Dugu Xiaoxuan who sneered looking towards unable to move.

"Master, she seems to be in a bad situation!"

Chen Nan pointed to Dugu Xiaoxuan who was imprisoned and turned his head towards Chu Bei and said.

"Master, you can help the elder sister, the elder sister seems to be unable to beat the skeletal villain." Little Chen Xi pulled Chu Bei's arm, Blingbling with wide-eyed eyes.

"Expert, although this enchantress is hateful, she can be regarded as a group with us. Or you can make a small dragon and let me pay tribute to your monstrous means again!" Purple Divine Dragon looked at Chu Bei, with a flattering look on his face.

Chu Bei glanced across Chen Nan, Katherine and the others. After sighing, the divine sense moved and used the right to use Level 16 goods once.

This time the redemption is the power of light among the ten Level 6 products.

Of course, unlike Chen Nan’s development of the Pill of Light, when Chu Bei finished the ten Level 6 powers of light, he felt that he had become a Heaven and Earth. Sovereign of the power of light element.

At the same time, the skinny old man on the battlefield walked around Dugu Xiaoxuan twice, his dark eyeballs were filled with cruel bloodthirsty: "You said I was killing your soul consciousness and turning you into An unconscious puppet, or obliterate your physical body and plant a blood imprint for you to be my slave?"

"As you go."

Dugu Xiaoxuan face There was no trace of fear, but there was a little unwillingness in his eyes.


Heavenly-Origin Continent central, in Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

The old tomb guard looks at the west, his eyes reflect the appearance of Dugu Xiaoxuan in the battlefield, muttering to himself: "Heaven wounds are especially present, otherwise they will not be reduced to this step."

"Will you make a move?"

The old grave guard sighed again, and the person reflected in his eyes has become Chu Bei: "If you don't make a move, then only My old fellow can move his muscles and bones."

The old grave guard shook the crutches in his hand, his voice fell, his eyes suddenly became sharp, the dead souls in Cemetery of Gods and Demons Once again emerging from the ground, floating above the snow maple tree, howling sternly, phantoms raging.

Heavenly-Origin Continent West, Church of Light.

"Supreme Pontiff, the woman associated with the Demon Suppressing Stone is defeated!" Looking at the situation of Dugu Xiaoxuan and the thin old man displayed in the high-altitude picture, all the clergy changed their faces.

"My eyes are not blind!"

Supreme Pontiff was coldly snorted, staring at the clergy, and looking towards Dugu Xiaoxuan in the picture, the eyebrows were heavy The color.

"Supreme Pontiff, the woman knows the origin of the Demon Suppressing Stone, can you save her?" A priest stepped forward.

"There is a fart!"

"Can I participate in the battle between them?"

Supreme Pontiff directly exploded, pointing finger The skinny old man in the picture, "Even at this distance, the skeleton Powerhouse wants to kill me, one finger is enough! How do you let me save people from his hand?"

The priest who spoke After being sprayed by Supreme Pontiff and scratching his head awkwardly, he could only continue to pay attention to the situation in Small World.

In the picture, the thin old man lifted his right hand and moved towards Dugu Xiaoxuan with a horizontal split.

The void vibrates, rumbling, and a pitch-black gap emerges in front of the palm.

In the gap, a black blade glow as long as a hundred zhang flew out, and the space it passed by was shattered one after another. It was such a terrifying blade glow, seemingly slow, but stunned into the void and slashed towards Dugu Xiaoxuan.

The terrifying power carried by the black blade awn has a tendency to be transmitted through the screen.


The half body of the Twelve-Winged Angel above the Church of Light screamed miserably, roaring loudly, and he was trying his best to suppress the black blade of paint Mang's prestige.

Perhaps the Peak cultivation base has disappeared because of the limbs, or because the previous force that inhibited the collision between the Demon Suppressing Stone and the Platform of King's Worship was consumed too much, although it currently blocked most of the power of the black blade, But there is still a little power seeping out.

long long long!

The blade glow that permeated directly fell on a main peak of the church. Suddenly the main peak was forcibly cut in half, a deep gully horrible to see.

"This...this kind of power is really terrifying!"

Supreme Pontiff and the clergy looked at each other, their faces full of horror, even though they penetrated through the void A little bit of power broke a mountain.

Isn't that the only woman who is facing the attack right now is death!

Everyone in the Church of Light squirmed their throats, and their eyes continued to project towards the high-altitude scene.

But just when the imposing manner of black blade glow was about to smash Dugu Xiaoxuan's body, Dugu Xiaoxuan behind the golden light filled, and a huge palm intertwined by Golden rune suddenly emerged from the void.

Afterwards, I saw Golden rune's palm shot out, with a bang, and forcibly took the black blade glow.

After that, I saw the fingertips of Golden rune's palm. In the crisp sound of ka-cha, the imposing manner of black blade glow shattered, turning into black light rain and dissipating in the sky.

"Master Pontiff, have you seen it? The blade glow is blocked!" The clergy's eyes were surprised.

"Master Pontiff, what's the matter with the Golden giant palm, is that woman's backhand?" Another clergyman asked.

"No, the breath is different!"

Supreme Pontiff's line of sight is fixed on the Golden rune giant palm behind Dugu Xiaoxuan, hesitating: "There is a third person! Besides! Two of them, there is a third Supreme Powerhouse!

"It's him! "

"It must be him! "

Supreme Pontiff eyes suddenly shrank, his eyes moved away from the Golden rune giant palm, and fell on a man.

Although the man is wearing a normal robe, he is horizontal in the sky, it is blooming with incomparably sacred brilliance.

This holy breath seems to have crossed the obstacles of emptiness. Just looking at the picture through the screen, there will be an inexplicable warm current in my heart. It’s refreshed, and the limbs are extremely comfortable.

In the battlefield, Chu Bei put his hands behind his back and stood quietly in the sky like this, and his body was wrapped in Golden rays of light. Majesty.

He is like the emperor of aloof and remote, a powerhouse attitude of looking at the world naturally comes out, giving people an impulse to worship.

In its all around, the rays of light that were originally intertwined with purple and black retreated one after another and were replaced by golden rays of light with rune.

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