"Xiao Yan big brother, your little daughter-in-law is looking for you." Xiao Xun'er glared at Xiao Yan, and said with jealousy.

Xiao Yan coughed again and again, avoiding Xiao Xun'er's gaze, with a slightly awkward expression.

As for Chu Bei, his hands are folded across his chest from beginning to end, as if he was waiting to watch a play.

"Xiao Patriarch, my request is related to Yanran."

Ge Ye glanced at Nalan Yanran next to him, and then returned to Xiao Zhan's body: "Misty Cloud Sect has a strict style, and Sect Master has begun to train Yanran as the next Sect Master of Misty Cloud Sect. Sect rules, Sect Master descendants must not have any entanglements with any man until they become official Sect Masters."

"Mr. Ge, what do you mean by this?" Xiao Zhan seemed to think of a certain possibility, the corners of his mouth smiled and his face became heavy.

"Since Xiao Patriarch asks that, then I don't go in circles anymore. We are here to break the marriage contract between Yanran and Xiao Yan." Ge Ye looked at Xiao Zhan calmly.


"What? They are here to divorce!"

"What makes a fuss about nothing? Is this unreasonable?"

"That's right! Don't say Xiao Yan is a waste now, even if he was a genius, Nalan Yanran is also impossible to see him! After all, she is the Misty Cloud Sect Sect Master in the future!"

"The toad really can't eat swan's meat."


As soon as Ge Ye's voice fell, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became weird. stand up.

The faces of the older generation Xiao Family are angry, while the younger generation looks towards Xiao Yan more sarcastically.

After noting Xiao Yan's extremely ugly expression on the side, Chu Bei put out his hand and patted the latter's shoulder to signal him not to care.

"Xiao Yan big brother, she is not worthy of you."

Xiao Xun'er opened his mouth, looking towards Nalan Yanran, something that was imperceptible rose up unexpectedly Golden flame.


Xiao Zhan took it fiercely with a palm, and the table turned into a powder in the dull and loud noise.

In the great hall, the original noisy noise suddenly fell into silence because of the sudden noise.

"Xiao Patriarch, I also know that this requirement is a bit difficult, but this is not just what I mean, but also what Sect Master means. I just convey it on behalf of him."

Facing the angry Xiao Zhan, Ge Ye's expression did not change, and at the same time, he deliberately emphasized the words Sect Master.

"Furious Lion's Rage!"

Xiao Zhan clenched his fists, Light cyan Dou Qi covered his body in the loud shout, and an illusory lion head gathered on the face.

"Xiao Patriarch, do you want to do it?"

Ge Ye's gaze narrowed, accompanied by coldly snorted, eagle-claw-like hands curled up fiercely, azure Dou Qi gathered in the palm of his hand, exuding a small but sharp sword qi.

"Xiao Zhan, what do you want to do! Don't forget, you are the Clan Leader of Xiao Family!"

"He now represents Misty Cloud Sect!"

"Do you want to make our Xiao Family fall into the land of eternal damnation!"

Three Elders beside Xiao Zhan hurriedly shouted, sounding like thunder.

Xiao Zhan seemed to think of his identity, his body suddenly stiffened, Dou Qi slowly converging in the riot outside his body, until all disappeared.

After that, Xiao Zhan glanced at Xiao Yan’s direction, took a deep breath, and after sitting back in the chair, looked towards Nalan Yanran indifferently said: "You are the Misty Cloud Sect Sect Master in the future. It is the influential figure of Jia Ma Empire. Yan'er in my family is just a mediocre person. It really doesn’t deserve you, so let’s do it."

"Yanran many thanks Uncle Xiao is considerate."

Hearing Xiao Zhan's words, Nalan Yanran looked happy, and then took out a greenish ancient Jade Case from his arms: "Uncle Xiao, this is Yanran's apologize."

As soon as the box was opened, a strange fragrance filled the great hall, and it was refreshing.

"Gather...Qi Gathering Powder!"

Seeing the dark green pill in the box, the younger generation Xiao Family dísciple in the hall was shocked, and his eyes lit up.

Cultivation road, from Jiuduan battle qi to Dou Zhe, battle qi spin must be condensed in the body.

However, the cohesive battle qi spin has a high failure rate. Once it fails, the nine-dan battle qi will be reduced to eight-dan. The function of Qi Gathering Powder is to make the nine-duan battle qi, 100% successful, condense the battle qi spin.

This is also the reason why the younger generation of Xiao Family in the hall shows salivating expressions.

"Nalan Young Miss, you should withdraw this Qi Gathering Powder. I will not agree to your request." Suddenly, Xiao Yan's voice resounded in the great hall.

Almost at the same time, everyone in the hall focused on Xiao Yan's body.

"Xiao Yan, don’t look at what this occasion is! Do you have a chance to speak!"

"Sit back, your father and us will talk about this. Call the shots."

The Three Elders on the theme sank and shouted angrily.

"This is my marriage, why do you need to be the master? I didn't take care of your marriage back then!" Xiao Yan didn't fear Three Elders at all.


"What are you talking about!"

"Don't put us in your eyes!"

Three Elders got up at the same time, anger filled their eyebrows, Dou Qi slowly took possession.

"Xiao Yan big brother is right. He is the one who retired from the marriage, so you should not come in." Xiao Xun'er left his seat and came to Xiao Yan's side, his voice Faintly sounded.

Three Elders seemed to be very jealous of Xiao Xun'er. Seeing the latter to help Xiao Yan, immediately stopped talking and chose to remain silent.

Xiao Yan glanced at Xiao Xun'er, then looked towards Naran Yanran: "Nalan Young Miss, you regret your marriage, did Nalan Old Master agree?"

" Grandfather never agreed, but this is my business and has nothing to do with him." Nalan Yanran said calmly.

"Since Nalan Old Master is unwilling to be a betrayer, then I Xiao Family can't do it either! You come to force the divorce, if my Xiao Family agrees, how will Wu Tan City treat our Xiao Family in the future As Head of a Clan, where should I put the face of my father!"

Speaking of which, Xiao Yan waved his hand: "So, you should go back and forth wherever you go."


"Do you think the compensation is too small? I can increase you to three Qi Gathering Powder! At the same time, I can let you enter the Misty Cloud Sect practice!"

Nalan Yanran looked straight As Xiao Yan, the corner of his mouth slightly raised. Such a temptation, in her opinion, Xiao Yan could not refuse at all.

Listening to the conditions given by Nalan Yanran, the younger generations in the hall swallowed involuntarily, full of envy and jealousy. Enter Misty Cloud Sect practice, this is countless young people yearn for something even in dreams.

"trifling Misty Cloud Sect, I still can't look down on it." Xiao Yan sneered, "Don't bother, you can't seduce me with any condition."

After that, Xiao Yan looked towards Chu Bei.

This is indeed the case. His cheat has already arrived, and he will soon be on the road to take off. How can he see Misty Cloud Sect?

"Since you claim to care about Uncle Xiao's face, do you dare to make an agreement with me?" Nalan Yanran suppressed his anger.

"Say." Xiao Yan frowned.

"I can postpone the retiring for three years. Three years later, you come to Misty Cloud Sect to challenge me. If you lose, I will dissolve the marriage in public. At that time, you had already done clan. For your adult ceremony, what you lose is your face, and it has nothing to do with Uncle. Do you dare to accept this agreement?" Nalan Yanran said lightly.

Xiao Yan is silent, seeming to be lost in thought.

After a while, under the eyes of everyone in the hall, Xiao Yan walked towards Chu Bei.

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