In the battlefield, the golden battle clothes outside Heavenly Venerate, who is not old, are getting thinner and thinner. Every inch of his body is spitting out golden glow, which is very brilliant. In the end, it forms a golden ocean. If the stormy waves hit the shore.

When the golden battle clothes were completely attached to the body of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, its breath rapidly multiplied and climbed, reaching an unpredictable height of horror, as if it had evolved completely.

At this moment, perhaps because of the fusion with Golden battle clothes, the skin of the ageless Heavenly Venerate has become Golden together.

He just twisted his muscles and bones a little, and the sound of rubbing sounded all over his body, and at the same time a fierce and violent breath of terror spread.

"Fight again!"

Not old Heavenly Venerate's eyes shot two golden light points on Chu Bei's body, a cry like a scream from the ancient Great Desolate, resounding here. Domain space. The terrifying sound waves penetrated into the eight domains, and countless continuous mountain ranges collapsed.

At this moment, the immortal Heavenly Venerate integrated with Golden battle clothes is like a Great Desolate wild beast awakened from a deep sleep. The roar was embarrassingly cruel and tyrannical, and seemed to be full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

"With this breath, he also stepped into the Supreme Realm!"

"Different from Boss Chu, the ageless Heavenly Venerate uses Supreme battle clothes!"

"Next is the Battle of Supreme!"

"Different from the previous use of Supreme battle clothes, Heavenly Venerate almost sacrificed himself to Supreme battle clothes this time. Even in this battle he If he wins, he will never enter the Supreme Realm in this life."

"But if he doesn't do this, what else can he do to defeat the Boss Chu?"


Perceived the breath of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, a crowd of spectators palpitates.

"The upper bound giant has become stronger with the help of Golden battle clothes, senior, he will not lose." In the Imperial Palace of Shiguo, a group of Venerables looked at each other and looked worried.

"I believe Master, he will win!" Shi Hao raised his fist.

"What do you think of this situation now?" The medicine was all over the sky, and the chaotic daoist looked towards the rest of the Four Great Tycoons.

"Who can tell the battle between Supreme." Four Great Tycoons frowned, his eyes always cast on the Foreign Domain battlefield.

"This is only for Interesting."

Chu Bei put away his joking expression, his expression became serious, and he began to take the next battle seriously.

Not old Heavenly Venerate looked at Chu Bei coldly, waved his hand, the behind nine god feathers turned from multi-colored to pitch black, and finally turned into nine black Divine Sword, driving death breath.

Life and death can be interchanged. The divine feather that was originally full of Nirvana's power is instantly filled with the killing spirit

A Phoenix Cry, nine black Divine Swords like rainbow piercing the sun, moved towards Chu Bei, piercing the sun, like a black rainbow piercing through the sky!

It is also the treasure of Heavenly Phoenix, but it is carried out by the old Heavenly Venerate and the old Heavenly Venerate which is now integrated with Supreme battle clothes. There is simply a heavenly difference.


Chu Bei stands in the sky above the ring, all around chaos surging again, evolving nine magics, including Golden Dao Bell, azure Zhenxian Tower, purple bottle gourd, and Crimson Eight Trigrams Furnace, etc., arranged together to meet the nine black Divine Swords from Heavenly Venerate.


The battlefield is torn apart, and the huge gap is as if Heaven and Earth had just opened, Chaos Energy broke out. Among them, the roar and roar of the gods and demons were vaguely heard, the Buddha meditation, and the Demon Lord chanting, the scene was strange and terrifying.

With Chu Bei as the starting point and the immortal Heavenly Venerate as the ending point, the divine force between the two is surging, and the rules of Heaven and Earth are intertwined like a spider web.

In the battlefield, Phoenix Cry is high-pitched, and the immortal Heavenly Venerate once again turns into a silver phoenix. In the churning of the Star Region, with the sky full of flames, they continue to culminate Chu Bei.

Every inch of Chu Bei's body is spewing rays of light, which is very brilliant. In the end, it forms a translucent rippling ocean, which contains the Power of Primal Chaos destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.


Not old Heavenly Venerate roar, Supreme treasures are played one after another, and Chu Bei is bound to be killed.

Chu Bei is fearless, he also has fighting intents in his eyes, apparently he also played True Fire.

I saw the power of Xiao Hei mobilized spinning frantically, continuously releasing the power of terrifying, tearing one party into the void.

Foreign Domain battlefield, the terrifying battle is getting more and more fierce.

The two entangled with each other, and one Foreign Domain ring was shattered.

Currently, the power of the black power that Chu Bei can mobilize is fused with Supreme battle clothes to release the Heavenly Phoenix treasure, the power of Primal Chaos and the power of Heavenly Phoenix, and the peak divine ability.

The two people are inextricably killed!

I have to say that the strength of Heavenly Venerate after integrating Supreme battle clothes is really terrifying. From Chu Bei's point of view, the opponent may have reached the third-turn quasi-emperor in Shrouding The Heavens plane.

Especially after incarnation of Heavenly Phoenix, every time the sharp claw is swung down, no stronghold one cannot overcome, the sky bursts apart one after another. Even if he had Absolute Defense of the system, he was shocked for a while.

This is the most enjoyable battle he has fought since he came to the perfect plane. Even if he spare no effort, he couldn't win the opponent for a while.

"Is this the battle between Supreme! Although there is only one realm gap, the battle strength is one Heaven, one Earth!" Looking at the battle of Foreign Domain, he looked in a trance.

If it can match the sharp claw of Heavenly Phoenix made by Heavenly Venerate, I am afraid that body dies and Dao disappears in an instant, and there is too much disparity in strength.

"Within a thousand years, I will aspire to the Supreme position!" In astonishment, the Chaos Daoist clenched his fists, his eyes filled with excitement and yearning.

Not only are the five Evading Oneness Realm giants at the top of the drug city, the other giants of the Eight Domains are also surprised by the terrifying battle on the Foreign Domain battlefield.

For them, this is the first time that they have seen the battle of Supreme and the horror of Supreme!

"Is this the Supreme recorded in the ancient book? It is indeed the Sovereign between Heaven and Earth!"

The eight-domain cultivator was stunned. The battle of this level only exists in them Of fantasy.

Perhaps because with the passage of time, the divine force conferred by Supreme battle clothes has gradually weakened, and Heavenly Venerate, the immortal who was able to fight Chu Bei at first in the battlefield, has begun to retreat.

"Unfortunately, this power is not yours after all." Chu Bei's calm voice sounded in the battlefield.


Not old Heavenly Venerate shouted, with a deep unwillingness in his voice, he could feel the divine force in his body decay.

The battle continues.

The situation is beginning to show a one-sided trend.

Finally, the immortal Heavenly Venerate was injured.

His face was pale, his lips pressed tightly, and traces of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. He was holding back, not letting the blood squirt out, but in fact he was already seriously injured.

As for Chu Bei, the power of behind Xiaohei spins faster and faster, and his fists are also stronger than punches, and punches are better than overbearing fist, like that between Heaven and Earth. The Sovereign, please slay all the dissatisfied!


It's fiercely again.

Not old Heavenly Venerate couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood from the blow of the fist light, and the body shook for a while.

"It's not over yet!"

Chu Bei babbled lightly, his voice sounded like thunder.

The void buzzed and roared, and his fists became brighter, and two great hammers composed of Power of Primal Chaos were about to smash Nine Heavens and Ten Earths there!

The divine force is constantly attenuating the ageless Heavenly Venerate, no matter how hard it is to take the fist of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, it will cough up five big mouthfuls of blood one after another.

The sky is very sad and beautiful, dyeing the sky red.


When the breath of the immortal Heavenly Venerate fell back to the Evading Oneness Realm, the Supreme battle clothes tightly clinging to the outside of its body vibrated and then detached , Hovering alone in the void.

"It's defeated, the immortal Heavenly Venerate eventually lost!"

"This Supreme battle clothes is always an external force, and it is not enough to support him to continue to use this Supreme force."

"If he can kill the Boss Chu in the early stage, there will be no ending now, but unfortunately he can't do it."

"Supreme battle, this is to Is it over?"


Looking at the Foreign Domain battlefield, all the giants of the Eight Domains were shocked, and their eyes were filled with regret for the immortal Heavenly Venerate.

As a giant in the upper realm who has lived for the longest time, with Supreme battle clothes, he can briefly step into the Supreme Realm, and no one dares to provoke him in the upper realm.

But right now, but in this lower realm, he will end up bitterly.

A generation of hegemons, will come to a curtain call!

"I won! If you see it, I will say that the Master will win!"

Shi Hao at the Imperial Palace in Shiguo excitedly pointing to the screen projected in the sky, with an expression excitement.

The Venerable smiled at each other. This is the ending they want to see.

At this moment, Chu Bei did not take advantage of the victory in the Foreign Domain battlefield. He seemed to see something, with his hands behind, staring at the immortal Heavenly Venerate, waiting quietly.


Immortal Heavenly Venerate has a flaming flame on his body, and the power of Nirvana emerges. His wounds are healed quickly again, and the blood essence that had been coughed up flows back and penetrates back into his body.

He flew slowly to the golden battle clothes suspended not far away, his injuries were clearly recovering, but his eyes became dim and lonely.

"en? What does he want to do?"

A group of upper bound giants seem to have also noticed the abnormality of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, and their whispers are filled with confusion.

"Did you think about it?"

At this time, the 3rd voice sounded from the Foreign Domain battlefield, which was actually from the Golden Supreme battle clothes!

"Kill him! If you can't kill him, I won't let you go even if I turn into a Nether Soul!"

Not old Heavenly Venerate suddenly looked up moved towards Supreme battle clothes Roar, pointing at Chu Bei at the same time, his roar was full of killing intents.

"Don't worry, what the king promised will naturally be done." Golden battle clothes made a deep voice again.

The immortal Heavenly Venerate no longer speaks, but a weird knot is formed in his hands. At the next moment, his whole body began to differentiate into a little light rain, blood mist surged, and slowly poured into the golden battle clothes. Among them, the Divine Soul of the immortal Heavenly Venerate is vaguely seen, eaten by the battle clothes in the little by little.

"Did you hear that! The battle clothes actually spoke, it is a living thing!"

"Not old Heavenly Venerate, what the hell is he doing!"

"Completely sacrifice, he sacrificed himself to Supreme battle clothes!"

"He is using his Life Essence Origin to resurrect the master in front of Supreme battle clothes!"


A crowd of upper bound giants seem to have seen something, cred out in surprise, their faces full of disbelief.

"Isn’t the battle over yet?"

"Is this going to come out with a more terrifying existence!"

Imperial Palace in Shiguo, all The smile at the corner of Venerable's mouth gradually solidified, and his face became solemn again, with worry between his eyebrows.

When the immortal Heavenly Venerate just merged with Golden battle clothes, it was already inseparable from Boss Chu; if a stronger existence was revived, wouldn't Boss Chu be defeated?

Thinking of this, the hearts of the Venerable suddenly hung in their throats, looking at the battle clothes releasing Golden rays of light in the Foreign Domain battlefield in horror.

weng weng!

A weird sound and golden waves rang out. In the horrified eyes of a group of giants and countless cultivators, the soul and flesh and blood of the immortal Heavenly Venerate were all destroyed by the Supreme battle swallowed by clothes.

next moment, a silhouette emerges in front of Supreme battle clothes.

This is an ominous beast. Its head is shaped like a wolf's head, but it has a pair of huge and simple gray horns, and there is one vertical eye between the eyebrows, which is extremely cruel.

It is covered with black scales, which are hard and cold, like black gold shimmering, and in the gaps of the scales, long hairs grow, red as blood, as long as half a foot.

Behind it, there are nine tails. At the end of each tail, there is a small ominous beast head, which looks like a dragon's head and is hideous and scary.

"That's the Nine Nether Slaw!"

"One of the ten evils recorded in the ancient score!"

"The legend is true, the ten evils are actually It really exists!"


The upper bound giant was taken aback for a moment, but after recognizing the ominous beast, some of the giants lost their voice and screamed.

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