In the battlefield, after Primal Chaos Tribulation light destroyed three divine spears, they gathered together and turned into an arrow, moved towards the ten thousand zhang azure glow where the blue sky was.


The chaotic arrow pierced through the azure glow and exploded at the end of the distant 8th Heavenly Layer, bringing a terrifying and terrifying aftermath.

next moment, there was a painful low neighing sound in the azure light, and then I saw the ten thousand zhang azure light gathered, and finally turned into a human form.

At this moment, Qingtian complexion ashen, staring at Chu Bei firmly, the rays of light shining through his eyes are like knives, carrying fierce killing intents, which is heart palpitating.

"Qingtian was injured!"

"He actually hurt Qingtian!"

"Is this mysterious person so powerful!"

A crowd of Immemorial looked at the battlefield between Chu Bei and Qingtian in a daze. Although they have not yet reached the inverse Heaven Rank, they have also entered the ranks of the Heaven Rank. You can see who wins and loses. Coming.

Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Ghost Lord, Great God of Time-Space, Chen Zhan also cast surprised eyes from their fierce battles moved towards Chu Bei, with allow some in their eyes consternation.


Seeing that Chu Bei hurt Qingtian, the Immemorial gods showed excitement, and the fighting intent became more vigorous.

The five inverse Heaven Rank experts who are also in Tianyu have also begun to take out the strongest killer moves.

Dugu Baitian holds the Number One Divine Sword in his hand, and sword qi rushes to the Ninth Stage. He dances wildly, killing Tai last and retreating.

The eternal Demon Lord stepped on the Platform of King's Worship, with a picture of the gods and demons on his head, white hair like snow, and the offensive opened and closed, and the battle with Chaos King was also gradually gaining the upper hand.

Ghost Lord holds the Nether Banner, and the baleful aura is agitated.

Great God of Time-Space, the two strong laws of time and space are simultaneously displayed, and the breath is terrifying.

Chen Zhan made an eternal rush, shaking the earth.


At this moment, Heavenly Dao's inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse was all suppressed, and each of them frowned and deepened.

"Master, this mysterious person of Heaven Beyond the Heaven can really kill the sky alone!"

Xuanxuan looked at the battlefield in the sky in a trance, and again In the two fights, it turned out that Qingtian fell into a disadvantage.

Judging from the current battle of the mysterious person against Qingtian, it seems that the former has suppressed Qingtian before he gets serious.

"I'm not telling you, he may have reached the height of Heavenly Dao. This blue sky is naturally nothing difficult for him." The old tomb guard stroked his beard and said leisurely.

"Mother, take a look at what is unique about him." At this time, Dugu Xiaoxuan pulled Xuanxuan, and at the same time pointed out the direction of Chen Nan.

"Small...small defeat!"

Xuanxuan looked towards Chen Nan, first for a moment, then his body shook suddenly.

"This life, the big brother is Chen Nan, the son of the Immemorial madman, and the Direct Disciple of the Heaven Beyond the Heaven mysterious man!"

Dugu Xiaoxuan pointed to Chen Zhan , And then pointed to Chu Bei in the battlefield.

"haha, worthy of my defeat! This life, maybe he will go farther and farther than his father!"

Xuanxuan stared blankly at the killing From the back of Chen Nan of Heavenly Beast, his eyes gradually became moist, with a hint of happiness.

The fighting on all sides continues and it is getting more and more intense.


About half an hour later, a stern roar shook the 8th Heavenly Layer, which came from the mouth of the blue sky.

"As the first day, Heavenly Dao is immortal, but I am undying!"

Qingtian breath has become a bit disordered, and she looked at Chu Bei coldly: "No matter how strong you are Whatever, kill me!"

"Reverse chaos and chaos."

After Chu Bei punched the terrifying attack from Qingtian, his lips moved slightly, revealing six A plain syllable.

Different from the previous attack, as Chu Bei's voice fell, a large amount of chaotic mist gushed out of the blue sky all around inexplicably.

These chaotic fogs instantly moved closer and evolved, and soon a prison was formed around the blue sky, which completely enveloped it.

"Qingtian is trapped!"

"In this way, even if mysterious people kill undying Qingtian, they can free up their hands to help Demon Lord and Ghost Lord!"


"No, he is not just to imprison Qingtian! Look at the rays of light in the prison!"


Compared with one For the bewildered Immemorial gods, the Immemorial Sovereign King Heiqi, who was fighting on the battlefield, trembled at the moment the prison took shape.

He will never forget this prison of chaos!

He has truly experienced that kind of inhuman torture. What's more terrifying is that the breath fluctuations in this chaotic prison before him are obviously more terrifying, and the power is far beyond what had been acting on him before. The prison on his body.

Sure enough, next moment, Qingtian’s painful screams came from the prison.

This is a terrifying scene of terrifying!

Only listening to the blue sky in the prison of chaos, the human form has become distorted, and the expression is extremely hideous. In the wailing of pain, his body was instantly beaten into cyan ray by the chaotic light.

But without even a single breath, the cyan ray glow changed back to a human form under the action of the chaotic light.

This process keeps going back and forth, repeating again and again. The blue sky with Heavenly Dao's first day is constantly changing between human form and azure glow, falling into a cycle.

However, with the circulation of a cycle, the original majestic breath of the sky will weaken the upper layer.

In just a few seconds, Qingtian has turned from an adult into a baby under the erosion of the power of time. Breath is even weaker than an Initial Phase Heaven Rank expert.

"Let me out!"

Qing Tian roared with fear in his roar.

But no matter how he used the Supreme Law, he couldn't get out of this chaotic prison.

At this moment, he was really scared and felt the threat of death.

This is a feeling he has never felt since his birth!

"Who is he!"

"Why didn't he have it last time!"

"Is he the same as the Immemorial madman, he is also an Immemorial former supreme Existence samsara reincarnation body!"


Looking at the painful scene experienced by Qingtian, Chaos King, Guangyuan, Heavenspan and other Heavenly Dao inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse frowned. As soon as he looked towards Chu Bei, there was a little more solemn gaze.

"Sir Heavenly Dao, save me!"

Finally, Qing Tian couldn't help but moved towards the Ninth Stage and let out a loud roar, the roar was full of panic.

If you delay any longer, I'm afraid he will really dissipate in this mysterious and unknown prison of chaos.

hong long long!

The cry for help from the blue sky penetrates the 8th Heavenly Layer and reaches the Ninth Stage directly.

Soon, there was a buzzing sound above Nine Heavens, followed by an endless and devastating breath, hiding the sky and covering the earth, pouring down.

Qing Tian's call is like awakening the sleeping Supreme existence in the Ninth Stage.

"Is it another reincarnation?"

In an instant, the mighty and ethereal voice fell from the highest point, shaking people's hearts.

"Is it Heavenly Dao!"

The Demon Lord punched Chaos King back and looked up: "Now you are no longer the will of all living beings. You are in the battle of Immemorial. It should be destroyed!"

The cold voice fell, and the Platform of King's Worship at the feet of the Demon Lord directly moved towards the Ninth Stage and slammed into the sky.

At the same time, Ghost Lord played the banner of Netherworld, hunting and hunting, bringing billions of Divine Soul and Platform of King's Worship alongside.

Dugu Baitian also threw the Number One Divine Sword in his hand, the sword glow raged, and shot it out.


However, when the Supreme Divine Artifact of the Demon Lord trio was about to enter the Ninth Stage, a blood-colored river rushed out from there.

Following the three low and loud sounds of peng~ peng~ peng~, the three Supreme Divine Artifacts collapsed in the river.

"Sir Heavenly Dao has completely awakened, and you humble ants are ready to turn into the nutrients of Nine Heavens!"

The appearance of the bloody river is too ecstatic, Excited.

"Before slaughtering Heavenly Dao, I will kill you!"

Hearing what Taishang said, Dugu Baitian bullied himself directly, and the Xeon Law played out one after another, several rounds , Tai Shang let out a scream, and one arm was blasted into a rain of blood.

"Sir Heavenly Dao, please teach me!"

Qing Tian is still shouting, his voice is getting weaker and weaker, the azure light it has transformed has become translucent, It seems to dissipate at any time.

"Let’s come back first."

The huge voice was once again uploaded from Nine Heavens, deaf and deaf, and the illusory resembled a ten thousand clock tower shaking at the same time, endless pressure and deterrence. Soul-stirring.

As the voice drifted, six giant scarlet hands appeared in the bloody river, descending from the sky.

"Heavenly Dao limbs!"

Seeing the six giant scarlet hands, the killing intents of the Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Great God of Time-Space, and Ghost Lord are even more aggressive Up.

They are both little Six Paths masters. In the Immemorial battle, it was the appearance of the Heavenly Dao body that finally made them miserably defeated. Among them, the two masters of Six Paths masters died forever!

long long long ——

In the loud noise, the six scarlet giants moved towards Heavenly Dao and the six inverse Heaven Rank experts on the side moved towards Heavenly Dao to grab them.

"You can't save them!"

Dugu Baitian hair stands up in anger, and at the same time hits three strong rules to kill the giants.

It's just that the giant hand trembled slightly and easily defeated Dugu Baitian's three laws, and then took away Taishang.

"Inverse Chaos Yin-Yang, Illusory Void Flower!"

Demon Lord shouted, the god and demon figure turned, hundreds of millions of Divine Soul rushed to the giant hand, and it did not cause any harm. Seeing it take Chaos King away.

The same is true of the battlefield of Great God of Time-Space, Ghost Lord, and Chen Zhan.

Only special is the battlefield where Chu Bei and Qingtian are located.

Immemorial gods looked at the sky in a daze, one by one with solemn expressions.

In the upper battlefield, when Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Great God of Time-Space, Ghost Lord, and Chen Zhan, the top five Heaven Defying Level Powerhouse’s strongest attacks hit the scarlet giant’s hand, unexpectedly Do not cause any harm to the latter.

In the end, I could only watch five of the scarlet giants Tai Shang, Chaos King, Guangyuan, Heavenspan, and Netherheaven take away the five inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse.

If you say that the only special thing is the battlefield where the mysterious person is.

Although Heavenly Dao’s sixth scarlet giant also appeared on the battlefield, even without Chu Bei’s intervention, he still failed to break the prison of chaos with a single blow, only brought it up. It's just a layer of ripples.

"Sir Heavenly Dao, save me!"

At this moment, Qingtian is already weak to the extreme, and the rays of light it transforms are almost white, leaving only a trace of azure, It seems to dissipate at any time.

When Qingtian saw the falling blood-colored giant hand, it was like seeing a glimmer of light in the empty space of Darkness, and his voice was abnormally excited.

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