"Of course, this catastrophe is not only aimed at the wasteland, it has swept across Heaven and Earth everywhere, in no particular order of time. Maybe the people in Foreign Domain still want to escape to us. "Shi Huang glanced over the few people of You Wang, and said with self-deprecation.

"Shi Huang, how did you learn about this secret? Is it alarmist?" An old man doubted.

"Imperial Family Taoism records that this is a reincarnation. Ancient times, Immemorial, and ancient times all have great catastrophes. In the end, Venerable is like a grass, dead to death, disappearing and disappearing."

Shi Huang shook his head and sighed: "We can't escape this catastrophe."

"What's more ridiculous is that when the catastrophe is over, all the truth will be erased, and the great clans don't know it, muddleheaded and misty. Chaos and chaos."

Shi Huang lightly said, like a dream, like being caught in a nightmare that can hardly be extricated.

There is nothing more terrifying than this. A catastrophe will be that's all. In the end, even the cause and the truth will be obliterated, and it is difficult to pass down. That's a great horror!

After listening to what Shi Huang said, the Venerable hair and bones were chilly, and their hearts were uneasy.

"The last Shi Huang talked about medicine field theory. Venerable fell, and low level cultivator was not punished. Just like spiritual medicine in medicine field, mature ones are picked and young ones are kept." Shi Huang continued while remembering.

You Wang, Qianxi Venerable and the others Hearing this, one after another suck in a cold breath, what is this metaphor, what theory is this, after listening to it, the whole body is chilled, and a wave is born from head to toe Cool air.

Gradually, the hearts of the Venerable became heavy and it was difficult to relax.

Knowing that the catastrophe is coming, they don't even know what the catastrophe is!

"Benefactor, how much do you know about the catastrophe in Shi Huang's mouth?"

At this time, Shi Zhongtian walked to Chu Bei who was drinking tea and bowed. Faced with respectfully asked.

When Shi Huang mentioned the Great Tribulation, the other party's face was calm and composed, and there was no mood swing. It seemed to have known the Great Tribulation a long time ago, and there was no fear of it.

Almost at the same time, a group of Powerhouses, including Shi Huang, Youwang, Qianxi Venerable, cast their eyes on Chu Bei.

They almost forgot the mysterious person beside them who had lived for an unknown number of years!

The opponent's strength, Heavenspan, has long surpassed the Venerable realm, but is still alive now, why is it not affected by the catastrophe?

Looking at the other person's calm and composed appearance, it seems that he doesn't care about the coming catastrophe at all.

At the bewildered look of Shangshihuang, Youwang and the others, Chu Bei put down the teacup in his hand, and his voice was calm: "Do you know how many other domains are outside the wasteland?"

"This Great World has eight domains: Heaven and Earth, Xuanhuang Universe Great Desolate, and each domain is extremely vast. If you want to go to another domain, you must either use the Supreme Great Divine Ability to break the barrier or use the Immemorial great spell to teleport. "Shi Huang took the lead in opening the mouth and said.

"Not bad."

Chu Bei faintly nodded, and said: "These eight realms can be regarded as the lower realm, and the upper realm is the upper realm. For the upper realm In other words, the lower realm is a cage. In the eyes of the upper realm, people in the lower realm are no different from prisoners."

"The eight regions of the lower realm have incomplete laws, incomplete avenues, and unstable orders."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei pointed to the high sky outside the temple: "At night, when you look at the starry sky, only a few sparse stars are true, and more are made by the ancient Supreme with mana. , And most of it is the Star River projection of the upper bound."

"There is even a saying about the upper bound! What kind of place is that!" You Wang, Shi Huang and the others look of Shock, the eyes are full of incredible.

"The upper bound is vast and boundless, thousands of times larger than the eight domains. Even some Ancient Sect inheritance can be traced back to the Kaitian era. As for the Powerhouse, there are countless. You so-called Venerable gone. In the upper realm, there is not even a splash of water, and it is no different from an ant." Chu Bei straightened his clothes, with a smile on his mouth.

"Senior, what is this catastrophe?" Venerable changed their words and looked at Chu Bei respectfully.

"It’s just a massacre by some giants in the upper realm that came to the lower realm. If they were taken to the upper realm, they might be able to survive; as for the ones that couldn’t be seen, they would be on the spot. Punish it." Chu Bei said leisurely.

"Damn it! It turns out that this great catastrophe is man-made!"

"Without grievances and no grudges, why do these upper bound giants kill us!"

" Hateful! Why do they decide our life and death!"


From Chu Bei's mouth, I learned about the so-called Aftermath, Qianxi Venerable, Shi Huang, You Wang and other Powerhouses Suddenly, his face became heavy, and resentment rose in his eyes.

"In their eyes, the eight regions of the lower realm are all sinners. As for this sin, when you arrive, you will know it. It is useless to say more about this."

Chu Bei After finishing his clothes, he got up and looked towards Shi Hao: "Let's go, I will take you to see my parents."

Shi Hao was stunned, and after came back to his senses, he was nodded with excitement.

Shi Hao feels a little sour when he thinks of his birth in August and his memory loss.

He was raised in Stone Village and never had the opportunity to experience warmth in front of his parents. Sometimes he was alone, sometimes naughty, sometimes smiling brightly, and growing up in the village heartlessly.

If it weren't for his own Master to use Supreme Divine Ability to reproduce the scene of the year, he would not even know what his parents looked like.

I took refuge in Stone Village and grew up in Stone Village. I haven't seen my parents for nearly three years. The other party has never heard from him, and there is no reunion date.

"Daddy, mother, how are you all."

Shi Hao lightly said, after the excitement, his expression was a little trance, it seems that the softest part of the heart has been touched, slightly sour .

"Master, father, mother, where are they?" Shi Hao stared at Chu Bei with wide eyes.

His existing memories all start from Stone Village. Although the simple and honest Stone Village people treat him well, especially the village head grandfather, there is a loss of blood ties after all.

"Ageless Mountain." Chu Bei moved his lips slightly, exhaling three syllables.

"What? He went to the Profound Domain!" Shi Zhongtian and Shi Huang showed a look of astonishment.

Ageless Mountain, located in the Five Elements mountain range of the Mysterious Chaos and Secret Land, is the Gu Dao system, and it is also famous for the eight domains.

Shi Hao’s mother is Ageless Mountain’s previous Saintess.

"Benefactor, can you take me with you?" Shi Zhongtian stepped forward to cup one fist in the other hand.

"Naturally." Chu Bei faintly smiled.

"Are you going to borrow Immemorial great spell or?" Shi Huang asked curiously.

"It's not that troublesome."

The calm voice fell with a smile, and as Chu Bei took his steps, all around the void rippled.

The ripples disappeared, and the silhouettes of Chu Bei, Shi Hao and Shi Zhongtian disappeared and disappeared in the great hall.

After half a quarter of an hour.


"Senior, where is it?"

On a mountain cliff, the color light is dim, the Immortal Qi is surging, and various runes are as dense as stars.

Shi Zhongtian's eyes swept all around, his mouth wide open, his face was full of suspicion, full of look of shock.

In the line of sight, surging forward with great momentum, the mountain range fluctuates, if a piece of True Dragon is lying prone, it is very magnificent, and a large purple mist rises, it is a sign of auspiciousness.

"Five Elements mountain range."

Chu Bei carries his hands behind his back and looks ahead.

"Already... has arrived!"

From Chu Bei's mouth, it was confirmed in his heart that Shi Zhongtian trembled the corners of his lips, swallowed swallowed saliva and said, again looked towards Chu Bei's gaze In the middle, the respect is even greater, and the worship is more and more.

Don’t talk about how strong the domain wall is, even if it can be broken, it will take dozens of days to travel from the barren land stone country to the profound land even if it can be broken. .

However, the other party took no more than a few minutes!

What a Heavenspan method is to travel across the world between steps!

Shi Zhongtian took a deep breath, the mysterious existence in front of him might be dozens or hundreds of times stronger than he thought!

Looking at it, in the Five Elements mountain range below, countless huge mountains stand up, shrouded with fairy mist, like Heavenly Dragons sleeping.

At the very center, the big mountain has a special shape, like a palm pressed down there. It is weird and exudes an inexplicable charm, giving people the impression of Immortal.

This big mountain is the main body of Ageless Mountain, and the other peaks are just auxiliary peaks that guard it.

There is even a record in the ancient book that Ageless Mountain was originally called Five Elements Mountain, and underneath it was a world-famous figure. After a long time, it would be difficult for him to truly die.

Of course, although this statement has been recorded, Ageless Mountain has always denied it, and has never admitted it.

long long long ——

Just as Chu Bei was about to bring Shi Hao to Ageless Mountain, the sky above Ageless Mountain suddenly twisted, and then the Sound of Great Dao sounded. .

After a while, a circular gap slowly emerged, in which a variety of auspicious lights were flying, and auspicious colors were spilled, and many extremely powerful Magical Artifacts were faintly visible.

"Senior, what's wrong with this unusual form?" Shi Zhongtian looked towards Chu Bei as he looked at the circular gap.

"Look! The people from Ageless Mountain in Upper Realm are here!"

Before Chu Bei responded, there was an excited voice from Ageless Mountain.

Afterwards, in the rumbling sound, several war chariots flew out of Ageless Mountain, and a number of silhouettes stood on each war chariot, and the breath that naturally revealed each and every one was extremely powerful.

Among them, there are many old men who trample on the beast and stand in the void, looking expectantly at the gap above.

I saw a golden light avenue spread out in the circular gap and stretched into Ageless Mountain. The petals were flying all over the sky, and the pieces were crystal clear, like the flowers of the avenue blooming in the void.

"Master, someone has come out!"

Shi Hao stayed in Chu Bei's arms, pointing at the circular gap, it was very gorgeous, the powerful Magical Artifact cleared the way, endless rain and shower , Fragrance rippling.

"Is this the man from the upper bound? It's such a big show!"

Shi Zhongtian whispered softly, there are seven people in the golden light avenue, and two middle-aged men are still there. There are five young men and women.

"Benefactor, will they come to Ageless Mountain at this time, will it be related to the upcoming catastrophe?" Shi Zhongtian seemed to have thought of something, pointing to the seven silhouettes and asked.

Chu Bei indifferently nodded: "They should have come to get the Venerable in the mountain."

The voice fell, Chu Bei had already appeared in the sky above Ageless Mountain with the two of them.

"Who are you! You dare to appear in my Ageless Mountain site at will!"

"Don't you even know the rules of Ageless Mountain? You enter Undying Mountain without permission. Severe punishment!"

In just a few seconds, a group of Ageless Mountain cultivators surrounded Chu Bei, glaring at them one by one. These people are male and female, old and young, and breath is different.

Hearing the movement, the seven silhouettes from the upper boundary on the golden light avenue also cast their gazes moving towards Chu Bei.

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