hong long long ——

In the remote battlefield, the gods and demons and the Era Grinding Plate are at a stalemate. Where the two overlap, the terrifying Supreme breath permeates and tears. Shattered the sky.

In the map of the gods and demon, there is a piece of scarlet, that is the blood from the Immemorial gods, which is continuously injected into the map of the gods and demon.

One by one, Immemorial gods shouted and sang ancient war hymns, their eyes were firm, and they were not afraid of life or death.

"Taishang, Guangyuan, you all come to help."

In the Era Grinding Plate, Heavenly Dao's indifferent and ruthless voice suddenly came out.

"Sir Heavenly Dao, don't!"

"Please let us go."

Heard Heavenly Dao, Taishang, Guangyuan, Chaos King , Netherheaven, Heavenspan, the five inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse seemed to have realized something, and a touch of fear instantly appeared on his face.

However, before they could escape far away, five giant scarlet hands protruded from the Era Grinding Plate, one of them held the high-level person firmly, and then threw them into the Era Grinding Plate. .

After a while, the tragic and painful wailing of the five inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouses resounded in the Era Grinding Plate.

At this moment, the rays of light released by the Era Grinding Plate became more brilliant, and the breath became more terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, the deadlock in the battlefield was broken.


The breath of the Era Grinding Plate penetrated into the magic map again. This time, one third Immemorial god exploded and died, and the Primordial Spirit exploded.

"Demon Lord, can't go on like this anymore!"

Gradually, the breath that the Era Grinding Plate penetrated became more and more violent, and the surviving Immemorial face became more and more difficult to look at.

"That's all, my Senior has never experienced death threats in my life, but today I am going to self-destruct for you."

In the god and devil figure, the old grave guard sighed faintly, He glanced at Xuanxuan reluctantly, and flew slowly towards the Era Grinding Plate.

"I will manifest the life and death plate of the body. Although it is not comparable to the Era Grinding Plate, it is a celestial treasure of the same era. You can work together to control my body, break the Era Grinding Plate, and get rid of it. The disaster of Heavenly Dao."

The voice of the old grave guard echoed in the ears of the Immemorial gods, and he died after speaking, his skinny body magnified thousands of times in an instant.

next moment, a huge roulette appeared in the map of the gods and demons, spinning quickly moved towards Heavenly Dao towards Heavenly Dao.


Xuanxuan's face burst into tears, his voice choked, and the jade hand was clutching weakly in the air.

"The body is undying, I intend to kill the heavens!"

The old man of the tomb was decisive, and then looked towards Chu Bei's direction: "You he is A liar, what shit Heaven Beyond the Heaven, in the end, I am going to die!"

The old words filled with complaint fell, and the life and death plate made by the old man of the tomb slammed into the Heavenly Dao Era Grinding Plate.

"Illusory Void Flower!"

"Eternity is empty!"

"Nine times against the sky!"

"Netherworld Spring Fall!"

"Time and space wither!"


Also in this brief moment, Demon Lord, Chen Zhan, Dugu Baitian, Ghost Lord, The Great God of Time-Space five inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse shot at the same time.

To be precise, not only them, but the other Immemorial gods also shot together, all of them hit the strongest blow, with the help of the power of the gods and demons, acting on the life and death disk of the old man of the tomb. .

hong long long!

Amid the loud noise, the body of the life and death plate soared, releasing a bright divine glow, and the breath soaring hundreds of times.

Under the combined power of the Immemorial gods, the plate of life and death hit the Era Grinding Plate.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the scarlet's Ninth Stage day broke directly and turned into nothingness.

The god and devil figure oscillated, making a weird buzzing sound, and then exploded with a bang.

Afterwards, hundreds of thousands of silhouettes were transformed into divine rainbows and swept out of the exploded map of the gods and monsters.

Under the collision, even though the five inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouses, Demon Lord, Chen Zhan, Dugu Baitian, Ghost Lord, and Great God of Time-Space, are weak to the extreme.

As for the Immemorial gods of the Heaven Rank, they are all skinny and skinny to the extreme.

In the previous collision, all their original blood essence was sacrificed to the gods and demons.

"Is it over?"

"We won or lost."

"Heavenly Dao is dead!"


Death silence in the void.

The Immemorial gods stared blankly at the Primal Chaos Space that exploded, and their expressions were extremely nervous.

"You ants kill undying me!"

"After all, a new era will come!"

Suddenly, an indifferent and cold voice Sounded.

Hearing the sound, the mood of the Immemorial gods suddenly fell into the ice valley.

Gradually, the battlefield on that side became clear.

I don’t know where to live and die, and there is just a light rain that is dissipating in the field.

And the Era Grinding Plate just shattered 1/4/2021, the vast energy breath is still fluctuating, releasing Supreme power.

"How could this happen!"


Looking at the Era Grinding Plate in particular, the Immemorial gods screamed with grief With thick unwillingness.

"A bunch of ants, die!"

Heavenly Dao's voice is as cold as ever, and the killing intent is strong.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Era Grinding Plate dazzling rays of light shoots and starts to repair itself.

At the same time, spin quickly, carrying World Destroying Might moved towards Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord and the others suppressed away.

"A thousand calamities, a hundred times hard! Ten thousand years later, we will come here and fight again!"

Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Dugu Baitian, Time and Space God, etc. include Including all the Immemorial gods, the only remaining skin and bones began to split, releasing the rays of light of the forest.

The last divine force among the gods converged in the air, seeming to have the final battle with Heavenly Dao.

long long long ——

The Era Grinding Plate settled in the void and appeared above the heads of the Immemorial gods with a breathtaking and strange sound.

Almost at the same time, the light sphere that condensed the final divine force of the Immemorial gods was also completely formed, welcoming the Era Grinding Plate.

A crowd of Immemorial gods sit in the void, with ancient war songs in their mouths!


However, when the light sphere that condensed the last divine force of the Immemorial gods was about to be together with the Era Grinding Plate strikes, there was a purple glow with blue light spots. Appearing out of thin air, it seems to have separated the years, separated the eternity, and separated the two for life.

hong long long!

next moment, the purple glow like a knife blade releases the mysterious power and breaks the light sphere into pieces.

Afterwards, we saw the divine force differentiation in the light sphere, returning to their respective Divine Physiques.

At the same time, the Era Grinding Plate carrying the extinct breath seems to be forcibly fixed in the sky, motionless by the purple glow wrapped in chaos.

"This...what kind of power is this!"

"It actually blocked the Heavenly Dao Era Grinding Plate!"

"Who is it!"

"Does this vast world still hide power that we don't know."


The Immemorial gods stared blankly at the purple separating the Era Grinding Plate. Glow, looking at each other, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Ghost Lord, Chen Zhan, and the Heaven Rank expert, the five inverse Heaven Rank expert of the time and space gods, seem to have realized something, and they all turned their attention to Chu Bei.

"It's you!"

Just one glance, the five of Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian noticed the changes in Chu Bei, with incredible colors in their eyes.

"I did underestimate the strength of this Heavenly Dao before. In order to solve him, this seat unlocked another seal, which took some time for this."

To Dugu With the eyes of Baitian and Demon Lord five people, Chu Bei swept across the Immemorial gods again, slightly nod in motion, and the emotion on his face was not at all turbulent.

Afterwards, Chu Bei's gaze fell on the Heavenly Dao Era Grinding Plate: "It's time to end."

The calm voice floated from the air, shaking the Immemorial people. God.

"It's you again!"

Heavenly Dao's voice came from the Era Grinding Plate.

But this time, his voice finally made waves, adding a touch of surprise.

It seems that he can't believe that this guy in front of him can actually intercept the Era Grinding Plate!

Chu Bei didn't speak. As he stepped, chaos emerged behind his head, and the huge purple picture above his head swayed.

weng weng weng!

The chaotic light and the purple glow are intertwined, shrouded in the body of Chu Bei, forming a giant with a height of ten thousand zhang.

"This power breath..."

Feel the breath of Chu Bei all around, including all Immemorial gods including Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Ghost Lord and the others With expressions of astonishment on his face, one by one looked at Chu Bei in disbelief.

Because they felt the familiar power of their own from that breath.

It's just that this power seems to have been strengthened hundreds of times!

The Immemorial gods looked at Chu Bei blankly, their faces confused, and more and more confused.


Heavenly Dao's voice sounded, the speed of the Era Grinding Plate was getting faster and faster, and the breath became more and more terrifying.

In the face of Heavenly Dao's coercion, Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, and he threw a punch simply and neatly.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the purple glow on Primal Chaos Giant’s fist is like the first weapon of the ages, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood penetrates the Era Grinding Plate.


Heavenly Dao's panic voice just sounded, and the purple glow on Primal Chaos Giant's fist broke out completely.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

The continuous and crisp sound of cracking echoes in the shattered sky.

Immemorial gods are numb!

Because of the horror of personally experienced Era Grinding Plate, they became more and more unable to believe what they saw before them.

One punch, just one punch smashed the Era Grinding Plate that all of them couldn't help but blood sacrifice!

Countless fragments scattered violently, Heavenly Dao flew out quickly, pulling away from the battlefield.

"What power is that!"

"Why is it so strange!"

Heavenly Dao opened his vertical eyes, and a beam of bloody eyes penetrated Primal In Chaos Giant.

"It is all Life Power."

Chu Bei's voice is calm, with a wave of his left hand, a purple arrow appears in the right hand of Primal Chaos Giant.

At the same time, its behind turned into a bow and flew into the left hand of Primal Chaos Giant.

Use the power of the five plane prestige as the arrow, and the power of Xiaohei as the bow!

At this moment, Chu Bei and the Primal Chaos Giant that wraps it are standing in the sky, just like Heaven and Earth Sovereign!

"Heavenly Dao nightmare!"

Heavenly Dao seemed to perceive the terrifying of the bow and arrow in Primal Chaos Giant's hand, and a little panic appeared in his vertical eyes, and then coldly shouted, shooting a dark black in the vertical eyes. The light pillar, among which hundreds of millions of Evil Spirit roar, can vaguely hear the roar of Chaos King and Netherheaven, the breath is extremely terrifying.

Chu Bei still remains unmoved, without any fear on his face.

As soon as its divine sense moves, Primal Chaos Giant shoots and bows!

The bow is shrouded in chaos, and purple arrows shoot out.


In an instant, the purple arrow smashed the black light column.

next moment, after hearing a stern roar, the purple arrow passed through Heavenly Dao's vertical eyes.

hong long!

It's another mist and chaos.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet, and everything in space and time seemed to be still.

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