"Great Elder!"

Seeing this scene, other Mo Clan people in the hall criticized out in surprise, shouting with anxiety and concern.

However, in their horrified eyes, the terrifying blade glow still swept forward, not giving Mo Cheng any chance to escape.


The blade glow flashed by.

Go straight through between the eyebrows of Mo Cheng.

Then, fiercely slashed on the far wall.

With a loud bang, the wall of the hall was split in half, and a crack several meters wide was horrible to see.

Looking back and looking towards Mo Cheng, the body that was originally upright from between the eyebrows to the middle of the legs, divided into two, fell to the ground.

Brain plasma, intestines, internal organs... all fall in one place.

The bloody picture, disgusting, unbearable to look at!


Qing Lin just glanced at Mo Cheng's corpse, and almost vomited all the contents in his stomach.

Even the other Mo Clan people in the lobby who have experienced countless scenes of different sizes can't help but cover their eyes with their hands and dare not look at Mo Cheng again.

As for the guard closest to the corpse, he was shivering with fright, and a pool of yellow liquid spread all around.


Death silence in the hall.

"Qing Lin, close your eyes first."

Chu Bei's calm voice broke the silence.

"en. ”

Qing Lin lightly complied.

When I heard Chu Bei's words, the tight expression seemed to be released.

"My lord, this is none of our business."

"The girl next to you was captured by Great Elder alone."

As for the others in the hall, after Chu Bei spoke, their eyes were full of horror.

Chu Bei ignored the people's begging for mercy in the hall,

handed the knife and dropped it.

These Mo Clan people did not have a good crop. There are countless people who died in their hands due to transplantation.

In a few seconds.

Chu Bei hugged Qing Lin and left, behind a sea of ​​blood.


"Qing Lin, are you okay?"

In All Heavens Store, Xiao Yixian saw Chu Bei and Qing Lin, Quickly put down what was in his hands, and ran forward to look around Qing Lin.

"Sister Xian'er, there is a boss here, I'll be fine." Qing Lin responded softly.

"That's good, that's good."

Hearing this, Xiao Yixian patted his chest and exhaled a long breath, as if the heavy stone that was pressing in his heart fell down. .

"Boss, who is the group of guys who took Qing Lin?" After calming down, Xiao Yixian asked instead.

"Clan, a force from the Northeast, specializes in hunting people who are different from ordinary people." Chu Bei responded.

"You mean, they are attracted to Qing Lin's Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils?" Xiao Yixian immediately thought of the reason why Qing Lin was arrested.

"en. ”Chu Bei slightly nod.

Ta Ta Ta!

Just when Xiao Yixian was about to say something, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

After that, an old man with white hair walked in.

"Boss Chu, I came to see you. The address you left is true, but it made me believe in you a little bit."

This white haired old man Naturally, it is the Ice Emperor Hai Bodong who stayed in Mocheng.

"I am a businessman, and the purpose of First Sect is to be honest and trustworthy. Why do you mean to you?"

With a smile, Chu Bei gave Qing Lin a look and gestured to him. Pour a cup of tea for Hai Bodong.

"Presumably you also understand the purpose of my coming."

Hai Bodong took the tea and said: "Then make a long story short, let's come here twenty times."

After all, Hai Bodong directly withdrew 16 million Gold Coins from Storage Ring.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, but also simply and neatly.

With a wave of the sleeves and a buzzing sound, a golden disc emerged, emitting dazzling rays of light.

The top of the disc is engraved with seven characters [Level 6 Great Wheel of Fortune].

[system gets 160000 Force of Desire Value, and backfeeding host gets 80000 Force of Desire Value]

The system sounds.

The pointer turns.


In the crisp voice, twenty exquisite square boxes lay in front of Hai Bodong one after another.

Because of previous experience and knowing the so-called probability of winning, Hai Bodong's eyes, in addition to anticipation, also allow some tension.


Twenty square boxes exploded at the same time.

"Boss Chu, this..."

Hai Bodong was stunned as he looked at the twenty four characters in a row in front of him [Thank you for your patronage].

The last lucky draw, there was at least one blue silver armor among the twenty, which can defend against all attacks below 3-Star Dou Wang.

And this time, 16 million Gold Coin, but not even a splash.

[The host encounters the first buyer whose lucky value is less than 5, as a comfort reward, the next turntable hit rate is increased to 100%]

Chu Bei just wants to comfort Hai Bodong, a system sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Boss Chu, as a businessman, do you give me an explanation? I trust you so much, but did you get such a result?"

Hai Bodong's face is heavy. Extremely, if it hadn't been a loss before, he really wanted to use military force to force the opponent to hand over the treasure he needed.

"That's all that's all, for the sake of your painstaking effort to come from Mocheng, today I will make an exception for you."

Chu Bei pretends to be a pair The unspeakable expression that broke the rules, sighed faintly: "You transfer two more groups, this time I will guarantee you will hit."

The voice fell, Chu Bei reconsidered the system rated the lucky value in front of him. Poor people below 5.

"Really must be hit?"

Hai Bodong was taken aback for a moment, then his face was full of joy and excitement: "Then come two more! If it can really restore the cultivation base, even if the family bankrupts It's worth it."

Hai Bodong once again withdrew 16 million Gold Coins.

[The system gets 160000 Force of Desire Value, and the host gets 80,000 Force of Desire Value in return]

[According to the host’s cultivation base judgment, the host’s Gold Coin sold today has reached the upper limit]

The system sounds.

The pointer turns.


In the crisp voice, twenty exquisite square boxes lay in front of Hai Bodong one after another.


Twenty square boxes exploded.

Except that the first square box is a strange nine-pointed formation mark with stars, the other nineteen are all [Thank you for your patronage].

On the top of the Jiujiao formation mark, the five characters'Reversal Sealing Array' shone brilliantly.

"Boss Chu, this, this is the formation mark in your mouth that can unlock my seal!"

Hai Bodong's eyes fixed on the nine-cornered formation mark. , His eyes were filled with blazing heat.

"Not bad."

Chu Bei responded and told how to use it.

"Boss Chu, I actually don’t need to buy two sets, I can buy one."

After Hai Bodong murmured, he cautiously put his palm on the seal array on.


A rippling ripples, the weird formation mark first appeared under Hai Bodong’s feet, and then the formation eye released thousands of bright rays of light, Pour into Hai Bodong from bottom to top.

Suddenly, visible changes in the naked eye occurred in Hai Bodong's body.

I saw that thousands of bright rays of light instantly spread over the limbs of Hai Bodong. Under these rays of light, the seal of the snake that was originally hidden in Hai Bodong was instantly wiped out. Save.

In less than a few seconds, Hai Bodong's breath began to climb and become stronger.

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