"My memory has been restored due to the appearance of the Demon Suppressing Stone. Thank you for bringing me here. I have not dealt with some things ten thousand years ago, so I left first. "

Dugu Xiaoxuan looked towards Chu Bei, with gratitude in his eyes, after saying goodbye, he glanced at Chen Nan again: "Grow up early, you will not have much time."


When I heard Dugu Xiaoxuan's words, Chen Nan's expression was startled and came back to his senses. Just when he was about to say something, Dugu Xiaoxuan's silhouette had melted into the void and disappeared.

"Master, what does she have to do with me?" Chen Nan couldn't help but look towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei looked at Chen Nan calmly: "Do you believe in Samsara Reincarnation?"

Chen Nan hesitated: "Master, is there really reincarnation in this world?"


Chu Bei laughed: "You have nothing to do with her, but you in the previous life have a constant blood relationship with her. As for more information, just leave it to you to dig."

Hearing this, Chen Nan stopped questioning this topic, and instead asked another puzzle in his heart: "Master, the power you used before, the power of light in my body seems to resonate. I can feel it , The energy you use is pure light energy."

Chu Bei slightly nod: "When you develop the innate talent of light to complete mastery, you can also have the strength that you showed as a teacher. ."

"en! That day will not be far away!"

Chen Nan looked excited as if he had been beaten with blood.

"It's time to leave."

Chu Bei glanced at the cemetery below his eyes again, with a wave of his right hand, the majestic golden light filled the sky, and the entire group disappeared in the sky .

He must take advantage of these ten Level 6 light forces to reach Heaven Realm smoothly before passing.

The other side.

In the middle of Heavenly-Origin Continent, in Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

The old man tomb guard has got up from his chair, leaning on a cane, trembling, and for the first time a blank look appeared in his eyes: "Is there really a sky beyond the sky? Heaven Beyond the Heaven, does it really exist?" I have a handful of old bones, and I really want to see it."

As the battle in the Eternal Forest subsides, the ghosts and ghosts who wandered over the snow maple trees and howling and howling have also returned one after another. In the tomb.

Heavenly-Origin Continent east, Tantai Ancient Holy land.

"Master, the picture has disappeared, and the remains of the gods and demons are gone."

Meng Ke'er pointed to the void where the original projected picture was, and whispered softly, with a look of consternation. It shows that she has not come back to his senses from the trance.

"Who are you after all!"

"Should not such a terrifying existence have been brought to the upper realm long ago? Why stay on our continent? "

" Did you hear what he said before? He said he came from Heaven Beyond the Heaven. Where is Heaven Beyond the Heaven? To go there, you must first Slaughter Heaven. What does this mean? !"

The old man beside Meng Ke'er was confused and muttered to himself.

"Master, what happened just now, do you want me to report to Sect Founder of Heaven Realm?" Meng Ke'er purse one's lip asked.

"You don't need to go, I will go personally."

The voice fell, and the old man turned and moved towards the great hall and walked away, his feet hurried.

West Heaven Realm.

"It's over, the terrifying existence is not only defeated, but also sealed!"

"What does it mean to use all living beings as chess on the chessboard of the ages! Even such terrifying? Is existence only a chess piece?"

"Where did the Powerhouse between Heaven and Earth go? Where did the stone stage go?"

"Mystery, everything It’s all a mystery! Eternal years ago, what happened on earth? Who can solve this mystery!"


The six God Sovereign stared blankly at the picture that was beginning to dissipate. Each other looked at each other in blank dismay, and their eyes were filled with confusion.

Before witnessing this battle, they thought they were only the last hurdle from the peak of the monk, they were already Heaven Realm's Sovereign, a side Supreme.

It can be seen that after knowing this battle, they have a new understanding of the path of cultivation. The Divine Sovereign environment is not the end. Above it, there is still a long way to go.

Moreover, from the conversations of the people in the screen, there are not a few existences above the Divine Sovereign environment eternal years ago.

It's just that there is a fault in history, and these terrifying existences disappear.

Heavenly-Origin Continent, Church of Light.

Supreme Pontiff and the clergy looked at the disappearing picture and the departed half of Twelve-Winged Angel's body.

"Supreme Pontiff, the battle is over, and the Lord of the Eternal Forest is sealed."

A clergyman pointed to the tombstone in the cemetery in the dissipated screen, and then pointed again. Demon Suppressing Stone, said: "The Demon Suppressing Stone was left there by the woman. I taught the demons in the Underground Eighteen Levels of Hell what to do?"

"This matter is beyond my authority. , I must report to the people of Heaven Realm, and let them decide."

Supreme Pontiff's face is heavy, but he has just turned around and has not left yet, and the void in front of him is rippled.

Next moment, a group of dazzling golden light appeared in the line of sight, and the entire group of golden light walked out slowly.

Looking at the entire group, especially the appearance of the leader, Supreme Pontiff's complexion turned gray.

The whole person is like a thunderbolt on the clear sky, and it seems that someone has poured cold water from head to toe, and the whole body is numb.

The arrival of these people was too unexpected and sudden, making him completely unprepared.

The clergy all around are also sucking in a breath of cold air, all at a loss, like thunder and lightning, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

"It's... it's you!"

Supreme Pontiff was dumbfounded, his brain had lost the ability to direct his actions, and he stood still like a wood, with both eyes stunned. Chu Bei stared madly at the head.

"Have we seen it before?"

Chu Bei looked at the old man holding a scepter in surprise. This was his first visit to Church of Light.

"Your previous battle with that man in the Eternal Forest, we watched the whole process."

Supreme Pontiff stared at Chu Bei vigilantly, his whole body tense like a stone, His heart sank as if it was full of cold lead: "I am Supreme Pontiff of Church of Light, I wonder what you mean by coming here?"

"Watch the whole process?"

Chu Bei frowned, and reacted after Supreme Pontiff elaborated a few more words.

It turns out that Platform of King's Worship wakes up, and when Cemetery of Gods and Demons is abnormal, they are broadcast live!

"It's Interesting."

After knowing what happened, Chu Bei sketched a smile on the corner of his mouth. He used the power of 10 Level 6 light to suppress the thin old man. These people also It's all in my eyes.

Chu Bei patted Supreme Pontiff’s shoulder: "Don’t be nervous, I have no special purpose here, I just want to go to the tenth second level hell."

"Ten second level Hell? There is Great Ominous Land! I don't know what your purpose is?" Supreme Pontiff's frowned brows stretched out after knowing that Chu Bei was not malicious in coming.

"You don't need to know this." Chu Bei waved his hand.

"My lord, according to my teaching record, there are countless gods and demons in the hell below each floor, and several of them are extremely powerful. Even if the people in the Heaven Realm enter, they have to be cautiously."

Speaking of this, Supreme Pontiff seems to recall the method Chu Bei used before, and his tone changed suddenly: "But with your strength, it should be all right."

"I wonder if it is necessary I'll turn it on for you..."

"No, I just happened to land here, so I will let you know. As for the ten second level hell, let's go by ourselves."

Chu Bei waved his hand to reject Supreme Pontiff's kindness, and said that a golden ring of light emerged from the ground.

Chen Nan, Katherine and the others followed Chu Bei, stepped into the Golden ring of light and disappeared.

"Master, is this hell?"

After a long while, Chen Nan turned his head towards Chu Bei beside him and swallowed his throat.

Now, he has fallen from the bright world outside into the dark and dull Darkness world. Even though his cultivation base has reached 6th-Rank, he still can’t see anything clearly.

Especially the baleful aura is in the air, giving people a gloomy feeling.

"The so-called Eighteen Levels of Hell are actually only eighteen Small Worlds that's all. It's just that these eighteen Small Worlds were overlapped by Supreme means, and later discovered by Church of Light , It became the Eighteen Levels of Hell in their mouths, specially used to seal evil people."

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei a finger pointed, and the holy light element rushed out, instantly letting go This Darkness world has light.

Looking at it, it’s vast and boundless here, like a prairie that is not everywhere, but the grass is black.

"Master, aren't we going to Heaven Realm, why are we here!" Little Chen Xi blinked with big watery eyes.

Crunch, crunch!

Without waiting for Chu Bei to answer Little Chen Xi’s question, there were bursts of sounds from the east that looked like bone fractures and resembled chewing. The voice heard send cold shivers down one's spine.

"Are they sealed by the Church of Light?" Upon hearing the sound, Chen Nan turned into a golden light and appeared above the sound source for the first time.

I saw two four-winged fallen angels fighting with a group of White-Haired Zombie and Red-Haired Zombie below.

Almost at the same time, Chu Bei appeared beside Chen Nan with Katherine and the others.

long long long!

Suddenly, the earth trembled lightly, and then violently trembled, as if there was a thousand army myriad horses galloping forward, and various roaring sounds came from a distance.

The two fallen angels fighting below seemed to perceive the abnormal situation. They glanced at the White-Haired Zombie and Red-Haired Zombie all around, just about to leave the battle, and the ground cracked.

A simple and vicissitudes-looking sarcophagus slowly emerged from the gully. The sarcophagus was full of blood and it was constantly infiltrating into it.

At the moment when the sarcophagus appeared, the White-Haired Zombie stopped fighting and knelt down like a slave all around the sarcophagus.

When I saw the sarcophagus, Chen Nan couldn't help but twitched his mouth: "Master, is there another Yuxin incarnation in this coffin?"

I heard Chen Nan's words , Chu Bei shook the head, and gave the other party a relaxed and relaxed look.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The sarcophagus trembled and stood upright.

The two fallen angels seemed to perceive the waves of evil emanating from the sarcophagus. After looking at each other, they moved towards different directions.

It's just that it's too late, they haven't swept out hundreds zhang far away, two scarlet rays of light were transmitted from the evil bloodstone coffin, grabbing two fallen angels respectively.

Next moment, the bodies of two fallen angels burst open, and the blood of the whole body was drawn into the sarcophagus by some kind of traction.

Immediately afterwards, a long and stern howl came from inside the coffin, resounding in this ten second level hell.

A long while later.

The sarcophagus burst, and a man with blood light all over his body stood in the void, watching from all directions, roaring constantly.

Men’s dishevelled hair, scarlet has very long hair, and the half exposed upper body is covered with magic patterns. As for the lower body, it is not legs, but the tail of a giant snake, which is two or three feet long.

The most peculiar thing is that in the center of his forehead covered with magic patterns, one vertical eye actually grew out of it, which is extremely weird.

"This...this is Western Totem!"

Katherine eyes suddenly shrank, seeing the appearance of the man in the sarcophagus, couldn't help exclaiming.

"Western Totem?" Chen Nan's eyes fell on Katherine.

"Totem is different from the other Monster Race and Magic Beast of the western continent. He has only one. Although I have not seen him personally, according to the ancient books handed down, the human head, the snake body, and the With three eyes and shrouded with magic lines, his characteristics are completely consistent with Western Totem."

Katherine continued: "Legend, Western Totem cultivation base Heavenspan is the most powerful god among Heaven and Earth. One!"

"My dragon mother! Really blinded my longan! Western Totem, the real super crocodile!"

Heard Katherine's words, purple Divine Dragon swallowed his throat and couldn't help roar towards the sky.

"Master, such a super old god, who sealed it in the tenth second level hell? It's the West Earth Totem, who has such a great ability!" Chen Nan couldn't help but looked towards Chu Bei and asked out of the confusion in his heart.

"It is not sealed here. This ten second level hell is its inner world." Chu Bei glanced at Chen Nan lightly, his voice calm.

"Master, wouldn't you just come to him on this trip?" Chen Nan asked.

Chu Bei nodded: "I borrowed his hand to enter Heaven Realm."

"There are so many sacrifices when I wake up, and there is no lack of deliciousness, which is enough for me to enjoy it. It's a bit."

Just as Chu Bei's words fell, an extremely powerful Spiritual Fluctuation swayed from below. At the same time, the dreary cold voice rang in the ears of Chen Nan and the others.

Looking intently, the western Totem on the broken sarcophagus below is staring fiercely at Chu Bei entire group, licking his tongue greedily, looking like he is looking at the prey.


West Totem took the lead in pulling out a tail towards Chen Nan, and a dark crack suddenly appeared in the space.

Chen Nan was shocked, his body hurriedly elementized moved towards and flashed to the side.

However, West Earth Totem is the legendary powerful existence after all. At the moment Chen Nan turned into a light element, the long snake tail surged sharply and at the same time released pale-yellow ripples.

A strange energy forcibly forced Chen Nan, who had turned into rays of light, back into his human form.

Light yellow ripples shrouded all around the body, Chen Nan only felt that the internal organs were like boiling, and all the organs in the abdomen were to be broken.

At this moment, Western Totem’s eyes shoot out two bloody glows, and the magic lines on his body also reveal magical rays of light. The whole person looks very evil and does not look like a legendary god at all. .

Now he is more like a stomach rumbling with hunger hungry wolf, and Chen Nan is the fat sheep.

"Little fellow, there is still such a baby hidden in your body!" Western Totem looked at Chen Nan in a bit of astonishment.

I saw Chen Nan's chest, a pair of Yin-Yang Symbol spinning, releasing a strange power.

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