"You are Shi Hao, right?"

Chu Bei did not answer Shi Yunfeng’s question, but instead focused on the two or three-year-old Bai Bai Nennen On the small child's body, his fiery gaze is like a big bad wolf seeing a little white rabbit.

"grandfather, is he a visitor from the village? How would he know my name?"

Facing Chu Bei's gaze, the small child hid in Shi Yunfeng nervously Behind him, poking his head, revealing big dripping eyes.

"Clan Leader, Shou Yong, he has no breath!"

At this moment, a middle-aged woman lose one's head out of fear came from the side.

I saw the woman sitting on the ground with Shi Shouyong paralyzed, her clothes soaked in blood from the other party, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and the six or seven-year-old child beside her was crying.

Hearing the sound, Shi Yunfeng also ignored Chu Bei and immediately went forward to investigate.

After a long while, Shi Yunfeng shook the head helplessly and let out a long sigh.

"Clan Leader, Shouyong, is he already..."

The middle-aged woman's voice choked with sobs, and when she saw Shi Yunfeng nodded, her face turned pale and her body swayed. , And then fainted.

"Buy him thickly."

Shi Yunfeng's green veins were exposed, and then looked towards the west, with bloodshot eyes: "Cun, this enmity must revenge!"

But just as Shi Yunfeng's voice fell, when several sturdy villagers were about to lift Shi Shouyong, a blue light hit Shi Shouyong's body.

Under the blue light, the iron arrow that pierced Shi Shouyong was broken in two from the wound, and then slowly separated from the wound.

After that, the blue light contracted and gathered on the horrible to see lung lobe that was bleeding and hurting, and the weird rune lit up like stars.


Looking at Shi Shouyong's gradually healed lung lobe and the blood that stopped flowing, the village names including Shi Yunfeng were in a trance. After came back to his senses, his face was full of joy.

With the incredible attention and love of the villagers, Shi Yunfeng's wound began to heal at the speed that the naked eye was visible.

"Clan Leader, Shouyong is breathing again! The heart is beating too!"

"Aba, is he okay?"

" Look, Shou Yong opened his eyes and he woke up!"

"Is he all right!"


Looking sober When Shi Shouyong came, the names of the villages exclaimed, extremely excited.

At this time, another blue light fell on the middle-aged woman who had fainted.

The middle-aged woman woke up, heard the cheers of all around, and looked towards Shi Shouyong again. After a daze, she cried with joy.

"It was him, it was he who saved Shou Yong!"

"What kind of means could bring back the dead!"

"Uncle, thank you Saved Abba."

"Leather monkey, come, let's kneel down for the benefactor."


Look along the blue light, a group of villagers I immediately understood the cause and effect before and after, and the gaze looking towards Chu Bei again was filled with deep gratitude.

The middle-aged woman even took the child and knelt down in front of Chu Bei with a puff.

"Get up, he hasn't really died yet. This is nothing to me." Chu Bei immediately held up the middle-aged woman opened the mouth and said.

"Shi Yunfeng, did you get a piece of 狻猊宝骨? This is not something your small village can have. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I hope you can hand it over. Come out, my Golden Wolf tribe will take care of it."

As a group of villagers thanked Chu Bei with gratitude, there was a vigorous shout from the south of the village.

long long long ——

In the rumbling sound, a group of iron riders flew in and appeared in Stone Village.

These dozens of iron horses are scaly horses, and the few people crowded in the center are riding on the mutant scaly horses with single horns, white body, and flashing silver scales. They are extraordinary martial arts.

The leader is a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe, with golden rays blooming in his eyes, and his pupils are almost turning into pale golden.

When he came to the square, the man in Jinpao set his eyes on Shi Yunfeng, with two golden beams shooting out of his eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

"grandfather, these people look so fierce, what are they here for?"

The small child hides behind Shi Yunfeng, looking at the crowd with fear. Cavalry.

"Don't be afraid, they are here to borrow something from grandfather."

Shi Yunfeng has a kind smile on his face. After touching the head of the small child, he looked towards Golden The head of the Wolf tribe's face suddenly became heavy.

"This 狻猊宝骨 is the property of my village, you ask for it like this, what is the difference with the robbery!" Shi Yunfeng looked at the Golden Wolf tribe leading the man said solemnly.

"You can't say that, I'm doing it for you, I'm afraid your village will cause a killing disaster!" The leader of the Golden Wolf tribe said righteously.

"haha, Golden Wolf tribe, you are really arrogant."

At this time, a ridiculous laughter came, and another group of people arrived, and the momentum was even more shocking.

In the distance, a dragon with a length of more than 20 meters is opening its way, its scales are shining, and it has a pair of giant wings.

A man showing off talent, like a Golden Wings Great Peng hovering down from Jiao’s head, landed on the ground with a thump, with a very fierce imposing manner.

"He is the dragonfly of Luofu Great Lake!"

"Is it possible that he also came for the 狻猊宝骨?"

一The villagers recognized the man showing off talent, and there was a look of fear in his eyes. In fact, this guy was notorious and extremely cruel.

"old man, I'm not as hypocritical as they are. Don't give me ink marks. Hurry up and fetch the bones from me, otherwise your village will be washed with blood!"

Jiao Peng's cold gaze swept across Shi Yunfeng and the villagers behind him, the killing intent filled.

"Grandfather, they are good terrifying!" The small child pointed at Jiao Peng, shrinking his neck.


Another loud noise.

On the south side of the village, a beast bone about six or seven meters long, which is not known to be a kind of murderous creature, emits white light and rushes quickly.

I saw several silhouettes standing on it. The leader was an old man, wearing a feather coat and a golden crown, his body overflowed with strands of Purple Qi, hazy, with a majesty that could not be described.

"I think that the sacred bones belong to Purple Mountain. After all, Purple Mountain is the closest to Stone Village."

Purple Mountain entire group stepped down The beast bones, the rays of light flashed past, and the six or seven-meter-long giant bones behind quickly shrank, turned into a palm and fell into the hands of the head of the old man.

Obviously, the giant bone is a Treasure Item, which can fly on the ground, Shrinking the Earth into an Inch.

"I never thought that Purple Mountain would arrive earlier than me! But how can the ownership of this bone be determined by distance? Of course it can be determined by strength."

With a thunder in the distance, an ancient beast leather with flowing simplicity and vicissitudes of life appeared in the field with several people. On them, the lightning flickers and the rumbling sound is heart palpitating.

"Golden Wolf tribe, Luofu Great Lake, Purple Mountain, Lei Clan are all here!"

Looking at the four strongest forces in this big area, a group of villagers browse Tightly knit, with grave expression on his face.

Not to mention the gathering of the four forces, even if there is only one force, they will not be able to keep the sacred bones.

After all, in this big domain, they are the real cultivator, and everyone is terrifying.

"Langlang, you did a good job this time, but next time there is such a news, just let us know the Great Lake of Luofu." Jiao Peng looked at the last arrival in the village coldly and said .

"Shi Yunfeng, what are you doing in a daze? The adults from the four forces are here, so please take out the treasure!" The wolf's gaze fell on Shi Yunfeng's body with a look of ridicule.

"You hurt my family, I'll settle it with you later!" Shi Yunfeng looked at the wolf, clenched his fists, his eyes full of killing intents.

"The wolf is right, go and take out the suffocating bones for us to see." The leader of Purple Mountain glanced at Shi Yunfeng opened the mouth and said.

Shi Yunfeng was unhappy, but due to the powerhouse of the four forces, he finally had to walk towards a stone house.

When Shi Yunfeng returned, he was holding a two-meter-long giant bone in his hand. The bone was crystal clear as jade, and the shrouded light on the surface of the bone was faintly visible, which was extraordinary.

"It's worthy of being the sacred bone, it contains the light of the avenue!"

"I'm sure, on top of this bone, there is the Supreme treasure!"


"If you can learn the treasure art, my family's strength will surely rise to another level, and even become the Sovereign of the great wilderness!"

"Even if there is no treasure art, this treasure is good After polishing it, it will surely be an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Treasure Item with extraordinary Power of Slaughter!"


Seeing Shi Yunfeng holding the big Bones, the four forces of Golden Wolf tribe, Luofu Great Lake, Purple Mountain, and Lei Clan have their faces excited, and their eyes are hot.

"Clan Leader, do we really want to hand over the 狻猊宝骨?"

"We haven't finished the research yet. We haven't learned the treasures, can it? Are you going to hand it over to these bandits?"

"These wicked people are really hateful! Especially the shameless guys in the village, if it weren’t for them, how could Four Great Influences get it? Know!"


Stone Village's evil name fiercely glared at the forces of the Quartet, and their faces were full of unwillingness.

"Grandfather, are they here to grab the big bones? They are really bad guys!"

The small child poked his head out from behind Shi Yunfeng and moved towards the Quartet forces and the people of the village Raised his small fist: "hmph, I want Willow God to teach you!"

The immature voice fell, and the small child twisted and ran to the thunderstruck wood not far away.

"What are you talking about! Quickly hand over the treasure!"

The four forces headed by the Golden Wolf tribe, Luofu Great Lake, Purple Mountain, and Lei Clan simultaneously shouted.

After hearing the sound, Shi Yunfeng was unwilling but very helpless to throw the big bones into the air, and then stepped aside: "You go and grab it yourself."

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