"Since you acted, it would be fine for me."

In the Cemetery of Gods and Demons in the center of the continent, the imposing manner of the old grave guard is sharp. Back down, the corners of his mouth filled with a little smile: "It's been too many years of comfort, and I really don't want to participate anymore."

In the whisper, the old man with a cane sits on the old chair again. , Looked at the west with both eyes.

"Many...many thanks!"

In the battlefield, Dugu Xiaoxuan looked a little dazed, looked at Chu Bei in disbelief, as if he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say .

She was not surprised that the other party would make a move, nor was she overwhelmed by the other's powerful and unmatched breath, but because she was very strange to the other party's breath, she had never been in contact with her since she was born. power.

The breath released by the opponent clearly did not have any Origin Force fluctuations, but it made her feel a sense of vigilance inexplicably. People who can give her this feeling, she has only felt it from a few people for thousands of years.

And these few people are all the best Powerhouse between Heaven and Earth, the real behind-the-scenes people!

"I didn't want to participate in the battle between the two of you at this level, but among a few little fellows, I could only save you." Chu Bei said the truth, he was I really don't want to shoot.

After all, saving Dugu Xiaoxuan, he has no benefit, and wasted the right to use Level 16 commodities.

Since Dian has converted the light power of Level 16, he has controlled the light power between Heaven and Earth.

In this Tomb of the God plane, all the light elements between Heaven and Earth are used and controlled by him!

In his body, there is an extra seed of light, which carries him the bridge of light element between Heaven and Earth.

With this kind of power, he is confident to fight Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord and Ghost Lord in the Peak period!

According to system evaluation, Level 16 has been equivalent to the inverse Heaven Rank of this plane!

In the battlefield, Chu Bei's calm voice fell, and with a wave of his sleeves, a golden rainbow bloomed beside Dugu Xiaoxuan.

Next moment, Dugu Xiaoxuan's imprisonment disappeared and he was free again.

"Oh, my mother, the super Supreme Powerhouse of real deal!"

Watching Chu Bei easily resolve Dugu Xiaoxuan's restraint box, purple Divine Dragon lying on Baby Dragon's On the back, a pair of dragons were staring round, their eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body, and his chins almost fell off in shock.

Before, it had always been skeptical of Chu Bei's cultivation base. After all, before Long Yuan was removed by Dugu Xiaoxuan, it was also considered the upper powerhouse.

Judging from Chu Bei's previous shots, although the opponent's strength is not weak, in its opinion, it should not be as good as Dugu Xiaoxuan.

However, the scene before him completely shattered its previous views!

This expert is not only strong, but also stronger than the demon Dugu Xiaoxuan who devours its dragon yuan!

Purple Divine Dragon has a sense of melancholy, but soon wakes up. When I looked towards the man whose body was wrapped in golden glow again, I was shocked to find that the other party's invisible temperament could affect its mind.

"Expert is expert, really worthy of being the Supreme level Powerhouse watching the world."

Baby Dragon ao wu let out a sound of flattery in the roar.

"The feeling that Master gave me has changed." Little Chen Xi blinked Shuiling's big eyes and looked at Chen Nan flickering.

Chen Nan squeezed Little Chen Xi's pink cheeks, and never looked away from Chu Bei from start to finish.

Just now, the pill of light in his body seemed to be drawn, and it seemed that he had encountered a king, and unexpectedly released the energy of light on its own.

"I always heard him mention you before, who are you!"

The skinny old man looked at Chu Bei vigilantly, although he could not notice the fluctuation of Chu Bei's Origin Force , But his instinct told him that this person is not simple!

"Eternal chessboard, all beings are chess, you are just a pawn in the hands of one of the chess players, what right do you have to know my name?" Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, looking calmly at the thin old man .

"I am Heaven and Earth Supreme, Heaven and Earth Sovereign, I am not a so-called chess piece!"

The arm dances, the void trembles and rumbling, and there are many dark rays of light pouring out of the endless Space Crack.

The dark rays of light change a lot, some are wide knife-shaped, some are dagger-shaped, some are long spear-shaped, and some are heavy hammer-like...


Coldly shouted since in the sky, the hundred black glow displayed by the thin old man hit Chu Bei at the same time.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, his expression did not fluctuate at all, and his body never moved half a step.

As soon as the Chu Bei divine sense moved, the Golden rune giant palm behind Dugu Xiaoxuan greeted Baidao black glow, wherever it passed, the fiery golden glow left bursts of peaceful breath.

At the moment of the collision, the golden rune giant palm directly annihilated the black glow of a hundred horrors.

Looking at the golden rune giant palm that continued to blast away, the thin old man suddenly changed color and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Without any hesitation, the thin old man beckoned to call the Platform of King's Worship, which was colliding with the Demon Suppressing Stone, to resist the rune giant palm carrying the awe-inspiring and holy breath.

hong long!

The golden light is permeated, and the rune is raging.

Platform of King's Worship shook violently, faintly making a weird howling like Ghost God.

Along with the loud noise, although the Platform of King's Worship succeeded in blocking the Golden rune giant palm for the skinny elderly, it was also shot upside down by the Golden giant palm.

Looking carefully, you can even find that the smooth surface of the Platform of King's Worship that I don't know what kind of material has been refined has a few cracks.

Fortunately, this crack is healing at a speed visible to naked eye.

The thin old man glanced at the golden light rune giant palm that was gradually dissipating, and then looked towards the Platform of King's Worship that was knocked out and even cracked, and finally his gaze fell on Chu Bei’s body again, his face The color of vigilance is even worse, and the eyebrows also allow some heaviness.

Obviously, he recognized Chu Bei's Powerhouse this time, and the opponent's strength is still higher than Dugu Xiaoxuan!

After hesitating for a moment, the thin old man took a long breath, and his vicious eyes swept across Chu Bei, Dugu Xiaoxuan, Chen Nan and the others in turn, as if he had made some kind of difficult decision.


Senhan's syllable fell, and the thin old man's hands intertwined and quickly knotted a knot.

next moment, the skinny old man releases dark rays of light all over his body, and the demonic energy spreads all around around him in circles.

The Platform of King's Worship, which was knocked into the air not far away, also returned to the skinny old man.

Then, the skinny old man loudly shouted in pain and stuck his whole body on the Platform of King's Worship. First, the black energy of his body all around fell into the Platform of King's Worship, and then he had become a skeleton body. Slowly integrated into the Platform of King's Worship.

hong long!

When the skinny old man is completely integrated with the Platform of King's Worship, the Platform of King's Worship suddenly bursts out a more piercing scarlet rays of light, rays Of light, the gas surging that frightens Human Demon can be vaguely seen.

A terrifying energy of destroying heaven extinguishing earth burst out!

Dugu Xiaoxuan stared at the demonized Platform of King's Worship, shook his head and sighed, his expression mixed with a little regret.

A Heaven Stage Powerhouse has completely sacrificed itself to the Platform of King's Worship!

"Die, you will all die!"

There was a hoarse sound that seemed to come from hell in the Platform of King's Worship, with a terrible killing intent in the voice.

Looking intently, a white skull appeared on the surface of the Platform of King's Worship. Skull’s eyes shot out two bloody glow, staring directly at Chu Bei.


From the sky-splitting sound, Changhong flicked across, and the Demon Suppressing Stone appeared in front of Chu Bei, releasing shallow red rays of light. Amidst the slight shaking, low humming sounds came out.

"I don't need your help yet."

Chu Bei calmly and composed aside the Demon Suppressing Stone in front of him, and then watched the bigger and bigger imposing manner in the distance. The more and more terrifying Platform of King's Worship, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

West Heaven Rank, Goddess Hall of Wisdom.

hong long long!

With a loud noise, the Temple of Wisdom Goddess collapsed, gravel and rubble flew, and it turned into a pile of ruins in an instant.

In the gray smoke, the Six Paths silhouette shoots backwards like a cannonball. When holding the stature, it was the six God Sovereigns who had stayed in the temple.

"Even so powerful!"

The six God Sovereign faces were full of incredulous colors, staring at the Platform of King's Worship in the picture in a daze.

Just now, the terrifying energy that erupted from the Platform of King's Worship directly shook them back and destroyed the entire Goddess Temple in an instant.

"What level of battle is this!"

"How many more such ancient Powerhouses are there!"

Six God Sovereign looked at each other In blank dismay, each of his eyes finally fixed on Chu Bei's body. The attack from the opponent clearly did not fluctuate in Origin Force, but it was forcibly driving the thin old man to a dead end.

In the battlefield of the Eternal Forest, the Platform of King's Worship is already a thousand zhang long.

The Chu Bei and Dugu Xiaoxuan entire group before the Platform of King's Worship are as small as ants.

weng weng weng!

As the Platform of King's Worship makes a weird sound, densely packed black and purple currents emerge all around it, flooding Heavenly Demon Qi.

Almost instantly, Chen Nan Katherine and the others realized that they had lost control of their body, as if imprisoned, unable to move even a little bit, and could only watch the huge monster. Boom down.

"Die for me!"

The skeletons in the Platform of King's Worship dance with their arms like crazy.

"I will help you."

Dugu Xiaoxuan glanced at the Platform of King's Worship that came by, looking towards Chu Bei with an extremely serious expression.

"Just stay aside."

Chu Bei's left palm gushes out the dazzling golden light to stop Dugu Xiaoxuan, then raises his right hand, palm facing the Platform of King's Worship Hold it slightly.


Suddenly, the world made a clear sound, as if it was stagnant at this moment.

When Chu Bei took the shot, the rays of light in this Small World began to turn into a flood of light and rain moved towards the thousand zhang-long Platform of King's Worship.

In an instant, the space where Chen Nan entire group was located was completely reduced to Darkness.

At this moment, the Small World lost its light and turned into a darkness world with bare hands.

All the light elements flock to the Platform of King's Worship!

As for the Golden rays of light outside of the Platform of King's Worship, it has become more solid and solid.

These Golden divine glow wrap the Platform of King's Worship. At first glance, it looks like a huge Golden light sphere wrapped in a scarlet stone stage.

As more and more golden rays of light converge, when all the light elements of this world rushed to the periphery of the Platform of King's Worship, Chu Bei's slightly bent palm suddenly clenched into a fist.

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