Shiguo, the royal capital.

This is a huge city, extremely magnificent, built from piece after piece of black ore, the magnificent city wall is like a rolling mountain.

The tall tower is like a Heavenly Palace, standing there, imposing manner majestic.

There is a large population in the city, and naturally there are many defenders. There are endless runes on the city body. If one star turns one after another, the rays of light shine, bursting out a mysterious energy wave.

Behind the tower, a team of soldiers patrolled, with strict discipline, bright armor, sharp weapons, flashing cold metallic luster, and bursts of murderous aura permeating.

As the capital of the stone country, the ones that can guard here are naturally elites, powered by the powerful Warlord Commander. This place is solid, especially after opening the formation mark of the city body, the whole city will be shrouded by rune and it is difficult to conquer.


The wind blew by, and a giant bird full of purple scales swept from a distance and hovered over the ancient city wall.

"Look! That's a dragon scales sparrow!"

"My God, how come the overlord of the mountains appears above the imperial city?"

"Report to Lord Warlord immediately!"

"Look carefully, there is someone on its back!"


The arrival of dragon scales will soon It caused a sensation among all the soldiers on the city wall, and they were shocked and waited for them.

As for the vehicles and merchants passing through the city, there was also a burst of exclamation, and his face was full of look of shock.

In fact, the size of this dragon scales finches is too big, and it is so powerful that it is heart palpitating.

"little fellow, you are free, you can go back."

The one-armed old man jumped off the giant bird. As soon as he waved away the giant bird, a team of soldiers Surrounded vigilantly.

"Who you are! What's the purpose!"

The soldiers surrounded by the one-armed old man pulled out the long sword from their waists, looking nervous.

Even though they are wearing mighty armors, they are normally very tough. At this moment, when facing this one-armed old man, they don't know why their words trembled, as if facing a Great Desolate beast.

"I'm going home."

The one-armed old man laughed kindly, showing his white teeth.

Feeling the imposing manner exuded by the one-armed old man, the soldiers deng deng backed away, and the look of dreading in their eyes became even worse.

Although the other party is laughing, the imposing manner makes them tremble.

"Who are you this one-armed old man?"

"The breath that flows naturally makes my fleshy body feel like it's breaking apart , Very uncomfortable."

"The origin must be not simple."

A group of soldiers kept a few meters away from the one-armed old man, talking aloud.

"But after only a few short years, you don’t know me anymore."

The one-armed old man glanced over the soldiers, sighed, and whispered. "Hao'er, grandfather is back! I brought you precious blood, don’t even call grandfather will not call."

The one-armed old man looked towards the center of the city, obviously very happy, striding forward. After crossing the city wall, the excitement is like going to see a long-lost relative.

"My God! It turned out to be him!"

"It's over, I don't think he is still alive!"

"What can I do now."

"Didn't it mean that he went to the restricted area to be together with a real perish! The return of Great Demonic God, this emperor will be in chaos!"


city wall After recognizing the one-armed old man, several Warlords puffed and sat on the ground, complexion pale.

After the one-armed old man entered the city, Shrinking the Earth into an Inch took a hundred zhang and disappeared on the main road in an instant.

"Do you think that old fogey from the past is a bit familiar?"

"I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Fifteen Lord, he is the Fifteenth Lord!"

"Old Fifteenth of Martial King Mansion, who was known as the Great Demonic God back then!"

"It turns out that he is still alive! This time, Martial King's mansion is going to have a three-day feast!"


On the main road, some people's faces changed suddenly after recognizing the one-armed old man.

After that, one by one passed, and the pot quickly exploded on the main road.

If you talk about the Legendary of the Shi Kingdom over the years, you must mention the brave fifteenth master in the Martial King Mansion.

He is a master of the world, leaving behind many legends!

Compared to those hundreds of years old Old Ancestor, Fifteen is still young, but fifty-sixty years old, and even seven years ago the other party was revered as Great Demonic God!

"No, I have to report to the mansion before the fifteenth master rushed back!"

On the city wall, the Warlord who first recognized the one-armed old man, Seemingly in shock, I quickly wrote a few lines on a piece of paper and placed them on a small one-foot-high altar. The divine rune flashed and the letterhead disappeared.

He came from the Martial King House, and he couldn't be more clear about what happened three years ago.

Now, the fifteenth master escaped from the dead and returned to the imperial capital.

With the other party’s temperament, it must be because of the incident three years ago that the emperor’s capital was turned upside down and Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

After all, the other party is an invincible fifteen, with a strong personality, how can he tolerate grandson being poached from Supreme Bone, so whereabouts unknown to his son and daughter-in-law?

At the same time, a Warlord of the Rain Clan also had a ugly expression on his face, and he quickly moved towards the clan with the help of the altar to deliver a message.

Shortly after the one-armed old man disappeared on the autonomous road, another gap appeared on the city wall, and an azure robe man led a child about three years old down slowly.

"Master, is this the Shi Kingdom where I was born? It feels so unfamiliar, the discipline has no memory of this place." The small child looked at Chu Bei drippingly, that immature The expression seemed to want to recall something.

Chu Bei squeezed Shi Hao's face: "Isn't it good to have no memory of the past? Let the teacher recast the memory of the imperial capital of the stone country for you."

"En! Thank you Master!" Shi Hao is heavily nodded.

When Chu Bei took Shi Hao and landed on the main road, Chu Bei looked very interested when he listened to the intense discussions of all around pedestrians.

"Master, who is the Fifteenth Master they talked about? It sounds very strong!" Shi Hao looked at Chu Bei curiously.

"He is your grandfather, haven't you seen him in the previous scene?" Chu Bei smiled.

"It turned out to be grandfather!"

Shi Hao thought of the old man in the picture who drank the blood of Ancient Ominous Beast for himself.

hong long long!

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the Western District.

The loud noise is accompanied by the roar of killing intent, which makes the heart palpitating, like an ancient ominous beast waking up from a deep sleep.

"What's the matter with this sound? Did an explosion happen to the west?"

"Listen carefully, the place where the sound came from should be in Martial King's house!"

"The roar just now, could it be the fifteenth master!"

"What happened to this? is it possible that the fifteenth master will find someone to discuss with him as soon as he comes back?"

"It's not hard to hear the killing intent in the roar. It's definitely a major event! Go, go and see!"


On the main road , A crowd of pedestrians listened quietly, looked at the edge of the Western District, and immediately moved towards the Martial King Mansion and ran away, with an expression on their faces as they watched.

"Master, let's go there too."

The small child glanced at Chu Bei, then took Chu Bei's arm.


Western District, the core area.

A mansion occupies a very large area. The vermilion door is covered with an exquisite copper ring. On both sides are the Divine Beast carved by jade stone, and the white jade floor of the Han Dynasty is the palace of the prince.

There is a plaque above the gate, and the three characters "Martial King House" are particularly conspicuous.

The prince was sealed with a martial character, which is enough to show the bravery and mighty, transcendent position of the owner of this mansion.

At this moment, the outside of Martial King's mansion is full of people.


In the Martial King mansion, there was another loud noise, which shocked the audience outside the mansion with tinnitus.

"What the hell is going on in the mansion!"

"Should it not be a happy thing for the fifteenth to come back? Why is the movement inside, like a chaotic battle."

Looking at the closed gate of Martial King Mansion, the people in the city were confused.

At the same time, in the depths of the Martial King Mansion, following the loud roar, several silhouettes flew out of a great hall.

The youngest of these silhouettes is also fifty-sixty years old, and the old one has gray hair.

"hahaha, Old Fifteenth is really you back!"

"It's no wonder that old fellows suddenly sneak attack us and imprison us here!"

"Brother Fifteen, you still have an arm! Who hurt you!"

"In the past three years, you must have suffered a lot."

When the silhouettes flying out of the great hall saw the one-armed old man, they were excited at first, and then seemed to think of something, their complexion dimmed again, and they kept sighing.

"I want to know, where did Ziling and Yining go, and my Hao'er, where is he? Is he still alive!"

Voice of Lord Fifteen Low and frowning, their brows furrowed: "The previous group of guys have been trying to perfuse me!" Hearing the question of the one-armed old man, these old men looked at each other and fell silent one by one.

For a long time.

Finally someone shook his head and opened the mouth and said: "Old Fifteenth, we were not in the mansion three years ago. When we got the news, everything was too late."

" Blame me for not protecting Hao'er." Another old man with golden hair blamed himself.

"Tell me, what happened!"

Hearing the sound, the one-armed old man seemed to have a foreboding, his face was extremely heavy.

"Old Fifteenth, Hao'er is a born Supreme."

"Hao'er is very cute, talented and smart, with big and bright eyes. He just learned to talk soon after he was born. , And very sensible."


The one-armed old man listened to these old friends complimenting Shi Hao. First, he smiled triumphantly, but when he heard his grandson He was tied to a cold iron bed and dug out the Supreme Bone. When the fresh blood dripping all over his body, the blue veins on the face were exposed, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Gradually, the one-armed old man’s eyes were bloodshot, as if he had fallen into a demon. With a loud roar, the terrifying sound wave directly shattered the main hall, and rubble splashed.

"Hao'er, grandfather, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for grandfather left, how dare they treat you like this!"

"Everything is grandfather's fault, it's grandfather It's wrong!"

The one-armed old man suddenly burst into tears. He has always been strong and domineering. When he kills the enemy on the battlefield, he has always shot out the Demon God.

But it was such a Great Demonic God who made the enemy become terror-stricken at the news. At this moment, he couldn't help crying, like a late old man with his fists clenched and his heart aching.

"Brother Fifteen, don't blame yourself. At that time, you would leave, not to find the true blood for Hao'er?"

"Yes, you do Hao'er, he almost lost his life. If Hao'er is still alive, he will certainly not blame you for being so sensible."

The old man who had made friends with the one-armed old man on the side spoke out successively. appease.

"Shi Yuan, the lineage, is so to my grandson, is this not putting me in my eyes!"

"Poor child, my poor Hao'er Grandfather will take revenge for you and let them this lineage be buried for you!"

The one-armed old man face upwards and roared in grief, every time he takes a step, the ground will tremble suddenly. .

"Old Fifteenth, what do you want to do? What happened back then is over!"

"Yes, this thing is irreversible!"

" Yi'er double pupil plus Supreme Bone, now has shown an innate talent far beyond ordinary people, and can be called Number One Person among the same age!"

"Ziling couple and Hao'er don’t know. Whereabouts, we didn’t force them to leave."

"Shi Zhongtian, don’t forget that this is Martial King’s Mansion! is it possible that you want to disobey Martial King’s Senior?"


Looking at Shi Zhongtian approaching step by step, the eyes of a group of old men not far away showed fear, and then one by one rose to the sky, with a vigilant look in their eyes.

For this Great Demonic God, they are well aware of the terrifying of the other party, especially the fact that the other party is already in a state of rampage, which makes them fearful.

"Old Fourth, who was there to protect the child with a double pupil three years ago?" Shi Zhongtian looked towards the golden-haired old man.

When the old golden retriever reported a series of names, Shi Zhongtian silhouette moved, and instantly came into the air, first appeared in front of a scared old man.

hong long!

Shi Zhongtian punched out, directly smashing the fist blocked by the old man, and then fiercely hit the old man's face with fiercely.

With a dull and loud noise, the head of the old man with the scars exploded, and the corpse hit a wall not far away. The gravel rolled down, and the dead could no longer die.

"Fighting, fighting again, and killer!"

"The fifteenth master killed people as soon as he came back!"

"Look He looks like a demon?"

"Although the Fifteenth Lord is known as the Great Demonic God, he only kills those who should be killed. These people from the Martial King Mansion must have done what they should not. Thing!"

"He seems to be taking revenge, I have Hao'er who heard him shouting."

"Hao'er? I seem to be a little impressed! By the way , Is Shi Ziling’s son, but suddenly there was no news three years ago."

"What did these guys do to hurt Shi Hao? The fifteenth master is back to Collect debt!"


As time goes by, the all around main road of Martial King Mansion has been crowded with people, three floors inside and three floors outside, all staring attentively. The sky above Martial King's mansion.

High in the sky, dozens of silhouettes gathered together with horror on their faces; opposite them, an old man with one-armed bruises on his face was exposed, and he screamed and rushed into the crowd.

"Master, I saw grandfather!"

"He must think I'm dead, he looks so sad, let's go over and tell him now."

" p>

Outside the mansion, Shi Hao pointed to Shi Zhongtian in the air, and the little face looking towards Chu Bei was full of anxiety.

"Let your grandfather kill you first."

Chu Bei picked up the small child, and then, like the people eating melons next to him, looked at the sky above the mansion with interest battle.

"Shi Zhongtian, have you forgotten the rules of the clan? Infighting is forbidden, and if there is any violation, it will be killed without mercy!" An old man of Shi Yi lineage suddenly roared angrily.

"Yes, you can't kill your clan like this anymore. Everything has to wait for Martial King to exit!" Another old man shouted.

"You still have the face to mention clan rules? What you did to Hao'er three years ago, but who thought of clan rules?"

I heard two From the words of the old man, Shi Zhongtian became more and more furious, his whole body was full of rune, and his shots became even more terrifying.

While the silhouette flashed, Shi Zhongtian took a palm after palm. The old man who had previously mentioned the family rules screamed first, and his body exploded, bringing blood in the air.

In the killing, Shi Zhongtian is like a Demon God who is looking down at everyone. Even if only one arm is left, it is extremely majestic and shocking.

In the rumbling sound, everyone in the Martial King mansion watched the battle, all of them were afraid of words.

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