"I really didn't expect this little Wu Tan City to hide such treasures. It is really lucky for the old man."

The hair grey-white elder in Chinese clothes is the Great Elder Mo Cheng of Mo Clan and the pillar of Mo Clan.

Most of the credit for Mo Clan's current status is due to him.

"Great Elder, it's... a major event!"

With a rush of footsteps, a silhouette rushed into the hall in a panic.

"Bold! Don't you know where this is? Come in like this!" In the hall, a middle-aged man stood up and shouted.

"Let's talk about it, what happened!" Mo Cheng frowned, looking coldly at the kneeling guard.

"Great Elder, someone broke in! He was going to take away the woman you caught earlier and injured Young Miss." The guard said quickly.


"A small Wu Tan City, there are people who dare to trespass on my site!"

Mo Cheng violently A slap on the table and a loud noise directly slapped the table into shards.

"Let's go, go and see!"

However, when Mo Cheng got up to go to the hut by the lake, two figures neither too fast nor too slow entered the hall.

"Great Elder, just...it's him!"

Seeing Chu Bei, the guard's expression suddenly changed: "What's wrong with Young Miss!"

"You'll be able to see her in a while."

Chu Bei held his hands behind, cold light in his eyes, and his voice was flat.

"Did you kill Mo Ling?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Mo Cheng's expression suddenly became extremely heavy, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"It's not just her, but also you."

Chu Bei glanced across everyone in the lobby including Mo Cheng, Dou Qi gushing out from his body.

"Dou Ling Powerhouse!"

Perceiving the violent Dou Qi fluctuations released by Chu Bei, the core members of Mo Clan in the lobby also showed a touch of astonishment on their faces.

They couldn't think of the Dou Ling Powerhouse in Wu Tan City!

Due to the existence of the system, as long as Chu Bei does not run Dou Qi, even the strongest person cannot judge its cultivation base.

Only when this kind of Chu Bei deliberately releases his Dou Qi, all around people can judge Chu Bei's cultivation base.

"Although you surprised me, you are only 3-Star Dou Ling!"

The shock in Mo Cheng's eyes flashed by, and then coldly shouted. , Followed by a surging Dou Qi fluctuation.

In terms of power alone, it also overwhelmed Chu Bei a little bit.

"Great Elder, you must avenge Young Miss!" The guard who was still kneeling on the ground opened the mouth and said.

Mo Cheng glanced at the guard faintly, his gaze returned to Chu Bei's body, and then a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Next moment, I saw Mo Cheng curling up, his left arm shook sharply.

A fierce dark force shattered the sleeves, and on the arms half exposed in the air, the green veins appeared like small snakes.

The palms and nails also rose several times in an instant, and the color became extremely black.

For a few breaths, Mo Cheng's originally normal arms completely broke away from the human form, more like the limbs of a certain Magic Beast.

"That's a mountain-breaking arm!"

"The Great Elder actually transplanted the forelimbs of the 5th-Rank Magic Beast blazing mountain-breaking rhinoceros from clan's collection to the body!"


"With this broken arm, even if the person's cultivation base is similar to the Great Elder, I am afraid that he can't hold the Great Elder punch."


Looking at Mo Cheng's red and broad arms, the core executives of Mo Clan in the lobby exclaimed in exclamation.


Sen Han's shout fell, Mo Cheng's soles slammed on the pillar behind, and immediately his body shot straight like a cannonball. Chu Bei.

Between rushing, the huge palm that exploded several times against the ground, sharp fingers tore the hard floor into five deep gullies.

"It's the style of Great Elder!"

"Never underestimate the enemy, the strongest killer move is the one shot!"

Looking at Mo Cheng With the terrifying power erupting from the right arm, the faces of the rest of Mo Clan were shocked.

Mo Cheng is extremely fast, in the blink of an eye, he has appeared in front of Chu Bei, and his huge palm fiercely swung down.

As soon as the palm of the hand was waved, all around the air seemed to be smashed into a harsh sonic boom in this terrifying energy.

However, Chu Bei, who is facing this palm, has no change in his face, without the slightest fear.

Chu Bei didn't evade, just right hand moves. Dou Qi surgingly sucked the wide knife in the hand of the guard not far away into his palm.


A deep voice came out of Chu Bei's mouth.

At the same time, the broad knife in Chu Bei's hand danced regularly.

Click, click!

Along with the wide knife dancing, an Azure Dragon appeared on the handle of the original Ping Ping impermanence.

Where the blade passed, one after another slender black lightning appeared, and the endless dark Black Demon from nowhere rushed into the blade.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the blade crazily absorbs demonic energy, and a cold blade glow gradually forms outside the blade, and the blade glow rapidly grows and widens, and it has gradually become substantive.

Finally, Azure Dragon, which was created out of thin air on the handle, seemed to come alive. The eyes of the dragon head kept closing, and a dragon roaring was vaguely heard.

As the black lightning around the wide knife disappeared, a clanging metal trembling sounded throughout the hall.

At this moment, as a knife bearer, Chu Bei unexpectedly felt a sense of sorrow in his heart, inexplicably rising up invincible.

That is a kind of self-confidence, just like a knife in hand, just ask the heroes of the world who is fighting for the hero.

Although he is not as strong as he thought.

But, with the imposing manner of press forward, even life can be abandoned. This is where the Profound Truth of the Seven Devil Swords is!

The seven devil swords against the sky, from a plane product named Tomb of the God, are worth 10280 Force of Desire Value.

It is also Chu Bei's current strength, the strongest permanent Blade Technique that can be redeemed.

Feeling the increasingly terrifying wide knife in Chu Bei's imposing manner, Mo Cheng's face gradually became serious. While the Dou Qi armor was condensed on the outside of his body, the speed of his palm fell a little faster.

Chu Bei swung out with a knife.

A knife was swung out, but seven blade glow shot out. The blade glow that appeared later was slightly faster than the previous one.

Soon, these blade glows are superimposed together.

Every time you stack one, the imposing manner of blade glow will rise one level.

When the seven blade glows were stacked again into one, the black lightning that had originally disappeared reappeared around the blade glow.

In an instant, the imposing manner climbed to an incomparable Peak!


The blade glow collided with Mo Cheng's mutated palm.

The harsh metal clashing sound, the escaping energy fluctuations, the shaking ground cracked numerous gullies, which spread far away.

The Mo Clan people watching the battle in the hall immediately blocked their ears, and all of them were frightened.


Until the sound of metal clashes died out, Mo Cheng's miserable screams filled the entire hall, and his mutated right arm was shattered by blade glow. Sprinkle all over the place.

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