Hearing Baby Dragon's call for help, Chen Nan, Katherine and the others cast their eyes one after another.

I saw Baby Dragon behind a group of four-winged angels, black, white, red, and yellow, multi-colored.

"You have been spotted since then."

Looking at Baby Dragon rushing towards him in a panic, Chu Bei smiled.

Seeing that Baby Dragon was about to be overtaken by the four-winged angels, Chu Bei raised his hand and waved, the dazzling golden light surged towards a group of four-winged angels like a sea wave.

"What's the matter? Why can't I move!"

"What the hell did you do to us, let us go!"

"You This group of Easterners dare to enter my Western realm without authorization. Lord God Sovereign will not forgive you."


The group of golden light swept past and chasing Baby Dragon The angel stayed on the spot instantly, unable to move even a little bit.

The angel at the rear who was not involved in the chase saw his companions being imprisoned, and immediately stopped and looked at each other in blank dismay. No one dared to act rashly for a while.

Until the six long rainbow thread on the east side crossed, these vigilant angels were like chicken blood!

"God Sovereign, they are here!"

A group of angels looked like a savior, all excited.

"What are you doing!"

The cold voice came from a long rainbow thread, revealing Supreme majesty.

This is a woman with a beautiful face, golden long hair, blue eyes, snow-like skin, and snow-white clothes dancing in the wind, and her gestures are filled with holiness.

"Six Lords of God Sovereign, these Easterners came to our western realm without permission!"

Hearing the words of an angel, the six Lords of God Sovereign noticed Chu Bei and the others exist. When I see the appearance of Chu Bei entire group and the others, the expressions of surprise are no less than those of Supreme Pontiff of the Lower Realm Church of Light.

"It's you!"

The wisdom Goddess opened his mouth slightly, his gaze fixed on Chu Bei's body, and the words just seemed to mean the question of words, so he hurriedly changed his name. "You... why are you here?"

The other five God Sovereign looked at Chu Bei with an incredibly unbelievable look. Their purpose of summoning an army of angels this time is just to An order was given to find the existence of this terrifying battle strength and to investigate the details of the opponent.

Unfortunately, the person they wanted to investigate appeared in front of them before their order was issued.

"You also witnessed the battle in the Eternal Forest?" Seeing the expression of wisdom Goddess, Chu Bei was stunned at first, and then tentatively said.

Wisdom Goddess quickly nodded: "I am Western Goddess of Wisdom, this area is my territory. I don't know what is going on with your arrival? What can I do for you?"

"We came here without authorization, which caused a small misunderstanding."

Since the other party was so polite, Chu Bei naturally wouldn't be too ostentatious, and he waved his hand to relieve the restraint of the previous angels.

"My God! What's the origin of this man? Even Lord God Sovereign is so respectful to him!"

"Will he be a big boss in the East? "

"Can those Eastern Divine Kings have such a great face? Will he be the Eastern Divine Sovereign!"

"It is possible!"


While a group of angels guessed the identity of Chu Bei, the wisdom Goddess glanced coldly: "What are you still doing here? There is nothing for you here anymore, it's not fast. Get out!"

When the Four Winged Angels leave, only six God Sovereign and Chu Bei entire group are left in the field.

When the wisdom Goddess self-reported their identity, the purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon had already flew to the side of the wisdom Goddess dangling from one side to the other.

"Oh, Goddess of wisdom is here, please accept my praise."

Purple Divine Dragon has a pious look: "Unexpectedly this dragon will one day be separated from Goddess of wisdom. Near, oh, I am with Goddess."

"Wisdom Goddess, please give the small dragon the wisdom of Supreme!" Baby Dragon learns the purple Divine Dragon in a decent way, half-squinting his eyes , Dragon Claw got together.

Wisdom Goddess smiled, looked at the two guys left and right, then stretched out his hands, and said softly in his mouth: "Praise of life."

Two holy glorious self Her hands came out and rushed into the bodies of Purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon respectively.

Chu Bei glanced at the purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon he enjoyed, and regretted taking them with him. It was too shameful for him!

"I am Goddess of Western Life, would you take the liberty to ask senior, is your cultivation base above the Divine Sovereign realm? Also, what you said before was the Heaven and Earth chess game, Chess player, chess pieces...what do these mean?"

At this time, a woman wearing a green gauze skirt moved towards Chu Bei and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand.

cough cough cough!

Seeing that Baby Dragon and Purple Divine Dragon are about to slapping their horses at Goddess, Chu Bei hurriedly coughed to stop them.

Fortunately, these two little fellows noticed Chu Bei's eyes and did not continue to do anything for him.

"Before that, you guys have a look at her first." Chu Bei recruited Katherine and Corpse King Yuxin in front of him.

"Ruthless Fairy!"

Seeing Katherine and Corpse King Yuxin, the six God Sovereign exclaimed at the same time.

"What Ruthless Fairy?" Chen Nan is not calm, his eyes are fixed on the body of Goddess.

"Aren't they Ruthless Fairy? But they look exactly the same!" The six God Sovereign seemed to also notice the breath difference between Katherine and Corpse King Yuxin, and there was confusion between his eyebrows.

"Master, what they call Ruthless Fairy is Immortal World's Yuxin! But why is Yuxin called Ruthless Fairy?" Chen Nan turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei.

"Yuxin? Ruthless Fairy seems to be called by this name."

Life Goddess frowned slightly and continued: "People born in Heaven Realm in the East are called Spiritual Gods. For God, the Spiritual God that rose from Human World smashing void to Heaven Realm is called a fairy. This Ruthless Fairy is a Fairy that entered Heaven Realm smashing void thousands of years ago."

" She has the beauty that is the best in the East Heaven Realm, and even the power of Heavenspan. There are also rumors that she is the biological younger sister of Fairy. In short, this is a mystery woman. She has a place in Heaven Realm. Known as the ruthless world, outsiders are never allowed to enter the ruthless world for half a step. At the beginning, I don’t know how many Immortal Gods were dissatisfied, but when countless Immortal Gods fell in the ruthless world, it became a forbidden place, and no one would dare anymore. Offensive."

The Goddess of life just finished speaking, and the wisdom Goddess on the side added: "Ruthless Fairy is reported to be very low-key. She only quietly cultivation in the ruthless world, and never participates in any Heaven Realm. A grand event, so that when others mention Ruthless Fairy, they always have a feeling of forgetfulness, but once they wake up, they will immediately think of her ruthless, beautiful and mysterious."

" And Ju, Immortal God stopped, the Spiritual God fell within the ruthless world, why did my Yuxin become like this."

After listening to the description of Goddess of Life and Goddess of Wisdom, Chen Nan muttered to himself, and finally looked at him. It fell on Chu Bei: "Master, Yuxin was so pure and kind tens of thousands of years ago. He is not clear about the mundane etiquette of Human World. The innocence is like the most crystal white snow of Heaven Mountain Summit. Why is she now killing her? Decisively, is it all because of the cultivation Supreme Indifference record?"

"en. ”

After Chu Bei nodded, he faintly responded: “Because of the cultivation Supreme Indifference record, her There are two souls in the body , The soul you know no longer dominates the body. "

"Master, can you get rid of the soul that was born later?" "Chen Nan anxiously awaits the answer.

"If not, what's the point of bringing you here." "Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Many thanks Master! "

Hearing Chu Bei's answer, Chen Nan took a long breath, and the whole person seemed to become relaxed.

"The Tantai Fairy you mentioned just now is Tantai Xuan? "Chen Nan seemed to have thought of something again, and immediately turned his head towards Goddess and asked tentatively.

"Who else could she be." "Life Goddess smiled knowingly.

"Tantai, you are really good at it, you really have become a party fairy! "

Chen Nan couldn't help but sighed. The god Sovereign of Eastern Heaven Realm is Divine King Realm, which is equivalent to God Sovereign of Western Heaven Realm.

Whenever I think of Tantai Xuan, Chen There is a sense of loss in Nan's heart. Especially when he learns that the other party is already a Celestial Venerable from Heaven Realm, and he can barely be regarded as entering the 6th-Rank, this sense of loss is even more intense.

"Tantai, Why did you treat me like this back then? If it weren't for you, how could my cultivation base go backwards? "

Chen Nan sighed a long, bitter heart, after all, Tantai Xuan is the woman he liked before he met Yuxin.

"Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you Will catch up with her. "Chu Bei noticed Chen Nan's thoughts and patted his shoulders.

"You haven't explained your intentions yet. I wonder if you need our help?" "Wisdom Goddess looked at Chu Bei and returned to the original question.

Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth: "The purpose of our trip is to ruthless world. It just happened to pass by you that's all." "

"The senior, do you need us to lead the way?" "Wisdom Goddess swings behind the white wings slightly.

Ruthless Fairy is the most ruthless. In the East, no fairy martial artist dare to wander near her Immortal Mansion, otherwise kill without mercy!


For thousands of years, there have been some arrogant Spiritual Gods who were unconvinced and went to force their way, and they were all killed there. Even they were not willing to deal with each other.

But if you take this It would be great to be able to befriend the senior in front of me.

"This is no longer necessary. "

Chu Bei declined the kindness of the wisdom Goddess. He has a system map. Even though it is the first time to come to Heaven Realm, he knows where the ruthless world is.

"Then Senior Zhu has a smooth journey. "Wisdom Goddess is very respectful.


Compared with Heaven Realm, God Sovereign in the West likes to build temples to recruit believers, and the Eastern cultivators like it. Build your practice field on a scenic mountain top, or a rich spiritual qi Cave Mansion.

Chu Bei took Chen Nan and the others and flew east all the way, more and more Bejeweled Jade Tower came into sight.

Soon, the Chu Bei entire group came to a dreamlike Immortal Realm.

Here Immortal Qi is rich, the peaks are green and the valleys are green. , Waterfalls and streams, Immortal Crane dancing, longevity monkey dancing, on each mountain top, Bejeweled Jade Tower is connected into a piece, really picturesque and intoxicating.

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