"Fifteen, you have killed enough people, just stop here."

In the high-altitude battlefield, when Shi Zhongtian once again killed an old man , A majestic voice floated from the air.

The voice is illusory and difficult to capture, but it is shocking and makes Divine Soul tremble.

"Martial King, you are finally out!"

"If you don't come again, I'm afraid we will all be killed by this monster!"

"Please take action to suppress this demon right away!"


Hearing the voice, a group of old men who were running around with panic faces immediately showed joy. It's like finding a life-saving straw at the moment of death.

At the same time, Shi Zhongtian stopped killing and hovered in the air, staring coldly to the east, where a silhouette came from the sky, and it was just around the corner.

This silhouette is bathed in glow, like a God, releasing incomparable terror waves. I saw that his whole body was shrouded in a circle of gods, dazzling, unable to see the real body for a while, only a kind of terrifying breath circulation.

"Is he the Martial King!"

"This is the first time I have seen Martial King. It is extremely powerful, and the breath just released is a bit of pressure. I'm out of breath."

"Martial King came out in retreat, it should be to stop the fifteenth master."


Martial King Mansion In addition, the crowd of people eating melons looked shocked at the silhouette of Gaokong wrapped in sunlight.

"Master, that person's breath is terrifying, grandfather, he will be fine." Shi Hao looked up at Chu Bei, his tender face was full of worry.

"Don't worry, your grandfather is also very strong. Besides, if you have a teacher, how could something happen to your grandfather." Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth and couldn't help squeezing Shi Hao's face again. .

"Martial King, at fifteenth he was just asking for justice!"

The group of old people who supported Shi Zhongtian, looked at the silhouette that came suddenly, and their expressions became solemn.

Martial King is powerful, the stone country knows well, and is unstoppable. He fought for hegemony in his youth and stirred up the boundless situation. Although he was defeated, he never became a Human Sovereign, but his bravery is well known in the world.

"Martial King, are you trying to stop me?"

Shi Zhongtian coldly looked at that silhouette in the glow, and a chill rose in his eyes.

"Fifteen, you are still alive, I am very happy." Martial King said calmly, but in the faintly he gave a majestic and majestic.

"Martial King, do you know how I spent the past few years? I look forward to reuniting with my children and grandchildren all the time. But after coming back, it was the result. I just want to kill the lineage now! "Shi Zhongtian clenched his fists, making no secret of his monstrous killing intent.

"I didn't know what happened back then. Later I learned that everything is a foregone conclusion. This is indeed unfair to your lineage, but everything has already happened and cannot be undone."

Martial King shook the head, said: "For the prosperity of my family, what should you do if you are me? Do you really want to kill the double pupils who already have Supreme Bone?"

Shi Zhongtian's sonorous and powerful voice: "If it were me His descendants are so vicious, do such things that are incompatible with the laws of nature, cut!"

Heard Shi Zhongtian’s words, Martial King was silent, and after a while, he said: "If I am the head of the clan, I would persuade you Forgive Yi'er for that lineage, is it feasible?"

"No!" Shi Zhongtian is decisive.

"Fifteenth, Shi Yuan this lineage, if you kill them all, the Martial King Mansion will continue to decline." Martial King's voice became low and dissatisfied.

Shi Zhongtian pointed at Shi Yuan lineage and everyone: "No matter what you say, these people are going to die!"

"You are forcing me to do it."

Martial King's voice is cold, breath is getting more terrifying, and the wind is raging all over his body.

"You are so sheltered, you are the Martial King, you don’t deserve to sit in this position at all!"

Shi Zhongtian’s voice is thunderous, even in the face of Martial King, there is no fear meaning.

"Fifteen, do you know who you are talking to! According to the family rules, it is necessary for this king to abolish you as a cultivation base and send it to Broken Muya for thought!"

Finally, the Martial King became angry, and the whole divine splendor soared, revealing his true face, even looking less than forty years old.

"The older you get, the more confused you are. If you don't want to sit in this position, let's get down!" Sen said coldly and indifferently, and Shi Zhongtian's imposing manner began to skyrocket.

"Gosh, Lord Fifteen, this is going to fight the Martial King!"

"What a Fifteen Lord! You deserve to be called the Great Demonic God, but he threatened to scrap it. Martial King!"

"Let's pull it down, when Martial King made his name, this Great Demonic God hadn't been born yet."

"Anyway, the topic of the Imperial Capital recently It's all about to unfold around the Martial King Mansion."


On the street, a crowd of people eating melons looked at the two people facing each other in the sky above the mansion, with a look of excitement.

"Since you have exited the customs, I will use you to warn the people of the clan!"

Martial King coldly shouted, just moved towards Shi Zhongtian and shot it with a palm, Sound of Great Dao It sounded, rune like the sea.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth rioted, and the entire Martial King mansion seemed to collapse under the palm of Martial King.


The syllable of the word Shi Zhongtian resounded across the sky, and he waved his arm forward, also making a rune.

In midair, two runes with brilliant brilliance collided and exploded immediately.

hong long long!

In the deafening blast, the two rune forces merged with each other and disappeared almost at the same time.

"Unexpectedly, you have also reached this step!"

As soon as the match, Martial King saw Shi Zhongtian's realm.

With strange words falling, the Martial King silhouette moved, and with a flick of his robe sleeves between steps, a gray ancient dragon flew out, majestic, as large as a mountain, and breathtakingly terrifying.

This dragon is too huge, squeezed into the sky, the whole body is gray, and the scales are primitive, as if flying from the ancient times, the eyes are open and closed, there is a kind of Essence, Qi, and Spirit, as if there is life general.

"What about Martial King!"

Shi Zhongtian killing intent overflowing heaven, coldly shouted, and a Golden Winged Great Peng rushed from behind.

The golden talisman is dazzling, and the yellow Golden Feather is burning, illuminating the sky. It protrudes a pair of big claws and faces the gray flood.


However, when the two terrifying attacks of Martial King and Shi Zhongtian collided together, it suddenly rained in the sky, pattering. , The raindrops are getting bigger and bigger.

This rain does not seem to be natural rain, because it is not raining all over Stone Kingdom, but only in the area of ​​Martial King Mansion. It seems that someone is deliberately controlling it.

"Look there, someone has appeared again!"

"That's the rain king!"

"The rain kings who haven't been out for many years are actually here Martial King Mansion joins in the fun."

"The Rain Clan lives in Mizusawa and is known for the power of rain. What exactly does he want to do when he comes to Martial King Mansion?"

"As far as I know, Shi Yi mother seems to be a member of the rain clan."


Among the people who eat melons, some people recognize the person and talk about it. Start again.

in the sky The rain is flowing and hazy, and the head of the incoming people is surrounded by crystal rain flowers, releasing a different breath.

The rain king, powerful and amazing, masters the rain Power of Water, bathes in the holy light and rain, and vaguely resonates with Heaven and Earth.

"Master, their mother and daughter are here too! One who dug up my Supreme Bone, and the other who has grafted my Supreme Bone!" Small child pointed at the two figures behind the Rain King, Xiao There was anger on his face.

"If your grandfather can kill them, let your grandfather take revenge for you. If your grandfather can't, then you will be the teacher and then collect debt for you."

Chu Bei's hands Embracing her chest, the two figures behind the Rain King are the vicious woman and double pupil Shi Yi who draws the small child Supreme Bone.

Perhaps because Shi Ziling was seriously injured and left with a dark illness, the vicious women have weak breath and sickly pale faces.

"I haven't found your mothers yet, but your mothers appeared in front of me!"

"Okay, very good!"

Seeing the incoming person, Shi Zhongtian's gaze stayed on the vicious woman and Shi Yi. After a little identification, he laughed like crazy.

Amidst the laughter, Shi Zhongtian gathered all his strength on his right arm, punched Martial King back, and strode towards Shi Yi's mother two with a strong killing intent.

"Ten Fifth Uncle, I didn't expect you to be alive!"

The black clothed beautiful woman behind the Rain King took Shi Yi's hand and looked coldly With Shi Zhongtian.

"If you don't kill your mothers today, it will be hard to dispel the hatred in my heart!" Shi Zhongtian's hair rose, and the killing intent became more and more lingering.

"Fifteen, don't force this king to kill you on the spot!"

Aware of Shi Zhongtian's intention, Martial King glanced at Shi Yi, and the killing intent emerged.

"Today, no one wants to stop me!" Shi Zhongtian glanced at Martial King, and shouted coldly.

"It seems I really can't keep you!"

Martial King clenched his fists, and his voice resounded like a flash flood, dull and vast, echoing throughout the entire imperial capital.

Next moment, I saw a copper furnace with green rusty spots above Martial King's head, with Golden Crow engraved on the furnace body, vividly.

This treasure furnace reveals its true body, the flame inside is soaring, and the ancient and mysterious symbol on the outside seems to have its own life.


As the cold syllable of the word Martial King fell, the copper stove glowed, and a Golden Crow rushed out with its wings spread out. .

The first one just swept out, the second one followed closely from behind, the terrifying breath filled with the golden wings. The third one flew out, Golden eyes locked on Shi Zhongtian, murderous aura monstrous.

In this way, six Golden Crows flew out of the furnace mouth one after another, hovering all around the copper furnace.

In the sound of breaking the sky, the six Golden Crows surrounded the copper stove and suppressed Shi Zhongtian like all the stars cup themselves around the moon.

"You used the divine bow to play the devil's reputation, but now, with only one hand, how do you open the bow?" Martial King's eyes were cold.

"Then let you see and see!"

Faced with the six Golden Crow copper furnaces, Shi Zhongtian half-squinted his eyes, his face still indifferent and indifferent. His eyes fixed on Martial King's body.

After that, Shi Zhongtian's body shook, and an arrow feather automatically ejected from his back, curled up by the sleeve of the broken arm, and draped on the bowstring.

Outside Martial King's mansion, the people eating melon startled with their eyes wide open.

"Dare to stop me again and kill!"

Shi Zhongtian holds a bow in one hand, and replaces the other with a sleeve in his other arm. The bowstring is dazzled, and the brilliance is radiant.

At this moment, his whole body blooms with rays of light, just like a shining War God.


The bowstring tremor oscillates in the void, bringing out bursts of terrifying patterns; the arrow feathers are divine light, wrapped in divine might, and shot towards the copper furnace.


The sound of metal collision is clear and melodious, resounding through the void.

Below the sound, the group of Shi Clan people closest to the bottom held their heads with both hands on the spot, and they screamed sternly, as if their soul was split.

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