"explode for me!"

In the battlefield, the original stalemate between the divine arrow and the copper furnace was broken with Shi Zhongtian's shocking loudly.

Immediately, the divine arrow burst into divine glow for the second time, and an immense force at the tip of the arrow directly blasted towards the Martial King through the copper furnace.


Martial King eyes shrank, caught off guard by this force, his body flew upside down, a mouthful of blood spurted.

"How is it possible! The Martial King actually vomited blood! Is the fifteenth master already so powerful!"

"From now on, the fifteenth master is the Martial The strongest man in the King’s Mansion!"

"It's really a Great Demonic God, tyrannical!"


On the streets, a crowd watched the battle. The people looked at the Martial King spitting blood over the mansion, each of them showed a look of astonishment, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Master, grandfather, he is really strong!" Shi Hao looked admired.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, nodded indifferent expression.

Compared with the post-barren age in Shrouding The Heavens, the basic cultivation system in Perfect World is Blood Realm, Cave Heaven Stage, Spirit Stage, and Inscription Realm. This Four Great Realms roughly corresponds to Shrouding The round sea, Dao Palace, quadrupole, and Dragon Transformation realms in The Heavens system.

As for Shi Zhongtian, Martial King and Rain King in the current battlefield, they have all stepped into the Formation Arrangement Realm above the inscription realm, which is roughly equivalent to the half in the Immortal Platform realm of the equivalent to Shrouding The Heavens system. -step Supreme Being Powerhouse.

"Old Fifteenth actually defeated Martial King, what has he experienced in the past three years!"

In the mansion, a group of old men who had been with Shi Zhongtian looked at each other other in blank dismay, with a look of surprise.

"Martial King, you have cultivated a good offspring. You have stepped into this realm at this age! You failed to clear the door, but you were injured by the other party."

The Yu Wang on the side swept Shi Zhongtian's gaze, and the moment the opponent shot that arrow, his expression became serious.

I really want to speak of which, his strength is roughly equal to that of Martial King. In other words, if it were replaced by Shi Zhongtian, he also couldn't win this Shi Zhongtian who had come back alive from the penalty area.


Shi Zhongtian glanced at the Rain King, once again bend bow and place arrow, the bow rune circling, and the black and white big arrow was placed on the bowstring.

Bow open, arrow out!

Under an arrow, wherever it passes, the rain curtain bursts and the rain is evaporated by the rune carried by the sharp arrow.

This time, the tip of the arrow pointed directly at the Rain King. It was not like an arrow, but more like a mountain. The sound was loud, rumbling, and trembling in all directions.

Looking at the sharp arrow shot, King Yu frowned instantly, he could feel an imposing manner above the sharp arrow locking him, and would never stop if he missed the target.

In horror, King Yu hurriedly danced his hands in an orderly manner, and strange symbols appeared in his palm. A dazzling Golden Boon Edam was formed in front of him.


There was a loud metal bang like a heaven and a human being throbbing the sky, and the shaking person’s ears buzzed and his head was dizzy.

However, the Golden Shield on the battlefield only persisted for a moment, before banging against the rain king's chest.

A similar scene was staged, but the subject was changed to Rain King.

The King of Rain flew out, his chest tumbling and blood spurted from his mouth.

"You two old fellow, let's go together!"

In the high-altitude battlefield, Shi Zhongtian is holding a longbow, and his body is wrapped in dim light, his indifferent eyes sweeping across Martial King and Rain King successively , With disdain in the words.

"My God! The Rain King is not the opponent of the Fifteenth Master!"

"The Fifteenth Master wants to fight the Martial King and the Rain King at the same time!"

On the street, a crowd of spectators were shocked, staring at the one-armed silhouette in the sky with incredible respect.


Listening to the noise of all around, whether it is Martial King or Rain King, the faces of both of them are extremely ugly.

In terms of his age, both of him are several generations older than Shi Zhongtian, but today he has lost one after another.

Furthermore, judging from the current situation, they really have to take a joint shot to win this junior.

"Two Great Grandfathers, attack his right armpit!"

At this moment, the child who was about seven or eight years old standing beside the black clothed beautiful woman spoke with his eyes Extremely deep, the divine glow shoots out, mysterious power flows.

Although Shi Yi is not very old, the kind of temperament, calmness and composure he exhibits at this moment is far from what some adults can even reach.

In the third year of possessing Supreme Bone, he has become more extraordinary. His eyes are open and closed, the divine light is flowing, and there is a kind of terrifying majesty in his gestures.

He is only seven or eight years old, but he has an imposing manner of his own age, which seems to be destined to override the innumerable living beings and look down upon all souls.

"Yi'er, what did you see?" Martial King and Yu King looked towards Shi Yi at the same time.

"He has a beam of light in his body. The beam of light is the source of his strength, but it seems to be broken. I saw him pull the bow and arrow twice. When mobilizing the energy in it, he was very cautiously, as if he was afraid of it. It's the same as breaking open." Shi Yi has a double pupil and can see many origins clearly and find a weak spot.

After hearing Shi Yi's words, Martial King and Rain King looked at each other, then nodded, and made a unanimous decision.

Next moment, Martial King holding a copper furnace and Rain King holding a gold shield attacked Shi Zhongtian from different directions.

From their fierce offensive and perspective, their idea is very simple. Even if it is an injury, it is necessary to give Shi Zhongtian a blow to the armpit.

"Is this the ability of the double pupil?"

Shi Zhongtian glanced at Shi Yi coldly snorted. The broken light ball pointed out by the other party was indeed his weakness. This is the dark disease he left behind in the battle with Zhenzhen.

hong long long!

Martial King and Rain King are very fast. They appeared next to Shi Zhongtian in the blink of an eye, and then continued to attack like a rainstorm, all hitting Shi Zhongtian's armpits.

Under this continuous attack, Shi Zhongtian had to switch from offensive to defensive. In addition to taking into account the dark diseases, he also resolved the attacks of Martial King and Rain King at the same time.

"Two Great Grandfathers, the light in his body moved and attacked his chest!"

Shi Yi said again, his eyes became more intense, like two rounds of Divine Lantern ignites, and the flowing breath makes many people feel palpitations and fear.

After hearing the sound, Martial King immediately changed the attack position, his right hand danced quickly, and shot a crimson bird, swiftly and fiercely, moving towards Shi Zhongtian's chest blasted.

Almost at the same time, King Yu also slammed a punch straight to Shi Zhongtian's chest.

I noticed two terrifying powers, Shizhongtai was frowned, and the moment he raised his hand to dissolve, he immediately opened the distance from Martial King and Rain King, and his face became heavy.

"Junior, where was your prestige before?"

The King of Rain was wrapped in dim brilliance, and once again looked towards Shi Zhongtian with a joking look: "Where did that pride go? "

The sarcasm of the King of Rain fell, and the rain fell over the mansion again, and the air was filled with a thin layer of smoke, which contained rune.

"If it weren't for a dark illness, killing you would be like slaughtering cattle and sheep!"

Shi Zhongtian coldly snorted, then his eyes fell on Shi Yi's body, far away Bow and arrow.

"Fifteen, with the king, you can't hurt Yi'er!"

With a clang, Martial King blocked Shi Zhongtian with a bronze furnace and shot Shi Yi An arrow. However, his silhouette flew out again, his face becoming paler.

At this moment, the Rain King seized the opportunity to get close to Shi Zhongtian, and rune's flickering right fist fiercely moved towards Shi Zhongtian and hit his chest.

Because of just shooting an arrow, Shi Zhongtian's imposing manner was temporarily weakened. Although he successfully blocked the attack of the Rain King, his body also flew upside down, spurting blood in his mouth for the first time.

"Great Grandfather, attack the abdomen!"

Shi Yi's pupils flickered and the mysterious rays of light made another sound.

After hearing the sound, the Yu King took advantage of the victory and pursued it, not far away Martial King also steadily follow closely from behind.

Under this continuous offensive, Shi Zhongtian breath became disordered.

"The situation has reversed!"

"Now the fifteenth master is at a disadvantage!"

"Then Shi Yi was so young that he actually leaned on Double pupils have been able to influence the battlefield of Martial King and other Powerhouses!"

"He Innate Double Pupils, he saw the weak spot of the Fifteenth Lord. I didn’t see Martial King and Rain King, both Are you launching an attack based on the position he said?"


Looking at the battle above the mansion, strange colors appeared on the faces of the onlookers on the street, without blinking their eyes. blink.

"Old Fifteenth is in a bad situation, do we want to help?"

"The opponent is Martial King. When he was at a disadvantage, we didn't make a move. If it’s not, it’s not so good."

"Let’s wait and see, if that time comes, even if I offend Martial King, I will help!"

"Hey It’s a pity that with our strength, going up is the same as not going up."


The gang of elders whom Shi Zhongtian befriended had a sad face with their eyes The color of worry, on the contrary, is the clansman of Shi Yi lineage, his face is full of joy.

"Master, is grandfather going to lose?"

Shi Hao kneaded the corners of his clothes and stared at Chu Bei with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, everything is a teacher." Chu Bei lightly patted Shi Hao's head.

"Martial King, I'll stop him, you will attack!"

In the high-altitude battlefield, due to the long-term failure to take Shi Zhongtian, the Rain King was obviously impatient.

After making eye contact with Martial King, Rain King took the initiative to spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but the blood did not fall to the ground, but floated in front of him, turning into a rain of blood.

"Blood rain is great spell." Shi Zhongtian brows tightly knit, his face becoming more solemn.

This is the rain of blood, every drop of rain contains the spirit of life of the rain king, and it is also his secret technique.

long long long ——

In the breathtaking rumbling sound, the rain of blood turned into blood mist, spread out, and immediately enveloped the sky above Martial King's Mansion.

next moment, nine vermilion small bottle gourd appear out of thin air, floating in the blood mist, looking strange and mysterious.

Along with the buzzing, the bottle gourd's mouth emits glow, and countless runes flicker in the glow.

The rune becomes a film, transforms into a wave, the red tide is rolling, and contains strange power.

"Martial King, it's now!"

As the rain king is shouting loudly, his face pales a bit, and at this moment, all runes are connected at the same time, Martial King The void above the mansion was frozen.

Shi Zhongtian had a bad hunch. He immediately held the bow and arrow across his abdomen, but just as he was about to gather the power of his whole body on the bow and arrow, the flow of power in his body slowed down due to the blood rain great spell. Now, the body is also impossible to move even a little bit.

At this time, Martial King came to Shi Zhongtian's body, and a punch wrapped in terrifying energy fiercely hit Shi Zhongtian's abdomen.

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