"Unexpectedly this old fellow is terrifying so terrifying!"

"You can't judge a person by appearance!"

Looking at the sky On the upper life and death plate and the unusual form in the cemetery, the purple Divine Dragon shrank his neck, his face changed in shock.

Chen Nan was also shocked. Although he knew at first that this old grave guard was not an ordinary person, he didn't expect to such a degree of horror!

The breath released by the opponent is even stronger than the nameless gods and demons!

Perhaps even in the Immemorial years of the gods, it is also one of the existence of cream of the crop.

As for Chu Bei, his complexion did not change at all, his body slowly lifted into the air, his whole body was wrapped in chaotic fog, and gradually gave people a feeling of ethereal and difficult to capture.

Vaguely, an iron lump phantom can be seen in the chaotic fog. As the iron lump overlaps with Chu Bei, the latter's body reveals a majestic wave of power and a bleak breath. It seems to have existed since ancient times.

A breath grandiose that seems to be able to affect Time Flow Speed, like the vast ocean, surging out, and the waves are undulating.

Looking at Chu Bei whose breath is changing again in the sky, Chen Nan's heart is ups and downs.

With the mighty breath released by Chu Bei, Chen Nan keenly felt the abnormal movement of his body, and the gods and monsters in his body turned slowly, with a strange rhythm.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Above Cemetery of Gods and Demons, two huge monsters up to ten thousand zhang face each other.

The roulette wheel is black and white, two colors, with breath of life and breath of death respectively. In its slow rotation, the tens of millions of tombstones in the cemetery tremble, and the sound of ghosts neighing makes the heart palpitating. .

The iron lump coincides with Chu Bei, Myriad Things Origin Energy and Hong Meng's Qi evolution Yin-Yang Symbol will burst into bright rays of light, which can be seen in various unusual forms intertwined with chaotic light. Emerge.

The sky dome collapsed and void cracks spread.

Under the gazes of Chen Nan, Yuxin and the others, the two huge monsters began to move closer to each other.

chi chi chi!

On the roulette, Black and White Qi plays the Dragon Transformation snake, rushing out of the roar, the ferocious blood mouth is enlarged to the limit, and I want to swallow Chu Bei in one bite. .

I don't know when, a long spear intertwined with chaotic light appeared in Chu Bei's hand, he sneered, and directly took the Dragonsnake Strangle.

"Do you really want to force this seat to take action!"

In the chaotic light and fog, a faint calm voice echoed in the sky.

long long long ——

Black and White Qi are scattered, and the speed of life and death disk is turning faster and faster.

"That's all, senior can't beat you, and I don't bother to hurt my muscles and bones, so let's go with you." The breath of life and death became more and more terrifying, and it quickly climbed to the extreme.

However, at the time when he was supposed to fight to the death, the old tomb guard sighed from the life and death disk with an unwilling sigh, which seemed to be accompanied by a little helplessness.

Next moment, under the gazes of Chen Nan and Purple Divine Dragon, the disk of life and death kept shrinking, until it finally changed back to the look of the old grave guard.

Almost at the same time, the chaotic mist outside Chu Bei's body dissipated.

Next, Chu Bei, standing with his hands in his hand, fell from the sky, looking calm and composed.

"I just gave up at the beginning? Can it look like a Powerhouse!" Purple Divine Dragon twitched the corner of his mouth, looking at the old grave guard with contempt.

Chen Nan looked towards The gaze of the old man who guarded the tomb was also a little strange, which seemed to re-define the character of the latter.

"I want to see how many people you can finally invite to come in and sit down in your Small World!"

The old grave guard dropped the crutches in his hand and said in his mouth Coldly snorted, it’s not hard to hear his complaints against Chu Bei.

"Don't worry, as long as you are above the Heaven Rank, none of them can escape, including the third world!"

Chu Bei calmly looked at the old man guarding the tomb, and then pointed out Refers to Small World in the gap, meaning it is obvious.

"Then I have to see if I can wait for the Demon Lord inside!" The old grave guard narrowed his eyes.

"It's not just him, but the old people you want to meet will see." Chu Bei laughed.

"I hope your strength is as great as your tone!" The old tomb guard waved his sleeves and flew into the Small World in the gap in anger.

"Dugu Xiaoxuan, do you think you can escape under the eyelids of this seat?"

Huo Ran, Chu Bei looked towards the west, a calm voice sounded, and then he waved his hand Make a ray of gorgeous ripples.

As the ripples passed, the sky was imprisoned in an instant, and then a woman's silhouette floated out.

I saw the woman wearing a purple dress, exquisite and vulgar, with a light spirit of her own.

"It's been a long time since I saw you."

"I can't think that senior is much stronger than I thought! Even life and death is not your opponent."

Dugu Xiaoxuan's silver bell-like laughter resounded throughout Cemetery of Gods and Demons, and the crisp and sweet voice was like a natural sound.

"Are you going in by yourself, or will you be sent in by this seat?" Chu Bei pointed to Small World and glanced at Dugu Xiaoxuan faintly.

"senior, how can you force me to enter your Small World? I still want to find my father, you can't do this to me."

Dugu Xiaoxuan He has come to Chu Bei's side, shaking Chu Bei's arm with a look of flattery.

For Chu Bei’s request, the peerless grace and elegance Goddess Dugu Xiaoxuan is obviously very unwilling to be upset, but she knows the strength of the old tomb guard, even the other party was forced to enter the Small World. In front of Chu Bei, his strength is even more incapable of turning over any waves.

"Ten thousand years have passed, and you haven’t found him yet. According to this seat, it’s better to go and sit in the world of this seat. From this seat, your father and daughter will soon We met."

After finishing speaking, Chu Bei's eyes condensed, his expression is extremely cold, and he doesn't pay attention to any affection.

"hehe, it seems that you guy is not going to be accommodating! But I am not as persuaded as the old man who guards the tomb. If I can't beat it, I have to fight!"

I heard Chu Bei If that is the case, Dugu Xiaoxuan's face immediately came down heavy, turning his face faster than turning a book.

"Do you think it makes sense?" Chu Bei's mouth had a disdainful smile.

"Inverse Chaos Yin-Yang, Immortal Chaos Yin-Yang, Immemorial seals the spell! Great Desolate Demon Conferring Seal!"

Dugu Xiaoxuan issued coldly snorted, and then the cold syllables came out in his mouth. .

next moment, Cemetery of Gods and Demons surging inexplicably above the countless'curse' and'print' characters, moved towards Chu Bei suppressed away in the buzzing sound.

Chu Bei shook the head, said nothing, just raised his hand and slapped it, and a bright chaotic giant palm emerged from the palm of his palm.

chi chi chi!

In the blink of an eye, the giant palm of Chaos shot out countless characters of curse imprints.

Afterwards, giant palm with no difficulty grabbed Dugu Xiaoxuan and threw it into Small World.

"You hateful fellow!"

"Quickly let me go out!"

Soon, Dugu Xiaoxuan that flustered and The roar of exasperated, but it soon disappeared.


Heavenly-Origin Continent, Church of Light.

Underground, 13 layers hell.

Darkness world is dark and dull, and you can't see anything clearly. Especially the baleful aura in the air, giving people a gloomy feeling.

However, with the arrival of the Chu Bei entire group, Darkness was instantly scattered by the holy light element, and there was light in the blink of an eye.

Looking at it, this place is vast and boundless, like a prairie without borders, but the grass is black.

"There is another prey!"

Suddenly, a long and screaming cry from the depths of the grassland floated over.

But for a moment, a man with blood light all over his body stood in the distant sky, watching from all directions, roaring constantly.

Men’s dishevelled hair, scarlet has very long hair, and the half exposed upper body is covered with magic patterns. As for the lower body, it is not legs, but the tail of a giant snake, which is two or three feet long. The most peculiar thing is that in the center of his forehead covered with magic patterns, one vertical eye actually grew out of it, which is extremely weird.

"The breath of Western Totem is also much stronger, it seems that it is not far from the Peak period!"

Feel the breath fluctuations released by Western Totem, Chen Nan eyes suddenly shrank.

"It's you!"

Seeing the appearance of Chu Bei entire group, Western Totem is slightly trembled.

"This seat is about to die out and needs your testimony." Chu Bei went straight to the subject and took out Small World at the same time.

"I can't leave here yet! When the day is gone, I will go, you go." After the voice fell, Western Totem turned around and was about to leave.

However, just as he was preparing to bury himself in the ground for recuperation, a terrifying Spiritual Fluctuation swayed from behind. It felt like being caught by a hunter. I felt a tremor of heart inexplicably.

"Do you have to be overbearing like this!"

West Totem turned and looked towards Chu Bei, suddenly looking up to the sky a long whistle, blood-red hair dancing in a flurry, and the whole body's magic lines bloomed more and more dazzling The evil rays of light, and the third vertical eye on the forehead shot out a dark beam.

"Why? After the cultivation base is restored, do you think you can have a fight with this seat."

Chu Bei's voice is indifferent, and his silhouette disappears directly, appearing in Totem in the West Right above the sky.

Immediately, Chu Bei took a straight shot with his right palm, and a circular ring of light formed by chaotic light condensed in front of his palm. To be precise, it was a bottomless light hole.

West Totem frowned, and the holy eye in the center of his forehead shot out a black light beam. After the light hole on the strikes like the mouth of a troll, it quickly melted and then disappeared completely; to be more precise, It should be absorbed by the light hole.

"Sure enough, it's still useless."

West Totem closed his third vertical eye, as if confessing his fate, letting the suddenly appearing strips consist of chaos. The chains restraint was thrown into Small World.


After the Western Totem was invited into Small World, Chu Bei shouted, and countless bright chaotic lights turned into clone moved towards different directions.

For Chu Bei at this moment, thousands of miles away are no more than a fleeting moment.

Soon, a clone returns, followed by a youth man with a baleful aura skyrocketing.

"Who is disturbing my sleep!"

Youth man is known as the Taoist of the Purple Clouds, and he was too ancient to participate in the battle of Destroying the Heaven. With purple hair and electric eyes, he scanned Chu Bei entire group coldly.

"I would like to invite you to enter Small World for a seat!"

Chu Bei didn't have much words, and the chaotic giant palm directly covered it, and the blazing golden glow flickered, purple Xiao Old Ancestor was put into the world seed.

After a while, another clone returns.

There is an ice coffin behind him, and a silhouette can be seen vaguely lying inside. In addition, there was a middle-aged man with long scarlet hair who followed.

The two can be described as demonic energy soaring to the sky, and the powerhouse breath that radiates even permeates the entire Thirteenth Layer hell.

"Tut tut, I can't think that even the Immemorial Six Evils have also been caught. It is getting more and more interesting!" Small World went up and down, and there was the laughter of the old grave guard.

"Who are you! Why do you turn to the ground three thousand zhang and disturb me to clean up!" The blood haired man stared at Chu Bei coldly.

"Huntian, unfeeling, I would like to ask you to change a place to rest." Chu Bei said.

"hmph! What even the Demon Lord did not do back then, do you think you can do it alone?" With a bang, the ice coffin burst to pieces, and a white-haired man stood in the sky , Staring at Chu Bei disdainfully.

"What he can't do, doesn't mean we can't do it either."

Chu Bei lightly glanced at the two Old Ancestors, the two Old Ancestors, indifferent voice. After falling, the tyrannical imposing manner burst out in an instant, sweeping the 13 layers of hell.

"Frozen Old Ancestor frowns!"

Unfeeling Old Ancestor frowns, followed by a single meal, and directly displayed his strongest law.

Ice and snow were flying in the sky, and Chu Bei was wrapped in a huge block of ice in an instant.

"hmph, I can’t even hide my primordial true ice, and I dare to mention on equal terms with the Demon Lord!"

Unfeeling Old Ancestor coldly snorted, even if the Demon Lord was primordial by him. It's really frozen, and I don't want to break it easily.


Seeing this, Chen Nan's palm immediately condensed a light hammer, fiercely blasted against the ice.

However, his attack had not yet hit the ice cube, the ice cube burst into pieces, and then a huge hand came out from the ice cube, and instantly clasped the unfeeling Old Ancestor's neck, sneer. With a sound, he threw it into Small World.

"How is it possible! Obviously has been frozen, why can I get out so quickly!" Huntian Old Ancestor looked at Chu Bei in dismay, his face full of disbelief.

"Do you want to give it a try too?" Chu Bei turned to look towards Huntian Old Ancestor.

"Huntian, come in! You are not his opponent!"

Just as Huntian hesitated to take a shot, a voice of despair and weakness came from Small World, apparently In the blow just now, he was seriously injured.

Hearing the sound, Huntian glanced at Chu Bei unwillingly, and then flew into Small World by himself.

As time goes by, more and more sleeping Immemorial Peak Powerhouses are awakened by Chu Bei and invited to Small World.

These Immemorial Powerhouses are all people that the Demon Lord could hardly appeal to.

In the end, Chu Bei became a thousand ten thousand zhang huge chaotic light mist, suspended in the distant sky, the majestic energy fluctuations that radiated, swept all the five realms except the third realm.

That is a terrifying breath that makes people fearful and cannot produce a heart to resist it.

Even if it is better than the old man of the tomb and the Immemorial Liuxie Powerhouse, in the end, I have to marvel at the horror of Chu Bei.

On this day, the Five Realms were in turmoil!

There was a long roar from the Li Family of the Profound Realm that went straight up into the sky, a burst of demonic energy surged from the exit, and a tall silhouette was photographed into a Small World.

Human World Du Jia, a majestic breath is in the mighty. Heavenly Demon's skull was forced to wake up from a deep sleep, was pinched by a chaotic giant claw without warning, and disappeared.

In the West Heaven Realm, a huge dragon roar spreads across the western soil, and a Heavenly Dragon crosses the sky. However, as soon as the dragon roar sounded, a silhouette wrapped in chaos appeared and punched it into the Small World.

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