The third picture above the square of Stone Village.

"Madam, don’t you want to show me the Luan Bird? Where is it? Why did you bring me to your house?"

The month-old baby is already able to speak proficiently. Judging from its appearance, it is the baby in the first two pictures.

"little fellow, the bone in your body should be given to those who need him more!"

The black clothed beautiful woman who accompanied the baby suddenly picked up the baby and pressed On the cold bed.

"Madam, what are you going to do?"

The baby has innocent eyes, looking at the black clothed beautiful woman with incomprehension.

However, the black clothed beautiful woman didn't answer the baby, she just took out a silver knife and slashed the baby's chest with a stunning sheen.

next moment, blood is gushing out of the baby's chest, and a group of divine divine splendor in the chest circulates the mysteries of the heavens, endless rune, flashing endlessly.

"Auntie, Hao'er hurts!"

The baby cried out loudly, his eyes full of panic.

"Shut up! Don't shout!" The black clothed beautiful woman stared at the baby coldly.

At this time, a young child walked to the side of the black clothed beautiful woman, who was the double pupil in the first picture.

In the picture, the baby's blood is flowing, his face becomes paler, his big eyes become dull, he keeps crying and weeping blood.

"My son, Innate Double Pupils, is destined to be Above the Heavens and Under the Earth! With Supreme Bone, it is like a tiger that has grown wings!" Ruthless.

"Madame, Hao'er hurts, it hurts."

The baby was full of tears and stretched out a pair of small hands with pleading, trying to relieve the pain.

"Don't blame the aunt for being cruel, just blame you for not being in this world!"

Faced with the baby's pleading, the black clothed beautiful woman remained indifferent, her face still cold.

The blade light flashed, and finally a light source was cut out from the baby's chest.


The cold bed, which has been soaked in the blood of the baby, is red, horrible to see.

The baby is very haggard and painful, his big eyes are full of tears, and every time his long eyelashes blink, there will be crystal clear tears rolling down. He stretched his small hand hard, seeming to want to grasp Live a touch of warmth.

Hearing the shout, the black clothed beautiful woman just glanced at the baby and then turned a blind eye, and then dragged the dazzling ball, looked towards the double pupil child and said: "Yi'er, wait for the mother When bone is grafted into your body, you are born Supreme! In the near future, this large area will be yours!"

"Mother, daddy, where are you? Hao'er hurts, my whole body hurts."

The baby who had lost the Supreme Bone beside him slowly fell into a coma, with tears on his pale little face.

At the most painful time, he was calling his true relatives, which was distressing.

In the Square of Stone Village, the flow of the first three pictures happened to be a complete picture.

The small child stared at the picture outlined by Chu Bei in a daze. At some point, tears had soaked the clothes, and the watery and affectionate pupils turned red and bloodshot.

Looking at Shi Yunfeng, Shi Shouyong and other villagers again, their breathing became rapid, with monstrous killing intent on their faces.

"Is that baby a small child? Unexpectedly he is so pitiful."

"The Supreme Bone was poached from the very beginning, and the person who got the black hand was still his aunt! Damn, she really deserves to die!"

"The most poisonous woman's heart, this aunt should be executed by Ling Chi, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!"


A group of villagers clenched their fists, and even some children looked towards the small child with sympathy.

"How do you feel after watching it?" Chu Bei calmly looked at the small child with red eyes.

"Master, that baby is me, but why can't I remember what happened at that time?" small child looked towards Chu Bei.

"Because you were hurt so badly at that time, you have forgotten the memory decline." Chu Bei shook his head and sighed.

"Benefactor, why don't you see the small child's parents? They love small child so much, how can they let that vicious woman poach small child's Supreme Bone?" Shi Yunfeng seemed to have thought of something, showing his face Perplexed, there was confusion in his eyes.

"At that time, Hao'er's parents were both on the battlefield. As for when you come back, let's watch the other two pictures."

The voice fell, Chu Bei raised hand, The two pictures that were originally located at the rear were revealed at the forefront.

4th screen.

"Ziling, you have killed enough people, and you have been enchanted, stop it!"

In the picture, a young man walked like a dragon and stepped like a Tiger, with great power, full of hairs rising, roots shining, exuding golden rays of light, just like Sun God, making his whole person extremely radiant.

His eyes have a terrible killing intent, and a group of elders are shouted not far away.

"If I ask for an argument for Hao'er, it is considered a demon, today I might as well degenerate into a demon!"

The young man roared, his hair danced wildly, and he was bathed in blazing flames. In the golden glow, strode forward, no one can compete with it.

The man's eyes were bloodshot, and the Golden Battle Spear in his hand waved, blood splashed up where he passed.



After killing several people, the young man indifferently threw the Golden Battle Spear in his hand, pu' sound, piercing the body of a black clothed beautiful woman.

next moment, the war spear flew out several ten zhang away with the black clothed beautiful woman, and nailed to the ground.

This is not over yet, the battle continues, and the young men are still fighting, killing the murky heavens dark earth.

The fifth picture.

"Ziling, they all lied to you. This is just a delay."

"Shi Clan's ancestral land has long been abandoned, let alone this map fragment, you How can I find the ancestral land?"

An old man in the room looked at the young man and sighed again and again.

"No matter what, I will try it! I will try my best to restore Hao'er!" The young man's face was firm.

"What if you can't find it?" the old man said again.

"Then I will go to Immemorial Divine Mountain, and I will go all over the wilderness, and I must pick a holy medicine, and I must not let Hao'er sink!" The young man clenched his fists.

Beside, the glamorous woman is nodded, and within both eyes is also full of firmness, holding the baby who looks pale in her arms tightly.

"Ziling, don’t mess around! Immemorial Divine Mountain, that’s not a place to trespass. According to reports, there are terrifying creatures such as True Wings and Golden Wings Great Peng, ten deaths without life!" The old man Admonish again.

"We have decided to go!"

The sonorous voice fell, and the young couple left with the baby.


At the end of the fifth picture, the young couple came to Stone Village.

You can look over the village and fall behind, and the faces of the two are full of loss.

However, just when the young couple was about to leave unwillingly, the young man noticed the scorched Willow Tree, a look of hope rose on his face, and after placing the baby under the tree, he took the woman away.

"It turns out that the parents of the small child didn't leave him behind, and even slaughter all sides for him. In the end, they went to the place of ten deaths without life."

"Hateful It’s that the vicious woman didn’t die!"

"The lineage of the double pupils is really bully intolerably!"

"The double pupil doll is not a fuel-efficient guy, little The young age is so sinister. If he hadn’t told the vicious woman, how could the vicious woman find the Supreme Bone in the small child!"

"Their lineage owes too much to the small child, small The child is really pitiful."


After reading the contents of the five pictures, the gnash the teeth of the villagers, can’t wait to get justice for the small child.

"Master, I feel sorry for my father and mother, are they in Immemorial Divine Mountain now?" The small child kept crying.

"Disciple, do you hate it? The double-pupil lineage has made you lose the Supreme Bone, and the double-pupil is because of your Supreme Bone's brilliance, covering the endless ring of gods, which is hard to look up. "Chu Bei looked at the small child calmly.

Shi Hao shook the head: "I hate them, but it’s not because they took the Supreme Bone, a piece of bone, and it doesn’t mean that you can become Supreme. I hate them because they let I have lost my father and mother."

"Disciple, you can understand that the autumn wind cuts yellow leaves, wildfires burn dead grass, cold wind whistling, spring comes to pick branches." Chu Bei pinched the small child.

"The plants withered and prospered, Master, do you mean that the Supreme Bone in my body has a day to regenerate?" Shi Hao wiped the tears on his face.

For Shi Hao's perception, Chu Bei was satisfied with nodded: "Not only will it regenerate, but with the inheritance of the teacher's Void Power, this Supreme Bone will be stronger and more terrifying."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei added: "Of course, even the Supreme Bone that has been transplanted into the body of the double pupil will be taken back by the teacher."

Chu Bei smiled, after all, this was his next task.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the small child clenched his small fist, and his big eyes flashed brightly, with a desire and expectation.

Although he doesn’t think that a piece of Supreme Bone can determine his life, he thinks that it was originally born with him, but was brutally taken away by others, bloody implanted in others, or let him Feeling very disappointed.

Now that he knows that he will regenerate Supreme Bone, and that this bone will be more terrifying, a touch of joy will inevitably rise in his heart.

Apart from this, this Master will help him regain the Supreme Bone that originally belonged to him.

"Become a teacher, you are destined to be far beyond the commonplace, shining on the earth."

Chu Bei squeezed Shi Hao's face: "That day will not be far away Yes."

"Master, can you take me to find daddy and mother? Disciple would love to see them."

The small child clenched his fists and bit his lip, pitifully He begged Chu Bei.

"Go to your parents for money, let the teacher take you to Shiguo for a trip. They owe you, and the teacher will collect it for you." Thinking of what happened to the small child when he was a baby, Chu Bei couldn't help but feel angry.

"Shiguo? The place where the discipline was born." The small child murmured.

After saying goodbye to the villagers, Chu Bei left Stone Village with a small child.


On the other side.

This is a lonely forest, all the trees are very special, the whole body is pitch black, even the leaves are like this. There is no chirping of birds, no beasts, here is deadly quiet.

black deep forest, a legendary forbidden place.

Since ancient times, almost all the creatures who broke into it have died, and few people have come out alive.

hong long!

Suddenly, with a loud noise, an old man staggered and stumbled out of the forest.

"haha, come out, even if it is a forbidden place, I can't trap me!"

"Ziling, Hao'er, are you okay? Unexpectedly, this difficulty is three For more than a year, I was lucky to have the blood!"

Seeing the sun, the old man looked up to the sky a long whistle, and all around the low mountains exploded, and the ground under his feet shook and trembled.

The old man is strong and has a burly figure, but the hair is grey-white, messy, and I don’t know how many days he has not been sorted out.

He is behind a long bow, but only has one arm. Although he is physically disabled, he still looks incredibly powerful.

From the look of the old man, it is the old man in the picture outlined by Chu Bei, that is, Shi Hao's grandfather.

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