"Chen Nan jumped into the sinkhole!"

"Crazy, he is crazy!"

"In the sinkhole But a terrifying existence is banned!"

"He was forced to be helpless!"


In the distance, a crowd of Divines rushed over King happened to witness the scene of Chen Nan jumping into the pit with Heiqi, and his expressions suddenly startled and he was shocked.

"Odd a dragon god, in order to protect us, Chen Nan and Heiqi are perish together!" Baby Dragon roar towards the sky.

"It's just my light clone, I'm not that stupid yet."

At this moment, bright and dazzling light atoms emerged beside Yuxin and Chenxi, condensed into The appearance of Chen Nan.

However, looking at his face, it was obviously pale, and it was obvious that this clone, which could hide from the black, was extremely exhausting to him.

At this moment, Chen Nan looked towards the dark tiankeng, with a playful color on his face, as if watching a play.

"Little thief Chen Nan, dare you to pit me!!"

After a while, accompanied by a loud bang, the whole Fengdu Mountain changed in an instant, Heaven and Earth Faded.

Immediately afterwards, a black and angry roar came from the bottomless sinkhole.

"This is all undying him!"

"Let's go back!"

Hearing the black roar, Chen Nan's face changed. Immediately greeted a crowd of Divine Kings behind, and quickly swept away into the distance.

"Is he strong enough to fight the monsters in the sinkhole!"

The Divine Kings were stunned, they noticed the endless horror coming up from the underground breath, as if to heaven falls and earth rends.

At this moment, Fengdu Mountain is like a tsunami. All the peaks are like waves, shaking violently, falling down in pieces.

Afterwards, new peaks surged. The endless Yin-Fiend Qi instantly enveloped Heaven and Earth. This place was completely enveloped by Darkness in an instant. Even if it is as strong as the Divine King Divine Sovereign, there is a kind of inexplicable palpitation. feel.

"Ouditian, what is the monster that lives in this pit!" Purple Divine Dragon shrank his neck and followed Chen Nan to fly high.

"Heaven’s breath! Child Chen Nan, even if I die, I will drag you!"

The black panic and angry roar came from the ground of Fengdu Mountain, and then A fist mark was punched from the ground, and the ground was broken and a huge black gully appeared.

“roar! ”

In the depths of the earth, the darkness seems to have encountered an unimaginable enemy, and the roaring sound penetrates the sky, through the heavily magic cloud and baleful aura, Disperse Heaven Realm.

"What kind of breath? What is he talking about when it's dark!"

Far away in the sky, a crowd of Divine King Powerhouses swallowed, only feeling a little dry in their mouths. A horrified and expectant look at the cracked gully below.

long long long!

The sky was shaking loudly, the rocks pierced through the sky, and the two mountains rushed out of the magic cloud, and collapsed to the sky. The momentum is too great!

next moment, a trembling in fear picture appeared in the sight of Chen Nan, the old man in Nanhai and other Powerhouses.

It was an endless tentacle like a mountain, waved to the high sky. It was before that it threw two peaks up and broke them.

"Is that the monster in the sinkhole!"

The Divine Kings looked dull and only felt their scalp numb.

I saw that huge monster is like octopus tentacles, with bumps, bumps, and mucus all over, just dancing horizontally above the sky, endless!

In addition to the great Great Demon, there is also a dark shadow in the sky. It is holding a magic knife that no stronghold one cannot overcome, and it continuously splits thousands of divine glow and blade light. The most violent lightning, non-stop strikes are on that tentacles.

"Little friend Chen, you seem to have released a terrific big guy!" The old man from Nanhai looked at the sky blankly and muttered to himself.

Looking at the huge monster fighting the black spirit high in the sky, Chen Nan's expression is also a bit trance.

Obviously, such a scene exceeded his expectations!

Hei Qi came out of the seal ahead of time. Because he was lost, he hit the first pit of the Heaven Realm.

It is rumored that there is a Great Ancient Era Object of Taboo sleeping in this pit, so he thought of using this Object of Taboo to seriously injure or even kill Heiqi.

When the clinker arrived, this Object of Taboo was killed directly, and it looked like a stubborn mistake.

long long long ——

In the battlefield, a huge tentacle dances, covering Heaven and Earth like a Heavenly Dragon, and the terrifying power that erupts is terrifying!

"A trifling blue sky clone, if it weren't for the king's strength has not been restored, how could you be so suppressed! Raise your hand and it can be destroyed!" Heiqi roared, his roar was full of unwillingness.

"What? The power related to the sky!"

"It is the clone of the sky!"


Hear With the black roar, the powerhouses showed incredible colors.

Learning of the identity of the huge monster, Chen Nan also frowned, his eyes narrowed into two gaps.

No wonder this unknown monster can bring him a very serious sense of threat, and even smell the breath of death, it turns out that the other party is actually related to the sky!

If it's him who is not playing against him in the field, maybe he can't survive two rounds.

But even Sovereign King Heiqi, in the face of this huge monster, can only be exhausted and passive.


There was another loud noise, and a Great Demon shadow once again rushed into the gully covered by endless demonic energy. Different from the tentacles, this is a huge claw arm, sweeping across the sky, slapped towards the black start.

Like a beast claw!

It is covered with azure scale armor, and the sharp claw blade gleams with the rays of light, like the ghost claws of the Nine Nether rushing up. It makes people frightened by one after another. The trajectory, then hiding the sky and covering the earth down.


In the battlefield, the black rose in anger and roared, and the magic knife in his hand swept across.

Blade glow clank, burst out terrifying rays of light, and smoothed many peaks, but it is still difficult to hurt the source of the disaster, the other party is like a monster that kills undying.

The fierce battle continued, and it didn't take long for a huge stone tablet to skyrocket.

Looking at it, there are a few large characters on the stone tablet, which are shining divine light, illuminating this darkness of Fengdu Mountain.

"The seventh incarnation of the blue sky!"

Looking at the big characters on the stone tablet, including Chen Nan, everyone in the field was terrified.

"It turns out that Blue Sky is really not a fantasy object imagined by the ancient Powerhouse, but a real existence!" Someone exclaimed.

"I drop the dragon god!"

The purple Divine Dragon opened his mouth wide, waking up from the drunkenness, and said, "He’s the grandfather of the dragon, there really is God." , Uncle Long is a little dizzy, damn it!"

"My hair! I'm dizzy too!"

Baby Dragon's eyes widened, learning from the purple Divine Dragon. Appearance, the mouth echoes.

"It seems to be really big this time."

Chen Nan murmured, also feeling big for a while.

Let go of what happened. The state of affairs is beyond his grasp. It is impossible to predict what it will become.

"Chen Nan, what are you doing stupidly, withdraw!" The long dragon tail of the purple Divine Dragon was drawn on Chen Nan's body.

Chen Nan woke up from the shock, once again glanced at the fierce battlefield in the distance, and then looked towards all around Divine King: "Let's go!"

weng weng!

But before Chen Nan, the old man of Nanhai and other Powerhouses retreat, there was another roar from the gully below.

After that, two more claw arms came out.

But this time, the two claw arms were not moved towards Heiqi, but moved towards Chen Nan entire group.


"I seem to be frozen, I can't move!"

Looking at the film covered in azure scale armor With his beast claws and octopus-like tentacles, the faces of the unmovable Divine Kings changed in shock, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

At this moment, they thoroughly felt what kind of terrifying existence Immemorial Sovereign King Heiqi was facing!

Only the breath of the beast claws and tentacles has suppressed them unable to move even a little bit, let alone resist.

"Chen Nan, help Brother Long!" Purple Divine Dragon ao wu yelled, his voice trembling.

"break for me!"

Although Chen Nan is also suppressed by this breath, it is not as impossible to move even a little bit like those Divine Kings, just Have an impact that's all.

As the ice coldly shouted down, Chen Nan's palm was up and down in a circular shape, and a mirror made of bright photons appeared in the area where his hands overlapped into a ring.

The dazzling golden light in the mirror shot out, forming a light track and shot out. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed directly and was punched out of a Golden Avenue.

Clang clang——!

However, Chen Nan's horror shot fell on the seemingly soft claws and tentacles, but did not cause any substantial damage.

"Is this the so-called sky? Even if it is just a clone, it is already so powerful!"

Looking at the beast claws and tentacles that continue to be photographed, Chen Nan His face became more solemn.

But when he was ready to attack again, the void above their pedestrian suddenly buzzed.

next moment, the endless white mist appears out of thin air, condensed in a chaotic giant palm.

The giant palm of chaos suddenly emerged, a sweeping sweep, and under several blank eyes, strikes were on the beast's claws and tentacles.


In the deep muffled sound, the beast claws and tentacles exploded, turning into a rain of light and dissipating.

On the other hand, the chaotic giant palm is still in the void, releasing bright rays of light and permeating holy breath.

"I got...saved!"

"That was Chen Nan's method just now? Did he save us?"

"Is he again Have you made a breakthrough! Otherwise, why can you easily dissolve the attack of the clone of the sky!"


Looking at the broken beast claws and tentacles above, all the Divine Kings were taken aback. After came back to his senses, the color of horror disappeared, replaced by the color of joy, and the gaze that looked towards Chen Nan again was filled with gratitude.

"Little friend Chen Nan, did you have a breakthrough?"

"I didn't do it."

The old man from Nanhai looked at Chen Nan blankly. As soon as the confused words fell, the latter shook his head and waved his hand in response.

"You didn't do it, who would it be!"

"Heaven Rank experts have all been exiled to the third level by the Demon Lord."

Hearing Chen Nan's words, the old man from Nanhai pointed at the chaotic giant palm above with a look of surprise.

"No, there is one person besides me!"

When the voice fell, Chen Nan immediately turned his head and looked around, looking excited, as if looking for something .

Not only Chen Nan, but purple Divine Dragon, Baby Dragon, Yuxin, Little Chen Xi and the others also thought of something, all with excitement on their faces.

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