In the battlefield, Ye Fan Primordial Spirit was almost separated from the fleshy body. The breath was extremely weak, and the tight body seemed to be on the edge of a crack, as if it would burst at any time.

The eight-winged creatures and the seven blond mans, although they were also seriously injured and there was more blood in the wound, they were far better than Ye Fan.

"Look when you can last!"

The eight-winged creature screamed, and it was his turn to take action. Tens of thousands of big stars have evolved from the top of the head during the steps. Cracked and shattered, all the strength of Starry Sky produced by the explosion merged into his body.

next moment, he stepped on the Star Sea in the sky, and between his hands, the star dome burst, as if he were splitting heaven and earth apart.

All around Power of Stars evolved in the palm of its hand, like forming a universe, accommodating endless stars, including the prestigious fairy mountain, turning the hands in, grabbing Ye Fan in and suppressing it , Refining away.


Ye Fan did not retreat, the blood essence in the body condensed into blood beads and burned.

After that, stretched out his hand and pointed, a beam of light flew out, carrying the might of thunder to destroy eternity.

With a loud noise, the star bucket in the sea water in the palm of the eight-winged creature exploded and turned into dust, and the universe in the palm was fragmented.

"You still can't do it after all!"

The eight-winged creature suddenly laughed, because Ye Fan's finger can only block half of his palm, and the remaining half of his palm is smashed. Shoot down.

With a hum, that half of the palm covered Ye Fan with Power of Stars, and the terrifying power contained in it was poured into his body.

During the explosion, Ye Fan's body exploded and turned into billions of flesh and blood.

But soon, Ye Fan's body reorganized and appeared again in front of the eight-winged creatures.

For Ye Fan's resurrection, the eight-winged creatures were not shocked.

At their realm, it is not easy to kill the opponent completely.

The eight-winged creature retreated, returned to its original position, replaced it as a blond man and killed it.

"If the king is you, it would be better to destroy yourself, maybe there will be a day of reincarnation!"

Blonde man squinted half his eyes and looked at Chen Nan coldly. The reason why he retreats to another person as soon as he strikes a strong attack is because he is worried that Ye Fan will be dragged into the water before his death.

When they arrive at this realm, no one will spare their lives!


Blonde man's hair is flying, the roots are shining, and his eyes are as deep as the ocean. He squeezed his seal and blasted him to Ye Fan.

In terms of strength, he is the earliest existence of the Great Emperor among the eight people including Ye Fan!

"Leave it to me next."

However, seeing the blonde man's Supreme treasure is about to strikes on Ye Fan, a cold and indifferent voice was abrupt. Sounded from the battlefield.

next moment, a man wearing an azure robe appears out of thin air in front of Ye Fan, and both of his hands are behind his back, looking peaceful.

He doesn't have any breath fluctuations. If he hadn't appeared in Starry Sky Battlefield, he would have thought he was just an ordinary person.


As soon as he appeared, a layer of ripples spread out around him.

In this brief moment, the Supreme attack like blonde man Heaven Destroying Exterminating The World collapsed on its own.

"It's Boss Chu!"

"I didn't even see him take action, and solved the supreme existence attack in the restricted area!"

"He can There is also an identity, the master of All Heavens Store!"


On the edge of Absolute Beginning Mine, there is constant noise.

"It's you!"

Looking at the azure robe man who suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fan, the eight-winged creatures and the purple-haired old man browse tightly frowns, with vigilance on his face color.

Although they have never dealt with this person, they have all met this person.

Back then, they all witnessed the suppression of Shi Huang on Undying Mountain.


"You are back!"

Looking at the familiar back, Ye Fan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately cup one fist in the other hand, moved towards Chu Bei bowed, with respect on his face.

Chu Bei turned around to hold Ye Fan, and after slightly nod gestures, he looked towards Eight-winged creatures, blond man and the others, his eyes condensed.

Suddenly, two beams of light shot out of Chu Bei's eyes, and the shocking starry sky was suddenly sealed.

In an instant, the battlefield seemed to have fallen into eternal silence!

Perceiving the terrifying pressure enveloped, the faces of the eight-winged creatures, the purple-haired old man, and the blond man turned gray.

But the majestic immortal strength in their bodies just gushed out to form a defensive cover outside their bodies, and the beam of destroying heaven extinguishing earth has arrived.


The light in the eyes was like sword glow, and almost instantly broke the defensive cover of the eight-winged creature and the purple-haired old man.

The body of the eight-winged creature and the purple-haired old man, together with the Primordial Spirit, were also torn apart. To be precise, it was not broken, but directly exploded.

The two of them didn't even have time to scream. Under these two beams of light, the body and the Primordial Spirit were directly annihilated and dissipated in the sky above the sea.

"Dead...they are dead!"

I noticed that the breath of the eight-winged creature and the purple-haired old man had disappeared, and the two of them were not resurrected. There was a flash of fear in the blond man's pupils.

The so-called Boss Chu in front of me seems to be more powerful and terrifying than when he fought against the Stone King!

"You stepped into that realm!"

"Fairy, you are a fairy!"

Suddenly, blond man seemed to have guessed something, and his body couldn't help but Trembling, there was a trembling sound in the words.

If it is said that the existence of the Great Emperor can be easily smashed, only the fairy of the legendary illusory!


After confirming that Chu Bei achieved True Immortal, the other five forbidden area overlords, including blonde man, showed fear and uneasiness on their faces, and they couldn't afford it. The slightest fighting intent.

Although there is only a realm between the Great Emperor and True Immortal, they are different in strength, and there is an insurmountable gap!

However, just as the five people including the blonde man were preparing to leave the battlefield and prepare to escape, the Starry Sky Battlefield was filled with weird ripples.

In an instant, this battlefield was blocked, even if it was as strong as the Great Emperor, it was impossible to leave!

"What about the immortal, at worst!"

This is a white clothed man, holding a white bone flute, stepping on the void, his clothes fluttering, giving a person This kind of ethereal feeling, like not interested in mundane affairs.

He blows the bone flute and rushes back to Chu Bei. There are thousands of beams behind, each of which is like the tail light of a comet, swaying a bright divine glow above the sea, all around the void. Cracked.

He holds thousands of brilliant light beams, like the emperor stars in the universe smashing from the sky, guarding the stars, extremely dazzling, do not look directly!

At this moment, he squeezed his fist mark and wanted to directly smash and kill Chu Bei!

It can be seen that his Golden fist prints are burning, and the golden-yellow blood energy diffuses out, causing Starry Sky Battlefield to shake and shake again.

The fist print shines, and there is a lot of color, and some small golden lights overflow, breaking through the obstacles of the long river.

With such a punch, he has smashed Ye Fan's body twice!


But the fist mark carrying the might of Heaven hasn’t arrived in front of Chu Bei, there was a loud bang, and he was slapped by Chu Bei’s tapping palm. Broken, turned into light rain.

Crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood broke the white clothed man's attack, Chu Bei slapped his right palm again and moved towards the white clothed man.

The palm of Chu Bei Rui Cai Wandao, covering the white clothed man in an instant. The latter seemed to be held down by the invisible force, and before he could resist, his body and Primordial Spirit burst apart.

"Nine Heavens Fantasy!"

"The Seven Changes of Dayan!"

"Heaven Wheel Corpse Fire!"

" Liuwu Seal!"


The white clothed man died, and the remaining four overlords of the restricted area, including the blond man, looked towards Chu Bei with more and more fear.

Immediately afterwards, the four people exchanged their eyes, and the silhouette moved at the same time.

Xingqiong is imprisoned, they have no choice but to take out the strongest blow to Chu Bei at the same time.


The black light exploded, the starry sky was boiling, and a huge wolf claw attacked violently from the sky to kill Chu Bei.

It was a wolf-shaped creature with many stars surrounded by its paws. Its breath was terrifying. Its body was jet-black, and its hideous blood spewed black flame.

At the same moment, violent wind erupted in the star dome, a blue roc bird spreads its giant wings, behind it has the Nine Heavens unusual form, which changes from time to time, and the culling comes, and the Chu Bei’s is to be lifted between the wings. top of the head.

The third overlord of the restricted area opened his mouth and whistled, the silver light gushing like a Star River. Death was filled, the silver light skyrocketed and shot Chu Bei's chest. It was an old corpse, skin and bones, like a skeleton, glowing golden rays of light, sunken eye sockets, and horrible breath.

The fourth Great Emperor, which is the blond man, is full of strands of hair flying, the roots are shining, and the eyes are as deep as the ocean, holding the seal moved towards Chu Bei and blasting away.

Faced with the strongest blow from the four Great Emperor Powerhouses, Chu Bei was not afraid, and his emotions did not fluctuate. It seemed that he did not pay attention to these four people at all.

I saw his right hand moves, and a ten-colored long sword appeared in his hand. Vaguely, there were ten different unusual forms in the sword body.

"Let’s start with you!"

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the wolf-shaped creature that reached him first. The eight syllables without the slightest emotion fell. Raise the ten-colored long sword in his hand and wave it in the air.

A sword was swung down, and the void was filled with strange waves. A sword glow intertwined with ten-color lights shot out like lightning. Wherever it passed, Starry Sky Battlefield was divided into two halves. .

When that sword was swung down, the wolf-shaped creature was also aware of it. Feeling the horrible breath in the sword glow, a hint of fear quickly appeared in his eyes, and then a low roar sound came out in his mouth.

next moment, I saw that his head, body, arms, and most of his body were filled with upper layers of scales. These scales glowed with a strange luster, like invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

But even this extremely powerful defense is vulnerable to a single blow in front of Shishi Sword Glow, and it collapses directly.

Next, the ten-color sword glow penetrated into the body of the wolf-shaped Great Emperor, and the violent energy exploded.

hong long!

Amidst the loud noise, the Power of Stars on this battlefield, driven by the rays of light, formed a huge volume of energy, in the shape of a wolf. The Great Emperor is the center, sweeping across the battlefield.

"Is Boss Chu really a fairy!"

"A sword of the fairy, really terrifying!"

"Even the overlords in the restricted area, I can't fight it!"

On the edge of Absolute Beginning Mine, a line of sight was filled with a deep shock. Looking at the explosion center of Starry Sky Battlefield filled with colorful rays of light, they squirmed their throats one after another. .

Under the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, even a forbidden area overlord such as a wolf-shaped creature does not even have time to struggle with pain, and burst into a mournful wailing sound, and the body and soul explode at the same time dissipate.

"Damn! This is simply not a level of power!"

The death of the wolf-shaped Great Emperor, blonde man suck in a breath of cold air, looked towards Chu Bei again Remorse appeared in his eyes.


Another icy syllable floated from Chu Bei's mouth.

At this moment, the blue Dapeng bird trembled and his face changed suddenly.

When he turned his head, he saw Chu Bei once again waved his ten-colored sword, the sword glow shot out, and moved towards him.

The pupils of the blue Dapeng bird shrank sharply, but letting it wave its wings to display the Supreme Power of Space was fruitless. His body seemed to be locked and restrained by this sword glow.

Star Sea boiling, a huge tsunami was formed during the tumbling.


A similar scene was staged again.

The ten-color sword glow slashed straight on the body of the blue Dapeng bird.

The energy storm contained in the sword glow is like a natural disaster in an empty space. There are hot flames, Nine Heavens thunder, yellow sand in the sky, black snowflakes... They are intertwined with each other, releasing destruction like Shock wave.

Peng sound, the body of the blue Dapeng bird and the Primordial Spirit burst and dissipated.


"I haven't become a fairy!"

"I don't want to die!"

Looking at The same blue Dapeng bird of body dies and Dao disappears, the skinny old corpse, that is, the face of the third forbidden area overlord completely turned pale, with fear in his eyes, and his body shiver coldly.

In front of the legendary fairy, their Xeon attacks are so powerless, they are really like trivial ant.

The old corpse directly gave up the original attack. In the face of fear, his body became as large as ten thousand zhang, and his fleshless hands madly tore the void, he wanted to escape.

"Don't waste your effort."

A faint sigh with a joking smile fell, and the Chu Bei silhouette disappeared. When it reappears, it seems to have appeared above the body of the old corpse. .

Compared with the huge old corpse of ten thousand zhang, Chu Bei looks particularly insignificant, but the breath released by the ten-colored long sword in his hand is far beyond the imposing manner of the old corpse. .

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