"Who disturbs my long sleep!"

Suddenly, a huge magic cloud spewed out from the lofty mountain, the magic cloud oscillated like the turbulent waves of the raging sea.

With the appearance of the magic cloud, the vast and incomparable divine might suddenly came to pressure.

Even though the purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon have arrived at the Divine King Realm, they still feel as uncomfortable as pressing a mountain in their heart, and their spirits seem to collapse.

Even Chen Nan, who has entered the Heaven Rank, is somewhat inexplicably depressed.

"Breath is so terrifying!"

"Is it possible that his cultivation base has been restored!"

Chen Nan brows slightly wrinkle, also played A divine might pressure shrouded Yuxin and Chen Xi, resisting the pressure from the magic cloud for them.

"But his appearance has not changed, he is still so hideous."

Gradually, the magic cloud surged. Chen Nan murmured when he saw the silhouette inside the magic cloud.

The magic cloud dissipated, and a tall and fuzzy silhouette gradually became clear.

A scarlet's long hair flutters arbitrarily, the half of the head under the bloody hair has been shattered, and a bloody flesh above the left eye, red and white mixed together, a little bit of brain is stained on the bloody hair.

The intact right eye has no whites and pupils, and the entire eyeball is extremely red, showing scarlet rays of light that are palpitating.

What's more terrifying is that there is a big bloody hole in his chest, and his heart has disappeared, and it emits dazzling blood rays of light. Looking at his back, half of the twelve wings were broken, extremely miserable.

"The time has passed too long, don't you remember this seat."

Chu Bei floated to the nameless god and demon, with a curve in the corner of his mouth, and the words With a smile.

"It's you!"

The nameless god and demon obviously recognized Chu Bei, and there was a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Looking at your state, all the memories you lost should have been recovered." Chu Bei calmly looked at the nameless gods and demons.

"en. I don't know what you mean by coming here." asked the nameless god and demon nodded.

"Back when your Master sent the Powerhouse on the Heaven Rank to enter the third world, you must know about it."

Chu Bei carried his hands behind his back, and said leisurely: "This seat is here. I came here this time, although the purpose is different from him, but I also want to invite you to sit in the world of this seat."

After that, Chu Bei took out Small World.

"What do you mean!"

The face of the nameless god and demon suddenly changed: "I promised Master to stay here and wait for him to come out of the third realm."


"Don't wait, this seat will take you to the third world soon and let you see the Demon Lord."

Chu Bei expressionlessly, pointed to Small World: "Go in."

"Isn't there any room for negotiation?"

The nameless god and demon frowned, and behind the billowing black clouds surging, occupying half of the sky.

"You must go in." Chu Bei shook the head gave the answer.

Afterwards, between the eyebrows, a chaotic light spewed out, and the chaotic light turned into an arrow, whizzing out, and with a chuckle, it swept away all the black clouds behind the nameless gods and demons.

The nameless god and demon trembled slightly, coldly snorted a little unwillingly, and then turned into a black streamer and sank into Small World.

"Expert is expert! You don't even need to give the face of the Demon Lord through the ages!" Purple Divine Dragon threw the dragon tail, and took another flattery with a flattery on his face.

"Let's go, go to the next place."

After putting the nameless gods and demons into Small World, Chu Bei raised his hand to shoot out the golden light and disappeared again with the Chen Nan entire group Yu in the sky.

Forbidden area, eternal forest.

In the center, it is a water with no end in sight.

The color of the water is very weird, showing a scarlet, and the waterspout swaying from time to time is like a beast that chooses people to eat, which makes people feel palpitating.


Suddenly, a piece of ice coldly shouted.

Blood water rolled, hong long long a huge vortex appeared in the blood water in the strange loud noise.

Immediately, a huge ancient palace slowly emerged from the vortex.

The door of ancient palace opened, and there was a heavy footstep.

I saw seven tall silhouettes neither too fast nor too slow coming out from the inside, with golden light shining all over their bodies, exuding blazing divine light.

These are seven angels with six pairs of wings. Their wings are neither pure white nor black ink, but golden with divine light, giving people a sacred feeling.

"Do you still recognize this seat?"

Chu Bei appeared above the blood with the Chen Nan entire group, looking at the seven angels very calmly, without the slightest sound in his voice. feeling.

"It turned out to be you!"

Seeing the appearance of the person, the seven powerful Twelve-Winged Angels immediately appeared astonished.

The battle between the opponent and the pseudo-layouts back then has impressed them so far.

In the beginning, the seven of them were the Sovereign in this eternal forest.

It's just that during Immemorial's battle with Tianyi, he fell asleep due to a road injury, and was later occupied by the pseudo-arranger.

It wasn't until the battle that they were awakened and deeply imprinted the appearance of Chu Bei in their minds.

"The purpose of this seat is very simple. I want to invite the seven of you to sit in the Small World of this seat."

Chu Bei's indifferent voice fell. , Chu Bei behind, there is a Small World, where the unknown gods and demons, Immemorial Sovereign King Heiqi and the others are faintly visible.

"You are going to imprison the seven of us!"

The seven Twelve-Winged Angels reacted, and their faces became extremely heavy.

"Whatever you understand, should you go in by yourself or be forced to send you in by this seat?" Chu Bei said, his voice indifferent, with an irresistible majesty.

"You are too much! Even if the Demon Lord came back then, for the sake of our battle with Tianyi, we are not as threatening as you are!"

The seven Twelve-Winged Angels shouted angrily, then waved their wings at the same time, and the holy breath spread.

At the same time, the seven people danced with their hands at exactly the same frequency. Layers of blue rays of light flew out of their palms, and finally gathered together to form a blue river.

The bloody lake below is surging, as if being pulled by the blue river, it turns into a tornado and rises into the sky, combining with it.

crash-bang ——

Under the horrific sound, this forest seemed to be frozen, and the void was shattered and rumbled.

Looking at the rushing blue river, Chu Bei did not have any mood swings on his face, and he did not evade.

raised hand, the endless chaos surging in front of it condenses into an extremely large fist.

long long long!

Amid the loud noise, a punch easily smashed the blue river.

Then, with fists into palms, under the horrified eyes of seven Twelve-Winged Angels, they held them firmly.

At this moment, the seven Twelve-Winged Angels looked flustered, and the guy in front of them was stronger than they thought.

From the very beginning, the seven of them combined to play the strongest moves, but in the eyes of the opponent, they were still vulnerable.

"Let us go!"

An anxious voice came from the seven angels, but before he could struggle, he was thrown into Small World by Chu Bei.

"Master, what's the next stop?" Chen Nan was curious.

"Cemetery of Gods and Demons." Chu Bei's lips moved slightly.

"Cemetery of Gods and Demons? There are only graves." Chen Nan puzzled.

"In addition to the grave, there is another living person." Chu Bei laughed.

"Master, you mean the old man who keeps the tomb!"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Chen Nan seemed to have thought of something.

Chu Bei said no more, the silhouette turned into a rainbow, leaving the eternal forest.


Heavenly-Origin Continent, the central region.

Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

The tall snow maple branches are luxuriantly leafy, and the branches and leaves are dotted with countless snow-white petals, like snowflakes blooming in the scorching summer, releasing the fragrance of refreshing.

Sweeping around, one after another tombs are scattered all over the cemetery.

"A few years have not come, here is still the same."

Above Cemetery of Gods and Demons, Chen Nan followed Chu Bei behind and walked out from in the sky, looking The group of tombstones below let out a sigh of emotion.

On the periphery of the cemetery, tall snow maple trees are neatly arranged, and dark green branches and leaves are lush and green. Swaying in the breeze, the white petals floated in the air like snowflakes.

"Big brother, it smells so good."

The scent of flowers came oncoming, and Little Chen Xi looked intoxicated.

"I knew you would come."

At this moment, an old voice floated from the air.

Looking at the sound, in front of the thatched house, a scrawny old man stood at the door, walking towards him tremblingly with a cane in both hands.

The old man has hundreds of hair and beards, and his face is engraved with weather-beaten wrinkles. His thin stature makes people look scared, as if a gust of wind can blow him down.

"Do you remember what I said to you when I first came here?" Chu Bei calmly looked at the old man tomb, said indifferently.

"The cause, it's up to you; the effect is up to you."

The old tomb watcher looked at Chu Bei: "So, you are going to make a move? But you What do you mean by coming here? My old bones can't stand the toss."

"Maybe useful to you. This time, I invite you to the Small Cultivation in the World."

Chu Bei's mouth is curved, and with a wave of his right hand, a Small World is brought out in the gap.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, and looking at Small World again, the old man's eyes instantly became cold and severe, the slightly rising imposing manner and the oppressive chi chi sounded, and behind unusual forms appeared.

"Do you want to do it?"

Perceiving the imposing manner of the grave guard's climbing, Chu Bei's voice is indifferent and does not contain any emotion.

"If you insist that the old man enter your Small World, then give it a try!" The old man tomb guard was not afraid.

"Then turn it into a life and death disk." Chu Bei's eyes condensed, and his voice suddenly became low.

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old grave guard, he didn't expect this guy to see through his body.

hong long long!

With the continuous loud noise, the thin body of the old grave guard magnified ten million times in an instant, and then a huge roulette appeared above the sky dome of Cemetery of Gods and Demons, releasing an incomparable terrifying breath.

At this moment, roars in the cemetery came from the depths of the cemetery. The terrifying roar and the sound of magic howl seemed to pass through Heaven and Earth to Three Realms and Six Paths.


The breathtaking whistle sound, like a hell evil spirit about to rush out of a cage.

The earth rumbling and trembling, the undissipated soul of Dead Fiendgod seems to be about to rush out, the whole Cemetery of Gods and Demons is tumultuous!

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