"Are you three when the emperor does not exist?"

Far away in the sky, Shi Huang found himself ignored by the three ominous beasts, with a heavy face and a whole body The imposing manner rises suddenly.

Immediately, a huge storm swept across the stone emperor. Almost at the same time, many veteran experts, such as Youwang, Qianxi Venerable, etc., breathe soaring for it.

However, when they were ready to take action against the three ominous beasts, an incredible scene appeared before their eyes.

I saw the three ominous beasts that were originally menacing breath and violent, the attacks that were launched one after another disappeared strangely, and then each of the children seemed to be stifled by an invisible force, and each stature suddenly stopped. In the air, his expression became distorted.

They opened their mouths wide and seemed to want to say something, but they couldn't make any sound. Through their extremely hideous expressions, they know that they are suffering from inhuman torture at this moment.

In the painful struggle, the eyes of the three ominous beasts are locked on Chu Bei, full of fear, and also with allow some pleading.

"It turned out to be him!"

After witnessing that the instigator was Chu Bei, the old Powerhouses such as Youwang and Qianxi Venerable suddenly showed a surprised expression, and their faces were full of surprise. color.

"Who is he!"

An old monster who has lived for more than two thousand years couldn't help asking out of confusion.

These three ominous beasts, whether it is Qiongqi, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow or Zhu Wei, have strengths comparable to them, and they can be regarded as Peak existence in this wasteland.

But it was such a hegemon, but at the same time he was restrained and surrendered by this unknown person.

In this way, what kind of strength does this mysterious person in front of me have? What a realm!

Shi Huang was silent, but he looked at Chu Bei seriously again. Now he understands why Shi Zhongtian would say no. The Master of Shi Hao has become so strong that he raised his hand to suppress the third Great legacy!

Compared with the shock and consternation of Shi Huang, You Wang and the others, Shi Zhongtian, Martial King and the crowd of people who eat melons seem to be much calmer. After all, they have witnessed Chu Bei and the girls with their own eyes. battle.

Even the ancient double pupil women can suppress them, aren't these ominous beasts like ants?

In their opinion, these three relics are extremely powerful, and the overlord standing above the beasts exists, but in the eyes of the other party, it is not worth mentioning.

Look at the little red bird Vermilion Bird again. Under the warmth of Chu Bei, his body flickers, the red clouds fly, and the endless divine light flows.

Gradually, the weak breath of Vermilion Bird began to grow, and the blood on his body disappeared.

Not long after, the green awns played by Chu Bei disappeared, Vermilion Bird waved its wings and looked vigorous. It swept away the wilting color, and its feathers were crystal clear and bright. It became full of Essence, Qi, and Spirit. Rejuvenated.

"I owe you once. When I grow up, I will be there on call if I need it."

Vermilion Bird made a human voice, flashing a heaven flooding Divine Might. , Yelled happily around Chu Bei, and bounced around.

"Xiaohong, I am so happy to see you getting better."

Shi Hao tried to catch Xiaohong, but the latter moved instantaneously and pulled away from the former.

"Master, what is in this box that Xiaohong snatched?"

When he saw Vermilion Bird ignore himself, Shi Hao made a grieving expression and puffed his mouth. Staring wide-eyed at the square box that had fallen in Chu Bei's hands.

"You'll know when you read it."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, flicks with the finger, and opened the box with the crystal clear bone cover.


In the rumbling sound, three gorgeous rays of light soar into the sky, and there is an unusual form in each rays of light, which is eye-catching.

Look intently, there are three rays of light in the square box, and two rays of light contain a piece of precious jade. On the jade, you can see densely packed tiny runes, like the strongest treasures; In the third group of rays of light, it was a group of bright red blood, and the appearance of the major Divine Beasts could be vaguely seen.

Judging from the breath revealed in this blood, it must be caused by the extremely powerful terrifying existence among the orcs.

Gu du!

Vermilion Bird stared at the red blood with excitement, and could vaguely hear the voice of its swallowed saliva; on the side, he was restrained by Chu Bei restraint in the air. , Zhu Wei, and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, their eyes also showed extremely hot colors.

"You should grab it, take it."

Chu Bei glanced at Vermilion Bird with a hungry expression, his sleeves raised and placed in the box. Yin Hong blood flew out.

"Thank you!"

Vermilion Bird spoke human's words again, couldn't wait to catch the blood, and then swallowed it.

Next moment, Vermilion Bird blooms with purple red rays of light, and its hair becomes crystal clear and near-transparent, which seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation at first glance.

Seeing this, Qiongqi, Zhu Mi, and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow cast envy and jealous eyes. If it weren't impossible to move even a little bit, they would definitely come to scramble for it.

"The three of you previously intended to offend this seat. If you leave you here, this seat will feel uneasy. It is precisely that this seater needs some ominous beast blood cultivation, so please take it from you."

An indifferent voice sounded, and immediately Chu Bei stuck out his right hand and gave a full grip.

The three ominous beasts of Qiongqi, Zhu Mi, and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow not far away were suddenly inexplicably attracted by an irresistible horrible suction, and a group of bright red blood flew out of their bodies.

In an instant, the faces of the three legacy species turned pale, and the breath became obviously weak.

áo hǒu ——

Qingqi let out a beast roar. When he found that he had regained his freedom, he glanced at Chu Bei with fear and turned into divine rainbow moved without any hesitation. Toward away from a distance.

The same is true for Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow and Zhu Wei. They immediately escaped, for fear that Chu Bei would not have enough blood.

"Master, do you want it?" Shi Hao curiously looked at the three blobs of blood floating all around his body.

"Help your cultivation for the teacher, forge body refinement, endure a little pain."

After Chu Bei moved towards Shi Hao, flicks with the finger, Three groups of blood came alive, pouring into Shi Hao like a stream flowing into a river, with no opportunity.

After a moment, Shi Hao shouted loudly, glowing all over, and then sweating heavily.

In just a few breaths, he was like fished out of the water, his body was steaming, the sun was overflowing, his skin was crystal clear and near-transparent, and the skeleton was crackling.

The blood essence of the three ancient relics is really too powerful. Even if Chu Bei deliberately controlled the speed, Shi Hao still flushed.

With the passage of time, a ray of sunshine gushes from the small child's body until it dissipates in the sky.

"Move the blood to Ji Realm!"

"It is indeed the blood essence that combines the three legacy species!"

I noticed Shi Hao’s breath, Shi The emperor let out a sound of consternation.

"disciple, be proficient in the skyrocketing power in the body, and when fully controlled, you can hit the Heaven Stage." Chu Bei patted Shi Hao's head said.

"Yes, Master!"

Shi Hao was heavily complied, and then Bai Nen's little finger pointed at the two pieces of jade floating in the square box, said curiously: "Master, these two pieces of jade are "

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique and grass word swordsmanship, when you learn it, it depends on your perception." The voice fell with a smile, and Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe. The invisible force directly smashed two pieces of jade into Shi Hao's body.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique? What a familiar name."

When she heard Chu Bei's words, Qianxi Venerable frowned, as if trying to recall something.

Not long after, his pupils shrank suddenly and his face was full of horror: "Could it be that the ancient heavenly skill of Paragon Temple's inheritance recorded in the ancient book, lost thousands of years of terrifying ancient method!"

"It is said that this Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique means Heavenly Dao as soon as it is started, which is extremely difficult to grasp. It can integrate and control a variety of treasures. When completed, the six Gu Realm will sink and float like six black holes. Everything, wrapping Heaven and Earth, mysterious and overbearing!" The King You also sighed with emotion. Obviously, he also knew some information about Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique.

"Is this really the legendary far Ancient Immortal method! If you can practice this method in the current world, wouldn't it be sure to win the Supreme position!"

"The grass-word sword technique can Put it in a square box together with Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique. It must not be an ordinary Qi Method. Does anyone of you know its origin?"

"Does it have something to do with that ancient nine-leaf sword grass?"

" After all, there are grass characters."

"Are you talking about the grass that killed Sun, Moon and Stars in the ancient book?"

"Paragon Temple inheritance, The ancient ten fierce inheritance, if this little stone can really cultivation success, then his future achievements are really immeasurable!"

"The most incredible thing for me is that the Master of Shi Hao has nothing to do. Care about this far Ancient Immortal method! Is the Qi Method level of his cultivation still above this far Ancient Immortal method?"


I learned from Chu Bei's mouth Behind the contents of the square box, thousands of cultivators over the imperial capital cast their gazes on Shi Hao's body, full of envy.

Even if it is as strong as Shi Huang, You Wang, Qianxi Venerable and the others, it is difficult to conceal the heat in the eyes.


The battle ended, and as time went by, a crowd of spectators Powerhouse retreated one after another.

As for Chu Bei, Shi Hao and Shi Zhongtian, under the guidance of Shi Huang, they stayed in one of the most luxurious great halls in the Imperial Palace and took a rest.

During the period, Shi Huang, Youwang, Qianxi Venerable and other veteran Powerhouses also came to ask some questions on the cultivation path, and Chu Bei naturally gave answers.

Not long after this, the entire imperial capital's deeds about Chu Bei began to spread wildly. Even under the effect of tap water, the cities surrounding the imperial capital began to talk about Chu Bei's deeds. One of the most issues is that Chu Bei defeated the ancient double pupil girl in the sky battlefield.

[Mission 2 is released: the host helps Shi Hao to reunite with his parents]

[After the task is completed, the host gains the power of the little black]

in the great hall , Chu Bei was comfortably watching the singing and dancing prepared by Shi Huang, and the system sounded in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Soon, two red dots next to each other were marked on the system map. Obviously, this red dot is exactly where Shi Hao's parents are.

"Stone King, Heavenly God Mountain is moving! They are frantically repairing the ancient great spell!"

Suddenly, an old man suddenly appeared in the great hall, first moved towards Chu Bei worshipped, and then looked towards Shi Huang respectfully.

"What the hell do they want to do with Human Race!"

"What secrets are they hiding!"

Qianxi Venerable, Youwang and the others frowned tightly.

"They should be leaving this cage." Shi Huang got up from the chair and sighed faintly.

"The cage? What do you mean!"

"Shihuang, do you know something!"

When I heard Shihuang's words, Qianxi Venerable, Youwang, Shi Zhongtian and the others suddenly showed shock and astonishment, obviously it was the first time they heard this word.

"The wasteland we are in is actually just a cage."

Shi Huang took a deep breath, and spit out shocking words again.

"Stone King, what on earth do you want to express! Desolate land? Prison? What is going on!"

"Are these related to the secrets of the Heavenly Human Race waiting! "

Qianxi Venerable and Youwang glanced at each other, and they both looked towards Shi Huang and asked.

"In a few days, the wasteland will be chaotic, sweeping Heaven and Earth. This is a catastrophe!" Shi Huang continued.

"The wasteland will be in chaos? Why will it be chaos!"

Youwang was impatient and asked immediately, a little impatient between his eyebrows.

If the person in front of you was Shi Guo Shi Huang, he might have already slapped him with his impatientness.

"Moving blood, Celestial Grotto, spirit transformation, inscription patterns, and arrays are followed by Venerable. Even in this world, there are many Venerables, like me, you and him."

Stone Emperor sat on a chair, unfathomable mystery, explaining the realm of cultivation, pointing to himself and then pointing to Youwang, Qianxi Venerable, and asked: "The innate talent is excellent, and the cultivation will be able to break through the bottleneck in a hundred years. , The achievement of a side Venerable; even if the innate talent is average, the cultivation can be a Venerable for a thousand years. But why is the wasteland Venerable so rare?"

"You think about it, the Venerable we have seen, including We are all people of the same generation. So where did the Venerable in our previous era go? You never doubt it? Even if there are records about them in the book, there are still faults, like overnight It disappeared."

In the great hall, Shi Huang raised a few questions, and hearing it in the ears of Youwang and the others is like a bolt from the blue.

After that, You Wang and Qianxi Venerable and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts shuddering.

Timing Regarding these issues, they have also been confused. Where did Venerable go a thousand years ago?

But after going through the ancient book and still to no avail, they no longer cling to this confusion and take it for granted that these Venerable died during meditation.

But now, after hearing Shi Huang's words, it is obvious that there is a truth they don't know.

Moreover, this truth is too terrifying, it seems to be related to their Venerable life and death!

"Stone Emperor, what exactly is this catastrophe?" An old man suppressed his heart throbbing.

Shihuang shook the head: "I don’t know the specifics. I only know that this is a catastrophe against Venerable. Under Venerable, there is nothing wrong. Looking at the movement of Heavenly God Mountain, the catastrophe will be in the near future. After that, terrifying very much."

"Did those Venerables of Heavenly God Mountain try their best to revive the Immemorial great spell to escape to the Foreign Domain and avoid this catastrophe?" Qianxi Venerable doubts Tao.

"Not only Heavenly God Mountain, those Venerables far away from Gu Dao are trying to escape."

Speaking of which, Shi Huang shook the head, sighing: "Yes What if they escape to the Foreign Domain? As long as they are still Venerable and it’s useless to escape anywhere, they will still disappear and perish."

"What? The catastrophe in your mouth can’t even escape to the Foreign Domain Drop it!"

The Venerables are shocked, their hearts are frizzy, what kind of power this is, it will explode such terrifying power, and make all Venerables face catastrophe.

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