"We have already acknowledged allegiance, why can't we let us go!"

In the battlefield, ten thousand zhang, who is also the overlord of the penalty zone, looked at Chu Bei With the ten-color sword raised in his hand, his large pupils shrank, and there was an unwilling roar in his mouth.

When the roar fell, the ten thousand zhang old corpse opened its hideous mouth, and a huge beam of light with several thousand zhang blasted out.

In the beam of light, the amount of horrible destructive power contained directly tore through the pitch-black gap in the star dome, in which the dark Corpse Water flows.


This time, Chu Bei slashed directly with his sword strength and landed on the body of the ten thousand zhang corpse.

In an instant, the body of the ten thousand zhang old corpse was split in two from the eyebrows, and the golden blood was flowing like a river of years. Then the sword trembling, incarnate into a black hole, swallowing up the flesh and blood of the old corpse and Primordial Spirit.


The blonde man became more and more frightened and tried his best to break the barrier.

However, there is not even a ray of cracks in the barrier, and a chill grows behind it.

Blonde man knows that Chu Bei waved his sword again, and moved towards him!

Turning around and looking around, the ten-colored sword glow is rapidly expanding!

In a blink of an eye, he came close to him!


The sword blade passed, the blonde man's pupils became distracted, and the body was divided into two, and the bloody scene was staged again.

The blood of Golden falls like a waterfall into the sea, causing it to rise dazzling rays of light.

The Divine Sword came to the top of the blond man's corpse, turned slowly, and absorbed it together with the dissipated Primordial Spirit.

"The battle is over."

"In front of the immortal, let alone us, even the overlord of the restricted area is so small, there is no resistance at all."

"Is this the boss of All Heavens Store, Boss Chu!"


On the edge of Absolute Beginning Mine, countless spectators who saw this scene stared at Starry Sky in a daze. On Battlefield, his gaze fell on Shise Long Sword and Chu Bei's body, muttering to each other, allowing some trance in their expressions.

Four swords, one forbidden area overlord!

"very good!"

"Boss Chu killed them all!"

Duan De, Jiang Taixu and the others cast their eyes on Chu one by one After Bei came back to his senses from the astonishment, an expression of excitement appeared on Bei's body.

"Boss, I made you bother."

At this time, Ye Fan also recovered slightly, looking at the battlefield that had been cleaned up, he moved towards Chu Bei again. Bowed.

"Unexpectedly, you have grown to this step."

With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, the ten-colored long sword in his hand disappeared, turning into a rain of light and sinking into his body.

[The host has resolved the Ye Fan crisis and immediately returns to the Tomb of the God plane]

A quarter of an hour later.

"Boss, why are you leaving soon?" Ji Ziyue, Jiang Tingting, Ye Fan and the others looked at Chu Bei with dismay.

"I still have some things that have not been done yet."

Thinking that there are still tasks that have not been completed in the Tomb of the God plane, Chu Bei, after a brief exchange with Ye Fan and the others, Can only turn back.

With the movement of Chu Bei divine sense, the wheel of time and space reappeared.

Chu Bei stepped in and disappeared from everyone's sight.


Tomb of the God plane.

Ten thousand years have passed since Chu Bei left.

Heaven Realm has a happy laughter and cheerful voices in a fairy garden.

Spirit Herb's fragrance, the treasure tree shoots the clouds, the Immortal Crane dances, the White Ape presents peaches, and the Shoulu bears the mushrooms, making this place more sacred and peaceful.

"Chen Nan, congratulations on your successful breakthrough and stepping into the Heaven Rank!"

In the fairy garden, there is a swaying Five Clawed Divine Dragon like a drunk Five Clawed Divine Dragon Slapping the arm of a youth man.

"In this era when Heaven Rank was sent to the Third Realm, the Baby Dragon will depend on you to cover it."

At this time, one has not grown up yet. The small dragon flew to the right shoulder of the youth man with his chubby belly.

One big and one small two dragons are purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon. As for the youthful man, it is Chen Nan.

The cultivation system in Tomb of the God, from bottom to top: First Rank, 2nd-Rank, 3rd-Rank, 4th-Rank, 5th-Rank, 6th-Rank True Martial, 7th- Rank Xianwu, Divine King, Divine Sovereign, Heaven Rank.

In Human World, 5th-Rank is already a peerless expert; and 7th-Rank Xianwu has a foothold in Heaven Realm. As for Divine King Realm, it is already a giant in Heaven Realm. The preaching started.

Now Chen Nan has entered the Heaven Rank. In this era when Heaven Rank has been exiled to the third world, he can be said to have stood in Peak.

"With the passing of years, I finally came to this realm." Chen Nan looked into the distance, wondering what he was thinking, and sighed faintly.

"Chen Nan, do you think the old lunatic of Demon Lord will perceive your realm, and then come out of the third realm and send you in too!" The purple Divine Dragon shook his claws In the wine cup, drunk road.

On that day, the Demon Lord Remnant Soul, one of the little Six Paths masters, woke up and used the gods and demons map to exile all Heaven Rank experts into the third realm, which is the so-called Eighteen. Levels of Hell.

They witnessed the Demon Lord threatening the sleeping Heaven Rank expert with the gods and demons, and entered the Eighteen Levels of Hell one by one. Since then, there has been no Heaven Rank expert in Human World and Heaven Realm.

"The third world? I don't need him to invite me, I will go in too." Chen Nan squinted his eyes and muttered to himself.

"Big brother, do you remember the Master? That day, Demon Lord Uncle didn't seem to find him." A little girl who was exquisite as a doll held her head up and looked at Chen Nan with her big eyes.

"Even thousands of years have passed, the big brother will never forget the Master. The big brother can have today's achievements, but thanks to him."

Chen Nan Picking up Little Chen Xi, behind a figure of Tai Chi God and Demon appeared, and Supreme mighty power was released in it.

"Why can't I find him all the time?"

A lithe and graceful white clothed woman with an impenetrable figure came and hugged Chen Nan from behind, Muttered in a low voice.

"Heaven Beyond the Heaven must be beyond the six realms, so Demon Lord can’t find the Master."

Chen Nan responded, a long-term but But the memorable youth appearance, the existence of a master and a father.

It was that person who bestowed him the inheritance of light and the powerful backing of All Heavens Store, and let him find Yuxin, which made his cultivation journey smoothly.

"I haven't heard from him for so many years, I am afraid he has died during meditation. Or, was killed by the so-called god?" Purple Divine Dragon drank two more sips of fine wine and muttered.

"Chen Nan brother, this Master in your mouth, we have heard from you many times, he is a who in the end."

In the fairy garden, here is Chen Nan There are many Daoxi people, and there is no lack of Divine Sovereign that has awakened from sleep for nearly a thousand years.

The person who asked is the existence of Peak in the Divine Sovereign environment. An old fellow who has been in retreat for thousands of years is called the Old Man of the South China Sea in Heaven Realm.

"Master, he is on the same level as the Demon Lord." Chen Nan didn't say much, but said casually.

But it was this simple evaluation that made all the powerful cultivators in the fairy garden appear astonished.

Demon Lord, who is that? There is an Immemorial taboo that kills the sky but undying!

Remnant Soul is awakened, and all Heaven Rank Experts are forced to enter the third world Supreme character with the help of the gods and demons!

"Chen Nan children, come to fight!"

Just when a number of cultivators were preparing to continue to question the Master in Chen Nan's mouth, a long whistle came from the distant sky, a huge magic The sound was deafening as the waves hit the shore.

The terrifying demonic energy, like a tsunami, swept from the distant sky, and the originally sacred and peaceful fairy garden was swallowed endlessly!

The powerful magic breath is breathtaking and frightening!

"This voice, could it be..."

"The Fifth Realm, Immemorial Seven Sovereign King Heiqi!"

"How long has it passed, he Are you out of trouble!"

"No, impossible!"

"If it is really him, then Heaven Realm and Human World will change to heaven!"


The long roar that burst in suddenly changed the complexion of the Divine King and Divine Sovereign in the fairy garden.

"It's really him!"

"The King of the Fifth Realm, who can stop him!"

In the distant sky, a black shadow flashed in an instant Appeared above the fairy garden.

When a crowd of Heaven Realm Powerhouses including the Divine Sovereign realm existed, when they saw the appearance of the dark shadows, their pupils shrank sharply, and the color of fear appeared in their eyes.

Looked at each other in blank dismay one by one, with trepidation in his unbelievable eyes.

Too ancient age, one of the seven kings who was once invited to destroy the sky, the great character that shook the six realms, and its prestige went straight to the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian!

No one can think that in just a few years, this madman will get out of trouble and come across the border!

No one knows that the hatred between him and Chen Nan cannot be calmed down, and there will be a huge storm next!

Chen Nan's face also became heavy. He had a hunch that he was going to get out of trouble, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Yuxin, Little Chen Xi, and Katherine on the side also allow some dignity on their faces.

"Chen Nan, if you didn't set up a set back then, how could the sixth and seventh be sent to the third world!"

Sovereign King Heiqi looked at him coldly Chen Nan, shouts filled with Ling Ran's killing intent, and shook Heaven and Earth with a loud roar!

next moment, the endless magic cloud soars into the sky from its body, seeming to be going to penetrate the Heaven Realm.

This paradox of Heaven and Earth shocked the Divine Kings in the fairy garden to the extreme!

"If you want to fight, you will fight!"

Chen Nan turned into a flash, facing the Sovereign King Heiqi far away, and the figure of Tai Chi in his body rotated wildly.

At the same time, the endless divine glow all around shrouded, releasing dazzling golden light.

He and the Seven Kings of Immemorial are already undying endlessly. It is useless to say more!

"Chen Nan brother, if necessary, we can take action at any time." The old man from Nanhai clenched his fists, his voice was heavy.

Immemorial Sovereign King Heiqi has experienced the existence of Slaughter Heaven battle, and its strength has already aspired to Heaven Rank Peak! Although Chen Nan is strong, he has just entered the Heaven Rank that's all.

He believes that if Chen Nan is given another millennium or even a hundred years, the opponent can fight Sovereign King Heiqi, but at the moment, he is not an opponent.

"Today, it is not just you Chen Nan, but the entire Heaven Realm as a funeral!" Heiqi had no expression on his face, and a huge roar swept across the sky.

"I'll help you!"

Yuxin flew directly to Chen Nan's side, knotted his hands, summoned meteorites outside the sky, and the endless meteor shower cut through the sky of Heaven Realm , Whizzing down towards Immemorial Sovereign King Heiqi, the horrible power fluctuations make people trembling in fear.

Seeing this, the old man from Nanhai has also prepared three sets of terrifying sword arrays, thousands of brilliant Divine Swords, and endless murderous auras, covering the Sovereign King Heiqi from different directions.

"light of firefly dares to compete with Haoyue for glory, really overestimate one's capabilities!"

You can't dodge in the dark, just a single light shattered Yuxin and the old man of Nanhai s attack.

"Is this the Sovereign King Heiqi from the Fifth Realm! It's too terrifying!"

"A ray of light, it even wiped out the old man of Nanhai and the Ruthless Fairy They are all Peak Divine Sovereign attacks. They are the most Powerhouse under Heaven Rank!"

"What level of horror should this blackened strength reach!"


In the fairy garden, a crowd of Divine Kings looked at the dark shadows above in horror, with fear in their eyes.

"Chen Nan boy, die!"

The black is coldly shouted, the Great Demon body firm as a mountain is generally heavy, and the exposed bronze skin shows the endless hidden in it power.

The black hair danced wildly, a pair of eyes showed endless baleful aura, and the shadow of Demon Soul behind the four hundred thousand gods roared.

This is the imposing manner of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!


Chen Nan's face became more dignified, as the coldly shouted fall, the pill of light appeared in his body, endless golden rays of light gathered on the surface of his fist, and at the same time The gods and demons in the body rise and fall, releasing another terrifying power.

“bang! ”

Chen Nan punched and moved towards Heiqi bang. Suddenly thousands of divine glow surged towards Heiqi like a sword.

"A trifling junior!"

Heiqi glanced at Chen Nan with disdain, a ten-foot-high demon body like cast steel, full of explosive power.

I saw the same punched out, and the tens of thousands of divine glow rushing into it suddenly shattered into endless meteor showers.

After that, Sovereign King Heiqi looked up to the sky a long whistle, opened his mouth like strong wind scattering the last clouds, and swallowed all this endless meteor shower into his mouth!

In the fairy garden, a group of Divine Kings looked at the battlefield and their hearts trembled. This Sovereign King Heiqi is really too strong!

Chen Nan is already their Heaven Realm Number One Person, but in the eyes of the other party, they are no different from ants.


With a shocking roar, Chen Nan silhouette flew upside down in the battlefield, vomiting blood from his mouth.

"Chen Nan, see if you can take a few punches from this king!"

Hei laughed, behind the 400 thousand gods and demons roared together, shook Heaven and Earth!

"Longlong, the big brother seems to be unable to beat that bad guy."

"What should I do now!"

Little Chen Xi shook the purple Divine Dragon With Baby Dragon, they look anxious.

"It’s an old monster of too ancient age, how could Chen Nan have been able to fight."

Looking at the bloody Chen Nan in the battlefield, purple Divine Dragon ao wu "Chen Nan, you Uncle Long is here to help!"

"Don't come over!"

However, before the purple Divine Dragon joins the battlefield, Chen Nan loudly shouted, and then As if a certain decision was made, it turned into a flash moved towards the east.

"Do you think you escaped!"

High in the sky, the black is called invincible, coldly snorted, moved towards Chen Nan and chased in the direction of the escape.

"The direction that little friend Chen Nan is going to is Fengdu Mountain!"

"Let’s follow soon!"

Looking at Chen Nan going away In the direction, all Powerhouses, including Yuxin and the old man in Nanhai, were taken aback at first, came back to his senses, and then turned into divine rainbow to catch up.


Fengdu Mountain.

This is a huge mountain, standing between Heaven and Earth, Yin Qi shrouds all fields, and the dark and dense baleful aura, Shrouding The Heavens blinds the sun.

If you say the most weird and intimidating thing, there is nothing more than the huge circular pit on the top of the mountain that is invisible at a glance and releases a swarthy black glow.

"Heiqi dog thief, come here!"

Chen Nan glanced back at Heiqi, then jumped into the pit.


Heiqi did not hesitate at all, the whole person turned into a black glow, swaying monstrous demonic energy, and followed Chen Nan into the deep pit.

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