hong long!

The sixth giant scarlet hand that fell from the Ninth Stage sky hit the Chaos Prison for the second time.

This time, a few cracks appeared in the location where the prison of Chaos was struck, but it still didn't break.

"Chaos Cloud Sword!"

However, seeing that the scarlet giant's strikes were about to fall for the third time, Chu Bei's mouth revealed four fluttering syllables.

As Chu Bei's indifferent voice fell, a dazzling long sword emerged from the condensed chaos in his hand. The sword body has thousands of different forms intertwined!

"You want to save people from this seat, you are not qualified."

Chu Bei's expression is indifferent, and the voice that does not contain the slightest emotion since the 8th Heavenly Layer drifted away. , Soaring to the Ninth Stage.

Next moment, I saw Chu Bei sweeping with his sword.

In an instant, the 8th Heavenly Layer seemed to have lost the light, and all the energy elements were mobilized by the Chaos Sword in his hand.

The sword glow rages, passing by in a flash, sweeping across the blood-colored giant hand!


In the tearing sound of sharp ears, the blood-colored giant hand shattered directly into several pieces, and then seemed to be filled with endless terrifying energy.

The pieces of minced meat swelled up suddenly, and then exploded with a bang, turned into blood mist, and was finally absorbed by the blood-colored river in the Ninth Stage sky.

"How could this happen!"

Looking at the blood-colored giant hand exploding, Qing Tian's little strength made a panic sound, and it was hard to believe what he saw before him.

"I said, not only to kill your clone, but also to kill your real body."

The Chaos Sword in Chu Bei's hand disappeared, and then his eyes fell back to Prison of chaos.

A finger pointed, with a boom, the prison of chaos exploded and turned into a rain of light and disappeared.

Of course, Qingtian also disappeared together, and the last unwilling but fearful wailing before his death could vaguely be heard.

"The blue sky of the first day under Heavenly Dao is dead!"

"Eternal Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Taboo God Dugu Baitian, Great God of Time-Space also There was the reincarnated Immemorial madman, Heavenly Dao Incarnation, who could not even stop them, was killed by him!"

"haha, maybe this time we can really slaughter Heavenly Dao !"

"That mysterious person really seems to be stronger than those five!"


For a long time, the Immemorial gods were shocked Came back to his senses, looking at Chu Bei again with incredible faces, his eyes filled with respect.

Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Dugu Baitian, Great God of Time-Space, Chen Zhan looked towards Chu Bei and added a little strangeness again, like recognizing Chu Bei The battle strength.

"Fortunately, I had self-knowledge at the beginning, otherwise the old bones would have to be broken up by him." The old tomb guard sighed faintly.

"Is this the Master of Baier? It is stronger than Baitian!" Xuanxuan looked at Chu Bei's back in a daze, with a dazed expression.

"Heavenly Dao's inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse was taken away by Heavenly Dao! Kill, kill these Primal Chaos Heaven beasts!"

When Heavenly Dao took away too High Level people, the ancient battle song once again sounded from the endless continent of the 8th Heavenly Layer.

Before Chu Bei beheaded Heavenly Dao's limbs, the Immemorial gods were like chicken blood. The attacks in their hands became more fierce, and their fighting intents became more vigorous.

After losing the opponent, the five great powerhouses, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Dugu Baitian, Great God of Time-Space, and Chen Zhan, have also joined the new battlefield. The originally overwhelming Primal Chaos Heaven beast He was completely killed in the blink of an eye.

The pungent smell of blood permeates the battlefield, but for the Immemorial god, this is the most exciting smell.

"Kill on the Ninth Stage!"

"Heavenly Dao!"

Immemorial gods looked up at the last layer sky, killing in their eyes Intent Ling Ran, imposing manner is monstrous.

After that, under the leadership of Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord and the others, a group of Immemorial gods came to the last layer day.

"Is that the true body of Heavenly Dao!"

As soon as I stepped onto the Ninth Stage, the eyes of the Immemorial gods were captured by a huge light sphere high in the sky attract.

The light sphere is very weird. Just looking at it will make your heart tremble inexplicably, and the rays of light released within it stretches for thousands of miles.

Heavenly Dao, which was supposed to be a collection of business ideas, has now become a huge lifeform formed after endless grievances eroded the will of sentient beings.

"Where is the blue sky!"

"His breath has disappeared, is he dead!"

"How come! Sir Heavenly Dao shot , Impossible can’t save the sky!"


Below the light sphere, the five inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouses, Taishang, Chaos King, Guangyuan, Heavenspan, and Netherheaven, stand side by side and cannot perceive the sky. After the breath, the complexion greatly changed one by one, and he fell on Chu Bei with questioning eyes.

"The blue sky has been destroyed, and it will be your turn soon."

Demon Lord lightly glanced at the five Chaos Kings, and said that the god and demon figure above the head has expanded to the limit. , Until all the Immemorial gods are enveloped.

At this moment, Chen Nan seemed to feel something, and the gods and demons in his body also flew out, shrouding everyone's heads.


"Two worlds, two complete Heaven and Earth."

The mighty and ethereal sound is far away from the huge light sphere high in the sky It came out in the middle, which vaguely saw a huge vertical eye in the light sphere, the pupil of the eye was red, shrouded with gray and dark breath, which made the heart palpitating.

"The day of Slaughter Heaven is now!"

Demon Lord shouted, the majestic divine force poured into the god and demon map, and the god and demon map suddenly became hundreds of millions of Divine Soul appear.

"The ants dare to compete with Haoyue for glory."

Far away in the sky, the red vertical eyes in the light sphere released a beam of light, and his indifferent words did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

As the eyes shot out, even the air in this Ninth Stage Heaven Realm turned scarlet blood.

"This breath..."

Feeling the breath released by Heavenly Dao, and looking towards all around, the Immemorial gods only felt that they had come to the Asura hell all at once.

If the face changed the most in the field, it was Chu Bei.

At this moment, Chu Bei’s face is obviously heavier. He thought that Heavenly Dao was just surpassing the Heaven Rank. Like him, he is located in Level 17, which is equivalent to Shrouding The Heavens. The Great Emperor!

Just when Heavenly Dao's body released breath, he knew that his guess was wrong.

This Heavenly Dao is not Level 17, but has entered Level 18 and is still above him today! True Immortal that is still above the Great Emperor in the equivalent to Shrouding The Heavens plane!

"How do you want to Slaughter Heaven."

Perceiving the horrible breath released by Heavenly Dao, Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian frowned, and after looking at each other, they looked towards Chu Chu. Bei.

Chu Bei is silent. He has run out of plug-ins and can only try to communicate with the system.

"Never mind, many thanks for your five thousand years!"

Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Ghost Lord seem to have seen something from Chu Bei’s expression, making eye contact After the episode, at the same time nodded: "According to the original plan!"

Next moment, I just listened to Dugu Baitian shouting loudly, and the Immeasurable Light between the eyebrows spewed over the gods and demons that Chen Nan owned.

In an instant, the breath of the god Sovereign that originally belonged to Chen Nan exploded, and it instantly climbed to the point where it could be compared to the god Sovereign magic map.


Dugu Baitian and Demon Lord shouted through the sky.

Immediately, the two gods and demons followed a strange pattern, intertwined with each other, and overlapped.

"A more complete world!"

Looking at the new fusion map, Chaos King, Heavenspan, and Netherheaven showed expressions of astonishment.

"Is this your trump card?"

Heavenly Dao's voice is still extremely cold, as if nothing can cause his mood swings.

"Everyone, I'm sorry!"

Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian glanced coldly at Heavenly Dao high in the sky, then turned and looked towards the Immemorial gods behind and took a deep bow. bow.

next moment, in the brand-new gods and demons, endless starlight spills over between Heaven and Earth.

"The battle that should have ended on Immemorial has been dragged on until today, but it should be over!"

"Kill Heavenly Dao, fearless!"

Looking at the gods and demons above the head, the fighting intents of the Immemorial gods are high, and their voices resounding through the Ninth Stage.

"Demon Lord, I hope this time, don’t tease us!"

The seven kings of Immemorial, headed by Heiqi, coldly glanced at Demon Lord, and then stepped forward. God and demons figure.

"I went with Celestial Demon King!"

"Slaughter Heaven said, my golden winged great Peng king bears the brunt!"

"Master, go to the discipline Now!"


Immemorial gods seem to know what will happen next, and they also know what to do, they flew into the map of gods and demons one after another,

"The gods are united to slaughter Heavenly Dao!"

Dugu Baitian roared up to the sky, and all his black hair stood upside down. I saw both of his hands swiping, one Immemorial god He was assigned to the corresponding position in the gods and demons map.

Demon Lord is doing the same thing, while Ghost Lord, Time and Space God, Chen Zhan are stabilizing and strengthening the gods and demons.

long long long ——

Thousands of Immemorial gods stand in the gods and demons map, releasing bright rays of light outside the body at the same time.

Amidst the terrifying and strange sounds, the gods and demons map once again magnified sharply, and the terror fluctuates violently.

"Destroy Heavenly Dao, protect the common people!"

The uniform shouts are like resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell, shaking the sky!

"The ultimate battle, kill!"

Looking at the fully formed gods and demons, Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Ghost Lord, Time and Space God and Chen Zhan, the five inverse Heaven Rank Experts, looked at each other. After the unanimous decision, he also controlled the gods and demons to kill Heavenly Dao.

In this process, they even ignored Chu Bei and forgot the existence of the latter.

Chu Bei stood aside, staring at everything, trying to communicate with the system.

Now, the gods and demons of the eternal lore have been formed, and the real battle against Heavenly Dao has begun.

"I have to say that you are fully prepared, and even practiced a complete world, which made me feel threatened."

"However, Heavenly Dao is immortal. Yes, let the new reincarnation begin today."

Far away in the sky, a contemptuous voice came from the huge light sphere, and then the bloody rays of light spurted from the vertical eyes.


The light sphere representing Heavenly Dao turns and evolved into a black and white roulette.

"That is the Era Grinding Plate, the existence of the same origin as me! But it is far stronger than me!" In the map of the gods and demons, the old tomb guard stood in a corner with a heavy expression.

His life and death disk, absorb Heaven and Earth spiritual qi was born.

long long long!

The Era Grinding Plate rotates, and the map of the gods and demons is affected, and begins to shake like heaven falls and earth rends.

Besides Nine Heavens, the endless starry sky, in this brief moment, there is also a devastating crack that appears one after another, and thousands of stars burst.

"Destroy Heavenly Dao!"

In the map of the gods and demons, the Immemorial gods move together, and at the same time they release their most powerful forces to shake the terrifying ones that have penetrated into the Era Grinding Plate. force.

After a while, in the gods and demons map, one by one huge runes swept out moved towards Heavenly Dao and blasted away.


The vast and indifferent voice echoed.

The rune flying out of the gods and demon map burst into pieces before touching Heavenly Dao.

"Heaven Kills!"

Dugu Baitian and the Demon Lord once again shouted, and then a great formation flew out of the map of the gods and demon, and soared into the sky.

hong long long!

The speed of the Era Grinding Plate has become faster, the devastating breath is falling down, and the absolute moments on the gods and demons map collapsed in an instant, turning into a flood of light and rain.

"The delusion is against the sky, it is extremely ridiculous!"

Heavenly Dao's voice is still indifferent, with the disdain of overlooking sentient beings, the Era Grinding Plate it transforms has gradually penetrated into the gods and demons. in.

Of course, it only penetrated partly, but because it was actually too vast, even a corner penetration brought a devastating disaster to the Immemorial gods.


The Immemorial god who is relatively close, even if he is a Heaven Rank expert, under the power of this endless resentment, the fleshy body exploded directly. , Primordial Spirit burst together.

After that, the painful but unwilling roar sound echoed in the gods and demons map.

"Not enough! The existing power is far from enough!"

"With my blood sacrifice god and devil figure, Slaughter Heaven said!"

Nothing Shouted, fearing death, echoed in the gods and demons, and saw all the Immemorial gods sitting cross-legged.

Not only that, the five inverse Heaven Rank Experts, Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Time Space God, Ghost Lord, and Chen Zhan, also flew into the God and Demon Map.

They are like the Immemorial gods. In the mighty ancient war songs, the majestic endless divine force and the original blood essence that represents the vitality began to burn and then poured into the gods and demons.

With the blood injection of the Immemorial gods, the gods and demons tremble, and the breath skyrocketed, as if it was an advanced stage.

The vast and unmatched divine glow became solid, and it was with the Era Grinding Plate strikes, and it had the power of a battle.

Looking at the stalemate and Era Grinding Plate in the battlefield, Chu Bei's face became more solemn.

If this continues, the final loser must be the Immemorial gods.

After all, they are now relying on the blood sacrifice god and devil figure to get into a stalemate with the Era Grinding Plate.

Once the vitality of the Immemorial gods is exhausted, the battle will be defeated.

[Host can mobilize the power of existing plane prestige]

Finally, after Chu Bei's continuous communication, the system responded.

Hearing the system sound, Chu Bei immediately looked towards the system reputation point interface. I saw Doupo, Douluo, Journey to the West, Shrouding The Heavens, and the current Tomb of the God plane, behind the five planes. Reputation points jumped at the same time.

According to the information given by system, Chu Bei divine sense moved.

Next moment, there is a large blank picture above Chu Bei.

There is no pattern on the drawing, but the surface is absorb continuously purple rays of light.

These purple rays of light are the power of prestige from the five planes.

Apart from this, inside the river-like purple rays of light, there are also allow some blue light spots.

Looking at these blue light spots, the source turned out to be the Immemorial gods in the gods and demons map.

The blue light spot represents the divine sense from the generous death of the Immemorial gods!

As the blank big picture absorbs the reputation of the five planes and the Immemorial gods' firm divine sense, the breath of Chu Bei also began to explode.

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