Looking at the shooting Changhong, Willow Tree behind the lithe and graceful silhouettes of men and women cannot be seen, and delicate hands dance.

Suddenly, the soft wicker brilliant lights and vibrant colors, with immersed light and mist, rushed out under the control of lithe and graceful silhouette.

In the eyes of Shi Yunfeng and other villagers, Chu Bei and Willow Tree were quietly facing each other, and the two phantoms behind each made an attack without the slightest lethality.

In the slow speed, the two attacks are intertwined.

Different from the villagers, Chu Bei knows that this seemingly silent fusion is actually a contest between two supreme existences, which is the collision of their great ways.


After a long while, the thunderstruck wood ka-cha, which is more than ten meters thick, made a clear sound, and the main torso actually cracked a slender gap.

The ethereal phantom behind him that can't distinguish between men and women is also shaking, becoming more blurred, as if it will dissipate at any time.

crash-bang ——

In contrast, the iron bump phantom behind Chu Bei made a coldly snorted sound that seemed to be contemptuous.

Obviously, in the road competition just now, the iron lump phantom has the advantage of crushing.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Bei's heart is more shocked, Willow God was once the Immortal King giant!

But this is such a supreme existence that can accomplish all the good fortune, battle strength shaking the old illuminating the new supreme existence, in the comparison with Xiaohei’s Dao, it completely fell into a disadvantage.

Of course, Chu Bei definitely hopes Steward Xiaohei will win, after all, Xiaohei is his backer.

"Clan Leader grandfather, Willow God, it opened a hole. Was it accidentally injured by Uncle?" The small child stroked a new crack in the thunderstruck wood.

"I'm fine."

The calm syllable came from the phantom behind the thunderstruck wood.

When the voice fell, that phantom looked towards Chu Bei, and the emotion seemed to be a little turbulent: "Who are you on earth?"

"Have you heard of Heaven Above?" Chu Bei therefore Be calm and have a flat voice.

"Where do you come from!" The phantom behind Willow Tree clearly allowed some throbbing.

"This is not important."

Chu Bei no longer said much, but emphasized: "I am here only to give him inheritance, nothing more."


"Have you chosen him?"

The wicker danced and pointed at the small child with a bright light.

Chu Bei's gaze also fell on the small child, nodded indicating.

Long time.

Phantom sighed, shook the head, and returned to the charred Willow Tree.

"Willow God? Willow God!"

No matter what the small child calls, Willow Tree will no longer respond, just like an ordinary thunderstruck wood.

"Uncle, did you fight Willow God?" The small child stared at Chu Bei with wide eyes.

Chu Bei bent over and picked up the white and tender small child, kneading for a while: "It's not a fight, Uncle just discussed the sky voice method with her. Also, don't call me Uncle. From now on, I have to change my tongue. Master."

"Benefactor, do you want to accept a small child as a disciple?"

When Chu Bei said, Shi Yunfeng's face was surprised and couldn't help but speak first .

If such a powerful existence is willing to accept small children as disciples, then small children will surely be able to shine in the outside world in the future.

"This little fellow is destined to me, and can gain my inheritance."

Chu Bei moved towards Shi Yunfeng and other villagers nodded, and then looked towards small child: "You want to be as good as me Is it? With strength, you can protect Stone Village, and you don’t have to be afraid of bad guys. Moreover, with strength, you can know your life experience."

"I want to protect Stone Village, I want to see See daddy and mother."

Small child pouted: "Little red brother and big sister, they all have daddy mother, but I don’t have one."

For small child , A group of villagers, including Shi Yunfeng, had a sad complexion and pity in their eyes.

In Stone Village, there are more than 30 children, but only the small child is an orphan, without a father or mother, and has been raised by the village chief since childhood.

For this reason, every villager in the village treats small children very much and wants to give each other care as much as possible.

But after all, they are not the parents of small children, no matter how good they are, they don't have the affection in the blood.

"Walking into my door, you will not only meet your parents, but also become a supreme existence of a party shaking the old illuminating the new." Chu Bei squeezed the fleshy cheek of the small child.

"Master is here, be worshipped by the discipline!"

The small child jumped to the ground, learning the posture taught by Shi Yunfeng, and moved towards Chu Bei in a hug After cup one fist in the other hand, a pair of short legs fell to the ground and bowed down three times.

"When you enter my door, you need to bring this ring and have a brief ceremony."

The voice fell, Chu Bei threw the agent ring to the small child, and at the same time gave instructions The small child dripped a drop of blood into the ring.

[Host signed Level 1 agency Shi Hao successfully]

[15th level commodity permission opening progress 15%]

[Level 1 agency gift package distribution 】

When the signing is over, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"Small child, since you have called me Master, then I will give you an entering sect gift as a teacher." Chu Bei clicked on the agent package, which is also a crystal clear and near -Transparent Medicinal Pill.

"It smells so good!"

Shi Hao took the Spirit Pill, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and after a glance with Chu Bei, he threw it into the mouth.

Soon, Shi Hao discovered the changes in his body.

After swallowing that Medicinal Pill, every cell, every skeleton, and every piece of meat in his body is madly multiplying.

"Master, what do you eat for the discipline? The discipline seems to have become stronger, as if controlling a magical energy." Small child moved his muscles and bones, opened his eyes, and his small face Filled with excitement.

"Small child, let us see how you have changed?" The villagers were curious.


Shi Hao repeatedly nodded, and then ran to a big stone mill not far away.


Shi Hao was very small and his voice was a little immature, but he easily hugged the hundreds of kilograms of big stone.

"The power of the small child is greatly enhanced!"

The villagers were surprised, but what made them even more shocked was that the small child loudly shouted, his hands seemed to be An invisible force spread out.


In the crisp sound, the hundreds of kilograms of stone crushed exploded and burst into pieces, and the dust was flying.

"My God!"

"It's amazing!"

The villagers were in a daze, speechless as they watched the stone mill that turned into countless rubbles and splashes. .

"Grandfather, have you seen it? It's this kind of magical power."

The small child looked at Shi Yunfeng, then put out his tender little hand, lightly, and the void cracked Open a small slender gap.

"Benefactor, what do you give the small child? What kind of power is this!"

"Why is he so powerful all at once!"

Shi Yunfeng and a group of villagers petrified on the spot.

"This is the void innate talent, and its first power is Void Power." Chu Bei responded.

"Small child, grandfather is really happy for you!"

After listening to what Chu Bei said, Shi Yunfeng picked up the small child and said: "The future for you is unlimited. ! Go and thank you benefactor!"

"Thank you Master."

The small child moved towards Chu Bei bowed, grateful in his immature words.

"Disciple, feel this power well. When you develop this void innate talent to the extreme, you are the strongest existence between Heaven and Earth." Chu Bei laughed.


Small child is cleverly nodded: "Master, can you tell me about my life experience? I want to see my father and mother."

To meet the small child's pleading gaze, Chu Bei waved his hand from memory and sketched out a few flowing images in midair.

The first screen.

The picture shows a young couple, the man is stalwart, and the woman is beautiful and full of looks, holding a baby who is still in swaddling clothes.

"My good grandson, come and taste the blood of Divine Bird. In the future, you will be far better than grandfather and your dad."

An old man flew over from a distance, It fell in front of the woman, dipped a few drops of crystal clear blood, and put it into the baby's mouth.

"Father, Hao'er is still so young, can he do it?" The young couple tried to dissuade them.

"It’s okay! Didn’t you see Hao'er smiling? He loves the blood."

The old man triumphantly pointed to the baby in the swaddling, again He fed a few large drops of Divine Bird blood one after another.

I saw the baby sucking hard, not only was there nothing, but he was still enjoying it.

"haha, our this lineage is really prosperous in the world. There are many heroes! Hao'er is no worse than Yi'er. In the future, it can also suppress the eight wilderness and deter all major races."

Not far away, another old man walked over. Next to him was a three-year-old child, Innate Double Pupils. This is a different aspect of the ancient Holy person.

2nd screen.

This is a neatly arranged house, or the young couple in the 1st picture.

"Hao'er, why is he so sleepy, he seems to have rune breath in his body." The man held the baby and frowned.

"Have you noticed it too? I thought it was an illusion. How could rune appear in his body because he is so young." The woman was puzzled.

"Could it be..." The man murmured, as if thinking of something, his pupils suddenly condensed.

"Husband, what exactly do you know? Hao'er, is his body okay?" The woman quickly asked when she noticed the man's expression.

"Yining, there is an ancient book record in my family. From the real Human Race to Powerhouse, they will all give birth to sacred bones and have their own primordial mark, thus evolving their exclusive primordial treasures!"

Speaking of this, the man showed excitement, took a deep breath, and said: "These are the most enchanting existence in Powerhouse. They are born with primordial treasures, such as Golden Wings Great Peng and Zhenzhen. The same, born with him. The treasure born from the bones is enough to be proud of the world, and it is not an exaggeration to call it Supreme Bone!"

"What? Hao'er is also born with Supreme Bone!" Listen When the man said, the woman's face turned pale, her eyes looking towards the cute little baby were full of astonishment.

"Husband, what do you mean is that in the near future, Hao'er, he can compete with Immemorial Ferocious Beast, and can fight the pure and flawless Golden Wings Great Peng and Zhenzhen of the bloodline!" The woman swallowed saliva and said.

Men nodded: "If Hao'er is really born with Supreme Bone, the primordial technique will surely shock the world and engrave the history of Human Race!"

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