"No matter who you are selected, since you are here, you can only blame you for your bad luck."

West Totem looks at Chen Nan , The voice is cold: "But you are lucky, you will be the only one I remember for thousands of years."

The cold voice of the forest fell, and the western Totem's blood light shone, Straight to kill Chen Nan.

However, when the Western Totem giant tail was about to draw Chen Nan, countless finger-sized light spheres emerged behind Chen Nan, and these light spheres were filled with holy breath.

If you feel it carefully, you can find that every tiny light sphere has a strange energy expanding and contracting.

This kind of feeling is like every small light sphere that seems insignificant is compressed to the extreme by huge and unmatched energy.

long long long!

The light sphere splashed, and instantly defeated the yellowish ripples released by the western Totem snake tail, and at the same time forced it back out.

"Master, if you take action later, dísciple's life will be destroyed by this so-called Western Totem!"

Chen Nan fiercely glanced at Western Totem, Now he would not regard the other party as the legendary Spiritual God anymore, the previous respect disappeared the moment the other party tried to kill him.

If it wasn't for his lack of strength, he really wanted to kill the opponent!

"en? If you don't take action, I really haven't seen it! It's hidden deep enough!"

West Earth Totem shifted his sight from Chen Nan to Chu Bei On his body, the bloody glow flashed in his eyes, and two blood-colored Divine Swords were condensed, and they shot at Chu Bei quickly.

"Originally, there was a small matter in this trip that I wanted you to help. I was still thinking about how to repay this Favor. Now, if you take a shot at this seat, then this matter will be much easier."


Chu Bei smiled suddenly, smiling very happily, right hand fisted golden light, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood shattered two blood-colored Divine Swords, the silhouette disappeared.

Seeing that Chu Bei disappeared, the western Totem complexion greatly changed, and a sense of crisis surged in my heart.

The person who made him feel this way last time was the Supreme Powerhouse who was able to fight the sky ten thousand years ago!

West Totem seems to have caught something, suddenly looking up to the sky a long whistle, blood-red hair dancing in a flurry, the whole body's magic lines blooming more and more dazzling evil rays of light, and at the same time the third one on his forehead stands upright Eyes, shot out a dark beam.

"The Holy Eye of Totem is opened!"

"Oh my God, the Holy Eye of Totem is said to destroy everything in the world!"

Katherine thought of the ancient book According to the legend, the mouth and mouth are round.

"Don't say it's just you now, even if you restore the Peak cultivation base, this seat will not take it seriously." A calm voice confided from Chu Bei's mouth, resounding in this world.

In an instant, Chu Bei appeared directly above Totem in the West.

Immediately, I saw his right palm took a straight shot. In front of his palm, there was a circular ring of light composed of photons. To be precise, it should be a bottomless light hole.

The lacquer black light beam shot by the holy eye at the western Totem between the eyebrows quickly melted and was absorbed by the latter after the light hole on the strikes like the mouth of the troll.

"This is impossible!"

"Who, after all!"

Watching his attack dissipate, the three Western Totem eyes suddenly shrank.

However, just when Western Totem was about to avoid the light hole that continued to hit him, his body was inexplicably restrained by the chains of photons that appeared out of thin air.

These chains contain terrifying energy, even if they are stronger than him, they cannot break free for a while.

I watched the light hole fall from above. At this moment, Western Totem's heart sank to the bottom.


With a loud noise, the light hole in Chu Bei's right palm blasted firmly on the face of Western Totem.

The dazzling golden glow spread out, and the deafening sound reverberated, and the black grassland below instantly cracked and shattered.

Ten second level hell, constantly collapsing, the rumbling sound is endless!

This is like a huge disaster, with void cracks emerging one after another.

Perhaps Chu Bei deliberately controlled his power. Seeing that this world was about to be completely destroyed, the energy storm suddenly converged.

After a while, a huge Golden ring of light appeared in the sky dome, which absorbed all the energy storm in this piece of Small World. Following the golden light, it rushed into the chaotic zone with cracks, slowly closing those large spatial cracks and returning to the original intact state.

Under the palm of Chu Bei, the endless demonic energy of Totem in the West is vast, and he is still restrained by golden light chains.

It's just that the look is particularly miserable, half of his face has been split into the air, and the vertical eye in the middle of his forehead has no idea where it has fallen.

"Ouchi dragon mother! Totem has to wilt in front of the expert!"

The purple Divine Dragon glanced at the miserable western Totem and couldn’t help cry out in Surprise: "Following the expert soul, I also have a backing dragon!"

"If the West Earth Totem refining it, it will definitely make up for it." Baby Dragon muttered softly.

"It's sad that what used to be the first-line Warrior is now reduced to sucking blood for a living." Chu Bei looked directly at West Earth Totem.

"You survived that battle!"

West Earth Totem's body is slightly trembled, and his eyes are fixed on Chu Bei's body, seemingly wanting to be the queen The person sees through.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that the final battle is coming, are you going to stay here forever?" Chu Bei said calmly.

"If it wasn't for my inner world to be tampered with, how could I stay here!" West Earth Totem's eyes condensed, and there was a deep unwillingness in his eyes.

"It's you, I'm afraid that you didn't contribute any more in that battle, right? There was no injury left." West Earth Totem's tone changed suddenly, and there was sarcasm in his words.

Chu Bei laughed did not answer, just raised his right hand and took another palm.


In the dull loud noise, the bright golden glow turned across, and the western Totem's snake tail broke directly into two pieces.

"If you want to kill, kill! I am Xitu Supreme, why have you ever been afraid of death!" Totem killing intent in the west.

"You are still useful, I will not kill you."

Chu Bei shook the head indifferent voice, after talking between the eyebrows, a small Azure Dragon flew out, a dragon roaring Resounded through the void.

"East...Eastern Totem!"

When I saw the little Azure Dragon, the only one of Western Totem, eyes suddenly shrank, and then some grudgingly shook the head, sighing: "Unexpectedly you are more miserable than me, hey."

"What? The big dragon sword is the East Earth Totem!"

When I heard the words of the western Totem, Chen Nan and purple Divine Dragon With a look of surprise on his face, he looked at the little Azure Dragon in shock.

"Since you don't kill me, what do you want to force me to do?"

West Totem found that restraint was dissipating with his golden light chains, and looked at Chu with a puzzling expression. Bei. At the same time, his lost half of his face grew flesh and blood again, and his eyes flew back, gradually returning to its original appearance.

Since the opponent is nourishing Dongfang Totem, it is not its enemy in the camp.

"I'm going to Heaven Realm." Chu Bei said one word.

"Heaven Realm?"

West Totem looked suspiciously at Chu Bei: "With your cultivation base, do you still need my help when you go to Heaven Realm?"

"In the dark, I seem to be watched by a force. Once I forcefully break the Heaven Realm barrier, this force will probably wake up." Chu Bei said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Western Totem frowned deeply and couldn't help taking a deep breath: "You mean Heavenly Dao?"

"Maybe." Chu Bei slightly nod.

West Totem was silent for a while, his hands began to seal, a vast energy wave, the entire tenth second level hell surging.

Even, this violent energy fluctuation caused the sealed evil spirits in other hells to roar.

"Supreme Pontiff, the major event is bad, and the Eighteen Levels of Hell are all rioted!" A clergyman ran into the Light God Palace in a panic.

"Which level of hell is the root of the turmoil?" Supreme Pontiff hurriedly asked.

"It's...the tenth second level hell!" the clergyman said nervously.

Confirming the conjecture in the heart, Guangming Supreme Pontiff took a deep breath: "It's really an eventful season! I hope he won't make any big moths!"

At the same time, ten In second level hell, Western Totem opened the third vertical eye again, and a black light beam broke a gap in the previously formed formation mark.

In the gap, the void shattered, and a celestial mist-filled space passage emerged.

"The passage to Heaven Realm has been opened for you, you can go in."

West Totem moved towards Chu Bei gestured, he was the first to discover Heaven The Spiritual Gods that exist in Realm are also only a few Spiritual Gods that can send others into Heaven Realm at any time.

Quia, the other party found him.

In his opinion, the person in front of him is definitely the reincarnated person in the first batch of Spiritual God, and he knows everything about him.

The passage slowly closed, and the silhouette of the Chu Bei entire group disappeared in the gap.

"Master, are we going to Heaven Realm."

In the space passage, Chen Nan clenched his fists and looked a little excited.

He felt as if he was wandering in the long river of time, as if he had traveled through the endless years, and finally the rays of light flashed and flew out of the space passage.

"The breath here is so refreshing!"

"I really want to live here forever!"

The majestic spiritual qi rushed towards him, The purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon couldn't help howling.

In front of me is a beautiful short mountain, covering the mountains and plains, the flowers are blooming, and the air is full of intoxicating fragrance.

The hot springs flowing down from the top of the peak form dozens of connected spring pools halfway up the mountain. Each hot spring pool is like one after another pearl, dotted with flowers all over the mountains, it is really A Holy Land.

"Master, the breath and Hundred Flower Valley here seem to be very comfortable." Little Chen Xi narrowed his big eyes and clenched a small fist with a look of intoxication.

Baby Dragon has also jumped into the hot spring with splashes of water, enjoying it drunkly.

As for Katherine and Corpse King Yuxin, they smell all kinds of floral scents, and their expressions are soothing.

"Why do you say these God Sovereigns rushed to call us? Has any major event happened recently?"

"I heard that Thor and Goddess had a fight The Goddess Temple of Wisdom has been destroyed."

"Don’t talk nonsense, it is clearly the wisdom Goddess Transcending Tribulation that brought heavenly thunder to destroy the Temple of Wisdom Goddess."

"I find Alien invader! Still a Dongfang Long! Come and take it down together!"



Spring water churning, Baby Dragon jumped up, and then moved towards Chu Bei shouted: "Senior, save me, I am chased by birdman!"

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