"Is it really over this time."

"What kind of two forces are that!"

"He relies on strength of oneself destroyed Heavenly Dao."


In the battlefield, as time passed, the confusion and chaos dispersed.

Looking at it, the vertical eyes that represent Heavenly Dao are missing.

For a long time, the Immemorial gods came back to his senses, one by one, their eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, and his voice trembled a little.


At this moment, a white bead emerged from the place where Heavenly Dao died, and flew into Chu Bei between the eyebrows.

【The host destroys Heavenly Dao and obtains Heavenly Bead, the mission is completed. ]

[Enable Level 14 Commodity Permission]

[Host cultivation progress to Level 14 Peak]

[Reward the host once for the power of Xiaohei, once for ten levels 8 Commodity usage rights]

[If the host wants to open Level 15 commodity rights, go to the Perfect World plane]

[According to this system hint, after completing the task, you can open Level 15 commodity rights , And get extra rewards]


The system sound rang in Chu Bei's mind.

At this moment, the Primal Chaos Giant outside Chu Bei's body disappeared, and the arrow shot by the divine bow remains with his left hand also turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

"no! Heavenly Dao is here!"

"Look at it, it has appeared again, it is not dead yet!"

Huo Ran, a Immemorial God exclaimed, with fear in his voice.

Looking through the sound, Immemorial God Sovereign including Dugu Baitian and the others, their expressions that had slowed down, became heavier again.

I saw a group of white radiance gathered again in front of Chu Bei, and a huge vertical eye in the rays of light opened slowly.

At the same time, a vast and surging power swept away, no less than the breath of the previous Era Grinding Plate!

"Heavenly Dao is really undying!"

Looking at the vertical eyes that appeared again, the Immemorial gods looked lonely and unwilling.

But at the next moment, their expressions are dumbfounded!


The huge vertical eyes looked at Chu Bei, and he uttered a call that numbed the gods.

"No! This is not the Heavenly Dao who was filled with endless resentment just now!"

"This is the newly born Heavenly Dao!"

"Listen Are you here? This new Heavenly Dao actually respects him as Lord!"


Immemorial the gods came back to his senses from the trance, seemingly trying to understand something, dumbfounded Looking at Chu Bei's back, his expression gradually solidified.

Chu Bei looked at the new Heavenly Dao in front of him, and his heart throbbed.

At the moment, the Heavenly Bead obtained by killing the original Heavenly Dao is floating up and down in its Sea of ​​Consciousness, releasing glowing light, as if it is inextricably linked to this new Heavenly Dao Link.

Accurately speaking, for this Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Bead is more like a superior.

Chu Bei has a feeling that he can use Heavenly Bead to destroy the new Heavenly Dao with a divine sense.

"Let the Immemorial gods who died before come back to life."

After a long while, the plain voice came out from Chu Bei's mouth.


The new Heavenly Dao was somewhat stiff and complied, and his eyes opened and closed, and a cloud of light and rain gushed out from the light sphere.

long long long!

The dazzling light and rain poured down, and the void roared.

In just a moment, the Soul Spirit, which had been dissipated, reunited under the gaze of the living Immemorial gods.

"Am I alive?" War God Kaiser returned.

"Is dignified Sky Dragon Knight Hyage reincarnation again!"

"No, we don't seem to be dead! Or we are resurrected!"


The Immemorial gods who previously died under the original Heavenly Dao were resurrected one by one.

In the end, a huge roulette slowly took shape, and then changed into an old man look.

"haha, old fogey, I knew I couldn't die!"

A wild laugh floated from the sky, and the old tomb guard reappeared in the world, and his face was full of spring.

"Very good! Resurrected, you are all resurrected!"

Under the rain of light, those Immemorial gods who were originally only skin and bones have rejuvenated their bodies, breath Then returned to Peak.

"Everyone is back!"

"This battle, we won!"

The resurrected Immemorial gods gradually understood how For one thing, one by one moved towards Chu Bei, who were extremely grateful, bowed deeply.

"Master, you are okay. Very good, really very good!"

Xuanxuan plunged into the arms of the old tomb guard, a pair of beautiful eyes wet with tears.

"Old fogey, I am immortal! How can I die so easily."

The old tomb guard patted Xuanxuan, and then wanted to look at Chu Bei in disbelief, shaking his lips: " Your breath...you really...really killed Heavenly Dao by the strength of oneself!"

"You fight the sky, but you don’t know that the sky is created by this seat. The cause starts from this seat; this effect, Naturally, it will be destroyed by this seat." Chu Bei said calmly.

Hearing this, the old man from the tomb trembles suddenly, what a familiar word.

"Old Heavenly Dao, ruined all living beings, cut it down, and return you a just Heavenly Dao!"

Chu Bei put his hands behind behind, and his mighty voice came from the sky. After the opening, the new Heavenly Dao stood high in the sky, releasing decent breath.

"The man who created the sky! Is this his origin?"

Shrouded the sound of the mighty voice, the Immemorial gods looked at Chu Bei blankly and muttered.

"What kind of realm is above the inverse Heaven Rank! Is there a higher realm on that one!"

Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord and other inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse's gaze is fixed on Chu Bei's body. In addition to respecting the accident, it is more of a yearning.

"Wait for you to break through the barriers of this world, and go beyond the sky, everything will be known."

Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, as his words fell, the new Heavenly Dao released a majestic force and straightened Heavenspan.

next moment, a thin space barrier appeared in the sky far away. Outside the barrier are endless stars, and there is a Star River flowing, and I don’t know where to lead.

"Is that beyond the sky!"

Not only Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, the five inverse Heaven Rank Powerhouse, but also the eyes of the Immemorial gods A high spirit of fighting.

"It turns out that this world is much bigger than old fogey I thought! It seems that I still have to continue cultivation!"

The old man tomb guard sighed, and then everyone looked at him. Xia Shao changed his body and turned into a handsome youth.

"Chen Nan, the purpose of this trip as a teacher has been achieved, and it is time to leave. You have to cultivate carefully, break through as soon as possible, and wait for you as a teacher at Heaven Beyond the Heaven."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei pointed his finger at the Star River outside the space barrier of the distant sky, and said: "I am waiting for you as a teacher at Heaven Beyond the Heaven!"

The voice fell, Chu Bei waved his sleeves. The wheel of time and space reappeared, and Chu Bei stepped in and disappeared from everyone's sight.

After the completion of the Tomb of the God plane mission, the Chu Bei cultivation base has reached Level 14 Peak.

"Perfect World."

Chu Bei is standing on the river of time, using his leisure time to review Perfect World.


Perfect World plane.

The morning glow rises, and the golden sun shines through the forest and pours onto the ground.

This is a reckless mountain range, with high peaks and huge mountains.

Over a high mountain, there is a ripple in the void, and a blue passage emerges from the ripples.

After a while, a young man walked out of the blue passage.

[Mission 1 Release: Host Sign Shi Hao]

When Chu Bei just walked out of the blue passage, the system sound was heard in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Finally came out."

Chu Bei moved his muscles and bones. After looking at the red dots marked on the system map, his gaze swept across the continuous mountain range below, and the corners of his mouth raised. There was a smile.

After that, it turned into a divine rainbow and moved towards the east and flew away.

Soon, Chu Bei came to the sky above an ancient village.

At this moment, on the flat square in the center of the ancient village, dozens of children are humming and humming their body refinement.

These children are of different ages, the oldest one is 14 or five years old, and the young one is only five or six years old, and their immature faces are full of seriousness. The older child fisted in a violent manner, quite an imposing manner, but the younger one made gestures a bit like a dance of gods and demons.

In front of this group of children, a middle-aged man with bronzed skin and strong body like a tiger and leopard, with black hair draped in a coat of animal skins, is carefully pointing.

"The sun rises and everything begins. Qi of Life in this period is not as good as the spiritual qi in the Cave Mansion, but it is also stronger than other periods. Yingxia Body Refinement has great benefits, but Enrich the body with vitality. The plan of the day is to get up early and work hard every day, strengthen the muscles and strengthen the bones, and live blood refinement. Only when you are strong, you will have the capital to survive in this wild mountain range in the future."

The middle-aged man has a serious face, his bright eyes swept across a group of children, and then shouted: "Do you all understand?"


A group of children were full of anger and responded loudly.

"I understand, too."

At this moment, a little fellow who was obviously distracted and slowed down, let out a milky roar.

This is a very small child, about two or three years old. He is hiding in the sidelines and is also training body refinement with these children.


Perceiving everyone's gaze, the immature face of the little fellow immediately became serious, and the white and tender little arm began to wave vigorously. It's like trying to show it to middle-aged man and a group of children.

However, his age is too young, his movements are crooked, and he staggers, sways, and staggers from time to time, plus the white milk stains remaining between the corners of his mouth, which makes people laugh.

"hahaha, small child, you played so wonderfully, much better than us!"

A group of children laughed out loud, pointing to two or three-year-old little fellow, each other Winking eyebrows, the originally serious morning Qi Refinement atmosphere immediately eased a lot.

At the same time, the old people sitting cross-legged on a boulder in another venue also showed a smile.

In Stone Village, whether it is the elderly, middle-aged or children, they like to call this little fellow who is only two or three years old as a small child.

Because he is really too small compared to other children, his big eyes are turning smoothly, and the whole figure looks like a white porcelain doll.

The immature action, the yiyiyaya in the mouth, is even more naive, and people can't help but want to step forward and squeeze their mouths.

Look at the layout of the ancient village again. It is neat and orderly. The houses of each household are made of piles of stones.

Not far from the central square, there is half of a huge dead wood, the trunk is more than ten meters in diameter, and the whole body is charred.

Except for half of the main trunk, there is only one weak branch of the dead wood, but it is exuding vitality, the branches and leaves are carved like green jade.

To be precise, this was once a Willow Tree, but many years ago, it was encountered by the lightning of Heavenspan. The huge canopy and the vigorous vitality were destroyed, so that there are only eight left on the surface. The nine-meter-high thunderstruck wood is amazingly thick.

"Clan Leader, it's not good, come and see, Shou Yong was shot through by an arrow!"

The villagers were sitting on the spacious land and looking at the small child While laughing, an anxious voice came from the east end of the village.

"What's wrong with Shouyong!"

Hearing the sound, a group of villagers immediately got up from the ground and ran to the group of people who had returned from hunting, all with faces Nervous.

"Shouyong was shot by a villager, piercing his heart and lungs." A red-clothed man with an ugly face and a terrible killing intent in his words, I saw him and another person carrying a face The pale breath weak gray man.

The upper body of the gray-clothed man was stained with blood. An iron arrow shot through his body protection steel armor, penetrated the right lung lobe, and came out through the back. The dark metal luster of the arrow shaft was cold and stained with blood. horrible to see.

"The villagers? It is difficult to see their silhouettes about a year. Is there any conflict between you?" Several clan elders arrived and asked.


A seven or eight-year-old child cried loudly, and suddenly rushed to the front, holding one of the gray-clothed man's arms, tears rolled down in series.

A middle-aged woman also ran over with tears in her eyes. She grabbed a hand of the man in gray and stood by, crying softly.

"Why are you girls crying, go hunting, not to mention injuries, even if they are dead, it is common!" Shi Shouyong stared, not letting them cry, he is a very tough man.

"Clan Leader, here comes!"

"Let Clan Leader have a look!"

Amidst panic, a silhouette came quickly.

"This damn villager!"

After investigating Shi Shouyong's injuries, Shi Yunfeng immediately browses frowned, his face is heavy, his fists clenched, and a killing intent emerges in his eyes. .

"Uncle Yong, you must be in pain."

The small child got the herbal medicine from nowhere, applied it to Shi Shouyong’s wound in a decent way, and then stared wide. Looking towards Shi Yunfeng: "grandfather, Uncle Yong will be fine."

Shi Yunfeng shook the head sighed and chose silence.

"Clan Leader, what do you mean by this expression?"

When a group of villagers asked Shi Yunfeng, Shi Shouyong's body trembled, pu chi mouth spurt blood, and the vitality in his eyes It was dimmed for an instant and fainted.



The anxious cry was accompanied by a cry of pity.

"Clan Leader, can Shou Yong really not be saved?" A group of villagers pulled Shi Yunfeng aside and asked.

"The lungs were pierced and the injury was too heavy. Even I can't do anything. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight."

Shi Yunfeng took a deep breath: "Why do people from the village? Such a cruel hand!"

"Clan Leader, the people in Yao village knew that our village got a stubborn bone a few days ago. They told Purple Mountain, Lei Clan, and Luo Fu about it. Great Lake and the Golden Wolf tribe. Counting the time, they should have rushed to us."

"We were so angry, we asked them why they did this! Who expected them to rely on the number of people. Just do it." A black clothed man said.

"What? The four tribes know about the bones!"

I heard the black clothed man, the villagers complexion greatly changed, this piece of sacred bones There is Supreme treasure in it, they haven't studied it thoroughly yet.

"Clan Leader, what should we do now?"

As a group of people discussed how to retaliate against the village and save the bones, a silhouette floated down above the square.

"Who you are!"

"Are you from the four tribes!"

Seeing the sudden arrival of Chu Bei, a group of villagers retreated at the same time. The color of the face is wary.

"This is Stone Village, right." Chu Bei slowly landed on the stature, calmly watching Clan Leader Shi Yunfeng opened the mouth and said.

"It is Stone Village, but who you are? What's the matter in Stone Village?"

Shi Yunfeng looked at Chu Bei and asked cautiously. The opponent can levitate high in the sky, naturally not an ordinary person.

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