"Boss Chu, how soon can I defeat Nalan Yanran?" Xiao Yan pressed against Chu Bei and asked in a low voice.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly: "As long as you have enough money, time it takes to drink a cup of tea is enough."

Get Chu Bei's answer, Xiao Yan slightly nod, then his eyes returned to Nalan Yanran.

"I took your agreement, but the time is not three years, but three quarters of an hour."

When Xiao Yan's calm voice fell, it was already quiet. The great hall is commotion up again.

"Is Xiao Yan crazy!"

"Nalan Young Miss has given him a lot of face and is willing to postpone his divorce for three years. Why is he so distracted! "

"Don't say that it is just a waste of 3rd stage battle qi, even if he is a genius once, I am afraid he is not Nalan Young Miss's opponent!"

"Yes! Nalan Young Miss is already 3-Star Dou Zhe, and has also learned Misty Cloud Sect's Dou Technique. One hundred Xiao Yan is not enough to be afraid of."

"It's really a shame to our Xiao Family!"


In the hall, Xiao Family younger generation looked at Xiao Yan contemptuously, and the noisy words were full of sarcasm. As for the elders of Xiao Family, they are full of sullen expressions.


"Xiao Yan, you want to defeat Nalan Yanran in three quarters of an hour. Do you eat and drink as the road to cultivation?"

"Don't retreat!"

Xiao Family Three Elders screamed again, his face heavy.

"Xiao Yan big brother, what are you talking about? Although Xun'er also has the kind of Medicinal Pill that can improve the strength to Dou Zhe in a short period of time, it can only be taken with nine battle qi. For you In the current physical condition, after taking that kind of Medicinal Pill, you will definitely burst your body! Don’t do stupid things!"

Xiao Xun'er pulled Xiao Yan’s arm, exquisite and flawless Worry on his face.

Look at the Misty Cloud Sect entire group such as Nalan Yanran and Ge Ye. Apart from contempt, all of them were surprised. Obviously, they did not expect Xiao Yan to say such things.

"Yan'er, what on earth are you thinking?"

Xiao Zhan in the theme looked at Xiao Yan with a blank face, based on his understanding of Xiao Yan, The latter should not say such words on such occasions.

"Nalan Young Miss, in three quarters, I will go to the Bidou arena. If you think this time is okay, please go to the Bidou arena and rest first."

After that, Xiao Yan moved his gaze to Xiao Zhan's body: "Sir Father, please follow me!"

"Xiao Yan big brother, what kind of medicine does your bottle gourd sell?" Xiao Xun' er frowned and quickly followed Xiao Yan's footsteps.

"Xun'er, you also go to the battlefield first, wait for me there." Xiao Yan stroked Xiao Xun'er's forehead blue silk, with love in his eyes.


"Yan'er, why can’t you talk in front of everyone?"

Follow Xiao Yan to a separate house Xiao Zhan asked out of the confusion in his heart, and at the same time he was curious about Chu Bei in his eyes.

"Sir Father, I don't know how much money you have in your Storage Ring?" Xiao Yan pointed to the Storage Ring that Xiao Zhan's finger was carrying, opened the mouth and said.

Faced with Xiao Yan’s sudden problem, Xiao Zhan was taken aback, and then immediately replied: "Five hundred thousand. Why are you suddenly concerned about this?"

Xiao Zhan became more and more confused. His three sons have one commonality, that is, since they were young, they have never asked about family money.

"Boss Chu, is it all right now?" Xiao Yan looked towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei slightly nod, with a right hand wave.


The void trembles, rippling ripples.

A golden disc with a diameter of one meter emerged from the ripples, exuding dazzling rays of light.

When the rays of light dissipate, you can clearly see that the disk is divided into ten areas, and each area is flashing with a square box of have nothing common with each other color.

Apart from this, there is also a silver pointer hanging on the disc, with seven characters engraved on the top.

【Level 1 Great Wheel of Fortune 】


Looking at the turntable emerging out of thin air and floating in the air, Xiao Zhan eyes suddenly shrank, while shocked, looked at Chu Bei again.

"This is the turntable I chose for you to enhance your strength. As for what you can turn to, it is all your luck."

Chu Bei looked blankly. Reading Xiao Yan: "The price of this one-turn is not deceived, and one time is 1000 Gold Coin."


When I heard the price, Xiao Yan suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

His monthly pocket money is only 20 Gold Coin, but the price of this one turn is as high as 1000 Gold Coin, which is equivalent to his four-year pocket money!

It’s no wonder that when he asked the other party on the street before, the other party showed that indescribable expression.

"Boss Chu, can this be a discount? If it is useful, I will be a regular customer in the future." Xiao Yan moved towards Chu Bei raised his eyebrows, laughed.

"Small business, no discount." Chu Bei responded, without any room for negotiation.

"Sir Father, give the money." Xiao Yan looked towards Xiao Zhan instead.

Xiao Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and when he reacted and complied, he quickly withdrew money.


As soon as Xiao Zhan took out 1,000 Gold Coins from the Storage Ring, the Golden disk vibrated again.

next moment, a vortex appeared in the center of the disc, swallowing 1,000 Gold Coins in an instant.

[System gets 10Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 5Force of Desire Value]

Almost at the same time, a system sound sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

At this moment, under the horrified gazes of Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan, the silver pointer on the disk spins frantically.


About ten seconds, the silver pointer freezes on one of the ten areas of the disc.

Immediately afterwards, the square box in the area that was frozen by the pointer flew out directly, and at the same time another square box appeared, replacing the one that flew out.

hong long!

The square box exploded with a loud noise.

[Thank you for your patronage]

Four bright big characters ran across the exploded area of ​​the square box. After a short stay, they turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

"Boss Chu, what does this mean? 1000Gold Coin is just hitting the water?"

Xiao Yan stared at Chu Bei blankly. If it weren't for the other party, he could tell that he was from Earth. , He must think that the other party is a swindler.

"Little Friend Xiao Yan, there are gains and losses, do not rush."

Chu Bei patted Xiao Yan's shoulder: "Time is limited, or you can turn five at a time , There must be someone who can improve your strength!"


Xiao Yan nodded, and looked towards Xiao Zhan: "Sir Father, continue to give money."

As before, Xiao Zhan just took out 5000 Gold Coins and was swallowed by the vortex in the center of the disk.

[System gets 50Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 25Force of Desire Value]

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Silver pointer turns Five times, five square boxes flew out.

hong long!

Under the gaze of Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan's expectation, five square boxes exploded at the same time.

[Thank you for your patronage]

[Thank you for your patronage]

[Thank you for your patronage]

[Thank you for your patronage]

[Thank you for your patronage]

Looking at the same words floating side by side, Chu Bei couldn't help but cough slightly in embarrassment.

Especially when meeting Xiao Yan's puzzled and questioning eyes, he touched his nose subconsciously.

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