"What the hell happened here! Is there another turmoil?"

"Who is that person!"

" Those caught are all recorded in the ancient book! Unexpectedly, they are still alive, and they are by our side!"

"Boss Chu! He is Chen Nan's Master!"

"What does he intend to take away these Immemorial gods!"


All the cultivators of the Five Realms were frightened and talked fiercely about what they saw An incredible scene.

"Master, are there any more?"

As the evening approached, Chen Nan let out a long sigh, looked towards Chu Bei beside him and asked tentatively.

The purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon who witnessed this scene from the beginning to the end are even more dazed. The gaze looking towards Chu Bei has become more admired!

Those who are all the Heaven Rank Great Ascension experts sleeping in the Five Realms, all have a reputation in the ancient book, and they were all captured by the opponent!

"The Heaven Rank Great Ascension that the Demon Lord dropped back then has come to be a guest here for the teacher."

Chu Bei's mouth has a smile: "Let's go, go to the The Three Realms."

"The Third Realm?" Chen Nan whispered, browsing slightly wrinkle.

Different from the other five realms, the third realm has disappeared inexplicably since the Battle of Immemorial.

The ancient book of later generations also contains no records of it, so that no one knows its specific existence at all.

What's more terrifying is that this third world is said to be a terrifying world that is easy to get in and out.

It's not because of how unbreakable the barriers of this world are, but because this world has an ancient Demon Lord. The time has not come, and no Immemorial gods are allowed to leave. It is extremely arrogant!

"In fact, this third level is the Eighteen Levels of Hell." Chu Bei pointed to the bottom and spoke calmly.

"What? Eighteen Levels of Hell!"

Hearing the sound, Chen Nan showed a look of astonishment. Just when he wanted to continue to ask something, Chu Bei shot a chaotic light.

next moment, the sight of the crowd changes.


Eighteen Levels of Hell, which is the third level.

An endless expanse of mysterious earth and ink clouds in the sky.

As soon as they entered this space, Chen Nan, Yuxin and the others clearly felt their bodies tremble.

It's not fear, it's not fear, but the breath of ancient vicissitudes that lasts for a long time, and he can feel that this place is the real Powerhouse.

In the vast land, there is no grass in a thousand miles, the black and red land seems to have been infested by blood, the magic cloud is low, and the ancient breath is surging.

long long long!

Suddenly, accompanied by a loud roar, the earth trembles, and a huge monster rushes from a distance, like a mountain, resembling a lion but not a lion.

The huge monster is covered in earth-yellow scales, and rushes towards Chen Nan with his huge mouth open.

Chen Nan glanced at the huge monster and directly cut out a thousand zhang golden rays of light and slashed away.


In the dazzling golden glow, a deep gully is cracked in the ground.

But the huge monster was not split in half, it just rolled out.

A look of surprise rose in Chen Nan's eyes. He has already entered the ranks of Heaven Rank Expert and possesses the innate talent of light. Under the heavy blow, he did not kill this ominous beast. .

"Is this the third world? It really is not a place where ordinary people can stay." Chen Nan sighed with emotion.


The gigantic beast rushes again.

Chen Nan is gaining momentum, but this time he didn’t wait for him to attack, a Dualbladed Halberd, which evolved from chaotic light, swept out from him, bursting into fierce breath, and swept towards the ominous beast. .

Suddenly, the blood light exploded and the blood smell was pungent. The ominous beast hong long long fell to the ground and was split in half.

Looking at the corpse of the ominous beast, Chen Nan looked towards Chu Bei, the chaos in the palm of the latter has not yet dispersed.

hong long long!

"Master, someone is fighting ahead!"

Hearing movement in the distance, Chen Nan cry out in surprise.

Chu Bei nodded gestured, and immediately appeared in the Central Region of the Third Realm with the Chen Nan entire group.

Looking at it, this place has become a horrible to see battlefield.

The blood light soared into the sky, and the countless shouts of killing made the earth tremble. Pieces of magic cloud, mighty in the dim sky.

In the battlefield, a stalwart silhouette, covered in blood, stands high in the middle of the sky. In the chaotic battle, more than a dozen corpses lay under his feet, and blood was streaming down.

"It's all heaven...Heaven Rank Powerhouse!"

Looking at the corpse with blood light soaring under the feet of the stalwart silhouette, Chen Nan's face changed suddenly.

Even though those people are dead, the breath remaining on the corpse is still far stronger than him.

Obviously, those killed are terrifying existence who have already entered the Heaven Rank!

"Eternal Demon Lord!"

At this time, there were bursts of exclamation in the Small World floating beside Chu Bei, full of astonishment.

In the battlefield, the huge god and devil figure above the stalwart silhouette is so dazzling, like extremely gorgeous clouds covering the sky.

"The same god and demon map!"

Chen Nan was shocked to the extreme. It is also a god and demon map, but the Demon Lord's god and demon map is far more powerful than his terrifying.

On the vast land, whoever controls the ups and downs, I am the Demon Lord!

When you think of the Demon Lord, you will naturally think of this ancient word, the First Demon that once shocked the Great Ancient Era!

Gong power can be described as shaking the old illuminating the new. On the vast land, it is hard to resist.

At the peak period, the Immemorial gods evaded all the time, their strength penetrated the six realms, and no one could match their boldness.

At this moment, Demon Lord's gray hair was half red by the blood dyed, and his eyes were like cold blades, standing like that in the Asura battlefield. No one dared to approach him for a while.

Aware of the arrival of the Chu Bei entire group, Demon Lord just glanced lightly, and then shouted: "God of Time, God of Space, come out. Don’t let anyone die. Today, I will completely end with you. , Ask for justice for you Master!"

"Demon Lord, you overestimate yourself!"

With coldly snorted, two figures suddenly appeared on the battlefield, It is the God of Time and God of Space.

"Demon Lord is going to fight with two Ancestral Gods!"

More and more Heaven Rank Powerhouses are flying from a distance, looking nervously at the battlefield The three silhouettes that have become popular targets.

"This TIme-Space young boy has taught two good disciplines, and the deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors can also be done." The joking voice of the old grave guard came from Small World.

Chu Bei glanced across God of Time and God of Space, Immemorial and the sky battle, Great God of Time-Space was seriously injured, and finally was taken away by his two discipline sneak attacks. Heart and Space Heart.

"Time stops!"

God of Time stared at Demon Lord ruthlessly, and when he shot it, it was Source Power.

In an instant, the water around Demon Lord was rippling, and there was silence between Heaven and Earth, and everything seemed to stay in this moment forever.

"Go to the virtual space!"

God of Space also shouting loudly, and then the space around the Demon Lord collapsed, as if it was going to be attributed to the primordial, turning into a place of darkness and emptiness.

"This ability, compared with your Master, is far from it!"

The Demon Lord was not swallowed by the deadly Darkness, nor was he frozen, only his hands were seen. Dancing, one after another terrifying energy fluctuates vigorously.

next moment, the void of Demon Lord all around is like exquisite porcelain shattered.

At the same time, the heavenly demon flames gushing out of the god and demon map, gathering thousands of demon shadows behind the Demon Lord, roaring frantically!

"Time and space, I will help you clear the door today!"

The voice of the Demon Lord is extremely cold, and the Supreme coercion is in the third realm.

"You are just a Remnant Soul, are we really afraid of you!" God of Time and God of Space looked at each other and roared at the same time.

"Time is going against the flow!"

"Space is shattered!"

God of Time and God of Space are combined, and they are shot again.

Demon Lord coldly snorted, surging Heavenly Demon Qi, screaming and shaking the sky. The power of terror, really has the generality of swallowing mountains and rivers!

In the tumbling endless magic cloud, huge black shadows gather and slowly emerge. It is the broken battle spirit that has drifted between Heaven and Earth since Immemorial!

Heavily battle spirit, constantly condensing!

Aware of this coercion, God of Time and God of Space instantly changed their faces.

Since Immemorial, there have been countless Powerhouses that have died in the Third Realm, and they are all experts above the Heaven Rank, including many who have shocked Six Paths.

At present, the Demon Lord is using the magic power of the world, and there are countless Demon Souls to cast.

long long long ——

Amid the loud roar, with the wave of the Demon Lord, countless battle souls condensed into a huge black shadow.


The huge black shadow wielded its claws and shattered the second devastating attack of God of Time and God of Space in just one blow!


There was a magic roar, and the Eighteen Levels of Hell trembled!

The Demon Lord drives the demonic energy to kill God of Time and God of Space.


God of Time and God of Space have terrifying faces and become crazy.

The three silhouettes fought fiercely together, and many Heaven Rank experts who watched the battle watched overwhelmed by emotions.

However, the situation in the field soon showed a one-sided trend. The Demon Lord is really too strong. God of Time and God of Space continue to bleed.


The great Great Demon shadow, swallowing heaven devouring earth, is swallowing heaven devouring earth, and pounces toward God of Time and God of Space with a huge mouth open.




Finally, God of Time and God of Space were panicked, and fear appeared in their eyes.

"Stop it, they are still useful."

However, when the two Ancestral Gods were about to be swallowed by the magic shadow, a calm and indifferent voice fell over. In the battlefield.

At this moment, the Eighteen Levels of Hell trembled violently again, and the power of endless terror enveloped the entire dark red land in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a giant net of chaotic fog intertwined appeared out of thin air, which was set on the magic shadow.

With a snort, the giant net is like a sharp blade, shredding the magic shadow and dissipating it.

In an instant, the battlefield fell silent.

Under the gaze of hundreds of Heaven Rank experts, a strange silhouette lightly fell in front of the Demon Lord.

"Demon Lord's attack was blocked!"

"Who is he!"

"Dare to intervene in Demon Lord's affairs! Even if it is too ancient Few people in age have the courage!"

"Could it be that he is the helper invited by God of Time and God of Space!"

"There is another in this world How many people can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Demon Lord? Those people are all shocking the existence of ancient and modern! Why, there is no record of him!"


The gazes of the Heaven Rank Powerhouse Falling on Chu Bei's body, with shock and confusion.

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